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The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Student’s E-Learning

Experience in Jordan


Yuni Khairina,S.Pd., M.Hum.


Naftazia Oktavia Sinaga


Dik C 2021

Receptive Written Language Skills





Thank to Almighty God, because His blessing and grace I can complete this task
well and in time. The purpose of writing this task is to complete the task from Receptive
Written Language Skills with the Title “Critical Journal Review”.

I realize, as a student who is still in the process of learning, the writing of this
journal review still has many shortcomings. Therefore, I really expect criticism and
suggestions that are positive, so that the review of this journal becomes better in the
future. Our hope, hopefully this simple journal review, can provide its own benefits for
our readers.

Pematangsiantar,01 October 2021


Naftazia Oktavia Sinaga


Purpose of Making Critical Journal Review (CJR)

Critical journal Review was created aiming to learn through the fulfillment
of the course assignment "Receptive Written Language Skills" Medan State
University to create a Critical Journal Review (CJR) so that it can add knowledge
to see or compare two or more good and correct journals. After being able to
compare it will be able to make a journal because it already understands the steps
of making a journal.

Benefits of Critical Journal Review ( CJR)

1. We can improve our analysis of a journal.

2. So that we can find out the correct CJR writing techniques.

3. In order to write how good and true journal.

4. Increase our knowledge of the contents of research journals

Journal Identity

Heading The Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Student’s

Experience in Jordan
Journal Journal of English Education, Medan State
Download jtaer-16-00079.pdf

Pages 11

Year 2021

Writer Anas Ratib Alsoud 1and Ahmad Ali Harasis

Reviewer Naftazia Sinaga

Date 01 October 2021



From this journal I see that Jordanian Health officials announced the country's first
coronavirus case on Monday. On March 2, 2020, the Jordanian national was in Italy a
few days before he returned to Jordan. Jordan suffers dramatic growth in COVID-19
cases every day. At the moment as of February 12, 2021, Jordan has reported 343,564
cumulative positive cases, a total of 324,711. Cases recovered, with daily positive cases
of 6.44% and 4,433 cases of death. Consequently governments around the world are
taking swift action to secure the well-being of local citizens and communities from this
pandemic, and Jordan is no exception. One this swift action imposed a lockdown and
closed the university campus, which has had an unprecedented impact on the education
and teaching and learning systems process. The method conducted in this journal is
research using online-based surveys on students because it is in pandemic conditions. Use
Surveys of this kind in research are becoming more popular. Surveyors prefer it because
they enables rapid development and administration of surveys, smooth and fast data
collection and data analysis, usually low cost, and fewer errors than telephones or
questionnaires sent due to manual data entry. These online-based surveys can also expand
access to audiences historically considered unaffordable, thus forming virtual cohorts on
the internet and sharing specific preferences. There is also a simple percentage
distribution. It is thought to be used to determine the characteristics of the participants,
their location, their knowledge, and awareness of COVID-19, learning modes and
learning environments during lockdown, presence, and accessibility of online classes,
platforms used, economic impact on education, and major study challenges. They've used
the Statistics Package for Social Science (SPSS Version: 25) for data analysis relating to
pandemic situations. In addition, this study also relied on the necessary collection of data
by conducting online-based survey studies between January 3 and January 13, 2021 to
collect the required information. "Google form" questionnaire link sent to students
through social media channels, student groups and forums, and e-mail.
The results of this research journal are eight tables, with each presentation different.
Where table 1 discusses "Learn the features and demographic characteristics of
participants”. Table 2 discusses "Student and university distribution". Table 3 discusses
"Awareness and readiness for lockdown". Table 4 discusses "Learning sources,
attendance rate, study duration, and learning environment during the lockdown". Table 5
discusses "Online classes attendance frequency, used device, and familiarity". Table 6
discusses "Used platforms for learning and material sharing". Table 7 discusses "COVID-
19 economic impact on education". And table 8 discusses "Main challenges faced during
the lockdown". The main goal of the study was to fill gaps in the literature on students'
experiences with distance learning after being forced to relocate due to an unprecedented
pandemic. And it has done so by directly questioning and reporting on students'
experiences while studying online, with particular attention to learning resources,
attendance levels, learning duration, and learning environment during a lockdown. This
research is also testing the frequency of online classroom attendance, used devices, and

From the journal I reviewed, in the introduction section researchers have clearly
explained how the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic occurred and this pandemic
started from China precisely Wuhan. The beginning of this outbreak also took a lot of
lives so that this pandemic became the biggest problem ever in the world and this
pandemic also made it difficult for students in terms of learning. In the methods section,
researchers do a way to make the student learning process run well, one of which
researchers conduct online-based surveys through "Google Form" so that researchers can
find out the students who fill out the form. And also done a simple percentage
distribution so that researchers can estimating the determination of the characteristics of
the participants, their location, their knowledge, and awareness of COVID-19, learning
modes and learning environments during lockdown, presence, and accessibility of online
classes, platforms used, economy impact on education, and major study challenges. In the
results section, the researchers presented eight tables regarding the results of the survey
that had been conducted. Let's see the example below, table 1. This example proves that
the results of this journal are completely complete.

Tabel 1 Study participants demographic features and characteristics.

Feutures and Characteristics Number of Students (out

of 463)
Students Age 18-21 years old 367
21 years and Above 96
Gender Male 273
Female 190
Residential Area Rural Areas 196
Urban Areas 267
University Type Public University 301
Private University 162
Level of study Undergraduate 365
Postgraduate 98

In the discussion section, the researcher explained The main goal of the study was to fill
gaps in the literature on students' experiences, experience students using technology and
communication in online-based processes.

After I reviewed this article, I realized that the effect of lockdown due to COVID-
19 has a huge effect in the academic field. It looks like an example of a Jordanian
university student. Most students use digital learning tools and many face challenges due
to problematic internet connections that make it difficult for students to attend online
classes and feel anxious about it. Therefore, the Jordanian government has made a policy
for universities to invest in developing a resilient education system that supports
electronic and distance learning for the future of Jordan's education system.

My advice about this journal is that in the future the writing and clarity of the
language of this journal is even better. So that this journal can be a reference for other
article articles.

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