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The Philippines has evolved into a social nation, with millennials and generation z relying on
news and information (even misinformation). Due to the pandemic, social media will play a
significant role in the upcoming 2022 election. Politicians are increasingly using a variety of
digital platforms to reach a wider audience with their campaigns. Because it gives free
advertising, makes speeches and statements available, and may assist in promoting
candidates broadly and freely, social media is a great tool for promoting campaigns. Even
though these platforms are effective, trolls and fake news peddlers still exist to sabotage
campaigns. The use of social media may be pretty harmful since it can lead to an obsessive
focus on a particular topic, revealing a candidate's prejudice, bias, and insensitive comments.

According to 2020 Data on Philippine Social Media Usage, there are over 78.5 million users
on Facebook, which has an 80.85% market share in the nation, and the average daily time
spent on the internet by Filipinos is 4 hours and 15 minutes. The everyday usage of the
internet may become an addiction; for instance, it is the first thing we look at when we get
up and the last thing we look at before going to bed. We highly use and demand Google,
Facebook, and Youtube, but there is also a surge of Tiktok, which is a very viable campaign
instrument for the 2022 elections, with the majority of Tiktok users being 18-20 years old.
From 2021 to 2022, the number of social media users increased from 78.5 million in 2020 to
81.53 million in 2021 and 84.07 million in 2022. Millennials and Gen Z make up the majority
of Facebook users (18-40). Keep in mind that the number of followers you have does not
always imply that your campaign was successful, as some of your followers may not be
voters. Politicians must grasp the algorithm of social media because it is an amplifier of
candidates. Trolls and fake news will become more common, particularly around the 2022
election so they should also be vigilant.

With approximately 78.5 million social media users and an average daily time spent of 4
hours and 15 minutes, the Philippines has become one of the most social countries in the
world. Facebook, Google, and Youtube are just a few of the most popular and in-demand
platforms. The number of people using social media in the country is expected to rise
between 2020 and 2022, with millennials and Generation Z accounting for the majority of
Facebook users. Politicians may use social media to promote their campaigns, but they must
remember that content is essential. Moreover, social media has negative aspects as well,
such as the spreading of fake news, trolls, and the potential to expose a candidate's prejudice
and bias. Social media can help you win an election, but it won't help you succeed by itself.
Politicians must understand how to utilize these platforms effectively to maximize their
messaging, ads, and more.

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