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1. Who invented the famous Fibonacci sequence and also known as Fibonacci?

a. Leonardo Dicarpio c. Leonardo de Vinci

b. Leonhard Euler d. Leonardo Pisano

2. What is the notation for the Fibonacci numbers?

a. Fn c. n F
b. Fn d. F1/n


1. Which of the following is the general function for the Fibonacci numbers?

a. f (x)=
(1−x) ²
b. f ( x )=

c. f ( x )=∑ an x
n =0

d. f ( x )=∑ ❑ x an
n =0

2. Distinguish which diagram can be used to generate a list of Fibonacci numbers?

a. Pascal’s triangle c. Pentagram’s triangle

b. Polo’s triangle d. Pierre’s triangle


1. Solve for the next number. If the Fibonacci sequence of numbers are: 1, 1,
2,3,5,8,13,21,34,55,_____ .

a. 59 c. 79
b. 69 d. 89

2. What is the 30th term of the sequence if the 29th term is 514,229?

a. 832,040 c. 842,332
b. 833,040 d. 840,409


1. Identify which of the following is NOT an example of Fibonacci numbers found in


a. Pinecone spirals c. A mountain range

b. The number of petals in a daisy d. Spirals on a flower

2. The partial sums of the first n and n+1 numbers of the Fibonacci sequence are both
divisible by 11. Identify what is the smallest value of n ?

a. n = 11 c. n = 8
b. n = 10 d. n = 9


1. In what way/s to decide if two number follow a Fibonacci sequence?

I. If their ratio is approximately the golden ratio.

II. If their sum is the same as their difference.
III. If their product is approximately the golden ratio.
IV. If each number is prime.

a. I and II b. I only c. II and III d. IV only

2. Which of the following statement are true?

A. Ln = Fn-2 + 3Fn-1
B. Ln = Fn-1 + Fn+1

a. A only b. B only c. Both A and B d. Neither A nor B


1. Do you agree that all plants show’s Fibonacci number? Why /why not?

a. Yes, because every plants has a pattern and a series of 1,1,2,3,5,8.

b. No, because there is no pattern and spiral in any plants.
c. No, because not all plants have a series of numbers in which each number is the sum
of the two preceding numbers.
d. Yes, because all plants have a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of
the two preceding numbers.

2. Do Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Numbers have a special relationship? Justify.

a. No, because Golden Ratio cannot expand its simple fraction to Fibonacci numbers.
b. Yes, because Golden Ratio and Fibonacci can defined its term.
c. No, because Fibonacci numbers has a sum of two numbers while the Golden Ratio is
d. Yes, because when it takes one after the other Fibonacci numbers, their ratio is very
close to the Golden Ratio.

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