The Newton Olympics: Name: Date: Grade and Section

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The Newton Olympics

Goal: To summarize the Newton’s Laws of Motion

● scratch papers
● Tape
● metric tape measure/any measuring material
● basket/clean garbage bin/plastic cups
● any small object
● thread/string/yarn
● marble/any rolling object
● trolley/luggage bag

1. You will move from station to station.
2. You have 10 minutes at each station and you have 7 days to complete the lab.
3. Answer each question before moving on to the next station.
4. Document as you play and attach at least two photos in the answer sheet.
STATION 1 – Shooting Hoops
❑ Get a basket/clean garbage bin/plastic cups or if you don’t have any of these,
make a paper basket just like what you did when you were in preschool.
❑ Move away at least 2m from your improvised basket then grab a paper, crumple
it then shoot! Count how many papers you were to shoot within 10 minutes.
❑ No slam dunking allowed! After the game, answer the following questions:

1. How many papers were you able to shoot? Write down the formula for
Newton’s 2nd Law: _____________________

2. How was it applied in your game?

3. Every time you shoot the basketball, what does the basketball become?
(Hint: this science term is defined as “an object that is launched into the air
continues in motion by its own inertia until a force acts on it.”)

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STATION 2 – Standing Long Jump
❑ Place a piece of tape on the floor to act as the starting line.
❑ Stand behind the line; make your best long jump. Measure the distance using the
tape measure or any measuring material you have.
❑ You jump twice and count the better of the 2 jumps as your score.
❑ Answer the questions when everyone has completed their jumps:

1. What law of motion allowed you to move through the air?


2. What is the name of the tendency for your body “to stay in motion” through
the air?

3. What force brought you back down?


4. How would getting a running start improve your distance?


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STATION 3 – Spin Me Around!
❑ Grab any small object and a thread/string/yarn. Make sure the object and string
are securely tied.
❑ Pick up the end of the string and swing the object in a circle around your head.
(Be careful not to hit anything or ANYONE!)
❑ Carefully observe what happens as you let go of the string. Answer the
following questions:

1. What happened when you let go of the string? Explain in terms of the laws
of motion.

2. An object whirling in an orbit is kept in a circle by a force. What Olympic

event is based upon this force?

3. What is providing the force that allows it to remain moving in a circle?


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STATION 4 – Take Aim!

❑ Place 1 cup on its side on the floor.

❑ Sit on the floor about 2 meters away from the cup.
❑ Place the marble/any rolling object under the 2nd cup on the floor.
❑ Practice spinning the marble/any rolling object and releasing it so that it travels
into the cup lying on its side. Answer the following questions:

1. What specific Law of Motion is being demonstrated?


2. Define the law.


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STATION 5 – The SlingShots
❑ Get a rubber band and use it as a slingshot.
❑ Get the cups/crumpled papers that you used in the previous stations. Place it on
the table at least a meter away from you.
❑ Aim the cups/crumpled papers can and try to knock it over. Answer the
following questions:

1. What law of motion applies to the sling shot? Explain.


2. What law of motion applies to your target? Explain.


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STATION 6 – The Home Tour
❑ Get any trolley/luggage bag that you have at home. Put something inside it to
add some weight to the luggage.
❑ Pull it around the house, answer the following questions:

1) What specific Law/s of Motion is being demonstrated?


2) What is the Action and the Reaction in the activity?


3) Explain what would happen if there were no frictional forces at all in

this activity.

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