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Rizal Technological University

Bachelor of Science in Accountancy

SY 2021-2022



1.2 The Dangers of Technology

1. What is this data privacy scandal all about?

The data privacy scandal is all about the Question Concerning Technology by Martin
Heidegger (1977), According to Heidegger, technology must be understood as "a way of
revealing." "Revealing" is one of the phrases Heidegger coined in order to enable him to think
what he believes is no longer thought. He discusses the two most frequently accepted definitions
of technology: Instrumental definition: how technology is used varies from person to person,
group to group, and community to community based on their individual and collective functions,
goals, and aspirations; and Anthropological definition: technology is defined by the production or
invention of technological equipment, tools, and machines, as well as the products and inventions
that they serve.

He also believes that accurate leads to truth; that current technology's manner of
disclosing is a way of challenging forth; and that the hazards of technology are found in how
humans allow themselves to be devoured by it.

2. How does this Facebook privacy scandal relate to Heidegger's notion of revealing of modem
technology as challenging forth?

The theft of data from half a billion of its users was at the center of this crisis. Personal
information such as birthdates, phone numbers, email addresses, and complete names were
among the data stolen. The hackers then made the data public, allowing anyone to view and use it
for free. The Facebook privacy crisis is linked to Heidegger's idea of revealing modern
technology as challenging since Facebook inappropriately disclosed the personal data of 87
million users, causing privacy and human rights concerns among Facebook users.

We all know that Facebook is the most recent software that we all use nowadays. At the
time, Facebook's regulations surrounding third-party apps permitted apps to seek data from users
who downloaded the apps as well as those users' friends, affecting a considerably bigger group of
Rizal Technological University
Bachelor of Science in Accountancy
SY 2021-2022

SY 2020-2021

3. How are Facebook users ‘enframed' in this particular data privacy scandal?

Facebook has a history of data privacy concerns dating back over a decade. While the
severity of each case differs, the pattern of recurring failures provides a bigger picture of systemic
issues. Heidegger distinguished the technique of unveiling modern technology by understanding
it as a process of enframing, if the essence of technology may be viewed as a way of bringing
forth the truth in the sense of poiesis. This process captures humanity's urge to control everything,
including nature. Placing everything, in this case nature, in a frame makes it much easier for
people to manipulate it to their liking.

4. 4. How do you think Facebook can be used in a way that is more consistent with
Heidegger's idea of poiesis or a bringing forth of technology?

5. We can used a way to bring a idea of poeisis by forcing Facebook users to question the
technology itself, the Heideggerian concept of inquiry may lead to a more truthful usage of social
media. They'd be pondering what technology's ultimate nature is. They'd be able to assess the
original purpose and weigh in on its advantages and disadvantages. Facebook users can employ
the Heideggerian concept of inquiry to guide them to the true purpose of social media by
criticizing the technology itself. They begin to question what technology's fundamental core is.
They could then weigh in on the pros and drawbacks of the initial goal.

6. How can the Heideggerian notion of 'questioning' guide Facebook users toward a beneficial
use of social media?

We must be vigilant in our daily information that we impose on social media platforms
such as Facebook. It had already been subjected to a slew of privacy issues. These concerns
originate in part from the company's revenue strategy, which involves selling user information
and the potential loss of privacy that this entails. Employers, other groups, and individuals have
also been known to use Facebook data for their personal gain.

Facebook can be used to socially interact. Facebook links or socializes us with people
who live far away from us. That is why it is putting forth technology. Facebook improves
people's ability to interact with others and create positive relationships with their peers.
Researchers discovered that through tags and sharing, there is more one-on-one and directed
contact on Facebook. This is how we strengthen relationships and strengthen bonds with others.

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