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Q1. Can I check, are you the person responsible for purchasing china mobiles?

Yes ...............................................................................

No - CLOSE..................................................................

Q2. Which china mobile you prefer to buy?

Lemon ...........................................................................

Micro Max ....................................................................

Other (PLEASE WRITE IN)_________ ........................

We would like you to rate us on each of the following areas by selecting a description that you feel best describes
our performance in the last 6 months.

Q3. Product Quality

More than 1 in 10 products received have faults .............

1 in 50 products received have faults..............................

1 in 100 products received have faults............................

1 in 1000 products received have faults ..........................

Never receive faulty products ........................................

Q4. Delivery Promptness

Orders always arrive within two weeks ..........................

Orders always arrive within one week ............................

Orders always arrive within 3 working days ...................

Orders always arrive 24hrs after ordering .......................

Q5. Delivery Accuracy

More than 1 in every 10 times a delivery is wrong..........

1 in every 20 times a delivery is wrong ..........................

1 in every 50 times a delivery is wrong ..........................

1 in every 100 times a delivery is wrong ........................

Deliveries are never wrong ............................................

Q6. ?nvoice Quality

More than 1 in 10 invoices contain errors .......................

About 1 in 20 invoices contain errors .............................

About 1 in 100 invoices contain errors ...........................

I never receive invoices with errors ................................

Q7. Communication

I never receive any information from company ..............

I receive some information from company but it is not enough

I receive about the right amount of information from company

Q8. Delivery on Promises

Deliver on 5 out of 10 of promises made or less .............

Deliver on 7 out of 10 promises made ............................

Deliver on 8 out of 10 promises made ............................

Deliver on 9 out of 10 promises made ............................

Always deliver on promises ...........................................

Q9. Knowledge of my business

Know nothing about my business and cannot provide advice

Know a little about my business but provide poor advice

Know a lot about my business but do not help me with advice

Know a lot about my business and really help with advice

Q10. Commitment to the long term

Are only interested in what they can get today................

Try to build a business relationship, but it's a bit half hearted

Keen to build a business relationship, but on their terms .

Real business partners who look to help both of us .........

Q11. Developments for the future
Do not really innovate or improve what they offer ..........

Do some innovation, but largely following the lead of others

Do innovate but only in specialised areas .......................

Do look to innovate and improve all the time in all areas

We would like to know a little more about you to help us understand how different people like different products
and services

Q12. Name: ___________________________________________________________________________

Q13. How old are you?

Below 20





Q14. And what is the approximate annual turnover of your shop (annually)?

Under 2,00,000..............................................................




Over 6,00,000................................................................

Q15. What is the geographic scope of your company?

Q16. Which of these best describes the your primary job function?

Finance .........................................................................


Sales .............................................................................

Customer service ...........................................................

Production .....................................................................

Warehouse/Distribution .................................................

Skilled labor ..................................................................

From how many years you are in this business?

What is the reason for choosing this location in this particular area?

Which factor affects the most in choosing this location?

Which sources do you use to advertise your china mobile shop?

ac News paper
ac Television
ac Radio
ac Pamphlets
ac Event sponsors
ac Hoardings out of your shop
ac Other Specify_____________________

If any new technology related to china mobile come up in the market in then do you adopt it to sell it in
your market?

ac Yes
ac No

Do you invite any person for to increase your market share by selling china mobiles ?
ac Yes
ac No

Which types of promotional schemes do you use to attract the customers?

ac Festival offers

This shop is on rent or on your own?

Which type of business is this?
ac Individual
ac Partnership
By which source did you get the initial capital?

ac Own capital
ac Loan from banks
ac Relatives/ Friends
ac Other source (if any)

What was the initial capital requirement?

ac 100,000 to 500,000
ac 500,0000 to 10,00,000
ac More than 10,00,000
ac If on rent please specify........................................................

In how much time you had achieved ·reak even point through your china mobile shop

In how many days do you pay the payments to the supplier?

What is the locking period of the customers?


How much do you earn as a china mobile dealer monthly?


What is the main Need to start this china mobile shop according to yo?

How much u have Revenue forcast -montly basis for year?

How much you forecasts your Sales on monthly basis?

How many Marketing Expenses you do to attract your targeted customer?

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