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National Service Training Program

Disaster Awareness Preparedness and Management

by: Salud Isabel P. Petalcorin
Mary Ann S. Umayao
Ladymae D. Ontong

Team Leader and Content Editor

AVP Sitti Rogaiya L. Apadan

University of Mindanao
Mc Arthur Highway, Matina, Davao City
October 27, 2020
Table of Contents

Module 3: Disaster Awareness Preparedness and Management

Module Overview……………………………………………………………… 4
Lesson 1: Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM) ………………. 5
Lesson 2: Geographic Profile of the Philippines ……………………………… 12
Lesson 3: Disaster Risk Profile of the Philippines …………………………..... 15
Lesson 4: Four thematic areas of the Philippine
Disaster Management System ……………………………………... 20
Lesson 5: Role of the Youth in disaster Preparedness and
Management, Basic Disaster Preparedness and
Response Training ………………………………………………… 26

2 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Module 3
Disaster Awareness Preparedness and

We cannot eliminate disasters, but we can mitigate risk.
We can reduce damage and we can save more lives."
-Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary-General

In this Module
1. Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (DRRM)
 Concepts, Principles, and Trends
 RA 10121
 Basic Disaster Concepts
2. Geographic Profile of the Philippines
3. Disaster Risk Profile of the Philippines
 Geographic Risk and Climate Change
 Davao Region at Risk
4. Four thematic areas of the Philippine Disaster Management System
 Disaster Prevention and Mitigation
 Disaster Preparedness
 Disaster Response
 Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery
5. Role of the youth in disaster preparedness and management, Basic
Disaster Preparedness, and Response Training
 Basic First Aid/Basic Life Support
 Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
 Search and Rescue

3 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

This module discusses the concepts, definitions, law, and other pertinent details of
Disaster Risk Reduction and Management in the Philippine context.

The learners will study about the country’s geographic location and how it is affected
by natural disasters coming from the land and sea; and how human activity is often
attributed as a direct contributor to the lasting effects of both natural and man-made

Learners will also encounter several basic first aid lessons for varied situations, and
inculcate in themselves the value of preparedness.

At the completion of this module, you should be able to:

1. Expound the concepts in Disaster Risk Reduction and Management as well as the rationale
behind the laws and other issuances pertaining to the practice of DRRM. Have awareness of
the concepts that Disaster Risk Reduction and Management was founded on, as well as the
laws that mandate DRRM in our communities;
2. Identify possible hazards, risk and vulnerabilities in your sorriundings. Place an
importance in putting into practice in their daily lives safety and preparation for possible
3. Determine areas for improvement in your own locality in as far as Disaster Prevention,
Mitigation and Preparedness is concerned;
4. Perform practical emergency/ first aid response during emergency situation; and
5. Perform helpful activities at home that promotes the cuture of preparedness.

Are you ready? Then start the lessons now!

4 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Lesson Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management (DRRM)
 Be able to make use of the concepts upon which DRRM is founded on;
 Learn and understand the daily applications of the terminologies and
definitions used in the study of DRRM;
 And have familiarization with the study of DRRM.

No country in the world is exempt from some form of natural or man-made disaster,
yet what can set countries apart is the response of the government and citizenry to return their
communities to a level of normalcy as quickly and effectively as possible.
Disaster risk reduction and management (DRRM) is a practice that does not merely
seek to provide aid after a calamity has occurred, but to prepare citizens should one occur.
This means providing constant education, resources to obtain information, and facilities that
can capacitate individuals to prevent, prepare for, and minimize the impact that disasters can
have on their community.

For this activity, we are going to look at all the ways that
Activity Humans and Nature are the same. Inside the respective
circles, list down the ways Humans and Nature are different.
In the middle, list down the ways in which Humans and
Nature are the same. The aim of the activity is to gain
introspection on the ways that we are alike, and yet unique as
well, from our environment.

Human Nature
Diagram: Both
Contrast and

5 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Analysis 1. Do you think Disaster Risk Reduction and Management concepts
and lesson should be known by all and not just professional
emergency responders? Why?

Historically, response to disaster was more on being reactive;
meaning that natural or man-made disasters had already occurred before
the affected community is able to do anything about it. (Physiopedia:
Disaster Management).
But the UN states that over the last few decades, there is an increasing awareness
among societies that disasters are the “result of long-term processes,” where the risk has been
created many years before a disaster actually happens. This means that overtime, we as a
society are realizing that risks already exist and can increase the impact of a disaster to a
community even before a negative event strikes.
These definitions therefore give rise to Disaster Risk Reduction and Management as a
study that analyses what can be done before, during, and after a calamity occurs.
This includes preparation or prevention of the different natural and man-made
disasters that may happen, the actions to be taken during the actual event, and the protocol to
be followed after it occurs; such as retrieval and rescue, and rehabilitation of the affected
This graph better illustrates the concept of Disaster Risk Reduction and Management:

Source: UN-SPIDER (

6 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

RA 10121
In the Philippines, Disaster Risk Reduction and Management was adopted as a
nationwide practice and enacted into law in 2010 through R.A. 10121, also known as the
Philippine Disaster Risk Reduction and Management (PDRRM) Act of 2010.
As defined in R.A. 10121, Disaster Risk Reduction and Management is the
“systematic process of using administrative directives, organizations, and operational skills
and capacities to implement strategies, policies and improved coping capacities in order to
lessen the adverse impacts of hazards and the possibility of disaster.” It aims to bring together
different public and private stakeholders to spread education, increase mindful practices, and
create a culture of preparedness with regards to facing disasters.
It is enshrined in R.A. 10121 that the Filipino people’s constitutional right to life and
property will be protected by addressing the root causes of vulnerabilities to disasters. The
law also provides that the country’s capacity for DRRM and resilience building of
communities to disasters be strengthened.
The PDRRM Act’s policies on disaster mitigation and response follows the
international standards on emergency prevention and preparation, mitigation, action, and
response and rehabilitation set in the UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction’s Hyogo
Framework for Action, which aims to build the resilience of nations and communities to
There are the five Priorities for Action outlined in the Hyogo Framework:
1. Governance – Ensure disaster risk reduction is a national and local priority with a
strong institutional basis for implementation.
2. Risk Assessment & Early Warning – Identify, assess, and monitor disaster risks
and enhance early warning.
3. Knowledge Management & Education – Use knowledge, innovation, and
education to build a culture of safety and resilience at all levels.
4. Risk Management & Vulnerability Reduction – Reduce the underlying factors.
5. Disaster Preparedness – Strengthen disaster preparedness for effective response at
all levels. (Source: Hyogo Framework for Action,
The PDRRM Act also provides for the creation of the National Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Council (NDRRMC), which is responsible for the formulation,
development, and implementation of the Philippines’ National Disaster Risk Reduction,
Management, and Recovery Framework.

7 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

The NDRRMC’s primary role is to be the lead actor in disaster response and mitigation as
outlined in RA 10121, and additional roles include:
 Developing the NDRRM Framework; which is the country’s “comprehensive, all-
hazards, multi-sectoral, inter-agency and community-based approach” to DRRM. It
shall serve as the principal guide to DRRMC efforts in the country and reviewed
every five years or as necessary in order that it stays relevant to the changing needs of
the times.
 Advising the nation’s President on the status of national disaster preparedness
programs and management plans, disaster operations, and rehabilitation efforts;
 It is also the recommending body in cases of declaring a state of national calamity and
release of national calamity funds as needed.
The NDRRMC’s responsibilities are cascaded down to regional, provincial, city, and
municipality levels through the formation of the Local Disaster Risk Reduction and
Management Office in each local government

Basic Disaster Concepts

• Disaster
According to Republic Act
10121 Section 3-h, a disaster is a
“serious disruption of the functioning of Source:
a community or a society involving into-LDP.pdf

widespread human, material, economic or environmental losses and impacts, which

exceeds the ability of the affected community or society to cope using its own
resources.” It is the result of a combination of exposure to hazard; the conditions of
vulnerability that are present; and not enough resources to prepare for or recover from
the negative event.

• Hazard
As defined in Republic Act 10121, Section 3-v, a Hazard is a “dangerous
phenomenon, substance, human activity or condition that may cause loss of life,
injury or other health impacts, property damage, loss of livelihood and services, social
and economic disruption, or environmental damage.”
Hazards may be natural, human-induced, or a combination of both.

8 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Typhoon Fire Flood and Fire
Earthquake Pollution
Volcanic Eruption Oil Spill
Tsunami Industrial Accident
Floods Armed Conflict
Storm Surges Accidents

• Vulnerability
The law refers to it as the characteristics
and circumstances of a community which
makes it prone to the damaging effects of a
hazard. It explains why people, livelihoods, and
properties located in areas where hazards occur
can suffer damage and loss. In the country,
vulnerabilities largely stem from poverty. Source:
Poverty causes and worsens vulnerabilities due DRR-into-LDP.pdf

to lack of capacity to prepare essential tools in preparing for disasters. The inability of
a community to cope when a hazard occurs is called vulnerability.

• Exposure
Refers to “the degree to which a
community is likely to experience hazard
events of different magnitudes.” RA 10121 Source: OCD-CDBRRM

refers to the physical location (e.g. on the foot

of a volcano, proximity to a body of water, low-
lying area), characteristics (type of soil,
topography, temperature), and population
density (overpopulation, congestion) of a
community that “exposes” it to hazards. Source:

• Capacity
According to Republic Act 10121
Section 3-b, Capacity “is a combination of all
strengths and resources available within a

9 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

community, society or organization that can reduce the level of risk, or effects of a
disaster.” The law further adds that this may include “infrastructure and physical
means, institutions, societal coping abilities; as well as human knowledge, skills and
collective attributes such as social relationships, leadership and management.”
Capacity is also described as capability.

• Disaster Risk
It is the potential for loss of lives,
health status, livelihood, assets and services,
which can happen to a particular community
over some specified future time period.
The International Federation of Red Cross
and Red Crescent has stated that “the combination
of hazards, vulnerability, and inability to reduce the
potential negative consequences of risk results in Source:
disaster,” highlighted in the equation. disaster-risk-in-latin-america/

The country’s Office of Civil Defense (OCD) explains that disasters are likelier to
occur if “the extent of exposure and vulnerability of a community to a particular hazard is
higher than its capacity to cope.” Simply put, an event is more likely to result in disaster if a
community does not have the tools to rise above or recover from a natural or man-made
However, it can also go the other way, as the OCD further states that disaster risk is
reduced if the community has the capacity to “prepare for and confront a particular hazard is
stronger than the extent of its exposure and vulnerability.”

10 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Hazard Mapping: For this activity, identify the possible hazards in your
community. Also note the capacity of the structures in your area to survive
disasters. Are the houses and buildings sturdy? Is there enough preparation
Application and mitigation against flooding, earthquakes, fire, etc? List your answers
below to gain a clear picture of the hazard mapping in your communities.

Hazard Vulnerability Exposure Capacity

Well done! You just reached the end of the first lesson. Should there be some parts of
the topic you need clarification on, don’t hesitate to ask your facilitator during your
synchronous meeting.
Now you are already prepared to proceed to Lesson 2 of this module which
will discuss the geographic profile of the Philippines.

11 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Geographic Profile
Lesson of the Philippines
 Learners will become familiar with the geographic details of the
Philippines and how this matters in relation to being affected by
natural disasters;
 Be able to identify the Philippines on a world map;
 Through self-directed research, be able to look up on a Philippine map
the areas where natural disasters often occur and be able to point out

For all of its abundance of natural resources and generally great tropical climate, the
beauty that the Philippines possesses comes at a price: the country’s geographic location
places it in the path of typhoons, earthquakes, and other natural disasters; while its
topography wherein its regions are dotted by volcanoes also makes it prone to eruptions and
the damages these can cause to human life, properties, and livelihoods.

 Each student will identify regions on the map where
the majority of volcanoes and coastal areas are
located, as well as the economic situation of the
“Seek and You specific location.
Shall Find”  The student will also need to identify the primary
means of livelihood and the economic standing of the
region. Are the communities near volcanoes or
coastal areas prosperous or impoverished?
 The aim of the activity is to see how natural wonders
(the coast, volcanoes, etc) and the communities
located near it are affected by disasters not just by
their location, but their economic standing as well.

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1. Does the presence of these natural hazards combined
with the vulnerabilities of the community make it very
prone to the lasting effect of disasters?





An archipelagic nation comprised of more than 7, 000 islands and
islets located in Southeast Asia, the Philippines is characterized by its
three largest islands: Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao; with a total land
area covering approximately 300,000 km2. (Status Report on Disaster
Risk Reduction in the Philippines, 2019)
It is surrounded by the Pacific Ocean, and shares maritime borders with China, Japan,
Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan, Indonesia, and Palau. (World Atlas, 2019)
The country also consists of volcanic islands wherein some are active volcanoes, and
“mostly mountainous interior” (US Library of Congress, 2006) which is typically surrounded
by flat lowlands and plains of differing widths by the coastlines. The US Library of Congress
in its profile on countries lists the sea level elevation at 2, 954 meters above sea level from
the highest point of Mount Apo on Mindanao Island.
Depending on the
region, the country has
either exclusively coastal
regions, mountainous
regions, wetlands, or flat
stretches of open land; or a
combination of all
mentioned. The Philippines
does not have desert terrain.

13 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

The Philippines is a country with a tropical marine climate and with two main
seasons: the dry summer seasons, and the wet rainy season for the rest of the year. The
northeast monsoon from December to February produces the cool dry season characterized
by cloudy weather but intermittent rainfall depending on the regions; while the southwest
monsoon brings “rain and high temperatures from May to October. Between March and May,
hot, dry weather prevails.” (US Library of Congress, 2006)

Describe the area where you live. Is it mountainous, near the sea,
or urban zone? What are the most common emergency situations/ natural
disasters that can occur in your area? Cite an experience. Write your
answer on the space provided.

Great job! You have just completed Lesson 2.

In this lesson, you learned about the Geographic Profile of the Philippines. Now you
are already prepared to proceed to Lesson 3 of this module, which will discuss the
Philippines' disaster risk profile.

14 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Lesson Disaster Risk Profile
of the Philippines
 The learners study and be able to identify the factors that can cause and
worsen the effects of disasters in the Philippines;
 Learners will utilize the knowledge that climate change increasingly plays
a factor in the frequency and the worsening of the disasters that the
Philippines experiences, and create meaningful changes in their daily lives
to mitigate these effects; and
 Learn how Davao region is affected by disaster due to its geography.
While every Philippine region is unique in its culture, language, and people; the ties
that bind all Filipino people are our likelihood of exposure to disasters and the urgency with
which we must be prepared for them. Whether landlocked, coastal, or mountainous, our
communities are more often than not only one disaster away from major deaths, further
economic downfall, and difficulty to restore to a sense of normalcy. As a nation, we must
understand the various risks present in our communities; whether natural or man-made, and
prepare accordingly so that future generations will also have in them a culture of


Barangay Hazard
In the activity for Lesson
1, you listed the hazards
you observed in your
barangays. For this
activity, plot on a MAP of
your barangay where those
hazards you listed exist.
The aim of the activity is
to help you identify,
through your own research
and application, the
various hazards you have
observed in your areas and
its specific location in your

15 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Your map will be graded accordingly. See rubrics:
Excellent Good Requirement Little or no effort

5 pts 4 pts 3 pts 2 pts

The map is remarkably The map is neat, The map is The map is hard to
neat and clear. The clear, and it can slightly clear read or
reader can quickly identify with some though it may comprehend. No
Neatness identify the map. help. be a bit given clues or
disordered. consideration of
what it is for the

The map remarkably The map includes The map is lost The map is lost
includes clearly labeled the most common several standards
Map the location, hazards, hazards; most are standards components.
Elements and appropriate labels. exact and simple components.
to read.

Risks/hazards clearly Risks/hazards Seriousness of Wrong risk/hazards

distinguished by sort and distinguished the risk/hazards not are recognized or
Risk/Hazards seriousness of probability seriousness of recorded. identified.
clearly of damage. harm probability Risks/hazards as
recognized not accurately it were
completed. recognized.

All words in the map are 2-3 words are 4-5 words are There are more
correct. mistakes in the mistakes in the than 6 words that
Spelling map. map. are mistakes in the

1. After the Barangay Hazard Mapping Activity, how vital do you think it is to
Analysis be well-informed or at least become familiar with the 'layout' of your
barangay/ community? Do you believe it is helpful during times of disasters or

In a study conducted by the UN Office for the Coordination of Human
Affairs, they cited a 2018 World Risk Report which found that the
Philippines is ranked third among all of the countries with the highest
disaster risk, with an index value of 25.14.%.
The 2018 study also found that at least 60% of the country’s total land area is exposed to
multiple hazards, and 74% of the population is prone to its negative impacts.

16 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Much of these risks can be attributed to the country’s location and geographical
makeup, wherein extensive miles of coastline covered by the Pacific Ocean places the
country at an extreme likelihood of being hit by tropical depressions, tsunamis, storm surges,
rising sea levels, and other coastal hazards. Adding to the fact that the country also sits along
the Pacific Typhoon Belt, the Philippines is “visited by an average of 20 typhoons every
year,” according to the Asian Disaster Risk Reduction Center.
Adding to its increased exposure to these hazards is the fact that climate change has
aggravated the frequency of these ocean-borne disasters.
The International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (UN, 2008) defines climate change
as an alteration of a particular location’s natural climate over time that “can be attributed
directly or indirectly to human activity.” The study further states that climate change affects
the country’s disaster risk in two ways: first, by increasing the weather and climate hazards,
and secondly, through increasing the
vulnerability of communities to natural
hazards, particularly through degradation of
the ecosystem, reductions in water and food
availability, and changes to livelihoods.
Additionally, the country is also
located along the Pacific Ring of Fire, also
known as the Circum-Pacific Belt, where the
majority of the Earth’s volcanoes and
earthquakes take place; often resulting in
volcanic eruptions as well.
According to the National Geographic, deep ocean trenches and high mountain ranges
are also a prominent characteristic of the Pacific Ring of Fire.
Mountainous areas in the country during the wet season are at a risk of landslides;
while densely congested urban areas, areas near natural and man-made waterways, low-lying
areas, and areas that are near denuded forests are at an increased risk of flooding.

Davao Region at Risk

Davao Region, is located in the southeastern portion of Mindanao and bounded on the
north by the provinces of Surigao del Sur, Agusan del Sur and Bukidnon; in the east by the
Philippine Sea; and in the west by the Central Mindanao provinces; is often characterized by

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“good climate” and supposedly lies outside the typhoon belt, with maximum rainfall
observed from November to January. The
region also has average temperatures of 28 -
29˚C. (Regional Profile,
Yet it in recent years, the once
famously dubbed ‘typhoon free’ Davao
region is becoming increasingly affected by
these changes; with Typhoon Bopha (Pablo)
ravaging Davao Oriental and parts of Davao
de Oro in 2012, and most recently, Tropical
Depression Chedeng making a beeline for
Davao region in March 2019, with the state
weather bureau dubbing it a “rare tropical
cyclone track.” (Macapagat, F. 2019, PIA)
This has also led to notably increased
rainfall in the region, where average rainfall
for the whole year is 1,673.3 mm to
1,941.8mm based on climatological data of
Davao City. (Regional Profile,
It isn’t just the rainfall becoming an increasing phenomenon in the region:
temperatures are also soaring.
In April - May 2019, Davao City experienced a “scorching” 35.4˚C, which resulted in
a heat index of 43 ˚C. Defined by the Oxford dictionary, heat index is the “level of
discomfort the average person is thought to experience as a result of the combined effects of
the temperature and humidity of the air.” It was recorded as the hottest temperature ever for
the summer season, where before temperatures only averaged 32 to 34 degrees Celsius in the
city. (Tejano, I. 2019, Manila Bulletin)
The alternating unpredictable extreme heat and rainfall has brought much havoc to the
region’s agriculture, aquaculture, and residential industries; where combined with poor urban
planning, destructive farming practices, and other man-made risks; increases the likelihood of
communities lacking preparation for large-scale disasters.

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Interview an older relative or guardian on their experiences of
what Davao was like before. Did they experience frequent, strong
typhoons? Was flooding more common now than it was back
then? In the space provided below, you may draw your
Application conversation in comics form below.

Great job! You have just completed Lesson 3.

Now that you already know the Disaster Risk Profile of the Philippines, you can now proceed
to the next lesson. Continue navigating this module and keep reading!

19 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Lesson Four Thematic Areas of the
Philippine Disaster Management System
 Learners will have further understanding of the areas wherein the
Philippine DRRM operates and how these responsibilities are
cascaded to cities;
 Study and understand how the actors involved in these four thematic
areas work cohesively to ensure preparation, mitigation, response, and
rehabilitation; and
 The flow of operations in preparing for disasters.

Any program executed well is a product of proper planning, preparation, and
information dissemination to all the people and organizations involved, and DRRM is no
When we are able to lay out our plans in a manner that is clear, concise, and can be
understood by all types of people involved, then we are already halfway to preparing for the
battle; so to speak. In terms of DRRM, this means a greater number of lives saved, and
communities will have a higher likelihood of returning to normal once a storm has literally
Act Now, Save Tomorrow


In the space
provided, draw
in the best way
that you can an
example of what
you think is an
community that
is proactive in
applying the 4
Thematic Areas
of DRRM in

20 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Your drawing will be graded accordingly. See rubrics:

Excellent Good Basic Requirement Little or no effort

5 pts 4 pts 3 pts 2 pts

The drawing is The drawing is eye- The drawing is Drawing is

exceptionally eye- catching in terms of reasonably eye- distractingly messy
Craftsmanship catching in terms of neatness. The catching, although or lacks quality in an
neatness. The picture is not very the picture is a bit effort
picture is well design messy. messy
and not messy.

The drawing is The drawing is The drawing shows a The drawing does
exceptionally creative and little creativity and not show any
Creativity creative and unique uniquely effort in amount of creativity.
in showing a deep demonstrated; understanding the
understanding of the acceptable at times picture.
picture. in showing an
understanding of the

The drawing is The drawing shows The drawing shows The drawing does
exceptionally some originality and small originality. not show any
Originality original and unique distinctiveness. amount of
in design. originality.

All words in the 2-3 words are 4-5 words are There are more than
drawing are correct. mistakes in the mistakes in the 6 words that are
Spelling drawing. drawing. mistakes in the

Analysis 1. In your study so far of DRRM as an NSTP student, why do you think
it is important that we utilize the 4 Thematic Areas of DRRM in our
pursuit of a culture of preparedness against disasters or emergencies?
Four Thematic Areas of the Philippine Disaster Management System
As provided in the country’s National Disaster Risk Reduction
and Management Plan, there are four thematic areas which are equally
important. The absence or weak implementation of one area may affect
the bringing back or maintenance of equilibrium in communities affect by calamities. This
DRRM framework in the country is aligned to Hyogo Plan (2005-2015) where it seeks to
build resilience of communities by making Disaster Risk Reduction a national and local
priority. The country’s DRRM concept accepts the idea “ Bounce, Back, Better”. It is given
that hazard events may occur at any time at any rate, but tries to lessen the effect by

21 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

improving the community’s ability to absorb the impact with minimum damage or
destruction given the improve capacities of the people.

Disaster Prevention and Mitigation

Direct avoidance of the negative
impact of hazards and disasters. Its
concept is rooted in the intention to
completely avoid potential disasters
through actions taken even before an into-LDP.pdf

event occurs; examples of which include

constructing seawalls at coastal areas, creating earthquake-tolerant buildings, etc.
One of the actions for disaster prevention is the implementation of policy on “No
Build Zones.” It is legalized by the government to prevent the occurrence of disasters (OCD,

It lessening or limiting the adverse
impacts of hazards, and their related
disasters. Mitigation measures require
engineering techniques and hazard-resistant
construction, as well as improved
environmental policies and public Source:
awareness. DRR-into-LDP.pdf

Kinds of Mitigation

 Structural/Engineered Measures
Examples of structural construction of dams, tsunami / sea wall, floodgates
and channel, installation of tsunami sensors and deep-ocean Assessment and
Reporting System (DARTS), a common tool used in tsunami warning (OCD,

 Non Structural/Non Engineered Measures

22 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Examples of non-structural endeavors are community-based mapping,
mangrove reforestation, waste management and establishment of early
warning systems (OCD, 2019).

Disaster Preparedness
It is the knowledge and capacities
developed by governments, professionals, and
other organizations to anticipate and
effectively respond to, and recover from
incoming or occurring disasters. These are
required by law to be supported by formal
institutional, legal, and budgetary capacities.

Disaster Response
It is where emergency services and public assistance are provided during or
immediately after a disaster so that lives may be saved, health impacts reduced, public safety
is ensured, and the most basic subsistence needs of the people most affected are met. It is also
called “disaster relief” as it is focused on immediate and short-term needs.

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Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery
This principle means that learning from the lessons from past disasters. The premise
lies on the thought that we do not want to suffer the same devastation again. Hence, in our
rehabilitation and recovery efforts, we must not only go back to normal situation but we
should also strengthen our DRRM capacities to avoid suffering from the same disaster
situation again. (OCD, 2019).

Each thematic area goal leads to the country’s overall DRRM vision, as
illustrated here:

24 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Which thematic area on DRRM do you think your strength lies? Is it
in preparation? Response and Rescue? Or in Rehabilitation?
Outline your answer below.


Well done! You just finished Lesson 4 of this module and gained insights to connect to our
last topic. You may proceed to Lesson 5 of this module, which will discuss the Role of the
Youth in Disaster Preparedness and Management, and Basic Disaster Preparedness and
Response Training.

25 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Lesson Role of the Youth in Disaster Preparedness
and Management, and Basic Disaster
5 Preparedness and Response Training

 Value the importance of having knowledge in basic, life-saving first aid
 Participate in, and further strengthen the ‘culture of preparedness’ in
their homes and communities;
 Realize the immense importance of the participation of youth in
emergency response.

In a country that is incredibly prone to natural disasters, and as well as those borne
from human activity, it is extremely important that all sectors of society are equipped with the
most basic knowledge of what to do in emergency cases; especially the youth.
Empowering the youth with information, basic emergency response training, and even
simulated application, enables them to experience the very real possibility of disasters and
respond accordingly. This in turn creates a generation of informed and trained individuals
who can then pass it on to the future youth to come.


Generational Experiences
Interview some of
your older relatives or
guardians about their
experiences with natural or
man-made disasters or
emergencies. Were they as
informed about the varied
ways to respond to
emergency situations as you
are now?

26 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Analysis 1. Based on the responses of your interviewees, how valuable do you
think basic knowledge on emergency response is? Will you consider
practicing it on a regular basis even in the absence of emergency?

The youth are regarded as vital stewards in creating a culture of
preparedness, such that it is integrated in R.A. 10121 that disaster risk
reduction and management is mandated as a part of secondary and
tertiary education curricula.
It is highlighted in Section 14 of R.A. 10121 that Regional and Local Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management Councils and Offices should encourage the cultivation of a
culture of preparedness among the youth, specifically through education and their
participation in organizing quick response groups, particularly in identified disaster-prone

Basic First Aid

First aid
It is defined as the initial assistance or treatment
given to a person who is injured or suddenly becomes
ill. The person who provides this help may be a first
aider, a first responder, paramedic, or EMT. (First Aid
Manual, 2014. American College of Emergency
The primary objective of First Aid is to preserve kits-clip-art-certified-first-responder-
life. The initial application of life-saving measures can
“often bring relief from crippling pain and prevent medical conditions from deteriorating
while more advanced care is on its way.” (Australia Wide First Aid, The Meaning and
Importance of First Aid)

27 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

First Aider
This is a person who takes primary action while also making sure to take care of
everyone in an emergency situation and to keep everyone involved safe, and to cause no
further harm while doing so. (Australia Wide First Aid, The Meaning and Importance of First

Why is First Aid important?

It is vital for oneself and their
community to have knowledge on First Aid. It
allows you to assist injured persons in the
event of an accident or emergency situation
until professional help arrives. First Aid
professionals say that these skills can be
applied in the home, the workplace, or in

public locations; and the more that there are

First Aid certified people in a community, then the safer that community becomes. (First Aid
Accident and Emergency, Why Is First Aid Important?)

Characteristics of a Good First Aider

The Philippine National Red Cross provides the following definitions of a Good First Aider:

1. Gentle – Should not cause or inflict pain as much as

2. Resourceful – Makes do with materials available at the
3. Observant – Should notice all signs. Aware of what may
4. Tactful – Handling the victim with the utmost care and in
a calm manner.
5. Emphatic – Should be comforting.
6. Respectable – Maintains an attitude that is both caring
and professional.

There are ethical considerations when it comes to rescue, as well. The International
Federation of the Red Cross states that “the responder must obtain permission from the

28 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

victim, or their parent or guardian,” (Australian Red Cross, 2020) and advises as well on the
A conscious person needing first aid has the right to either refuse or accept care.
If the person is conscious, their consent must be obtained before commencing any
first aid.
If the person is a minor, obtain consent from their parent or guardian if one is present.
If they refuse, opt to just stay nearby and call emergency personnel who can better deal with
the emergency.
If the person needing aid is either unconscious or cannot formally give consent, then it
is assumed under law they have given consent and first aid can be administered.

According to Republic Act 10121 Section 3-R, an emergency is an unforeseen or
sudden occurrence, especially danger, that demands immediate action.
The American College of Emergency Physicians advise that in any emergency, it is
vital that there is a clear plan of action to follow. This enables prioritization of demands that
may be placed on you, and help you decide on your best action.

 Assessing the situation - Evaluating the scene accurately is one of the most
important factors in the management of an incident. Identify any safety risks and
assess the resources available.
 Making an area safe - The conditions that give rise to an incident may still
present a danger and must be eliminated if possible. Move the casualty to safety.
When approaching a casualty, make sure you protect yourself: wear high-
visibility clothing, gloves, and head protection if you have them.
 Giving Emergency help - Once an area has been made safe, use the primary
survey to quickly carry out an initial assessment of the casualty to establish
treatment priorities. Start life-saving first aid as soon as possible. Ask bystanders
to call for the emergency services.
 Assisting the emergency services - Hand over any notes you have made to the
emergency services when they arrive. Answer any questions they may have and
follow any instructions.
Source: American College of Emergency Physicians, First Aid

29 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

30 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao
As provided by the St. John’s Ambulance Organization of the United Kingdom, if
bleeding caused by external factors resulting in an open wound isn’t controlled quickly, your
patient may “lose a lot of blood, become unresponsive, and possibly develop shock. Shock
does not mean emotional shock; it is a life-threatening condition, often caused by loss of
blood. Your priority is to stop the bleeding.” (St. John’s Ambulance, 2020)

31 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

What are burns and scalds?
Burns on the skin can be caused by “dry heat” such as contact with fire, an extremely
hot surface, or prolonged, unprotected extreme exposure to the sun. A scald meanwhile can
be caused by contact with “wet heat”, like steam or a hot drink. Professional emergency
responders advised that the longer the burning occurs; the injury becomes more severe. “Your
priority is to cool the burn as quickly as possible.” (St. John Ambulance, 2020)
Signs and symptoms
 red skin and swelling
 pain in the area of the burn
 blistering may start to appear.

Sourced from St. John Ambulance,

32 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

A nosebleed is blood flowing from the nose due to internal damage, or external force.
St. John’s Ambulance Organization notes that it is typically caused when “tiny blood vessels
inside the nostrils are ruptured.” Causes of nosebleeds include forced trauma on the nose,
sneezing, picking or blowing the nose too hard, high blood pressure, and anti-clotting
medication; they add.


Basic Life Support

According to the American Red Cross, Basic Life Support or BLS, “generally refers
to the type of care that first-responders, healthcare providers and public safety professionals
provide to anyone who is experiencing cardiac arrest, respiratory distress, or an obstructed
airway.” BLS requires know-how in “cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), using automated

33 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

external defibrillators (AED) and relieving airway obstructions in patients of every age.”
(American Red Cross, Basic Life Support)

Heart Attack, Cardiac Arrest, and Stroke

A Heart Attack and Cardiac Arrest are often
thought to be similar, but they are not the same.
problem, as it is the result of blockage of the flow of
blood to the heart. (American Heart Association,
2020) Blockages in the artery prevents the body’s
oxygen-rich blood from reaching a section of the
heart; and if the blocked artery is not quickly
reopened, then the part of the heart which the artery
nourishes starts to die.
The American Heart Association further adds
that symptoms of a heart attack “may be immediate
and may include intense discomfort in the chest or other areas of the upper body, shortness of
breath, cold sweats, and/or nausea/vomiting.” Commonly though, the symptoms begin slowly
and can continue on for hours or even up to weeks at a time before an attack occurs.
“Unlike with cardiac arrest, the heart usually does not stop beating during a heart
attack. The longer the person goes without treatment, the greater the damage.” (American
Heart Association, 2020)
The American Heart Association adds there are noted differences in symptoms of a
heart attack between men and women; which can include “shortness of breath, nausea or
vomiting, and back/jaw pain.”

What to Do
Call your local emergency number even if you are not sure if it’s a heart attack, as
every minute counts!
“It’s best to call your local emergency number to get to the emergency room right away.
Emergency medical services (EMS) staff can begin treatment when they arrive — up to an
hour sooner than if someone gets to the hospital by car. EMS staff are also trained to revive

34 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

someone whose heart has stopped. Patients with chest pain who arrive by ambulance usually
receive faster treatment at the hospital, too.” (American Heart Association, 2020)
The American Heart Association goes on to
define CARDIAC ARREST as the malfunctioning of
the heart and it unexpectedly stops beating as a result.
Cardiac arrest is an “ELECTRICAL” problem, often
triggered by electrical malfunctions in the heart that can
then cause an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia). As the
pumping action is disturbed, the heart might be not be
able to pump blood to the brain and other organs.
Seconds after cardiac arrest, a person could be
gasping for air, or not breathing, and then becomes
unresponsive. Death occurs within mere minutes if
treatment is not administered.

What to Do
Cardiac arrest can be reversible if treatment is administered in time:
 First, call your local emergency number and start Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
(CPR) right away.
 Then, if an Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is available, use it as soon as
 If two people are available to help, one should begin CPR immediately while the
other calls your local emergency number and finds an AED.
Source: American Heart Association

St. John Ambulance Organization in the UK

defines stroke as the starvation of oxygen to the
brain due to the disruption of the supply of blood.
Stroke Symptoms
Assess the symptoms of stroke by learning
the following: BEFAST (Balance, Eyes, Face, Arm,
Speech, Time) warning signs, and “you might save
a life from stroke.” (St. John Ambulance, 2020)

35 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Source: (April 29, 2019)

What is CPR?
It stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. CPR combines the movement of chest
compressions and rescue breaths to “give a person the best chance of survival following a
cardiac arrest.” (St. John Ambulance, 2020)
However, in this time of COVID-19 outbreak, it is advised to not perform rescue
breaths on an unresponsive victim. Call 911 if someone is unresponsive and not breathing
normally so that emergency oxygen-providing equipment can be used instead.

36 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

37 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao
What is Choking?
“When someone is choking, their airway is partly or completely blocked, meaning
they may be unable to breathe properly. They might be able to clear it by coughing, but if
they can't you will need to help them straight away.” (St. John Ambulance, 2020)

St. John Ambulance provides the following signs and symptoms of choking:
Signs and Symptoms
 difficulty breathing, speaking or coughing
 a red puffy face
 signs of distress, and they may point to their throat or grasp their neck.

38 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)
As per the World Health Organization (2020) COVID-19 is an “infectious disease
caused by the coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2), which is a respiratory pathogen.” The WHO
details that it learned of this new virus first from cases in Wuhan, People’s Republic of China
on Dec. 31, 2019.

The following sections (1 – 7) are taken from the World Health Organization’s
information on the coronavirus disease:
Sec. 1 Symptoms of COVID-19

Most Other symptoms that Symptoms of Other less common

common are less common severe symptoms
symptoms and may affect COVID‐19
of COVID-19 some patients disease

Fever Loss of taste or smell Shortness of Irritability

Nasal congestion Confusion

Conjunctivitis (also Loss of appetite Reduced

known as red eyes) consciousness
Dry Cough Sore Throat
associated with

Headache Confusion Anxiety

Muscle or Joint Pain Depression

Fatigue Different Types of Persistent pain Sleep disorders

Skin Rash or pressure in
the chest
Nausea or Vomiting More severe and rare
Diarrhea High
complications such
Chills or Dizziness as strokes, brain
(above 38 °C)
delirium and nerve

While COVID-19 affects people of all ages, it poses a greater risk to the extremely young and
old, pregnant women, and those whose immune systems are already compromised (those with
existing diseases, or those who had operations, etc.) Medical experts advise that those who

39 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

experience fever, coughing with a difficulty in breathing or chest pain/ pressure, and loss of
speech /movement; should immediate medical care.

Sec. 2 Those Most at Risk of Severe Illness from COVID-19

Those aged 60 and over, and those with existing health problems like high blood pressure,
illnesses in the heart and lungs, diabetes, obesity, or cancer; are at a higher risk of developing
serious complications from COVID-19.
However, anyone regardless of age or health condition can get seriously ill from COVID-19
and die.

Sec. 3 How can we protect others and ourselves if we don’t know who is infected?
Stay safe by taking these simple precautions:
 Physical Distancing - Maintain at least a meter distance from others to lessen
the possibility of infection when others cough, sneeze, or speak. When
indoors, it is important to have even greater distance from others. The further
away people are from each other, the better.
 Normalize wearing a mask while being around other people.
 Use an alcohol-based hand rub or sanitizer after handling various objects if
soap and water are not readily available. If it is, always wash your hands
 Sneeze into your bent elbow when you sneeze, and cover your mouth with
tissue or cloth when coughing.
 Avoid touching the orifices of your face: the eyes, nose and mouth.
 Clean and disinfect surfaces frequently especially those which are regularly
touched, such as door handles, faucets and phone screens.
 Keeping rooms well ventilated.
 Avoiding crowded or indoor settings
 Avoid shaking hands; greet people with a wave, a nod, or even bow instead.
 Monitor your LGUs and workplace for localized health guidelines.

Sec. 4 Quarantine and Isolation

While both are methods of preventing the spread of disease, the terms are not

40 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

QUARANTINE is the restriction of activities, or the separation of people who are not sick, but
may have had exposure to COVID-19. Quarantine is done either at a designated facility, or at
home for 14 days.
ISOLATION meanwhile is the separation of those who are ill and showing symptoms of
COVID-19, or who have tested positive.

Sec. 5 Incubation Period of COVID-19

It can take an average of 5-6 days from the time one is exposed to COVID-19 for
symptoms to begin showing; and can last for 1 – 14 days. It is one of the primary reasons
why medical experts advise that people who have been exposed to the virus have to stay apart
from people for 14 days in order to prevent the spread of the virus, especially if testing is not
readily available.

Sec. 7 Can Antibiotics prevent or treat COVID-19?

Antibiotics are not to be used against viruses, as they only work on bacterial
infections. Since COVID-19 is caused by a virus, antibiotics will not work. These types of
medication should not be used as a means to prevent or treat COVID-19.
However, doctors might use antibiotics to either prevent or treat the bacterial infections
which can be a secondary complication of COVID-19 in very ill patients. Antibiotics are to
be used only as directed by a doctor.

Water Search and Rescue

Flooding is among the most common disaster that we experience, that’s why it is
important to know the basics of water search and rescue, according to the Office of Civil
The OCD lists the following tips in aiding a drowning person:
 REACH. If the drowning person is conscious but they are within reach, reach out or
extend an object to the person in trouble. You may reach the person with pole, paddle,
tree branch or whatever materials available. When reaching for a drowning person:

1) Lay level on the ground so as not to get pulled in

2) Reach as far out as possible
3) Yell to get their attention

41 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Source: ADPC Manual on
Community Search and

 THROW and TOW. Another option is to have the drowning person reach for a
floatation device that is held by a rope by rescuers on both sides of the river shore or
flooded street. When doing this method, try the following:

1) Chose a strategic spot to set up to throw bag.

2) Get and keep eye contact with the subject.
3) Aim for the subject’s head or slightly up river.
4) Make a strong underhand throw when the subject is in the target zone.
5) Carefully bring the subject to an “eddy” or the best landing spot you can
6) Be ready to make a second throw.

Source: ADPC Manual on

Community Search and

Remember: REACH, THROW and TOW, but (only) GO with training and equipment
(OCD, 2019).

42 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS) of DOST
defines an earthquake as “a weak to violent shaking of the ground produced by the sudden
movement of rock materials below the earth’s surface.”
Earthquakes originate from the “tectonic plate boundary,” adds PHIVOLCS- DOST.
The “focus point” inside the earth where an earthquake starts is referred to as the
HYPOCENTER, while the EPICENTER is the location on the surface of the earth directly
above the focus. (PHIVOLCS-DOST, 2018)
As per PHIVOLCS, there are two ways to measure the strength of an earthquake:

1. Magnitude – measures the energy released at the source of the earthquake. Magnitude
is determined from measurements on seismographs.
2. Intensity - measures the strength of shaking produced by the earthquake at a certain
location. Intensity is determined from effects on people, human structures, and the
natural environment. (Lumen, Geology)

Types of Earthquake
The PHIVOLCS-DOST cites the following definitions of the types of earthquakes we
 Tectonic Earthquakes - Produced by sudden movement along faults and plate
 Volcanic Earthquakes - Earthquakes induced by rising lava or magma beneath active

Earthquakes: Before, During, and After

As provided by the Disaster Preparedness Guidebook of Project DINA (Disaster Information
for Nationwide Awareness) of the NDRRMC and OCD:

43 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao
Sourced from Disaster Preparedness Guidebook, Project DINA (Disaster Information for Nationwide Awareness) NDRRMC and OCD
A Tsunami is defined as “a series of sea waves commonly generated by under-the-sea
earthquakes and whose heights could be greater than 5 meters.” (PHIVOLCS- DOST, 2018)
It can be mistakenly called tidal waves, and sometimes mistaken for storm surges.
PHIVOLCS-DOST adds that tsunamis might happen when “the earthquake is shallow-seated
and strong enough to displace parts of the seabed and disturb the mass of water over it.”
But a rather unknown fact is that aside from underwater earthquakes, a tsunami can
also be produced by other natural phenomena which can include:

 underwater landslides (ex. Palu, Indonesia 28, September 2018)

 volcanic eruptions (ex. Krakatau – 27, August 1883 and 22 December 2018) and
 very rarely by large meteorite impacts in the ocean.

Tsunami Threat in the Philippines

The Philippines is frequently visited by tsunamis. It was recorded on 17 August 1976,
that a magnitude 8.1 earthquake in Moro Gulf produced a tsunami that was up to 9-meters
high which caused devastation in the southwest coast of Mindanao, and left more than 3,000
people dead, and a thousand people missing. A tsunami on November 15, 1994 caused by the
Mindoro Earthquake also generated tsunamis that left 49 casualties.

Natural Signs of an Approaching Tsunami

 A felt earthquake
 Unusual sea level change
 Rumbling sound of approaching waves

Tsunami Safety and Preparedness

The PHIVOLCS –DOST advises the following:
 During the retreat of sea level, interesting sights are often revealed (stranded fishes on
dry land, sandbars and coral flats may be exposed) which may tempt people to flock
to the shoreline thereby increasing the number of people at risk.
 If a strong earthquake is felt and unusual sea conditions like rapid lowering of sea
level are observed, immediately move towards high grounds.
 Never go down the beach to watch for a tsunami. When you see the wave, you are too
close to escape it.
 Stay out of danger areas until “all clear” is issued by competent authority. A tsunami
is not a single wave but a series of waves.

45 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao
Sourced from Disaster Preparedness Guidebook, Project DINA (Disaster Information for Nationwide Awareness) NDRRMC and OCD
The NDDRMC- OCD Disaster Preparedness Guidebook of Project DINA defines a
landslide as “the movement of soil, rocks, mud or debris down a slope.” A landslide can be
caused by continuous heavy rains (rain-induced landslides) or shaking due to earthquake
(earthquake-induced landslides).
Left: Rain-induced debris
flow, Brgy. Mayana, Barili,
Cebu, December 2014 – TS

Right: Earthquake-induced
rockslide, Brgy. Conalum,
Argao, Cebu, October
2013 – M 7.2 Bohol


Landslide Preparedness
The Philippines is prone to a variety of natural hazards, i.e. typhoon and earthquakes,
making the occurrence of landslides inevitable. Safety experts promote that awareness and
preparedness are the most effective prevention and mitigation measures against the threat of a
landslide in communities.

The PHIVOLCS-DOST advices the following landslide preparedness methods:

 Hazard mapping (Landslide Susceptibility Map)
 Public information (Landslide Warning Signs)
 Engineering intervention measures or slope protection measures (Gabion walls,
Drainage, or Erosion control)
 Early warning systems (monitoring systems designed to predict events that precede
landslides in order to issue a hazard warning. It mitigates risk by reducing the
The following is also advised by the NDRRMC-OCD Disaster Preparedness Guidebook on
the actions to take during a landslide:

Stay in a Safe Area and Be Alert

 When inside a house or building and evacuation is not possible, stay inside and get
under a sturdy table.
 When outside, avoid affected areas and go to a safer place.
 When landslide cannot be avoided, protect your head.
 When driving, do not cross bridges and damaged roads.

47 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao
Sourced from Disaster Preparedness Guidebook, Project DINA (Disaster Information for Nationwide Awareness) NDRRMC and OCD
The Philippine Occupational Safety and Health Council under the Department of
Labor and Employment in their manual for industries defines fire as “a chemical reaction
between a flammable or combustible material and oxygen.” It is also known as “rapid
oxidation” with the evolution of light and heat.
Fires that are unmonitored or uncontrolled poses danger not only to human life but
also to people’s investments, properties, and livelihood. Basic knowledge on fire prevention
and on what to do in case of fire is very important. (NDRRMC-OCD, 2011)

Fire Prevention
The NDRRMC- OCD lists the following fire prevention tips from the Disaster Preparedness
 Ensure that fire alarms and sprinklers work.
 Practice your evacuation plan and participate in fire drills.
 Turn off LPG tanks when not in use.
 Hire an electrician to check on your electrical wirings at least once a year.
 Unplug appliances and gadgets after using or charging.
 DO NOT leave lighted candles and cigarettes unattended.
 Teach children on fire safety.
 Learn how to use a fire extinguisher.
Remember PASS:
Pull the pin,
Aim the nozzle at the base of fire
Squeeze the lever
Sweep from side to side.
Fire Extinguisher
The city’s Central 911 defines it as a “portable Source: Fire safety, Central 911 Fire and OSHC)
device that discharges a jet of water, foam, gas, or other materials to extinguish a fire.”
In case of Fire, the NDRRMC-OCD Disaster Preparedness Guidebook lists the following
 Stay calm and evacuate immediately.
 Sound the fire alarm and call 911 for assistance.
 If you’re in a building, use the stairs and do not use elevators.
 Before opening doors, check handle first. If hot, DO NOT OPEN as the room may
already be on fire.
 If there is smoke, get down low and cover your mouth and nose with damp cloth.
 If your clothes catch fire, STOP running, DROP to the floor, and ROLL to put out
the flames.
 If trapped, stay in the room and signal for help using bright colored cloth at the
window or make noise.
 After the fire, do not return inside your house or building unless authorities deemed it

49 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Have yourself checked for injuries.

National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

Sourced from Disaster Preparedness Guidebook, Project DINA (Disaster Information for Nationwide Awareness) NDRRMC and OCD
What are some of the safety practices against fires, flood, and
earthquake in your home and community that you can observe?
Take photos of your observations and attach it a separate sheet
of paper. Compare and contrast your photos with your
classmates, and list below the best practices from their
Application communities that can also apply to your community.

You have just finished this module.

51 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

You have just completed the last module of the National Service Training Program covering
Disaster Awareness Preparedness and Management. Key points covered in the module
- Introduction to the country’s law on Disaster Risk Reduction and Management; its
mandate, and the concerned government agencies and primary actors;
- The various global and local practices that streamlines disaster preparedness,
mitigation, response, and rehabilitation from government actors down to the
- The Philippines’ global location and how it is geographically prone to natural
- The risks that human activity causes to aggravate the effects of disasters;
- How proper planning improve the execution of programs in relation to DRRM;
- The various emergency situations typical in communities and the responses that can
be practiced when faced with them;
- The Coronavirus Disease, and
- Basic first aid response

52 National Service Training Program 1 | University of Mindanao

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