Environmental Awareness: Giliana Rowence H. Gonido BSED Filipino - L - 1B

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Giliana Rowence H.

Gonido BSED Filipino - L - 1B

Environmental Awareness
(narrative report)

Understanding the fragility of our environment and the importance of

maintaining it is really what environmental awareness is all about. Promoting
environmental awareness is a simple way to become an environmental steward and
help our children have a brighter future.
So, what is environmental awareness? We must first know the environmental
movement to define environmental awareness. Environmentalism is a philosophy
that emphasizes the need for humanity to respect, protect, and preserve the natural
world from anthropogenic (human-caused) diseases. Awareness of environmental
issues is crucial to the movement's success. We can start solving the problems that
endanger the physical environment by informing our friends and family that it is
fragile and essential. Degradation of the environment is a major concern today. We
have depleted our natural resources and destroyed our environment in the name of
development. Water scarcity, rising waste levels, air pollution, and global warming
are all issues that represent a serious threat to the environment. The rate at which
we deplete natural resources and pollute the environment is likewise a significant
concern. The environment has now become the world's most pressing worry. Some
of the challenges that are directly linked to the industrial revolution include global
warming, climate change, and ozone depletion. As the population grows, so will the
demand for natural resources. As a result of human intervention in nature, our
environment will deteriorate. Clear-cutting trees for construction has already put
biodiversity and many other natural resources under jeopardy. The Department of
Environmental and Natural Resources (DENR) is the executive department of the
Philippine government responsible for governing and supervising the exploration,
development, utilization, and conservation of the country's natural resources. Also,
it enforces laws governing the exploration, development, exploitation, disposal, and
use of forests, minerals, wildlife, and other natural resources. We learned also that
Forestland/Timberland is the land covered with forest or reserved for the growth of
the forest. The Protected Area is a clearly defined geographical space, recognized,
dedicated, and managed, through legal or other effective means, to achieve the long-
term conservation of nature with associated ecosystem services and cultural values.
For example, the national parks, wilderness areas, community conserved areas,
nature reserves, and so on. All play an important role in biodiversity protection
while also supporting people's lives, especially at the local level. Protected areas are
at the heart of attempts to conserve nature and the services it provides us with, such
as food, safe drinking water, medicines, and protection from natural disasters.
Protected areas are increasingly acknowledged for their role in helping to prevent
and adapt to climate change; it is believed that the global network of protected areas
stores at least 15% of terrestrial carbon. The Wildlife wild animals collectively; the
native fauna (and sometimes flora) of a region. Different natural processes are
stabilized thanks to wildlife. The ecological, economic, and investigative value of
wildlife, as well as the maintenance of biological diversity, can all be classified as
important. Animals have also been shown to be quite beneficial to mankind in terms
of supplying food, clothes, and a source of revenue. The Watershed is an area of land
that drains all the streams and rainfall to a common outlet such as the outflow of a
reservoir, mouth of at bay, or any point along a stream channel. The Ecosystem is a
geographic area where plants, animals, and other organisms, as well as weather and
landscape, work together to form a bubble life. Biological diversity, often known as
biodiversity, refers to the diversity of life on the planet. It includes variation within
species, between species, and across habitats. It also refers to the intricate
relationships that exist between living things as well as between living things and
their surroundings. Also, it refers to the variation among living organisms from all
sources, including terrestrial, marine, and other aquatic habitats, as well as the
ecological complexes to which they belong; it comprises diversity within species,
across species, and within ecosystems. The Environment is the ecosystem that
encompasses all living creatures on this planet. They are a part of the environment,
whether they reside on land or in water. Air, water, sunlight, plants, and animals are
all part of the environment. We are unable to comprehend the true value of the
environment. However, we can estimate some of its significance to assist us to
comprehend it. It is essential for the health of all living organisms in the
environment. It also maintains the ecological balance that keeps life on Earth in
check. It offers food, shelter, and air, as well as meeting all human needs, large and
little. Furthermore, humanity's entire survival is entirely dependent on
environmental variables. It also aids in the preservation of many life cycles on the
planet. Above all, our environment is a source of natural beauty as well as a
requirement for preserving physical and mental health. Natural resources are
materials found in nature that humans can use and exploit. They include natural
resources (such as soil and water) as well as energy sources (such as coal and gas)
that are used to meet human needs and desires.

The Seven Environmental Principles

1. Everything is connected to everything else- The complicated relationships
between distinct ecosystem aspects link the components together into a
whole single working unit Ferns, orchids, birds, insects, and mammals live
among the forest's trees. Decomposition products from these plants and
animals contribute to soil fertility after they die. Plants deliver oxygen to
animals for aerobic respiration and carbon dioxide to plants for
photosynthesis. The type of vegetation that exists is determined by the
quality of the soil, whereas vegetation itself is determined by the quality of
the soil. When they die, they contribute to the mineral content of the soil. The
ecosystem's living component has an impact and is influenced by abiotic
factors, air, temperature, and land, to name a few. Inter-specific connections
build a dependency on each other such that they must coexist to survive All of
these connections offer the details of our life-support systems with
dependencies, checks, and balances.
2. All forms of life are important regarding people, other species on the planet,
and the environment, all living organisms were created for a specific purpose.
In general, the global ecosystem As a result, the extinction of a species is akin
to removing a piece of a puzzle. The web of life is a jigsaw puzzle. The
diversity of life forms is expressed by the many levels of complexity.
Biological diversity (community, species, and genes) contributes to
environmental stability. Plants and animals are linked in the web of life by
food webs, food chains, and ecological interactions. Even microbes, insects,
snakes, and rats, which humans consider to be pests, have ecological
functions pests or parasites.
3. Everything must go somewhere- Consumption by-products are returned to the
environment. Everything we toss away has to go somewhere bits of paper,
leftover food, fruit peelings, plastic wrappers, and used containers. Feces,
urine, dead leaves, and branches are all wastes that plants and animals
produce. The by-products of metabolism return to the soil, where they are
first acted upon by worms, bacteria, and fungi, and then transformed into
minerals, which are then absorbed by plants and devoured by animals. In
other words, they become a component of a material cycle that is vital to the
ecology. But what if the item we toss away is a man-made object, such as
plastic? Then normal bacteria will be unable to recognize it. They can split
them apart. These non-biodegradable products must enter a new material
cycle, one in which they are transported to a factory and turned into a new
product. As a result, retrieval, collecting, and recycling of these materials are
required to avoid polluting land and sea environments.
4. Ours is a finite earth nature provides us with everything we require food,
water, energy, minerals, and air. However, some of the resources we rely on
today are being depleted at an alarming rate and are taking a long time to
replenish. The supply of these nonrenewable materials is finite. For example,
fossil fuels that have been mined for thousands of years may be depleted in a
hundred years. Some energy sources, such as water and wood, are more
easily replenished, but they have become inaccessible owing to pollution and
over-exploitation. Logging, inadequate reforestation, and continuing land
conversion have resulted in dwindling forest cover. Food shortages and
poverty, on the other hand, may have come from faulty distribution networks
than the land and water bodies' inability to provide food.
5. Nature knows best- Nature exhibits certain processes that allow it to preserve
equilibrium and sustain balance. Minerals are used within the bounds of the
planet, as seen by the nutrient cycling of nitrogen, carbon, sulfur, and
phosphorous in the air, water, and land. The sun's energy is constantly
flowing permits photosynthesis in plants to turn light into sugar, and
eventually for consuming creatures to acquire energy from plant starch. Food
chains and webs allow energy to be transferred between producers and
consumers, as well as providing a mechanism for all living organisms to
obtain nutrients. Natural predator-prey connections also help to keep
populations in check.
6. Nature is beautiful and we are stewards of God’s creation- The existence of a
Creator is required for creation. Because of the detrimental effects of human
use, the lovely nature that surrounds us has deteriorated. This principle
explains how our attitude toward creation is influenced by our Human-
Creator relationship. There are various stages of this interaction, according to
theologians. The first is a relationship defined by human lordship over
creation, which allows humans to do whatever they want because it was
granted by God. "Have dominion," declares the book of Genesis. The second
level is one of stewardship, that of a caretaker, in which people are not
owners but guardians of nature's purity. The third level emphasizes the
familial link proposed by St. Francis de Assisi in the classic verse "Bother sun,
Sister moon," in which humans are no more superior to sea birds and fish.
The fourth is a sacrament, in which nature becomes a witness to God's love.
Fifth, there is a covenant relationship, in which the protection of the
environment is a life mission that is manifested in our actions and words.
7. Everything changes- Changes in the biophysical world happen all the time.
There is nothing more permanent in this world than change, as they say.
Consider the examples below. The transformation of caterpillars into
butterflies exemplifies morphological changes in living organisms. Over time,
as the amount of flora on Earth increased, so did the amount of oxygen in the
atmosphere. Seasons are cyclic variations that affect the variety of flowers,
fruits, vegetables, and other crops available throughout the year. Natural
disasters, such as typhoons, cause random changes that devastate forests,
coral reefs, and other ecosystems mangroves. Volcanic explosions wipe out
surface flora and drown rivers.

The Presidential Degree no. 705

Section77- Cutting, Gathering and/or collecting Timber, or Other Forest Products
Without License.

Any person who shall cut, gather, collect, removed timber or other forest
products from any forest land, or timber from alienable or disposable public land, or
private land, without any authority, or possess timber or other forest products
without the legal documents as required under existing forest laws and regulations,
shall be punished with the penalties imposed under Articles 309 and 310 of the
Revised Penal Code.

Section 78- Unlawful Occupation or Destruction of Forest Lands and Grazing Lands.

Any person who enters and occupies or possesses, or makes kaingin for his
own private use or for others, any forest land or grazing land without authority
under a license agreement, lease, license or permit, or in any manner destroys such
forest land or grazing land or part thereof, or causes any damage to the timber stand
and other products and forest growth found therein, or who assists, aids or abets
any other person to do so, or sets a fire, or negligently permits a fire to be set in any
forest land or grazing land, or refuses to vacate the area when ordered to do so,
pursuant to the provisions of Section 53 hereof shall, upon conviction, be fined in an
amount of not less than five hundred pesos (P500.00), nor more than twenty
thousand pesos (P20,000.00) and imprisoned for not less than six (6) months nor
more than two (2) years for each such offense, and be liable to the payment to ten
(10) times the rental fees and other charges which would have accrued has the
occupational and use of the land been authorized under a license agreement, lease,
license or permit.

There's a lot of limit and penalty for our environment. So, humans have a
moral responsibility to maintain the environment and support the planet's long-
term sustainability for future generations. Environmental degradation is harmful to
animals, plants, and humans, jeopardizing their long-term health and security. Now,
more than ever, we must comprehend the environmental consequences of our
actions. To become more environmentally conscious, we must also take steps to
protect the world and, perhaps, erase some of the damage that has already been
done by human activities. Making small modifications to your lifestyle can help you
behave in a more environmentally conscientious manner. Individuals have several
effects on the environment, including pollution of the land, air, and water, the use of
natural resources, energy consumption, and waste. There is no doubt that human
activity is a major contributor to environmental degradation. The fact that
greenhouse gas concentrations have increased by more than a third since the
industrial revolution demonstrates human influence. As a result, it is up to us to
raise our environmental consciousness and change our habits. The increased
greenhouse effect, which has led global temperatures to rise, is a result of increased
greenhouse gas emissions. These gases also pollute the air, land, and water.
Pollution degrades the quality of food, perhaps resulting in harmful compounds
being consumed. Human health is also jeopardized by poor air quality.

Being an environmental steward requires promoting environmental

awareness. Start making a difference in your community by teaching them
everything they need to know about creating a sustainable future.

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