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Question 1

For the system shown in fig. Q1 the four masses are in complete balance. The
masses C and D makes angles of 900 and 1950 respectively with mass B in the
same sense. The rotating masses have the following parameters;
ra = 150mm, mb=25Kg, rb =200mm, mc =40Kg, rc =100mm, md=35Kg and
rd=180mm. If the planes B and C at are 250mm are apart determine;

a) The mass A and its angular position with respect to B.

b) The positions of masses A and D.
( ma=17.3Kg @294.50 and la=)
Question 2

For the system shown in fig. Q2 the masses C and D makes angles of 90 and
210 respectively from B. The planes containing masses B and C are 300mm
apart. The masses A, B, C and D are concentrated at the respective radii 360,
480, 240, and 300mm. If the masses B, C and D are 15, 25, and 20Kg
respectively for complete balance of the system determine;

a) The mass A and its angular position.

b) The position of planes A and D.
(ma=40Kg @ 2360 with la=)

Question 3

The rotor shown in fig.Q3 has the following properties;

M1=3Kg r1 =30mm θ1= 300 l1 =100mm

M2 =4Kg r2 =20mm θ2 = 1200 l2 =300mm

M3 =2Kg r3 =25mm θ3 =2700 l3 =600mm

With rc1=35mm and rc2=20mm where li are the distances from the first bearing.
The axial distance between the bearings being 500mm. Determine the counter
masses (balancing) to be placed in planes of M1 and between (mid-plane) M2
and M3 for complete balance.

(mc1=1.96Kg @ 54.190 and mc2=2.195Kg @ 2290)

Question 4

A rotor system has the following parameters;

Plane mass Kg. eccentricity mm Angle Axial distance mm

1 9 100 00 0

2 7 120 60 0 160

3 8 140 135 0 32 0

4 6 120 270 0 56 0

If the system is balanced by two counter masses located with 100mm

eccentricities and at the mid planes of planes 1 and 2 and at mid plane of
planes 3 and 4 respectively, determine their masses and their angular

( 6.65 Kg @250 and 5.2 Kg @2750)

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