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Focus : Listening and speaking

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: 7. Healthy and Wise

DAY Content Standards : 1.1, 1.2

Learning Standards: 1.1.3, 1.2.1 (e)

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

DATE a. give opinions about fast food and healthy home-made food.
b. talk about healthy food.

Teaching Aids : text book, video, task sheet

Subject CCE/EE: Multiple intelligences, contextualism, I-think.

Activities :

a. Pre listening-speaking:
Class 1. Show a short video of healthy food and junk food.
Year 6 2. Get the pupils to talk about the video.
3. Ask these questions:
 What is junk food/fast food?
 What is healthy food
 Can you name 3 fast food mentioned in the video?
Time  Can you name 3 healthy food mentioned in the video?
 How often do you eat fast food in a week?
(60 minutes)  Do you like to eat fast food?
 Which one is healthier? Fast food or home-made food?

b. While listening-speaking:
1. Show pictures of two choices of food. (TB page 63)
2. Get pupils to brainstorm ideas on healthy food and fast food.
3. Pupils use the notes given.
4. Then, pupils debate in front of the class.
5. Guide pupils if necessary.

c. Post listening and speaking:

1. Ask pupils these questions for discussion:
 Do you bring home-made food or buy food at the school canteen?
 Which food is healthier choice? Why?
2. Pupils discuss in groups and write their ideas in circle map form.
3. Teacher randomly calls a few group to present to the class.
4. Guide pupils and give feedback.

d. Closure:
1. In groups, pupils plan a healthy meal for school recess.
2. Pupils paste their plan on the wall.
3. Teacher conducts gallery walk.
4. Teacher and peers give feedbacks.
5. Encourage pupils to share their responses.
Attendance: Reflection:
______ out of 32
Absent: a. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to give opinions about fast
food and healthy home-made food.

b. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to talk about healthy food.
Task Sheet

1. Do you bring home-made food or buy food at the school canteen ?


2. Which food is a healthier choice? Why? Write your ideas in the circle map below.

Which food is healthier?

Home-made food or
fast food?


Group work: Plan a healthy meal for school recess.

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5

____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________

Focus : Reading

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: 7. Healthy and Wise

Content Standard: 2.2

DATE Learning Standards: 2.2.1(a)(c), 2.2.3 (a), 2.2.4

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

a. read the poem and answer the questions given.
b. look up the meanings of four words in the dictionary.
Subject c. form similes using the words given.
English d. discuss meaning of proverb given.

Teaching Aids: text book, task sheet, dictionary.

Class CCE/EE: Thinking Skills, Contextualism.

Year 6
Activities :

a. Pre reading:
1. Recap previous lesson by asking pupils these questions:
Time  Can you name some food that can make us healthy?
 What are other ways to keep ourselves healthy?
(60 minutes)
b. While reading:
1. Get the pupils to read the poem. (TB page 65)
2. Get pupils’ attention to the questions.
3. Distribute task sheet to pupils.
4. Pupils work in groups.
5. Guide pupils to answer the questions.
6. Then, get pupils’ attention to the four words in the poem.
7. Guide pupils to locate the words and their meaning in the dictionary.
8. Go through the meanings of the words with the pupils.
9. Discuss and check answers with pupils.

c. Post reading:
1. Explain to pupils about similes.
2. Show examples on power point slides.
3. Get the pupils to work in the same group.
4. Pupils use these words to form similes.
 wise
 happy
 fit
5. Guide pupils from group to group.
6. Then, discuss with pupils what does the proverb ‘Early to bed, early to rise,
makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise’ mean.
7. Teacher leads the discussion.

d. Closure:
Pupils surf the Internet to find out more about similes.
Attendance: Reflection:
______ out of 32
Absent: a. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to read the poem and answer
the questions given.

b. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to look up the meanings of

four words in the dictionary.

c. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to form similes using the
words given.

d. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to discuss meaning of proverb

Answer the questions.

1. What is the poem about ?


2. State three ways to be healthy, wealthy and wise.

a. ______________________________________________________________

b. ______________________________________________________________

c. ______________________________________________________________

3. Find the meaning of the words or phrases. You may use the dicitionary.

a. wise :________________________________________________________

b. quit :________________________________________________________

c. perk :________________________________________________________

d. in the pink : ____________________________________________________

4. Use the words below to form similes.

a. wise :________________________________________________________

b. happy :_______________________________________________________

c. fit :________________________________________________________
Focus : Writing

Theme: World of Self, Family and Friends

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic: 7. Healthy and Wise

Content Standards :3.2

Learning Standards: 3.2.1 (a), 3.2.2(d)

DATE Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
a. transfer information to complete linear text.
b. write a paragraph with guidance.

Teaching Aids : text book, task sheet, pictures

English CCE/EE: multiple intelligences, constructivism.

Activities :

Class a. Pre writing:

Year 6 1. Ask pupils what they usually have for breakfast.
2. Get them to talk about their favourite food for breakfast.
3. Encourage pupils to give reasons.
4. Put up pictures of two breakfast sets. (TB page 67)
5. Pupils study the information given.
Time 6. Then, get the pupils to read the paragraph.

(60 minutes) b. While writing:

1. Put up two pictures of lunch sets.
2. Get the pupils to work in groups.
3. Distribute task sheet to each group.
4. Pupils choose one of the lunch set given.
5. Pupils write a paragraph about their chosen lunch set and complete the
paragraph based on the phrases given.
6. Guide pupils if necessary.
7. Check and confirm answers with pupils.

c. Post writing:
1. Pupils work in the same group.
2. Pupils write a paragraph about their choice of healthy dinner.
3. Guide them in their writing.
4. Each group leader takes turn to present their work.
5. Comment on their work and give them suggestions for improvement.

d. Closure:
1. Pupils talk about their favourite meal for dinner.
Attendance: Reflection:
______ out of 32 a. _________ out of _____ pupils were able to transfer information to
Absent: complete linear text.

b. _________ out of _____ pupils were able to write a paragraph with


Which lunch set would you choose? Complete the paragraph using the phrases given.
I would choose ________________________ because it is a ___________________.

The lunch consists of _________________________ , _______________________ ,

__________________________ , and ______________________. Most importantly,

it is __________________________________________ which is good for our health.

Therefore, _______________________ is my choice.

Which dinner set would you choose? Give reasons for your choice based on the
information given.














Focus : Grammar

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic : 7. Healthy and Wise

Content Standard : 5.1

DAY Learning Standards: 5.1.3

Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

a. identify the error in each sentence and write the correct answer.
b. complete the paragraph with the correct form of the given verb.
DATE c. identify verbs in an interesting newspaper article.

Teaching Aids: text book, power point slides, task sheet, newspapers.

CCE/EE: Thinking skills, contextual learning.

English Activities :

a. Presentation:
1. Recap previous lesson by asking pupils to identify verbs in these sentences.
Class  He is at the library.
Year 6  Ani and Abu go to school by bus.
2. Tell pupils that every sentence has a subject and a verb. The verb usually
tells what the subject is or does.
3. Show power point slides for more explanation on subject-verb agreement.

Time b. Practice:
1. Pupils work in pairs.
(60 minutes) 2. Distribute task sheet to each pair.
Activity 1:
1. Pupils identify the error in each sentence.
2. Then, pupils write the correct answers in the task sheet given.
3. Give example to pupils.
4. Guide pupils if necessary.
5. Discuss and check answers with pupils.
Activity 2:
1. Explain to pupils how to do this activity.
2. Pupils complete the paragraph with the correct form of the verb given.
3. Check and confirm answers with pupils.

c. Production:
1. Divide pupils into groups. Distribute task sheet to each group.
2. Give each group a few newspapers.
3. Each group chooses one article.
4. Pupils identify as many verbs with singular subjects, plural subjects,
indefinite pronouns, and collective nouns.
5. Write them in the task sheet provided.
6. Invite each groups to present to the class.
7. Teacher and peers give feedbacks.
Attendance: Reflection:
______ out of 32
Absent: a. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to identify the error in each
sentence and write the correct answer.

b. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to complete the paragraph

with the correct form of the given verb.

c. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to identify verbs in an

interesting newspaper article.

Pair Work

a. Identify the error in each sentence. Write the correct answer.

Sentence Correction
1. They likes to eat at fast food They like to eat at fast food restaurants
restaurants once in a while. once in a while.

2. These restaurants sells food like

hamburgers, sausages, pizzas, and chips.

3. Everybody know Encik Hakimi.

4. Many people is at the park. They is


5. I has two sons and a daughter.

B. Complete the paragraph with the correct form of verb.

Many families like to eat out due to their busy lifestyle. There _______ (be) still

a lot of people who ____________ (prepare) food at home. One of them _____

(be) Encik Hakimi. He ____________ (prepare) his own breakfast before he

______ (go) to work. He strongly _____________ (believe) that home-made

food _________ (help) him to stay healthy and fit. Everyone in the staff room

__________ (agree) with him. Plural

Group Work

Find an interesting newspaper article. Identify as many verbs with singular subjects,
plural subjects, indefinite pronouns, and collective nouns.
Indefinite Collective Nouns


Focus : Language Art

Theme: World of Knowledge

Topic : Messing About (Anthology of Poem)

Content Standard : 4.1

Learning Standards: 4.1.1

DATE Objectives: By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:
a. recite the poem with actions.
b. make emotion stick puppets with guidance.

Teaching Aids: poem, materials to make stick puppet, video.

English CCE/EE: Multiple intelligences, creativity and innovation, thinking skills.

Activities :

Class Presentation:
Year 6 1. Paste the poem on the board.
2. Recite the poem.
3. Ask pupils to repeat after you.
4. Introduce the actions for the poem.
5. Ask pupils to recite the poem with actions
(60 minutes) 1. Show pupils a video on how to make a stick puppet.
2. Tell pupils that they are going to make five stick puppets individually.
(Refer to Appendix 1)
3. Distribute Appendix 2 to pupils.
4. Tell pupils to make five stick puppets for each emotion. (Appendix 2)

1. Ask pupils some questions with regards to the poem. Pupils respond to it using
the stick puppets that they have just made (non- verbal response).
2. Pupils are not allowed to speak during this game. Anyone caught speaking will
be forfeited.
3. Suggested questions:
 Have you ever had a stomach/bellyache?
 Do you like jumping around?
 Have you ever sat on glue?
 How did you feel when you sat on glue?
 If your parents were to come back home now, how do you think they
would feel?
 How would your mum react?
 Based on your parents’ reaction, how will you react?

1. Tell them to dramatize how their mothers would react when she sees them
doing all the things mentioned in the poem.

Attendance: Reflection:
______ out of 32 a. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to recite the poem with
Absent: actions.

b. _________ out of ___ pupils were able to make emotion stick

puppets with guidance.

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