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For you to learn emergency response

Make it a goal that you can

Attend and Actively participate
In a


(we used to have one but restrictions do not allow it yet)

Capacity and Vulnerability Analysis


Individual outputs

Analyze your own household

and the place in general
choose 1 disaster that has the
highest risk
Capacity and Vulnerability Analysis
Page 1
Google map of the place
Page 2

Page 3 - Floor plan of the building / house (may not be drawn to

scale, just approximate) drawn with red arrows pointing the nearest

Page 4- Infographic related to the high risk. (you may grab from the
internet and please recognize the source. Now that you have learned
more about disaster risk , edit it and add more relevant information.)
Location: Sitio Fatima, Looc, Mandaue City, Cebu
(Under Mandaue-Mactan Bridge 1)
(provide google map)

Brief description:
Houses are built above seawater, they are mostly
wooden, no zoning, no proper right of way with
wooden bridges in between houses, illegal settlers
Area: Brgy. Looc, Mandaue City, under Mandaue –Mactan
Bridge 1
Page 2, First column

identify the nature, extent and risk of threat

High risk of fire

Page 2, 2nd column
Existence and Degree of Vulnerabilities
- poor planning, no proper zoning, difficult evacuation due to
small pathways with unstable wooden footbridges
- light construction materials of houses and buildings
- lack of public information and awareness on danger of using
octopus electric outlets, butane stoves,
- limited recognition of risks in using candles or lamparilya
- Complacency and lack of regular maintenance for electric
- Plenty of elderly and children in the community
Page 2 – 3rd column
Capacities and Resources available
Skills of the people:
- Barangay Tanods are trained on disaster preparedness
- Schoolchildren are aware and capable in disaster readiness
and response
- Nearby Petron has fire extinguishers
- Mandaue Fire Department is not too far
- The barangay hall has means of contacting help
Page 2 – 4th column

Gaps and Actual Needs

- improved planning, proper zoning, speedy evacuation through
stable footbridges
- Widespread and effective public information and awareness
on danger of using octopus electric outlets, butane stoves,
- recognition of risks in using candles or lamparilya thereby
practicing due care and mindfulness
- regular maintenance of electric wiring
- Organizing a core group for evacuating the elderly and
children in the community
- Warning system
- Evacuation plan
Page 2 – 5th column


Barangay Officials and Council
Schools in the Neighboring Areas
Mandaue Fire Department
Mandaue City Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
Companies in the neighborhood
Page 2 – 6th column

• Warning System for fire is sound an alarm

• Identify an evacuation area where all the family will go –
community multipurpose center
• Telephone numbers
• Fire department : Mandaue: 032- 3444747
Cebu City: 032 -255-0862 / 253-2422
Page 3 – Exit Plan
in your output this will be :
Floor plan of your House/Dorm (may not be drawn to
Use RED arrows from your sleeping area to the
nearest exit

For example if you chose FIRE make an infographic

What to do to Avoid fire
- .
Emergency numbers n case of fire in your area
What to do during a fire
Emergency GO kit in the event of fire
Why prepare?

Being prepared
can reduce fear, anxiety and losses
that accompany disasters.
“ We can always do
better, we can analyze
our past performance
and build from there.”
• Resources:
• International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent
Societies (
• United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR-
International Strategy for Disaster Reduction) (
• Philippine National Red Cross
• REPUBLIC ACT No. 10121, 2010
• Remembering Marcopper -

• Ashes from the Past: Remembering the 1996 Ozone Disco Tragedy -

• Landslide in Naga, Cebu -


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