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Focus : Listening and speaking

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: 4. Step up
Content Standard : 1.1, 1.3

Learning Standards: 1.1.3, 1.3.1 (a)

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
a. talk about cyber bullying
b. talk about the pamphlet by asking and answering questions
English Teaching Aids : text book, pictures

CCE/EE: Multiple intelligences, thinking skills.

Class Activities :

a. Pre listening-speaking:
1. Show a few posters of cyber bullying to the pupils.
Time 2. Explain to pupils about cyber bullying.
3. Discuss cyber bullying with the pupils and ask if they have ever experienced
it or seen it happen to someone.

(60 minutes) b. While listening-speaking:

1. Pupils to look at the pamphlet. (TB page 33)
2. Get pupils to talk about the pamphlet.
3. Ask questions to check pupils’ understanding.
4. Teacher puts up a list of questions pertaining to the pamphlet on the board.
a. What is cyber bullying?
b. Who is a cyber bully?
c. What do the studies say?
d. Why cyber bullying should be stopped?
e. How to prevent cyber bullying?
5. Pupils read the questions.
6. Guide the pupils to use the pamphlet to ask and answer questions.
7. Pupils practise in pairs.
8. Pupils take turns to ask and answer questions.
9. Teacher walks around the class to monitor pupils’ activity.
10. Guide the pupils if necessary.

c. Post listening and speaking:

1. Divide pupils into groups.
2. Give each group questions.
3. Get them to discuss the possible answers in their groups.

Do you think school children are easy targets for cyber bullies? Why?

4. Encourage pupils to share their responses.

5. Sum up the lesson by giving pupils a few tips to protect themselves from
cyber bullying.
Tips: Don’t respond, block the bully, and talk to a trusted adult
Attendance: Reflection:
_____ out of ___ a. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to talk about cyber bullying.

Absent: b. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to talk about the pamphlet by
asking and answering questions.
Focus : Reading

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: 4. Step up

Content Standard: 2.2

Learning Standards: 2.2.3(a), 2.2.4

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

Subject 1. read and understand the reading text by identifying the main ideas and
English transfer the supporting details into a table.
2. find meanings of words using a dictionary

Teaching Aids: text book, pictures, task sheet, dictionary

CCE/EE: Thinking Skills, Values & Citizenship

Activities :
a. Pre reading:
1. Teacher shows pictures of vandalism.
2. Lead pupils to talk about the pictures.
(60 minutes)
b. While reading:
1. Teacher gets the pupils to read the article. (TB page 35)
2. Teacher asks questions orally to check understanding.
3. Teacher distributes task sheet.
4. Explains to pupils how to complete the brace map.
5. In pairs, pupils are to discuss and transfer information from the text to the
mind map.
6. Monitor pupils' work.
7. Discuss pupils’ answers and correct any errors made.

c. Post reading:
1. Get the pupils’ attention to the words in bold.
2. Teacher distributes task sheet.
3. In pairs, pupils guess the meaning of the words in bold in the text.
4. Then, pupils check the meaning in the dictionary.
5. Check their answers, and help them understand all the words.

Attendance: Reflection:
____ out of ___ a. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to read and understand the
Absent: reading text by identifying the main ideas and transfer the supporting
details into a table.

b. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to find meanings of words using a

Complete the brace map below with thePrevention
Vandalism information
Types from the article.
Guess the meaning of the words in bold in the text. Check the meaning in the dictionary.

crime vulnerable


survey litter
Focus :Writing

Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: 4. Step up

Content Standards :3.1

Learning Standards: 3.1.1(b)

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

Subject a. Write paragraphs in neat legible writing
Teaching Aids : text book, task sheet, pictures

CCE/EE: Constructivism, thinking skills

Activities :

a. Pre writing:
Time 1. Recap previous lesson on pets.
2. Get the pupils to name a few pets that they know.
3. Put up pictures of pets on the board.
4. Ask pupils a few questions.
(60 minutes) Examples: Do you have a pet at home?
Do you love your pet?
Who takes care of your pet?
What do you do if your pet is sick?

b. While writing:
1. Tell the pupils that they are going to write paragraphs using the notes given.
2. Teach pupils how to write sentences using the notes given.
3. Get the pupils to look at the example shown. (refer to TB page 37)
4. Teacher distributes worksheet.
5. Get the pupils to work in groups.
6. Pupils write paragraphs using the notes given.

c. Post writing:
1. Display pupils’ work on the board or around the classroom.
2. Invite group leaders to read their paragraphs.
3. Teacher leads pupils to make comments and edit any language errors.
4. Pupils rewrite the edited paragraphs in their exercise books.
5. Remind the pupils to write neatly.

Attendance: Reflection:
____ out of ___ a. _________ out of _____ pupils were able to write paragraphs in neat
Absent: legible writing.
Write paragraphs using the notes below.

 take – pets- veterinarian occasionally

 look after – pets’ health
Health care  regular – check-ups


 give – pets- hug frequently

 show them – love - care
Show affection  remember – clean


 take – pets- a walk regularly

 let – pets – play – suitable toys

Focus : Grammar

Theme: World of Knowledge

DAY Topic: 4. Step Up

Content Standard : 5.1

DATE Learning Standards: 5.1.2

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

a. Complete sentences with relative pronouns and the phrases given
Subject b. Write sentences using the correct relative pronouns
Teaching Aids: text book, power point slides, task sheet

CCE/EE: Thinking skills, constructivism

Activities :

a. Presentation:
Time 1. Recap previous lesson on relative pronouns.
2. Get the pupils to name a few relative pronouns that they have learned.
3. Teacher shows a video of relative pronouns for more examples and for
further explanation.
(60 minutes)
b. Practice:
1. Teacher distributes task sheet.
2. Guide the pupils to complete the sentences with the correct relative pronouns
and the phrases given.
3. Pupils discuss in groups and complete the sentences.
4. Each group takes turn to read their sentences aloud.
5. Encourage other pupils to give feedbacks.
6. Check pupils’ answers and make corrections if necessary.

c. Production:
1. Distributes task sheet.
2. Get the pupils to work in pairs.
3. Guide the pupils to write sentences using the correct relative pronouns.
4. Give a few examples.
5. When the task is completed, pupils display their task sheets on the wall.
6. Pupils walk around the class and edit mistakes on their friends' task sheets.
7. Check pupils' work and make corrections if necessary.

Attendance: Reflection:
___ out of ___ a. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to complete sentences with
relative pronouns and the phrases given.
b. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to write sentences using the
correct relative pronouns.
Complete the sentences with the phrases given in the box. Remember to include ‘who’ , ‘whom’ or ‘which’ before adding
the phrases.

the motorcyclist snatched I admire the most I won in a contest

my son likes to watch I helped thanked me the baker sells is fresh and tasty

could help me to repair my computer stiched your shirt is my neighbour he saved during the flood

Example: This is the washing machine which I won in a contest.

1. The boy __________________________________________

2. The lady __________________________________________
3. The bread _________________________________________
4. That is the bag ____________________________________
5. He adopted the boy _________________________________
6. Do you know anyone _________________________________
7. My father is the person _______________________________
8. Tom and Jerry is the cartoon ___________________________

Write sentences using the correct relative pronouns.

Example: doctor – person – treats sick people

A doctor is a person who treats sick people.

lion – animal – lives – jungle


chef – person – cooks – hotel

Asin – boy – helped – old lady

mobile phone – gadget – used – call


Focus : Language Art

Theme: World of Self, Family and Friend

Topic: Don’t (from Anthology Of Poems)

Content Standard : 4.1 , 4.3

Learning Standards: 4.1.2, 4.3.1

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able
a. recite the poem with actions
b. talk about the do’s and don’ts in the classroom
Subject c. produce lists of the do’s and don’ts in the classroom
Teaching Aids: video, task sheet

CCE/EE: Multiple intelligences, creativity & innovation, thinking skills

Activities :

a. Recite the poem and discuss:

Time 1. Recap previous lesson by asking pupils to give a few bad habits mentioned in
the poem.
2. Divide the pupils into two big groups.
3. Pupils recite the poem together with actions.
(60 minutes) 4. Asks questions pertaining to the poem:
a. Would you advise a person older than you if he or she is doing
these bad habits in public? Why?
b. What are the bad habits that we should not do in the classroom?
5. Get the pupils to talk about the do’s and don’ts in their classrooms.

b. Classroom Do’s and Don’ts:

1. Divides the pupils into groups.
2. Show pupils a video clip on classroom rules.
3. Ask pupils to fill in the Circle Map based on the video clip.
4. Discuss the answers with the pupils.
5. In groups, pupils prepare the do’s and don’ts’ poster lists their class.
6. Groups present their lists to the class.
7. Encourage pupils to give feedbacks on their friends’ lists.
8. Teacher gives feedback.

Attendance: Reflection:
_____ out of ___ a. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to recite the poem with
Absent: actions
b. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to talk about the do’s and
don’ts in the classroom
c. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to produce a poster of the
do’s and don’ts in the classroom
Complete the circle map below.

Our Class Our Class
Do’s Don’ts
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.

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