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Two different kinds of newspapers

A Tabloid newspaper has small pages and large photos. It has short stories which
are easy to explain. It uses simple language and large headlines, which often include
funny rhymes or jokes.
A Broadsheet is a more formal newspaper with large pages. It has more
international news. Articles and more factual and use longer sentences and
paragraphs. They have fewer photos than tabloid newspapers.
New Harry Potter book shown online
Photographs of all 784 pages of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows have
appeared on the internet, four days before J.K. Rowling’s final book is due to be
published. It is not known who took photographs of the book, whose contents have
been kept a secret before the book’s published at 12.01 am on Saturday. Some
websites have removed the photos after receiving warnings from the publisher’s
lawyers, but photos of the book can still be read on other sites. It is also claimed
that some people were typing up copies of the book from the photos to share on
social media. This all occurred despite the careful security which has been put in
place before the book is published. This included asking booksellers not to tell the
media when or if they had copies of the book. The incident highlights the problems
of online book piracy, which is becoming much more common.
Internet cheat ruins Potter surprise
Just four days before J.K. Rowling’s final book about Harry Potter is published, an
internet cheat has shared every page of the book online. This has ruined the
surprise for millions of readers, who have been waiting with bated breath to find
out what happens to the famous character. Several websites show photographs of
every page of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, which means that you can read
the whole book online, including the long-awaited ending. Lawyers have demanded
that the websites stop showing the illegal photos, and, fortunately, some websites
have agreed. However, other people have typed up the text from the photos and
are likely to share the story on other websites. Fans of Harry Potter were shocked
by the news, “It’s terrible,” says Kate Strong form Cambridge,
Who plans to buy the new book for her children. “ The person who has done this
should be put in prison.”

Ever Given blocks Suez Canal
Rescuers have finally moved a huge ship which was blocking traffic going through
the Suez Canal. The ship, called Ever Given , is 400 meters long and weighs 200,000
tons. It is one of the largest of this type of ship in the world.
The ship was travelling through the Suez Canal on 23 March when there was a sand
storm. The ship’s captain said that a strong wind spun the ship so that both its front
and back hit the sides of the canal. The result was that no ships could travel past the
canal for nearly a week.
Yesterday, more than 380 ships were waiting to pass through the canal. Many ships
companies wanted to know the South of Africa instead, but this added about eight
days to their journeys. At the same time, some countries announced that they
would send products by air, but this is about three times more expensive than
sending it by ship.
The accident was terrible for businesses around the world. That is because around
12%of the world’s business products pass through the canal each day so the
accident cost both Egypt and other countries millions of dollars.
Luckily, smaller Egyptian boats were finally able to move the Ever Given yesterday.
They did an amazing job. They moved around 30,000 square meters of sand under
the ship before they took the ship before they took the ship to the Great Bitter
Lake, In the middle of the canal. The canal authorities told us that they won’t know
the true cause of the accident until they investigate.
Although the canal is open for ships again today, traffic through the canal won’t
return to normal for many days. Experts are investigating the possible causalities for
all side. They are also studying the accident carefully to see how Egypt can be
compensated financially.

Cheat ‫ غشاش‬/ ‫ٌغش‬ To highlight ‫ ٌؤكد‬/‫ٌبرز‬

Ruin ‫ٌفسد‬ Inaccurate ‫غٌر دقٌق‬
Content ‫محتوى‬ Warning ‫تحذٌر‬
Demand ‫ٌطالب‬ Route ‫ مسار‬/‫طرٌق‬
Shocked ‫مصدوم‬ Impact ‫تاثٌر‬
Claim ً‫ٌدع‬-‫ٌزعم‬ Placement ‫وضع – تحدٌد‬
Occur ‫ٌحدث‬ End up in ً‫ خلص ال‬/ً‫انتهً ال‬
Piracy ‫القرصنه‬ Block ‫ ٌسد‬/ ‫ٌحجب‬
Incident ‫حادث‬ Row ‫صف‬
Spin-spun-spun ‫ٌلف –ٌدور‬ Emotional ‫عاطفى‬
Announced ‫ٌعلن‬ Balanced ‫متوازن‬
Investigate ‫ٌتحري‬-‫ٌحقق‬ To evacuate ‫ٌخلى‬
Casualties ‫ اصابات‬/‫خسائر‬ Omission ‫ حذف‬/ ‫اغفال‬

Compensate )‫ٌعوض (خساره‬ Point of view ‫وجهه نظر‬
Misleading ‫مضلل‬ Persuade ‫ٌقنع‬
Accurate ‫دقٌق‬ Spin ‫تبدٌل حقائق‬
Editor ‫محرر‬ Dramatically ‫بشكل مثٌر‬
Trap ‫فخ‬ Similarities ‫التشابه‬
Spade ‫جاروف‬ Slide ‫شرٌحه عرض‬
Differences ‫ خالفات‬/ ‫اختالفات‬ Print version ‫النسخه المطبوعه‬
Eyewitness ‫شاهد عٌان‬ Bias ‫ تحٌز‬/‫انحٌاز‬
Description ‫وصف‬ Media course ‫دوره اعالمٌه‬
Apprentice ‫ شخص ٌتعلم‬/ ‫متدرب‬ Scene ‫مشهد‬
Celebrity ‫شخصٌة مشهورة‬ Re-open ‫ٌعٌد افتتاح‬
Scared ‫ مرعوب‬/‫مفزوع‬ Up-to-date ‫ عصرى‬/ ‫حدٌث‬
Screaming ‫صراخ‬ Incident ‫حادثة‬
Crew ‫طاقم العمل‬ Anxious ‫ قلق‬-‫متوتر‬
Exaggeration ‫مبالغة‬ Record snow ‫عاصفه ثلجٌه غٌر‬
storm ‫مسبوقة‬
Integrity ‫نزاهة‬ Bus lane ‫ممر االتوبٌس‬
Enormous ‫ضخم‬ Survey ‫استطالع رأي‬
Current affairs ‫شئون حالٌه‬ Cycle of news ‫تداول االخبار‬/‫دورة‬
Long term plan ‫خطه طوٌله المدي‬ Brain storm ‫ٌعصف ذهنٌا‬
Supporting ‫تفاصٌل داعمة‬ Introduce the ‫ٌقدم نتٌجه‬
details result of
To afford ‫ٌتحمل نفقات‬ Nosy ‫فضولى‬

Notes : .............................................................................................................................................................
*Expressions :
State- of- the- art
The long-awaited ending
A record snow storm
Have an emotional effect on
Pirated digital copies
Negative impact
Current affairs
Tabloid newspaper
Broadsheet newspaper
Referred to the international Crime Court
Waiting with bated breath
To violate copyright law
Artistic content

*Note the difference:

Advice Advise
Interviewer Interviewee
Trainer Trainee
Society Community
Formal Informal
Long-term Short-term
Fearful Fearless
Factual Fictional
Legal Illegal

Writing Skills:
Persuasive easy :
Social Media has a negative impact on news and society
Social media has become the main source of news. These days sixty-eight percent
of people who have internet access get their news from social media. Although this
means that we can find news easily and get regular updates on our phones, in my
view I think that social media has a negative impact on news and society.
To begin with, this constant cycle of news, which is mostly bad, can make people
stressed and worried. A recent survey found that more than half of Americans say
they get anxious and sleep badly because of the news.
Next, not everything we read or see on social media is true and factual. If we share
it, before checking the facts, we might spread false information In turn, this means
that the public stop trusting journalists and news in general. In addition, piracy is
very common on social media. It is very easy to copy books, films and music and to
share them, but this means that the people who wrote the books or made the films
or music don’t get any money for their work.
Lastly, social media starts to control what news we see and don’t see. Our social
media‘ friends’ become the ‘managing editors’. They share news stories they like
and agree with, so the news we see is not balanced or objective.
In summary, whilst it is a good thing that we have so much news available and it is
easy to keep up-to-date with current affairs, we need to avoid the negative effects.
It’s important to be careful about where we get our news and how often we check
it. We also have a social responsibility to make every effort not to spread inaccurate
or misleading news and not to copy artistic content without permission.
*Introduction :
Introduce topic
Present both opinions briefly
State your position clearly

*Main body- give three reasons to support your opinion:
Paragraph 1
Topic sentence
Example /supporting statement
Paragraph 2
Topic sentence
Example / supporting statement
Paragraph 3
Topic sentence
Example / supporting statement
Sum up , re-stating your opinion in different words.
Suggest a solution or action

*Types of media bias:

Bias by placement
Bias by omission
Bias by spin

Writing synonyms:
Although : Whilst In my view : personally
To begin with: firstly Because of : due to
Next : secondly In turn : consequently
Lastly : finally In summary :to conclude

The word The reason for using it

To begin with To introduce the topic
Due to To give a reason for something
Whilst To give contrasting introduction
Personally To give an opinion
Consequently To introduce the result
To conclude To introduce a summary of the main points

Past tenses
The Past Simple tense: is used to:-
a- describe action started and ended in the past often with a time or a date
Form : Regular verbs  Verb + ed e.g. play - played
Irregular verbs  go - went / buy - bought / think – thought
Key words : Yesterday - last - ago - once – once upon a time – In the past - in 1991 -
from 1992 to 1996- just now – as usual .

e.g. She visited London in 2010

I was in Alexandria a month ago
Did you play football yesterday ? ( Question form)
I didn't play football yesterday. ( negative form)
When I was young I lived abroad .
He arrived just now . ( " just now" is used like " a moment ago")

b-to refer to one event followed by another in the past / a sequence of events or actions in
the past
e.g. When he had an idea , he wrote a short story.
Yesterday, I got up early, ate my breakfast and went to work on time.
When I first wrote news stories, I often included my own feelings and opinions.
I started as a trainee on a local newspaper and then I started a three-year
c-to refer to past habits / we also use ( used to ) to refer to past habits
e.g. I always ate breakfast before I went to school.
I used to smoke when I was twenty.
She cooked lunch every day last week.
When I first wrote news stories, I often included my own feelings and opinions.
He came late as usual.

Passive form : was / were + pp.

e.g. Yesterday , I was taken to the zoo by my parents.
The reports were written last week.

The past continuous tense :

Usage: to describe a continuous( long ) action which happened for a length of time
in the past / an action that happened at a particular time in the past / an action that
was interrupted by another action .

Form : was / were + verb + ing

e.g. Yesterday at 9.30 , I was doing my homework.( particular time in the past )
Tarek was eating lunch at noon yesterday. (particular time in the past )
He was repairing the car of a long time yesterday. (long action / past )
☻While / As / Just as / When ( past cont. ) ….. ( past simple )
☻While / As / When ( past cont. ) ….. ( past cont.)…. to join two long actions in the past.

e.g. I was reading a book when my friend arrived . ( action that was interrupted
by another)
He was sleeping when the bell rang . ( action that was interrupted by another)
I was interviewing a well-known actor when he told me to be quiet.
While the policeman was sleeping the thief escaped . ( action that was
interrupted by another)
I was working as a volunteer at a shop when I was at University.
While / As / When I was reading a book , my brother was watching TV. ( two
long actions )
When I was first interviewing people, I was asking too many questions.
While / As / When I was doing my homework , my sister was helping my mother.
( two long actions)

-Other forms of "while":

e.g. While he was working , he got injured
While working , he got injured.
During his work , he got injured.

We can use "when" to join two sentences that happened quickly after each other
( back to back) ------ We can use " On + gerund" instead of "when" in this case.
e.g. When I saw him , I turned my face . ( On seeing him , I turned my face.)
e.g. When she heard the bad news , she fainted. ( On hearing the bad news , she fainted. )

-We don't usually use the past continuous with verbs of sense and state ( like – love –
prefer – hate –believe – need – desire – admire – seem – look – appear – smell – taste
– own – possess – have – be - belong – consist – include …)
e.g. She seemed ill when I visited her.
e.g. While I was at home, a man knocked on the door and asked for help.

Passive form: was / were + being + pp.

The children were waiting while dinner was being repaired.
As my car was being repaired I went to have a cup of coffee.

The Present Perfect Tense

 The Present Perfect tense : is used to describe action started in the past
and still relevant to the present . It is also used to talk about recent events( has
just happened) .It is also used to talk about something happened in the past but
without saying when.

Keywords : Just - already - ever - never - yet - recently - lately – so far – up till now- It
is the first time – over years – over ages
since ( date or starting point in the past : since 2o'clock – since this morning – since
last week – since 2008 – since I was young)
for( a time period : 3 hours – 5 days – 3 years – a week – for a long time)

Note the difference: since last week ------- for the last 3 weeks

Form : He - She - It  has + Pp.
They - We - You - I  have + Pp.
e.g. Mona has studied English for ten years.
I’ve written for many newspapers since that time .
I have never eaten Chinese food . ( past experience)
Have you ever interviewed anyone famous?
I’ve interviewed lots of celebrities. ( past experience)
Sometimes I wonder why I’m tired, and I remember that I’ve worked for
twelve hours without a break !
I haven’t interviewed a famous scientist yet.
I have visited Lebanon three times .(past experience)
I haven't received a reply to my email yet .(events have not happened up
to now)
Leila isn’t here. She has just gone out. ( recent events)
It is the first time I've ever seen a real lion.

Passive form : has / have + been + pp

The report has been written since the morning.
The cow have been fed for 2 hours.

N.B. He has been to the shops . ( visited the place and returned back )
He has gone to the shops. ( He is still there )

Note the difference : I've visited the pyramids .

I visited the pyramids last year .

Note the difference : He has worked here since 2015 .

He worked here in 2015.
Notes :

1- Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d:

1……………….newspapers have small pages and short articles about famous people.
a.Tablet b.Tabloid c.Broadsheet d.Broadcast
2. News play an important role in society nowadays. A synonym for “role” is………………..
a.part b.chart c.crisp d.cruse
3.What ……………….of newspapers do you have in your country?
a.types b.fames c.funes d.fungi
4.His brother was killed in a shooting………………..last year.
a.incident b.event c.occurrence d.appearance

5.There are two………………of the game, a long one and a short one.
a.versions b.physics c.visuals d.voices
6.The bank………………the company from bankruptcy.
a.served b.rescued c.motioned d.mentioned
7.There were confrontations between………………residents and the police.
a.local b.level c.location d.nonsense
8.We all tried to find………….. the bus service, with varying degrees of success.
a.down on b.out about c.up to d.out of
9.My five-……………….old daughter loves drawing so much.
a.years’ b.year c.a year d.years
10.Don’t trust him. He is a liar and a ………………….
a.cheat c.creator d.discoverer
11.Protesters………………………the resignation of the prime minister.
a.remained b.mended c.reminded d.demanded
12.The court punished him because he sold…………….textbooks online.
a.protected b.deprived c.pirated d.printed
13.His reputation was……………….by insinuation and rumour.
a.ruined b.protected c.kept d.preserved
14.The incident…………….when it was dark and raining heavily.
a.played b.placed c.occurred d.positioned
15.He……………..that his parents had abandoned him. It was then proved he was lying.
a.suggested b.claimed c.proved d.demanded
16.He………………..the revolving door round and round.
a.spun b.stunned c.turned d.conned
17.Detectives are currently……………possible links between the murders.
a.occuring b.investigating c.blocking d.degarding
18.The aim of the road repairs made here is to reduce road………………….
a.casualties b. casual c.causes d.occasions
19.Nothing can…………….for the loss of a loved one.
a.consist b.compensate c.revolve d.indicate
20.You’d better give us as much……………………….evidence as possible.
a.factor b.fiction c.factory d.factual
21.The police emptied her bag and examined the…………………
a.contains b.contents c.includes d.encloses
22.The magazine has just……………..its six thousandth edition.
a.scattered b.harbored c.spread d.published
23.The two countries agreed to work together to strengthen border……………………..
a.safely b.occurrence c.currency
24.The police are still looking for the escaped……………………………
a.convict b.convert c.proverb d.adverb
25.”Try to keep your account of events as factual as possible.” A synonym for “ factual” here
a.common b.true c.dishonest d.incorrect
26. Your resume should highlight your skills and achievements. A synonym for “highlight”
a.illuminate b.ignore c.minimize d.surprise
27.Most of us should lead more……………..lives to be healthy and happy.
a.balanced b.fugitive c.unbalanced d.placed

28.Parents should treat their children equally and without………………………
a.fairness b.bias c.justice d.ridiculous
29.Some news from the social media can be……………………..and misleading.
a.inaccurate b.accurate c.precise d.correct
30.Technology has a big……………….on society.
a.affect b.influential c.impact d.protect
31.Weaving and knitting are…………….cottage industries.
a.convention b.modern c.novel d.traditional
32.Two passengers are still…………………….in the wreck.
a.tripped b.tracked c.trapped d.topped
33.He always………………..sure that any cuts were protected by sterile dressings.
a.did b.took c.gave d.made
34.The excessive use of chemicals in food can cause………………………problems.
a.long-term b.term-long c.long-terms d.terms long
35.An antonym of the adjective “stressed” is………………………
a.relaxed b.tensioned c.annoyed d.agitated
36.A synonym for “ bias” is…………………………
a.neutrality b.favouritism c.fariness d.objectivity
37.In the last email from my cousin in India, he…………that some of India’s roads are the most
dangerous in the world!
a.cheated b.claimed c.demanded d.shocked
38. “In my view” can be replaced in writing with……………..
a.Generally b.Personality c.Personally d.Largely
39.The family picnic was……………..when there was a sandstorm and everyone had to wait inside.
a.cheated b.claimed c.demanded d.ruined
40.People …………….while the firefighters helped the family from the fire. Thankfully , everyone was
a.cheated b.claimed c.demanded d. waited with bated breath
41.The police have closed the train station because there has been an………………………..
a.intend b.implant c.occasion d.incident
42.The manager met hundreds of…………….to choose the best one for the job.
a.interviewers b.interviewees c.viewers d.reviewers
43.Downloading music from some websites on the internet without paying is an example
of……………………and people should not do it.
a. piracy b. ruin c.privacy d.rivalry
44.I was………………….to read that 52% of people in the world are under 30 years old.
a.knocked b.booked c.checked d. shocked
45. An editor who puts the article he thinks the most important on top of the page is bias by………….
a.placement b.omission c.spin d.replacement
46.The fallen tree……………the road and all cars stopped.
a.backed b.blocked c.blacked d.packed
47……………… a newspaper printed on large sheets of paper, especially a serious newspaper.
a.Scoresheet b.Shortsheet c.Broadsheet d.Tabloid
48…………………… a newspaper that has small pages, a lot of photographs, and stories mainly about
famous people rather than serious news.
a.Scoresheet b.Shortsheet c.Broadsheet d.Tabloid
49.Pollution can have disastrous effects on the…………………..ecosystem.
a.balance b.balanced c.balancing d.balances

50.He………………..his partner around until she was dizzy.
a.orbited b.spun c.spin d.span
51.The theory of …………………responsibility is built on a system of ethics. b.private c.special d.socialist
52.Everyone should have their own points of…………………………….
a.view b.scene c.interview
53.The synonym of ‘inaccurate’ is……………………….
a.effect b.effective c.defective d.affective
54.Secondly is closet in meaning to the word…………………
a.other c.last d.previous
55.Firstly means to………………with.
a.begin b.bring c.beget d.end
56.Consequently means in……………………….
a.turn b.burn c.return d.train
57.The synonym of ‘because of’ is ………………….to.
a.dew b.due
58.Police detective are trying to………………the motives of the crime.
a.investigate b.investigator c.investigated d.investigatory
59.A youth was seriously injured in a shooting …………..last night.
a.event b.accident c.incident d.happening
60.The synonym of ‘ facutal’ is…………………………..
a.accurate b.inaccurate c.fictional d.false
61.He didn’t want to end……………… like his father. b.out c.up
62.In a persuasive essay, restating the thesis is included in the…………….paragraph.
a.introductory b.body c.opposing d.concluding
63.”To refuse” means to………………………..
a.prove b.improve c.approve d.disaprove
64.In the persuasive essay , a supporting sentence is included in the………………….paragraph.
a.introductory b.body c.opposing view d.concluding
65.In a persuasive essay, each body paragraph sheds light on…………………………..evidence.
a.only a piece of b.a little c.much
66.The ………………..reveals the position to be argued.
a.body b.thesis c.background d.bulk
67.What is the first sentence of the paragraph called?
a.The introduction sentence b.The topic sentence
c.The closing sentence d.The supporting

2- Choose the correct answer from a , b , c or d :

1.What ………………when I called you? You sounded very busy.
a.did yo do b.are you doing c.were you doing you do
2.He……………the tree when he suddenly fell down.
a.climbed b.climbs c.was climbing d.will climb
3.They ……………for England an hour ago.
a.leave b.left c.were leaving d.will leave
4.I………………..the newspaper every day. Now I don’t have the time.
a.was reading reading c.used to read d.reads
5.What were you doing when I ………………….you last night.
a.phoned b.was phoning c.had phoned d.would phone

6.He……………..the guitar when I saw him. b.played c.was playing d.had played
7.They……………….out of the bank when the policeman caught them.
a.ran b.were running c.had run d.are running
8.Naguib Mahfouz’s books………………into many languages.
a.have translated b.had translated c.were translated d.translated
9.While she was doing her homework, lunch ………………………….
a.was cooking b.was cooked c.was being cooked d.cooked
10.Shakespeare……………….37 plays.
a.wrote b.has written c.had written d.was writing
11.I entered the office and looked around. Most people………………at their office.
a.were working b.worked c.has worked d.used to work
12.I………………………. Sharm EL-Sheikh for years.
a.haven’t visited b.hadn’t visited c.didn’t visit d.don’t visit
13.A month ago, I………………… Sharm El-Sheikh there with my family.
a.go b.went c.have gone d.had gone
14.I ………………. my friend since we were students at secondary school.
a.haven’t seen b.didn’t see c.hadn’t seen d.don’t see
15.It is the first time I…………..such a funny play.
a.saw b.have seen c.had seen d.was seeing
16.They………………….since last year.
a.hadn’t met b.haven’t met c.didn’t meet d.won’t meet
17.I haven’t written a letter since I ………………… England .
a.have travelled b.travelled d.had travelled
18.My brother …………… Paris, but now he is back in Cairo. going b.will go c.has gone d.has been
19.This channel……………….four wildlife programmes so far this week.
a.showed b.has shown c.had shown d.will show
20.Don’t tell him. He has …………….known.
a.yet b.already c.ever d.late
21.We haven’t worked together since we………………..our last project.
a.have finished b.had finished c.finished d.finish
22.Since I graduated , I ………… many different companies.
a.worked b.had worked d.have worked
23.Nothing like this has………………..happened to me.
a.never b.ever c.still d.yet
24.I………………my friend yet.
a.hadn’t met b.haven’t met c.don’t meet d.didn’t meet
25.I………… be a doctor since I was ten.
a.wanted b.had wanted c.was wanting d.have wanted
26.We haven’t travelled by train…………………years.
a.since b.on d.for
27.I am trying to be healthy. I………….ice cream for one month.
a.didn’t eat b.hadn’t eaten c.haven’t eaten d.don’t eat
28.This car …………… me three years ago.
a.was belonging b.belongs c.has belonged d.belonged
29.I…………………..a noise while I was studying last night.
a.hearing b.hear c.was hearing d.heard

30.Mona ……………….lunch when her friend phoned her, so she couldn’t answer the phone.
a.having b.had c.was having d.had had
31.When I was young , I ……………….swimming to playing tennis.
a.was preferring b.have preferred c.preferred d.prefer
32.Tarek………………dinner at noon yesterday.
a.has eaten b.was eaten c.eating was eating
33.While she…………………her homework, my sister was listening to music.
a.used to do b.was doing c.had done d.doing
34……………….he was a student, he was writing short stories.
a.After b.As soon as c.While d.On
35.Yesterday at five past seven, I …………… application to the company website.
a.was uploading b.would upload c.upload d.have uploaded
36.While Samir was very busy doing his homework, his sister………………….to loud music ; he wasn’t
able to concentrate.
a.had listened b.was listening listening d.listened
37.I no longer play tennis as I …………………….. used used to c.used to d.used
38.What……………… 7 pm yesterday? were doing b.have you done c.were you doing d.did you do
39.Adel………….in Tanta in 2002. born b.bore c.was born d.had born
40.I……………………lunch when my close friend arrived, so I warmly asked him to share the meal
with me.
a.had having c.was having d.had had
41.When mum was climbing down the stairs , she…………………..her leg.
a.had broken b.was breaking c.broke d.has broken
42.I once………………..the newspaper everyday. Now I don’t have the time.
a.reading b.used to read c.was reading d.had read
43.I…………………….to the museum in 2015.
a.have been b.went c.have gone d.was
44.In 2010, my parents………………… a small flat in the city center.
a.lived c.have lived d.had lived
45.We haven’t seen the manager………..the last week.
a.since b.for d.from
46.I……………….my friend Mostafa for 4 years now.
a.have known b.knew c.have been knowing d.had known
47.Have you finished………..? You are very quick.
a.yet b.already c.ever d.since
48.Which sentence is correctly structured?
a.He used to buy a new car yesterday b.He uses to buy a new car yesterday
c.He bought a new car yesterday d.both a and b
49.He used to play tricks on his friends. This means…………
a.he no longer does this b.It was his habit to do this
c.he is used to doing this d.both and b
50.Why……… attend Yasser’s birthday party last night?
a.wasn’t b.weren’t c.haven’t d.didn’t


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