Health Communication - 2 B&C Morning 09617702420

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Assessment Name : 1st Assessment-Health Communication

Semester : Semester 2_AY_2020-21

Health communication (Health communication -

Course & Section :
Common Elective Morning B[BA(JMC) 108-B])


Start Date and Time : Jun 24, 2021 11:00 am

End Date and Time : Jun 24, 2021 12:30 pm

Total Marks Obtained : 23.00 (Max. Mark : 30.00 Min. Mark :12.00)

Part - C

15) Explain the concept of public health. (CO1) (Maximum : 10.00)

Answer (Mark obtained : 7.50) :-
The word "public health" is one of the most commonly used word by the policy makers, planners, health care providers and
academicians. It is one of the most important tools to keep the nation healthy as well as for its overall development. Hence it
has become essential that the entire stake holder understands the term and the scope of the discipline for addressing the
health and other development needs. As we do not have a comprehensive definition based on the contemporary knowledge
on health and its determinants and the well defined concepts and strategies of public health, the word public health is used
by the policy makers, bureaucrats, social activists, clinicians, public health practitioners, academicians, researchers and
many others engaged in decision/ policies making on health issues of any community to suit their ends. The first accepted
definition was that of C.E.A. Winslow in 1887. The definition was based on the concept of health and determinants of that
era. It was the era of "great sanitary awakening" followed by the spectacular achievements in the field of microbiology. Poor
sanitary conditions and the germs discovered were thought to be the prime determinants of health. The first definition was
based to address the same. It states that "public health is the science and the art of [1] preventing disease, [2] prolonging
life, and organized community efforts for (a) sanitation of the environment, (b) control of communicable infections, (c)
education of individuals in personal hygiene, (d) organization of medical and nursing services for early diagnosis and
preventive treatment of disease, and (e) the development of social machinery to ensure everyone a standard of living
adequate for the maintenance of health, so organizing these benefits as to enable every citizen to realize his birth right of
health and longevity.But after the World War II, with the advancement of scientific knowledge and an understanding of the
greater role of societal, political, economic and ecological factors along with the conventional biological and environmental
factors as the determinants of health, the focus of concern became broadened. With the formation of World Health
Organization a platform of the committee of Nation to assist the nation's to look after the health evolved various concepts on
health and health care delivery
File :-

16) What are the roles and responsibilities of a health journalist? (CO3) (Maximum : 10.00)
Answer (Mark obtained : - ) :-


11) Explain the importance of health journalism (CO3) (Maximum : 5.00)

Answer (Mark obtained : - ) :-

12) Elucidate the problem of rural health care system in India (CO2) (Maximum : 5.00)
Answer (Mark obtained : - ) :-

13) Define India as an important medical tourism destination. (CO2) (Maximum : 5.00)
Answer (Mark obtained : 3.50) :-
The demands and expectations of travelers who are endlessly in search of different experiences, adventures and lifestyles
which pave the way for various concepts that define paradigms in the tourism arena are constantly in flux. Attention is given
to new frontiers for meeting the demands. India has been offering varied niches to its tourists and, to a large extent, shares
a comparatively competitive edge. This emerging sector offers an array of travel services, benchmarking India at a global
level through products including adventure, wildlife, historical monuments, culture and heritage, nature and pilgrimage.
Medical tourism is a promising concept and a growing phenomenon meeting the need of the hour. India, to a large extent,
has also been branded for its wellness and surgical competency. Medical patrons across India look forward to high-end
medical facilities with value-added or coordinated services. ‍
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14) Discuss the importance of Yoga in our daily lives. (CO9) (Maximum : 5.00)
Answer (Mark obtained : 4.00) :-
Yoga can be used as a practical tool in our daily life to improve our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual well being.
Many take up yoga to improve their physical fitness or as therapy to treat a physical ailment. In many instances, it soon
becomes a ‘need’; an important means to deal effectively with daily situations, rather than an alternative form of physical
activity. Through yoga, you become more attuned to your emotions. An increased sense of awareness enables you to have a
better mental control. You become calmer and more tolerant, and eventually end up reacting in a positive or at least not in a
destructive way when dealing with difficult or unpleasant situations. Your tolerance threshold is improved to the extent that
you are less likely to become angry, frustrated and upset. The ever increasing life stressors like excessive workload
demands, health, relationship and financial problems can negatively influence our well-being. All this can lead to anxiety
disorder, mood swings, insomnia and even depression. It is scientifically proven that yoga is an effective therapy to help
individuals facing health challenges at any level to manage their condition, reduce symptoms, increase vitality and improve
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1) Factor(s) driving health tourism in India (CO2) (Maximum : 1.00)

Answer (Mark obtained : 1.00) :-
All of the above

2) The word yoga comes from sanskrit, what is the literal meaning of this word? (CO1) (Maximum : 1.00)
Answer (Mark obtained : 0.00) :-
Hindu system of philosophy and meditation

3) Public health activity___ (CO1) (Maximum : 1.00)

Answer (Mark obtained : 1.00) :-

4) In today's time, most cases of morbidity are due to (CO2) (Maximum : 1.00)
Answer (Mark obtained : 1.00) :-
non-communicable diseases

5) How many dimensions are there in the concept of health according to WHO? (CO1) (Maximum : 1.00)
Answer (Mark obtained : 1.00) :-

6) Public health efforts are directed towards individuals. (CO1) (Maximum : 1.00)
Answer (Mark obtained : 1.00) :-

7) Occurrence in the community of a number of cases of diseases that is unusually large or unexpected (CO1) (Maximum :
Answer (Mark obtained : 1.00) :-

8) Health Journalists act as mediators between (CO3) (Maximum : 1.00)

Answer (Mark obtained : 1.00) :-
All of the above

9) Public Health and clinical medicines focus on different aspects of health care. (CO3) (Maximum : 1.00)
Answer (Mark obtained : 1.00) :-

10) 'The purpose is to limit the incidence of disease by controlling causes and risk factors' (CO1) (Maximum : 1.00)
Answer (Mark obtained : 0.00) :-
primordial prevention

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