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No Tanggal From To Ritase (Rit) Tonase (ton) Stockpile Opname (ton)* Keterangan
1 3-Aug-20 Stockpile 2 PT DBS Jetty EWF 65 820.7 16391.84
2 8-Aug-20 Stockpile 2 PT DBS Jetty EWF 69 861.23 15530.61
3 9-Aug-20 Stockpile 2 PT DBS Jetty EWF 27 359.2 15171.41
4 12-Aug-20 Stockpile 2 PT DBS Jetty EWF 36 476.49 14694.92
5 14-Aug-20 Stockpile 2 PT DBS Jetty EWF 27 362.34 14332.58
6 16-Aug-20 Stockpile 2 PT DBS Jetty EWF 26 353 13979.58
7 17-Aug-20 Stockpile 2 PT DBS Jetty EWF 65 848.01 13131.57
8 19-Aug-20 Stockpile 2 PT DBS Jetty EWF 64 836.9 12294.67 1 Rit Belum terinput
9 20-Aug-20 Stockpile 2 PT DBS Jetty EWF 62 827.4 11467.27
10 21-Aug-20 Stockpile 2 PT DBS Jetty EWF 71 854.09 10613.18 6 Rit Belum terinput
11 22-Aug-20 Stockpile 2 PT DBS Jetty EWF 92 10948.64 data timbangan belum terlapor
12 23-Aug-20 Stockpile 2 PT DBS Jetty EWF 76 10948.64 data timbangan belum terlapor
Total 680 6599.36

CG to Stockpile 2 Tonase (MT)*

CG Juli 2020 17212.54 MT
CG Agustus 2020 335.46 MT

Keterangan: * Truck count Reported By Verified By

Engineering & Production Team Gunansyah,S.T.


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