Brian Canuno - Decision Making Scenarios

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Canuno Brian T.



Read each scenario and decide what  you would do if you were placed in each situation.
You are a freshman and an only child whose parents have demanding careers and little time to spend 
at  home.  You are left home alone a lot and have friends over for parties all the time. 
 The parties can sometimes get out of  hand, but so far you have not been caught. 
Recently, your friends have challenged you to take them for a ride in your 
parent’s car but you don’t have your license yet.  However, you’d like to do it.

DECIDE & ACT:  What would your decision be? Yes i might like to do it but i will get me in
serious trouble with my parents but if anything happens or i get caught i could be in even
more trouble with the law and if anything were to happen the parents could also press serious

EVALUATE THE RESULTS:  You can only complete this step after you have made a decision. 

In order to  evaluate, you could ask yourself the following questions: 
1. How did the decision work out? My decision is a good decision because if I agree with my
friends challenged my in trouble but I know that is not good decision that’s why I will not
accept the challenge and i’m not in trouble.
2. How did it affect your life? The effect to my life is sometimes its okay to have more time with
your parents and even if you are not with them you need to think all the decisions you
3. How has it affected others? The decision all may affect you or other and the effect in others
is don’t always agree in all day want to do because sometimes you made a trouble and
also effect them just like his friend.
4. What did you learn? I learn that sometimes in your decision in your doing is you are not
caught but sometime you get cought that why you need think better before have a
5. Would you have done anything differently? I always think more because I know what is
sequences in doing wrong that why I don’t have anything diffent with that.
SCENARIO 2:  Your friends are bullying someone at
school.  You used to be friends with the person that is being bullied. 
You want to stand up to your friends because you feel bad, but you realize that they will probably not take that 
very well.  

DECIDE & ACT:  What would your decision be? Well you gotta stand up for what is right and if that means standing up
for someone and losing a bunch of friends than so be it because if someone is bullied to bad it can lead to more things
like suicide or self harm too. yes you may lose friends but saving a life is more important than friends.

EVALUATE THE RESULTS:  You can only complete this step after you have made a decision.  In order to  evaluate, you
could ask yourself the following questions: 

1. How did the decision work out? In my life decision work out so well because your decision make you proud
being good person not being bad person and you realized what other feel about what you did.
2. How did it affect your life? The affect in my life is so over whelmed in heart because the most important is you
save a life and feeling of a person that bullied to save him in wrong way of his life.
3.  How has it affected others? The affect to others is i know they bullied they happy but when you realized what
is good stand because my friends are wrong because they don't need to bullied person that inosence and
need is love not discriminate.
4. What did you learn? I learn that I don't have to be silent what is right because its okay help other not to be
happy with your friends but have a person that feel anxiety, depress because what they did.
5. Would you have done anything differently? I have same that i do i protect my classmates who bullied to and its
also same as my classmates that why i made to realize to them what is the effect of what they do but
differently is my classmates not stop to do to my bullied classmates that why they realize i said to them when
its to late.

SCENARIO 3:  You have a job that you have been working very hard at because you are saving up to buy a car.  Your

best friend approaches you and asks if you would like to go away with his/her family over February vacation.  You want t

go, however your parents tell you that you would have to pay for your own airfare and spending money.  This would put 
a  significant dent in your car savings.

DECIDE & ACT:  What would your decision be? Well you have to make up your mind do you wanna go away with a
friend over vacation or buy that car. Yes you can make more money to save for that car but it will take a lot more time
and maybe that car isn't always going to be there but there will be other chances to go with your friend over a
vacation .
EVALUATE THE RESULTS:  You can only complete this step after you have made a decision.  In order to  evaluate, you
could ask yourself the following questions: 

1. How did the decision work out? In my decision it work out so well because i choose to save the money for buy
a car because i can go with them again in next vacation but my money for my car is not so easy to reach.
2. How did it affect your life? The affect in my life is makes me feel sad because i will not going with them in
vacation but also happy i always say to my mind that i will reach the money for my car and i can go with my
friend next time on their vacations.
3.  How has it affected others? The affect to others or to my best friend is all my friends make sad because i will
not with them to their vacation because i need to keep my fund for my car.
4. What did you learn? I learn that always choose what is important and also know what is the right and what is
the most you need.
5. Would you have done anything differently? I don't have differently do like that but the next i do like that i
know what decision i need to make.

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