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Civil Engineering

Projects Development Department

DPWorld UAE Region


Mina Rashid Development

Feb 2018

© DP World UAE Region

All rights reserved. No section or element of this document may be removed from this document, reproduced,
electronically stored or transmitted in any form without the written permission of DP World UAE Region


1.1 Introduction 3

1.2 Design 3

1.3 Execution 4

1.4 General Requirements 4

1.5 Property Condition Survey 5

1.6 Quality Assurance System 6

1.7 Topographical Survey 6

1.8 Geotechnical and Geophysical Surveys 6

1.9 Road Corridor and Road Network Plans 6

1.10 Detail Design Requirements 6

1.11 Design Submissions – Review Procedures 7

1.12 Non-objection and Withholding of Non-objection to Submissions 8

1.13 Detailed Schedule and Design Submission Programme 9

1.14 Programme 9

1.15 Method Statement 10

1.16 Building Permits and NOCs 10

1.17 Tender Sum 10

1.18 Time for Completion (NOTE: Contractor to complete this section) 10


2.1 Description of the Site 11

2.2 Description of the Works 11

2.3 The Works 12

2.4 Site Investigation 12

2.5 Design Elements 12

2.6 Construction Elements 13

2.7 Existing, Ongoing, Planned, or Potential Projects 14


3.1 Road Corridor made available by the Employer for the Works 16

3.2 Adjacent Schemes 17

3.3 Access to the Site 18

3.4 Access to Project Site by Third Parties 18

3.5 Site Access Works 18

3.6 Public and Private Roads and Access 19

3.7 Reinstatement of Occupied Areas 19


4.1 Road Design Criteria 21

4.2 Fencing and Environmental Barriers 23

4.3 Safety Barrier Systems and Kerbs 24

4.4 Utilities Works 24

4.5 Earthworks General 28


5.1 Supervisory Levels 37


6.1 Design Team Requirements 42


7.1 General Requirements and Criteria 43

7.2 Design Staff 43

7.3 Submittal of CVs for Approval 46

7.4 Approvals of CVs and Credentials 46


1.1 Introduction

1.1.1 Without prejudice to the other provisions of the Contract, the Contractor shall be
responsible for the design and execution of the Works in accordance with these
Employer’s Requirements.

1.1.2 Without prejudice to the other provisions of the Contract, this document describes the
Employer’s Requirements for the design and execution of the Works.

1.1.3 Unless otherwise described in the Contract, all statements shall refer to the whole of the
design and/or the works.

1.2 Design

1.2.1 The Contractor shall prepare a design for the execution of the Works. The design shall,
subject to the other provisions of the Contract:

a) Be developed from and consistent with the design according to which the Contract
has been awarded;
b) Comply with and be carried out in accordance with the requirements and
provisions of these Employer’s Requirements;
c) Be developed, following consultation with Authorities, Utilities, Service
Providers, Private Utility Service Providers, and the other Stakeholders including
but not limited to the Project users and adjacent landowners. To the extent feasible
and practical, the design should take into account the concerns and requests of the
adjacent landowners;
d) Meet, consult, and comply with the requirements of the Authorities, Utilities,
Service Providers, and Private Utility Service Providers as shall be necessary for
the design and the execution of the works;
e) Meet the requirements of and be consistent with the TIS and any Schedule of
Commitments and Ameliorative Measures,
f) Be carried out in close collaboration with the Contractor’s key project and
construction management personnel to enhance constructability and programme
efficiency of the Works.
1.2.2 The Contractor shall not commence execution of any part of the Works until the relevant
pre-execution certificates shall have been submitted to the Engineer in accordance with
the Certification Procedure, and until the Engineer has acknowledged receipt of such

1.2.3 Notwithstanding any approvals from the Client, the Contractor shall be deemed to have
satisfied itself regarding the site, ground conditions, adjacent works, and the Contractor
shall bear the associated risks in respect of the design, execution and completion of the

1.3 Execution

1.3.1 The Contractor shall execute the Works in accordance with the following:

a) These Employer’s Requirements;

b) The Design;
c) Utility Authorities Requirements;
d) Traffic Impact Study; and
e) The other parts of the Contract.
1.4 General Requirements

1.4.1 Subject to the other provisions of the Contract, all works, materials, workmanship, and
design shall comply with:

a) The Dubai Municipality/RTA Highway Design Manual;

b) The Specifications;
c) RTA Road Side Design Manual;
d) RTA Pedestrian and Cyclist Manual;
e) The TIS and any Schedule of Commitments and Ameliorative Measures;
f) The Certification Procedure; and
g) Any other standards and otherwise that may be referenced elsewhere in the
1.4.2 Any requirements that a material or article shall comply with a specified standard shall
be satisfied by compliance:

a) With any relevant national or governmental standard, or

b) Any relevant international standard recognised nationally.
1.4.3 This is provided that the standard in question shall provide guarantees of safety,
suitability, and fitness for purposes equivalent to those provided by the standard which is
specified in the Contract.

1.4.4 Any requirement to use a material or article which is defined by reference to a named
supplier, manufacturer, a specified quality assurance scheme or Agreement Certificate, or
which is registered with or has otherwise received the approval of the Employer shall be
satisfied by using a material or article which has received equivalent approval
internationally, provided that the material or article in question shall be as safe, suitable,
and fit for the relevant purpose as the material or article complying with the requirement
specified in the Contract.

1.4.5 In determining whether the requirements of these standards have been or can reasonably
be met, the decision of the Employer shall be final.

1.4.6 Chainages (aka stations, or “STA”) and locations referred to in the Contract relate to roads
within the package limits as shown on plans included with these documents.

1.4.7 All actions required in these Employer’s Requirements shall be deemed actions that shall
be procured and executed by the Contractor and/or on behalf of the Contractor unless
stated otherwise.

1.4.8 Where the contract and/or the design requires that any service or supply and otherwise
shall be provided, the Contractor shall be responsible:

a) For the procurement of such service and supply and otherwise; and
b) For the discharge of all costs of whatsoever nature incurred because of the
provision of such service or supply and otherwise.

1.4.9 With regard to the Contractor’s obligations to consult and comply, the Contractor shall
be required to consult and comply only in so far as and to the extent that shall be necessary
and required to enable the Contractor to meet the requirements of the Contract.

1.5 Property Condition Survey

1.5.1 The Contractor shall carry out a risk assessment of the effects that the design and
execution of the Works may have on the structural integrity of adjacent buildings and
existing structures.

1.5.2 The Contractor shall arrange for property condition surveys to be undertaken in relation
to all buildings and structures within 50 metres of the extents of the Road Corridor made
available by the Employer for the Works and all other buildings and structures that the
Contractor shall consider appropriate, relative to their proximity to the Works.

1.5.3 Such surveys shall be carried out by a qualified chartered Surveyor or a chartered
Structural Engineer.

1.5.4 The relevant qualifications and experience of such chartered Surveyor or chartered
Structural Engineer that the Contractor intends to use to carry out such surveys shall be
submitted for the prior written approval of the Engineer. Such surveys shall be carried out
in two stages, as follows:

a) The first stage shall consist of pre-execution condition surveys including

photographic records, which shall be carried out prior to the commencement of
the execution of the Works. Two copies of the pre-execution condition survey
records and reports shall be completed and forwarded to the Engineer in advance
of the commencement of the execution of the Works.
b) The second stage shall consist of post-execution condition surveys, which shall
include photographic records to be carried out within 4 weeks of the issue of the
“Taking Over” Certificate.
c) Two copies of the post-execution condition survey records and reports shall be
completed and forwarded to the Engineer within 8 weeks of the issue of the
“Taking Over” Certificate.
1.5.5 In respect of all such property condition surveys, the Contractor shall arrange entry to the
properties with the property owners.

1.5.6 This entry arrangement shall be in writing, with a copy of this correspondence issued as
soon as possible to the Engineer.
1.5.7 The Contractor shall provide the property owners with a copy of both property condition
surveys, one from the pre-execution start of the Works and one post-execution completion
as soon as possible after each such survey shall have been completed.

1.5.8 Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Contract, in consultation and with the
agreement of the property owner, the Contractor shall correct any damage caused by the
Works to the agreement and satisfaction in writing of the Engineer.

1.6 Quality Assurance System

1.6.1 Without prejudice to the other provisions of the Contract, the Contractor shall operate a
Quality Assurance System in accordance with Volume 1.

1.7 Topographical Survey

1.7.1 The Contractor shall undertake all necessary topographical surveys in the area of the
Works. The surveys shall provide sufficient coverage to allow for the preparation of the
Detailed Design and for the design of all tie-ins with existing ground features and buried

1.8 Geotechnical and Geophysical Surveys

1.8.1 The Contractor shall undertake all necessary geotechnical and geophysical surveys to
cover the full extent of the Works. The existing geotechnical investigations data provided
in these tender documents are provided for the Contractor’s information only and shall be
verified by the Contractor before use. It is the Contractor’s responsibility to ensure that
all geotechnical and geophysical surveys and data used for the project are accurate and

1.9 Road Corridor and Road Network Plans

1.9.1 The Contractor shall refer to the section titled Reference Drawings in these Employer’s
Requirements, which sets out the requirements for these Drawings. Any changes to the
Road Network shall be justified by a full traffic analysis and approvals from RTA, before
submission to the Engineer for approval.

1.10 Detail Design Requirements

1.10.1 The Contractor shall refer to and comply with these Employer’s Requirements, which sets
out the design requirements for Detailed Design Stages, inclusive of documents to be
submitted, the details design to include, as a minimum, the following drawings:

Detail Design Minimum Drawings:

General Layouts
Detailed Design Report
Site Plan Survey
Project Phasing Plan
Layout Drawings
Horizontal and Vertical Alignment
Setting Out
Cross Sections
Road Construction Details
Pavement Layout and Sections
Traffic signs and road marking
Standard details
Utility Distribution Cross Sections
Storm water Drainage
Road Street Lighting
DEWA Water Network
DEWA Electricity Networks
Sewerage Network including Lifting station
Irrigation Network including storage tank and pumping station
Fire Fighting Network including storage tank and pumping station
Etisalat Network
Du Network
ITN / DPW Security Network

1.11 Design Submissions – Review Procedures

1.11.1 The following general procedures apply to all submissions required under the Contract.
The Contractor shall also refer to and comply with Client Project Control Requirements
in accordance with Volume 1.

1.11.2 The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer six hard copies of all designs, drawings,
calculations, and all other information (including samples and tests) and details in
accordance with Volume 1, Conditions of Contract, as are necessary to show that the
Works will comply with all of the Employer’s Requirements prior to issue to the Engineer.
Documents submitted thereunder shall be clearly stamped “For Non-objection.” All
Contractor submissions shall be made in the English language.

1.11.3 Submissions of design data shall be made by the Contractor and reviewed by the Engineer
in accordance with the Contract prior to issue to the Engineer. The form and detail of the
review shall be as determined by the Engineer.

1.11.4 The Engineer may decline to accept any submissions that are not accompanied by the
drawings, calculations, reports, or other documentation deemed necessary to provide
complete information on the design and its effect on other parts of the Works including
tie-ins. Alternatively, the Engineer may issue a ‘Decision W – Rejection’ in respect of
any design submission which, in the opinion of the Engineer, does not include all
information required under the Contract to be contained in that design submission.

1.11.5 A copy of all submissions shall also be made in digital format (inclusive of manufacturer’s
literature, extracts from technical papers, etc.) in a form to be agreed to with the Engineer.

1.11.6 All photo documentation shall be prepared in digital format using a resolution of 1024 x
768 at a minimum, and shall be submitted in “JPEG” format.

1.11.7 Hard copy reports shall be comb-bound with hard covers. Accompanying drawings (in
colour and B&W) shall be either up to A3 size bound-in, or A1 size folded and inserted
into plastic holders.

1.12 Non-objection and Withholding of Non-objection to Submissions

1.12.1 The Engineer shall give his response to the Contractor’s submission(s) within 21 days
after receipt thereof. The Engineer retains the right to extend this 21-day time period in
the event of receiving multiple submissions for review simultaneously from the

1.12.2 Following submission, the Engineer shall return to the Contractor one copy of his
response to the submitted package, in accordance with 1.12.3 below.

1.12.3 The Engineer’s decision on documents submitted for his consent shall follow the
classification below:

a) Decision “A”: Non-objection as submitted, and the Contractor is authorised to

proceed with the Proposal.
b) Decision “B”: Non-objection subject to noted comments. The Contractor is
authorised to proceed with the proposal provided the work is performed in
accordance with the Engineer’s comments. The Engineer may at his discretion
require the Submission by the Contractor of revised drawings, calculations,
documents, samples, approvals etc. which incorporate the comments attached to
the Decision “B” non-objection. Such re-submission shall be made to the
Engineer within 7 days of request. If the conditions in the Decision B non-
objection have been fully incorporated and adhered to, the Engineer shall treat
such submitted documentation as being for information only.
c) Decision “W”: Rejected. Objected to for the reasons noted. Related design or
construction may not continue. The Contractor shall make a new submission in
accordance with the Engineer’s comments.
d) Decision “I”: Information Only. The design package has been issued by the
Contractor for information only or the Engineer has determined the package is
incomplete, superseded or in draft form and it will not be formerly reviewed by
the Engineer but may be informally commented on at his sole discretion.
1.12.4 Any issue of a non-objection by the Engineer shall be without prejudice to the issue of
any future consent. The Engineer’s issue of a non-objection under the submission process
to proceed with the design, manufacture, fabrication, and/or construction shall in no way
relieve the Contractor of his responsibility under the terms of the Contract.

1.12.5 The Contractor shall, prior to the submission of design data, obtain all required and/or
statutory non-objections which relate to that submission including, where appropriate, the
approval of the relevant department within PWA, the Utilities, and Service Providers, and
shall demonstrate that all required non-objections have been obtained.

1.12.6 All “Issued For Construction” submissions shall be accompanied by two original copies
of a “Design Certificate” and “Checker’s Certificate” as set out in the Contract and signed
by the relevant party. The absence of either of these certificates from a submission shall
result in the package being automatically returned with a Decision “W” classification.

1.13 Detailed Schedule and Design Submission Programme

1.13.1 The Contractor shall prepare a Detailed Schedule as part of a Design Submission
Programme; that sets out fully the Contractor’s anticipated programme for the
preparation, submission, and review of design packages.

The Detailed Schedule is to include all definite design submissions and all construction
document submissions and provide for the issue of consent in relation thereto. The list
shall specify, in brief, the content of the package, the status (e.g., information only,
preliminary, detailed, or for construction), type (e.g., drawings or reports), estimated
number of drawings, and the planned date for submission of the deliverable to the
Engineer. The Detailed Schedule will be agreed to with the Engineer. The deliverables
and design packages shall be in a format that fulfils the requirements of the Engineer’s
document control and review system requirements.

1.13.2 The Contractor shall also include a comprehensive advice note identifying, describing,
cross-referencing, and explaining the design packages into which the Contractor intends
to divide the packaging of the Stage 1: Detail Design Submissions and Stage 2:
Construction Documents Submissions.

1.13.3 The Detailed Schedule and Design Submission Programme shall:

a) Be consistent with the Works Programme, and be developed, prepared in a

similar manner to, and integrated into said programme, and show all relevant key
b) Make adequate allowance for periods of time for an iterative review by the
Engineer and other review bodies;
c) Make adequate allowance for design and site of specialist works;
d) Comply with the Client Milestones and any required phasing plans;
e) Indicate design interface and coordination periods for each designated contractor;
f) Ensure that the schedule is logical and each element of the design is not being
progressed in isolation of interdependent elements.
1.13.4 The Contractor shall submit the Detailed Schedule and Design Submission Programme to
the Engineer within 14 days of Contract Award, and thereafter provide updated versions
thereof at intervals of not more than one month throughout the design phase.

1.14 Programme

1.14.1 The Employer has chosen to use the Primavera Systems’ enterprise-level scheduling tool,
Version P6, or similar approved project programming software. The Contractor shall use
Primavera P6, or similar approved, for all planning and scheduling needs, regardless of
the applications chosen by any sub-consultant, supplier, or vendor.

1.14.2 The programmes produced shall comply with the Programme Requirements of the Design
Consultancy and Contract Works.

1.15 Method Statement

1.15.1 Upon Contract Award, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for his approval a
detailed method statement, which shall confirm and/or elaborate on and finalise the
Method Statement proposed in the Tender submission in accordance with the following

1.15.2 Within 14 days following Contract Award, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a
detailed statement describing his proposed methodology for the execution of the Works
under the Contract.

1.15.3 The Contractor is expected to have examined all terms and instructions included in these
Employer’s Requirements. It is intended that the Method Statement be read in
conjunction with the Contractor’s Programme. Therefore, any resources, timings, or
activity within the statement shall tie in with the Programme.

1.16 Building Permits and NOCs

1.16.1 Where the design undertaken by the Contractor requires a building permit and/or NOCs,
the Contractor shall submit detailed drawings and specifications for approval to Trakhees,
Civil Defence, the Municipality, and any other interested government departments and
obtain their approvals and permits, amending and resubmitting as necessary.

1.16.2 Building Permits shall be processed and secured by the Contractor from the relevant
Municipality / Authority.

1.17 Tender Sum

1.17.1 This section of the document is not used.

1.18 Time for Completion (NOTE: Contractor to complete this section)

1.18.1 The time for completion of the whole of the works in accordance with the Contract shall
not exceed 720 days and is to be completed in accordance with the stages defined in the
table below. Note that the Contractor shall refer to Appendix A to these Employer’s
Requirements for all deliverables that are required at preliminary and detailed design
stages of the Works.

1.18.2 The Contractor shall complete the dates for the key stages defined in the table below in
his Programme for the approval by the Engineer.

Calendar days from

Contract Key Dates
the start of contract
Approved Detailed Design for all items specified under Section
3 of the Project Brief
Construction, completion and handing over of Mina Rashid Site
Roads and Infrastructure


2.1 Description of the Site

2.1.1 The Mina Rashid site is located within the existing land area of Port Rashid, Dubai. The
land is partially developed, includes some new buildings, including some currently under
construction, but largely consists of paved and unpaved yard areas.

2.1.2 The project will include the upgrade of the industrial port to a mixed-use development
which will include residential, commercial and retail buildings, in addition to a Marina
Berth, this contract is to provide the roads and infrastructure to support this site.

2.2 Description of the Works

2.2.1 The scope of work includes the complete design and construction of Mina Rashid internal
roads network, access to surrounding roads, and all related infrastructure within the public

2.2.2 The Works will include, but not be limited to, the design and construction of the

a) A new at grade internal roads within the site of Mina Rashid,

b) Access to the site from the external roads network as per the TIS;
c) Pedestrian and bicycle paths;
d) Traffic signs, directional signs and road markings;
e) Traffic signals and validation and the installation of new signals or the
improvement of the existing signals as required and approved by the Engineer;
f) Street lighting works as required for this contract and approved by the Engineer;
g) Complete MEP and safety systems as required by the Civil Defence and approved
by the Engineer;
h) Storm water drainage systems with discharge points as required;
i) Foul sewerage network, tank, pumps and connection to DM network;
j) Treated sewage effluent (Irrigation) network, tank, pumps and connection to DM
k) Water supply network and connection to DEWA network;
l) Electrical Network to DEWA network;
m) Telephone and other communication networks;
n) Utilities relocation and protection works;
o) Fire Fighting network, pump, tank, hydrants, and connection to DEWA network;
p) Complete and comprehensive temporary traffic management (TTM), as
necessary and required to complete the project in a safe manner as per the
requirements and specifications of the Employer. This will include, but not be
limited to, design, reviews, and approvals by the Engineer, agency approvals,
construction, maintenance, temporary structures, drainage system, street lighting,
and traffic control devices;

q) All required permits to complete the project construction as required by this
2.2.3 The Contractor shall note the requirements to maintain open to traffic all public roads at
all times, with the minimum number of lanes maintained in each direction as defined in
the specification, unless otherwise agreed with the Engineer.

2.2.4 The Contractor is required to maintain all public and private accesses at all times during
the Works. These requirements will place significant constraints on the phasing of
construction, and must be reflected in the construction programme. The Contractor shall
note the requirement to comply with the construction phasing requirements and shall
make full allowance for all temporary traffic management plans required to satisfy these
requirements in their tender price and programme.

2.3 The Works

2.3.1 The Works shall comprise the following:

a) Site investigation, including topographical survey, data collection, geotechnical,

and any other investigation required for the proper design and construction of the
b) Design approvals, permitting and construction of the Works, based on the
investigations (to be carried out by the Contractor) and information included as
part of this document and in accordance with Section 5 of this Project Brief.
2.4 Site Investigation

2.4.1 It is the responsibility of the Contractor to conduct all necessary site investigations,
including geotechnical, topographical survey, data collection and any other required
investigation, as described in this document.

2.5 Design Elements

2.5.1 The design elements shall include the following:

a) The design of highways, including but not limited to all related works, such as
the at grade road, Junctions, crossroads, and collector-distributors, all within the
constraints defined in the contract drawings and in accordance with the Design
Criteria in Section 5 of these Employer’s Requirements;
b) Design of pedestrian and bicycle paths, including all required structures and
c) Design of the road pavement elements;
d) Design of traffic signs and road markings;
e) Design of new traffic signals, and validation and improvement of existing signals,
all as required and approved by the Engineer;
f) Design of all elements related to the MEP and safety systems as required by the
approving agencies. The Contractor shall obtain all required approvals from said
agencies, and shall obtain non-objections from the Engineer;
g) Design of adequate storm water drainage system to function during and after the
construction period, and in the interim and ultimate phases. The drainage system
shall include micro-tunnels as necessary and Flood Warning and Detection
systems as required and not objected to by the Engineer;
h) Design of the foul sewerage (FS) network and the treated sewage effluent (TSE)
i) Design of the water and the electrical networks;
j) Design of the telephone and other communication networks;
k) Design of utilities protection/lowering/diversion as required and approved (RTA,
Dubai Municipality, DEWA, Etisalat, Du, etc.);
l) Design of kerbs, barrier systems, and paving tiles.
2.5.2 The Contractor must obtain all approvals and permits for the design of the Works to allow
construction to proceed.

2.5.3 The Contractor must review, examine, verify, coordinate, correct if necessary, and take
full ownership of and responsibility for the Reference Design Documents and information
provided by the Employer under this Contract. This work forms an integral part of the
Contractor’s obligations under the Contract, and shall not be accepted by the Employer
or the Engineer as grounds for any additional cost or extension of time claims.

2.5.4 When designing the above, the Contractor shall take into account the following
requirements and limitations:

a) Protection of the road embankment and formation from prevailing water;

b) Proper link and integration into the Works at the start and at the end of the project;
c) Consultation with concerned authorities and agencies as per design requirements;
d) Allowance in the design for access to adjacent properties;
e) Protection of all existing retained elements.
2.5.5 The design does not exclude the design of extents linking into subdivisions (when
applicable), to make sense of the overall provisions required. The Contractor is expected
to have visited the areas of consideration during the bidding period, to satisfy themselves
of the full extent of the design of the Works required for side road construction and
utilities tie-ins.

2.5.6 The limit of work shall be defined to include the design of the roundabouts and junctions
where work may terminate for the required roads in this contract.

2.5.7 The Limit of Works shall include any traffic signs or similar infrastructure necessary for
the consistency of information provided on the project corridor.

2.6 Construction Elements

2.6.1 Construction of the following elements will be in accordance with the approved design
and specifications:

a) Construction of highways, including all related works from the roads network,
tie in to external roads, etc. as per the design (prepared by the Contractor and
approved by the Engineer) and as approved by the Engineer.

b) Construction of pedestrian and bicycle paths including all required structures and
grade separated crossings.
c) Provision and installation of traffic signs and road markings as per the approved
d) Provision of new traffic signals, and validation and improvement of existing
signals as required and approved by the Engineer.
e) Provision and installation of all street lighting as required and approved for the
f) Provision and installation of all elements related to the MEP, firefighting,
hydrants and safety systems as required by the approving agencies and by the
g) Provision of storm water drainage system to function during and after
construction period and in the Interim and Ultimate phases to maintain diversion
roads free of standing water at all the times as required by and not objected to by
the Engineer.
h) Provision and installation of foul sewerage network.
i) Provision and installation of treated sewage effluent network.
j) Provision and installation of the water supply network.
k) Provision and installation of the electrical network.
l) Provision and installation of telephone and other communication networks.
m) Utilities protection and/or re-routing works.
n) Provision of kerbs, barrier systems, and paving tiles if required.
o) Obtain all necessary permits for the construction works.
p) Demolition of existing structures impacted (totally or partially) by the ROW.
q) All other Works necessary for the completion of the Works.
2.6.2 The full scope of the design and the execution of the Works and the obligations of the
Contractor, including but not limited to the Contractor’s obligations to remedy any defects
in the Works, shall be ascertained by reference to the whole Contract.

2.7 Existing, Ongoing, Planned, or Potential Projects

2.7.1 The following designs/projects are currently either in progress or in the planning stage
within the project vicinity. There may be other developments planned by third parties that
the contractor will need to consider during the detailed design and construction phases:

a) Dubai Maritime City;

b) R1013: Improvement of Al Shindagha Corridor.
2.7.2 The design work under in the Contract shall take into account any existing, ongoing or
future designs for areas adjacent to the project. Full coordination by the Contractor with
the contractors and/or their respective design consultants of such ongoing projects is
required. The Contractor shall also check for related designs with all other authorities
and shall submit a list of such interfacing studies and works to the Engineer.

2.7.3 Where sections of future ongoing projects are not completed by the time of completion of
the Works, the Contractor shall coordinate with the adjacent site to ensure an appropriate
interface and staging of the tie-in works.

2.7.4 The Contractor shall connect to other projects in the vicinity at specified connection
points, giving horizontal and vertical alignment as per the information to be obtained from
the RTA, unless the specifics of the tie-in point or cross over point are altered with the
agreement of the Engineer and the agreement of the contractor or designer of the adjacent
project in the vicinity. Such alteration in alignment shall not give rise to a Variation of the


3.1 Road Corridor made available by the Employer for the Works

3.1.1 The extent of the Road Corridor (ROW) made available by the Employer for the Works
shall be the Road Corridor as shown in Volume 4: Reference Design.

3.1.2 Limitations on the use of the Road Corridor made available by the Employer for the
Works shall be as per the Specification and the remainder of the Contract.

3.1.3 The Contractor shall research the records of the General Survey Section of Dubai
Municipality to determine the limits of the road corridors. Where no cadastral record
is available, the corridors shall be determined by agreement with Trakhees and DP

3.1.4 The Contractor shall research with Dubai Municipality and Trakhees to establish the
location and extent of set-backs on abutting property, which are reserved for car
parking, utilities or other facilities.

3.1.5 The above information shall be shown on all plans.

3.1.6 The Contractor shall prepare a Road Corridor Plan using the latest version of AutoCAD,
at a scale of 1/5000 on A1 Digital Frame, or as otherwise agreed with the Engineer; for
the area that covers the full extent of the proposed works, showing the approved road
corridors, with their width annotated, the boundaries of residential plots, government
land and the boundaries of plots designated for public use such as schools, mosques,
markets, open spaces, public utilities and so forth, annotated with their use. Developed
plots shall be distinguished from undeveloped plots and cadastral plots shall be
distinguished from derived plots and corridors.

3.1.7 The plot boundaries shall be defined by cadastral data and/or masterplan.

3.1.8 The Contractor shall prepare a Road Network Plan using the latest version of AutoCAD,
at a scale of 1/5000 on A1 Digital frame, or as otherwise agreed with the Engineer,
based on the Road Corridor Plan. The plan shall be prepared in consultation with the
Employer. The plan shall detail the road network in and adjoining the area shown on
the Location Plan, based on the Employer’s road hierarchy, and all proposed junctions
and terminations within the local road network and between the local road network and
the arterial road network.

3.1.9 The Contractor shall review the Road Corridor and Road Network Plans, as his work
proceeds in the compilation of data from the Masterplan and TIS. The Contractor shall
review for inconsistencies and discrepancies with regard to corridor width and junction
placement. Such inconsistencies and discrepancies shall be brought to the attention of
the Engineer as work proceeds and the Contractor shall make proposals for the
rectification of these inconsistencies and discrepancies. Upon approval of the proposals
made by the Contractor, he shall incorporate them into the plans in such a way that it is
clear what is existing and what is proposed.

3.1.10 If the options proposed by the Contractor involve land and/or property expropriations,
the Contractor is required to prepare expropriation plans for the Engineer, to help Dubai
Municipality and/or Trakhees secure the required corridor. The expropriation drawings
and report should include but not be limited to the following information: the plot
number, name of owner, type of property/building and with the corresponding cost
estimate/s for each land and building.

3.1.11 Expropriation plans shall be the same scale as the highway layout plans and shall show
the land and buildings to be expropriated, the planned road corridor and the proposed

3.1.12 Where additional planning permissions and otherwise, consents, and otherwise and
licenses and otherwise shall be required as a result of the design for any part of the
Works, then these shall be obtained by the Contractor from the relevant Authority,
Utility or Service Provider and submitted to the Engineer prior to execution of that
affected part of the Works proceeding.

3.1.13 The design shall be constrained within the Road Corridor made available by the
Employer for the Works in addition to tie in to the RTA external roads.

3.1.14 The project Right-of-Way (ROW) limits for the roadway system within this project is
provided in Volume 4 of this Employer’s Requirements. All required ROW (areas
between existing Policy lines and the proposed ROW) will be made available to the
Contractor within a specified period from the project award date.

3.1.15 The Contractor shall ensure the safe use by the public of any parts of the Road Corridor
made available by the Employer for the Works that shall include but not be limited to
parts of existing public roads.

3.2 Adjacent Schemes

3.2.1 Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Contract, the Contractor shall not have
exclusive use of the Road Corridor made available by the Employer for the Works. The
Contractor is deemed to have made full allowance in his Tender Price for all costs
arising from programme and work coordination with all other contractors and utility

3.2.2 The Contractor shall cooperate and coordinate with all works that will need to be done
in this project area by other contractors, and shall adjust his work sequence and schedule
to accommodate the works of the other projects (road connections, utilities, etc.) that
are to take place in the field at the same time.

3.2.3 Particularly, the Contractor shall not have exclusive access to or use of the project areas
that are required to be shared with other contractors for any and all works, including
utility works, and of the adjacent projects as mentioned in the Concept Design Plans,
including but not limited to the adjacent projects listed below which are either in
progress or in the design/planning stages within the project vicinity.

3.2.4 The Contractor is responsible for identifying any other developments planned by third
parties that the Contractor will need to consider during the detailed design and
construction phases. In this respect and in relation to other restrictions, the Contractor
shall refer to the Specification.

3.3 Access to the Site

3.3.1 The project is located within Port Rashid, Bur Dubai.

3.3.2 Road access to the Site shall be gained from DP World and RTA through the existing
surrounding roads to Port Rashid. The Contractor will be responsible for liaising with
DP World for any gate passes requirements and access to the site.

3.3.3 Access to the Site from public roads shall be subject to the written approval of the
relevant roads authorities.

3.3.4 The Contractor upon commencement of the Works will take responsibility for the
necessary upgrade/ maintenance of existing roads within the project area and limits and
maintenance to all properties with access from the existing roads.

3.3.5 The roads within the project limits that are open for use to the public shall be upgraded
/ maintained in no worse condition than accepted at the Commencement of the works.
The Contractor shall upgrade the roads as necessary to ensure/ enable un-restricted
access to and from the site for its own and Third Parties’ plants, equipment and material
delivery. The Contractor will be responsible for any delay arising from restricted access
resulting from the service road condition.

3.3.6 The Contractor will be responsible for upgrading/ maintaining the existing roads and
maintaining access requirements, and identifying and proposing the appropriate route
for the access to site including all necessary traffic management subject to the approval
of the Engineer. The Contractor shall obtain the necessary permits and approval for
temporary traffic management and temporary local access from the relevant

3.4 Access to Project Site by Third Parties

3.4.1 Third Parties, will be undertaking work on and adjacent to the project site, during the
entire construction period. The Contractor shall coordinate the work with all Third
Parties and make accommodations for them to perform their work requirements

3.5 Site Access Works

3.5.1 The design shall include for site access works required by the Contractor and the

3.5.2 Site access works require the prior written agreement of the landowner and the prior
written approval of the Engineer in advance of the execution of the affected part of the

3.5.3 The design shall include for all private entrances and other accesses necessary to
accommodate the turning movements of rigid body and articulated commercial and
private vehicles unless otherwise agreed with the Engineer.

3.5.4 All entrances to fields / plots in the design shall have a maximum grade of 3% within 5
metres of the edge of the road pavement and a maximum grade of 10% elsewhere.

3.5.5 When executing site access works, the Contractor shall minimise the area of land
occupied to that which shall be essential for the safe execution of such part of the Works
and shall execute such minimum occupation to the satisfaction of the relevant
landowners and /or occupiers and otherwise.

3.5.6 Unless agreed otherwise in writing by the relevant landowner and/or occupier, site
access works and works to lands behind the boundary walls and fences shall be
completed as soon as possible so that inconvenience to the property owners and/or the
occupiers shall be minimised.

3.5.7 No site access works shall be executed on such lands or close to entrances to such lands,
unless agreed otherwise in writing by the landowner and/or occupier and otherwise.

3.5.8 Where entry permission shall be required for the execution of the Works, the Contractor
shall, after having obtained any such entry permission, give the affected landowners a
minimum of four weeks written notice in advance of carrying out any access works and
works on existing drains, water courses, boundaries and otherwise.

a) Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Contract, the Contractor shall be

responsible for obtaining any such entry permission.
b) Access shall be directly from the Site or from public roads, subject to the
provisions referred to in the Traffic Impact Study.
c) Where a gate, fencing or an access track is required, the Contractor shall provide
proposals to the Engineer for approval.
3.6 Public and Private Roads and Access

3.6.1 All public and private roads and accesses affected by the Works shall be retained
throughout the period of the Contract until alternative suitable means of access, agreed
with the Engineer, have been provided by the Contractor in accordance with the other
provisions of the Contract.

3.6.2 Any agreement to alter a private road or access in any way shall be confirmed in writing
by the Contractor with the appropriate landowners, occupiers, and otherwise.

a) Other authorised users and the Contractor shall be required to have such
agreement in writing prior to any alteration to the private road or access.
b) The Contractor shall assess the potential environmental effects of the proposed
alterations and shall ensure that all reasonable measures shall be taken to avoid
or mitigate significant adverse effects.
3.6.3 A copy of any agreement, together with supporting drawings, shall be submitted to the
Engineer prior to the Contractor executing any such alterations.

3.6.4 The Contractor shall not execute any private access to the Works before the Engineer
has acknowledged receipt of a Consultation Certificate in accordance with Section 8.0
of these Employer’s Requirements.

3.7 Reinstatement of Occupied Areas

3.7.1 The Contractor shall ensure that all areas of land that have been occupied shall be
reinstated to the satisfaction of the affected landowner, occupier, other authorised users
and any Authority, Utility, Service Provider, and Private Utility Service.


4.1 Road Design Criteria

4.1.1 Road Design Standard

Design Speeds that shall be used for the purpose of alignment design shall be as shown
in Table 4.1 of these Employer’s Requirements.

4.1.2 Traffic Studies and Traffic Model

a) Traffic Impact study to be provided by the Employer.

4.1.3 Cross Section

a) Particular road design criteria including carriageway dimensions that shall be

used in the design shall be as referred to in Table 4.1 of these Employer’s
b) Reduced cross section dimensions shall be permitted on the immediate
approaches to the tie-in with the existing road network, details to use the Concept
Design Plans as a guide and shall be agreed with the Engineer.
4.1.4 Horizontal Alignment

a) Subject to the other provisions of the Contract, the road alignment and geometric
design shall be developed within the Limit of Works (LOW) and Right of Way
(ROW), and shall comply with the relevant design speeds referred to in Table 4.1
of these Employer’s Requirements and with the following constraints:
i) Sightlines required by the design shall be constrained by the Road Corridor
made available by the Employer for the Works.
ii) The design shall ensure that the horizontal alignment shall tie in with the
existing road network at the locations to be determined by the Contractor
during Preliminary Design and approved by the Engineer.
iii) The design shall ensure that a smooth and flowing horizontal alignment
shall be achieved.
b) Table 4.1 below specifies the length, type, and extent of main carriageways and
cross roads to be built within the limits.
Table 4.1 – Particular Road Design Criteria to be designed and constructed

Minimum Minimum Minimum Right

Route Number of Left Hard Hard Shoulder / Shy
Classification1 Lanes per Shoulder Distance
Direction2 (metres) (metres)
Collector 60 2 0.3 0.3
Local 40 1 0.3 0.3
(Lane widths shall be as defined in the RTA Geometric Design Manual.)

Notes to Table 4.1:
1) Route Classification is according to the Mina Rashid Masterplan and Traffic Impact Study.
2) Number of lanes represents one traffic direction only. The number of lanes will vary at the
intersections and taper sections and may have additional auxiliary lanes; refer to Reference
Design for details, Number of Lanes to be confirmed by the Traffic Impact Study.
4.1.5 Vertical Alignment

a) Subject to the other provisions of the Contract, the vertical alignment design shall
comply with, but shall not be limited to the requirements of the RTA Geometric
Design Manual and with the following constraints:
b) The design shall ensure that the vertical alignment shall tie in with the entire
existing road network at the locations to be determined by the Contractor during
Preliminary Design and approved by Engineer.
c) The design shall ensure that a smooth and flowing vertical alignment shall be
d) The design shall also ensure that the vertical alignment shall match the tie in with
the existing road network.
e) For future planned Local Roads and Access Tracks where there shall be no
existing road or access track at the start and/or end location, the vertical alignment
for such Local Road and Access Tracks shall tie in with existing ground levels.
4.1.6 Cycle Ways and Footpaths

a) The Contractor is required to provide cycle ways and footpaths along both sides
of all roads within the project. Furthermore, the Contractor shall assess and
ensure the continuity of these paths throughout the road sections and at the
4.1.7 Junctions

a) Subject to the other provisions of the Contract, the at-grade junction design shall
comply with the RTA Geometric Design Manual and with the recognized
international design standards (such as AASHTO, latest edition) for the elements
that are not covered in the RTA Geometric Design Manual.
b) The design shall ensure that there shall be sufficient capacity for the traffic flows
that are generated from the “Traffic Impact Study”
c) The design shall include for the junctions and at the specific locations as shown
in the Reference Design and shall comply with the relevant RTA Geometric
Design Manual standards.
d) All major intersections must have traffic control treatments such as traffic signals
or roundabouts that provide the performance requirements detailed in the Traffic
Impact Study.
e) The existing traffic performance of all other existing intersections affected by the
Works must not be diminished.
f) Intersections must allow the safe passage of the following design vehicles, as
defined by the RTA Geometric Design Manual:
i) Bus-12, Design Vehicle for Local and Service Roads
ii) Passenger Car, Design Vehicle for adjacent paths
g) The sweep path of the design vehicle for any movements must not encroach into
opposing or adjacent traffic lanes and there should be a minimum of 1000mm
clearance between opposing/adjacent swept paths. Where three lane left turns are
required this value shall be increased to 3000mm
h) For the purpose of checking opposing swept paths, the largest design vehicle for
the intersection should be used in both directions.
i) For the purpose of checking adjacent sweep paths, a Class 1 4w-drive must be
used in combination with the largest design vehicle for the intersection.
4.2 Fencing and Environmental Barriers

4.2.1 The Contractor will be responsible for all existing fencing and gates that are within the
extent of the Works.

4.2.2 If the Contractor damages or impacts on the existing fencing and gates, he shall replace
the fencing and gates to match existing type. All proposals for replacing fencing and gates
to be agreed with the Engineer.

4.2.3 The Contractor will be responsible for the design of any additional fencing and gates that
may be required as part of the works. Any such fencing and gates that shall be
incorporated in the design of the Works and shall comply with the requirements of the

4.2.4 The Contractor shall be responsible for the clearance of any such fencing and gates that
shall not be incorporated within the design OF the Works.

4.2.5 Temporary Fencing

a) Fencing Works shall be:

i) executed, and where necessary re-executed and maintained to provide a
stock proof temporary boundary fence to the Site prior to any other work
commencing; and
ii) maintained until such times as it shall be replaced by the permanent fencing
in the design.
b) Temporary fencing in the design shall be as agreed with the Engineer.
4.2.6 Permanent Fencing and Walling

a) The boundary fencing between the Road and private property boundaries shall be
erected on the Road Corridor made available by the Employer for the Works where
4.2.7 The exact locations of the fencing shall be determined by the Contractor.

a) The Contractor shall ensure that where an existing fence or wall is required to be
incorporated into the Permanent Works and the fence or wall shall not be continuous,
the gaps shall be filled with a similar style fence or wall to provide a continuous
b) The Contractor shall ensure that all defects in the existing fence or wall contained
within the Works shall be made good by the Contractor.
c) The Contractor shall ensure that the fence lines shall be executed with a flowing
profile, both horizontally and vertically, with no sharp kinks.
d) The Contractor shall incorporate measures to protect the Mainline from the headlight
glare of vehicles using access roads and/or other adjacent roads.
e) The Contractor shall ensure that where walls shall be affected by the Works, these
shall be replicated along the line of the Road Corridor made available by the Employer
for the Works, finished or repaired as appropriate to match the existing in terms of
execution method and materials.
f) All new walls shall be finished to generally meet the requirements of existing masonry
walls in the existing local landscape environment.
4.2.8 Site Access Works Fencing and Walling

The Contractor shall ensure that the requirements for temporary and permanent fencing,
walling and otherwise associated with the Site Access Works shall be as determined by
the Contractor as part of the design.
4.2.9 Gates

a) The Contractor shall ensure that the execution of the Works, including the location
details for gates, shall be as determined by the Contractor as part of the design.
b) The gates for access shall allow the gates to open away from the carriageway unless
prior written consent has been given by the Engineer.
4.3 Safety Barrier Systems and Kerbs

4.3.1 The design for execution of safety barrier systems Works shall comply with the
requirements of RTA Road Side Design Manual and RTA Geometric Design Manual.

4.4 Utilities Works

4.4.1 Contractor’s Responsibility:

a) Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Contract, the Contractor shall design the
infrastructure networks in accordance with design criteria in this section of these
Employer’s Requirements and the requirements of the Utility Authorities having
jurisdiction in Dubai. Any reference documentation in the form of concept plans is
provided for information purposes only in Volume 4 of these tender documents.
b) The Contractor has to prepare a full hydrological/hydraulic model to guide a proper
drainage design and submit for the Engineer’s review and approval.
c) After the Contractor receives “Notice to Proceed,” he shall notify in writing the
relevant Authorities, Utilities, and Service Providers of the intended date for the
commencement of the execution of the Works. The Contractor shall also obtain
approvals, as appropriate and required, for the design from the appropriate
4.4.2 Utilities Design Criteria:

a) Where existing utility lines are to be maintained in accordance with the Masterplan
and the Reference Design; the existing lines shall be relocated into corridors in
conformance with the RTA and/or masterplan typical utility corridors sections, unless
they do not affect other utilities.

b) The design of the components of the utility network shall comply with relevant
authority requirements and standards.
c) Spare ducts to be provided as agreed with relevant authority and the Engineer.
d) The relevant authority is to be contacted for obtaining the most recent existing
network data. All existing lines are to be temporarily relocated if required, and
reinstated at their permanent location as agreed to with the client.
e) Where there are utility lines interfaces with other projects, the Contractor is to
coordinate the design and execution of the Works with the Client, Engineer and other
stakeholders (including Consultants working on the other side of the limits of work).
4.4.3 Utilities and Services

a) The Contractor shall be responsible for the utilities and services design for the Works,
including the design of any associated structures for utilities or services.
b) Utilities and services include but are not limited to DEWA Electricity, DEWA Water,
Storm water Drainage, Sewerage, Irrigation, Telecommunication Etisalat,
Telecommunication du, Military, etc.
c) The Contractor’s scope includes all consultations and design enquiries with the
relevant utilities, incorporation of all existing information obtained from said
consultations and enquiries, and the design of utility services, including design for the
diversion and/or protection of existing plant/equipment.
d) The Contractor shall liaise with all service providers and municipal authorities to
locate and identify existing and planned services within the Site. The Contractor shall
also liaise with any public or private body or individual that may be affected by any
proposals resulting from the design of the Works. The Contractor shall verify the line
and level of all existing utility apparatuses by electronic radio detection methods, trial
holes, and any other method as appropriate, prior to finalizing the design.
e) The Contractor shall coordinate all interfaces with existing and proposed utilities at
the Site boundary.
4.4.4 Utility Reservations:

a) The Contractor’s scope includes developing utility reservations, including location

and space, in coordination with the relevant agencies.
b) Agency approval for the utility reservations proposed by the Contractor shall be
4.4.5 Service Ducts

a) In respect of the design and the execution of the Works, the Contractor shall consult
and comply with the relevant requirements of authorities, utilities and service
providers regarding the number and locations of service ducts for any existing or
future planned road crossings.
b) Ducting in the design shall be rigid style ducts not less than 150 millimetres internal
diameter, unless specified otherwise in the Contract.

4.4.6 Storm Water Drainage

a) The surface water drainage shall include all required elements for the proper
interception, conveyance, storage, and discharge of surface runoff.
b) The design of the components of the surface water drainage network shall comply
with the standards and requirements of Dubai Municipality.
c) Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Contract, the Contractor shall consult and
comply with the requirements of all affected authorities and service providers
d) Discharge of the storm water drainage to the Creek / Gulf will be through oil/petrol
interceptors and/or any requirement to ensure quality of the water before discharge as
required by Dubai Municipality or any other authority with jurisdiction.
e) The Contractor shall ensure that drainage shall be executed to intercept surface water
and sub-surface water flowing from adjoining land toward the roads at the top of
cuttings and at the bottom of embankments where the original ground falls towards
the roads, or other areas where there may be potential for erosion or ponding.
f) Dubai Municipality is to be contacted for obtaining the most recent storm water
drainage data.
g) The Contractor shall investigate other methods for collection of the storm water such
as SUDS, open channels, etc, for the client review and selection where applicable.
h) Design and Construction NOCs shall be processed and secured by the Contractor for
the Preliminary and Detailed Design from the relevant municipality/authority.
4.4.7 Telecommunications Ducts and Chambers

a) In respect of the design and the execution of the Works, the Contractor shall consult
and comply with the requirements of relevant authorities, utilities. and service
providers regarding the number and locations of all telecommunication ducts, draw-
pits, and cabinets, including but not necessarily limited to the following:
i) Etisalat,
ii) Du,
iii) DP World Security,
b) Contractor design to follow up with Etisalat for TAWUN network as project
nominated for combined network between Etisalat and du, and to ensure that the
requirements including but not limited to Meet-Me-Room (MMR) are incorporated in
the design.
c) Design and Construction NOCs shall be processed and secured by the Contractor for
the Preliminary and Detailed Design from the relevant municipality/authority.
4.4.8 DEWA Electrical Networks (EHV, HV, MV, and LV)

a) The proposed works include laying of cables from the proposed 132kV substation to
the plots identified by the client during the construction stage as per the drawings, the
necessary diversion of those existing electrical cables that are not located within the
proper corridor, and the adjustment of the proposed electrical cables to be placed
within the proper corridor. Proper road crossings ducts will be provided for present
and future use.

b) Any existing substation, which, due to redesign or expansion falls within the new road
ROW shall be relocated outside the new ROW. Relocation shall be considered on a
case-by-case basis.
c) In addition to relocating the existing impacted substation, the Contractor shall identify
the proposed substation locations and required loads including but not limited to street
lighting feeder pillars, which feed the overhead directional sign gantries and
cantilevers and shall submit to DEWA for approval. Final substation (indoor, outdoor,
package) locations and details shall be approved by DEWA, Trakhees and DP World,
prior to the Contractor submitting the request for the approval of substation plots.
d) Design and Construction NOCs shall be processed and secured by the Contractor for
the Preliminary and Detailed Design from the relevant municipality/authority.
4.4.9 DEWA Water Networks

a) The proposed works include the laying of water pipes within the Site with all required
associated plant and equipment including but not limited to manholes, valves, thrust
blocks, etc, as per DEWA guidelines and requirements, in addition to connection,
testing and commissioning of the network. Furthermore, the Contractor is responsible
for securing connection to the DEWA external potable water network.
b) The proposed works also include diversion of any existing water pipes which are not
located under the proper corridor; this includes the diversion of the existing water
mains. Proper road crossings, or dry legs, will be provided for future use. The
proposed works shall also include any necessary adjustment of water pipes proposed
by others that are to be placed within the proper corridor.
c) Design and Construction NOCs shall be processed and secured by the Contractor for
the Preliminary and Detailed Design from the relevant municipality/authority.
4.4.10 Sewerage Networks

a) The scope includes laying of sewerage pipes within the Site with all required
equipment including (but not limited to) manholes, lifting stations, etc. as per Dubai
Municipality guidelines and requirements, in addition to connection, testing and
commissioning of the network. Furthermore, the Contractor is responsible for
securing connection to the external DM network with any requirement from Dubai
Municipality such as lifting station, upgrade of external network, drop manholes, etc.
b) The proposed works also include diversion of any existing sewerage pipes which are
not located under the proper corridor; this includes the diversion of the existing
sewerage mains. Proper road crossings, or dry legs, will be provided for future use.
The proposed works shall also include any necessary adjustment of sewerage pipes
proposed by others that are to be placed within the proper corridor.
c) The Contractor is to investigate alternative sustainable options for the Client and
provide feasibility studies for these alternatives including, but not limited to,
introduction of STP(s) on site for the treatment of sewage for further usage in the site,
etc., this information to be presented to the Client for review and selection.
d) Design and Construction NOCs shall be processed and secured by the Contractor for
the Preliminary and Detailed Design from the relevant municipality/authority.

4.4.11 Irrigation Networks

a) The scope includes laying of irrigation (TSE) pipes within the Site with all required
equipment including (but not limited to) chambers, storage tanks, pumping stations,
etc. as per Dubai Municipality guidelines and requirements, in addition to connection,
testing and commissioning of the network, furthermore, connection to the external
DM network with any requirement from Dubai Municipality such as upgrade of
external network, etc.
b) The proposed works also include diversion of any existing irrigation pipes which are
not located under the proper corridor; this includes the diversion of the existing
irrigation mains. Proper road crossings, or dry legs, will be provided for future use.
The proposed works shall also include any necessary adjustment of irrigation pipes
proposed by others that are to be placed within the proper corridor.
c) Contractor to ensure coordination with landscaping consultant/contractor during the
design of the network and storage tank, and provide with future connections where
d) Design and Construction NOCs shall be processed and secured by the Contractor for
the Preliminary and Detailed Design from the relevant municipality/authority.
4.4.12 Firefighting Networks

a) The scope includes laying of firefighting pipes within the site with all required
equipment including (but not limited to) fire hydrants, chambers, storage tanks,
pumping stations, etc. as per Dubai Civil Defence guidelines and requirements, in
addition to connection, testing and commissioning of the network, furthermore,
connection to the external DEWA Water network with any requirement from DEWA
such as upgrade of external network, etc.
b) The proposed works also include diversion of any existing firefighting pipes which
are not located under the proper corridor; this includes the diversion of the existing
firefighting mains. Proper road crossings, or dry legs, will be provided for future use.
The proposed works shall also include any necessary adjustment of firefighting pipes
proposed by others that are to be placed within the proper corridor.
c) Design and Construction NOCs shall be processed and secured by the Contractor for
the Preliminary and Detailed Design from the relevant municipality/authority.
4.5 Earthworks General

4.5.1 The earthworks design shall ensure the stability of the embankments and cuttings, as per
RTA Geometric Design Manual.

4.5.2 The earthworks design shall ensure that all necessary measures shall be taken to mitigate
any adverse effects on the surrounding area and to prevent flooding, pollution and

4.5.3 The Contractor shall ensure that the finished surfaces of earthworks shall be protected
against erosion. Additionally, the finished sloped surfaces of all embankments and all
cuttings (with the exception of cuttings through rock) shall be in accordance with RTA
Geometric Design Manual. Typical sections shall be submitted for approval by the

4.5.4 The Contractor shall ensure that where an embankment shall be executed on an existing
ground slope exceeding 1 vertical to 5 horizontal in steepness, the existing surface shall
be benched. The maximum height of the benches shall be 0.5 metres and benches shall
have a minimum slope gradient of 5 percent.

4.5.5 Execution areas shall be kept free of groundwater, infiltration water and the effects of
weather, and every means shall be taken to ensure that the formation is protected.

4.5.6 Formation shall be the top surface of earthworks at the underside of the sub-base.

4.5.7 The Contractor shall ensure that surplus earthworks material shall not be placed on or in
borrow pits and otherwise located at any unresolved archaeological sites.

4.5.8 The Contractor shall ensure that any borrow pits and disposal areas and otherwise
resulting from the Execution of the Works shall be reinstated to a satisfactory standard to
meet the other provisions of the Contract.

4.5.9 The Contractor shall ensure that the tops and bottoms of all embankments shall be in
accordance with RTA Geometric Design Manual.

4.5.10 The design, execution, and completion of the Works shall minimise disposal of excavated
unacceptable material, where possible.

4.5.11 The minimum design requirements for the earthworks comprising the main road
embankments, and cuttings are defined below. In executing the earthworks, the
Contractor shall comply, in full, with the requirements of the RTA Geometric Design

4.5.12 Minimum Factors of Safety for slope stability are as per RTA Geometric Design Manual.

4.5.13 Design parameters are to be derived as follows.

a) General
i) Geotechnical parameters shall be derived from the ground investigation to
establish design values for the design analysis.
ii) The selection of the appropriate geotechnical parameters shall be based on
the results of the field and laboratory testing, taking into account the
possible differences between the properties measured in the tests and those
that represent the behaviour of the soil or rock in the ground due to sample
disturbance and the like.
b) For the derivation of design parameters of natural soil and fill, the Contractor shall
determine the following:
c) Appropriate strength, stiffness, and compressibility values under drained and
undrained conditions, including index parameters to support the data obtained,
particularly if the results are few in number.
i) Effective stress and total stress shear strength parameters, including both
peak and residual values, together with remolded values where soils are to
be excavated and reused as fill.
ii) Classification, chemical, and electro-chemical parameters to define the
physical state of the soil in the ground and to identify the presence of
potentially aggressive conditions.

d) For the derivation of design parameters of groundwater, the Contractor shall
determine the following:
e) The position of the water table, taking into account likely seasonal and tidal variations,
shall be established from the site investigation and/or other sources to establish the
groundwater regime in the ground. In addition to the above, the position of the water
table shall be established in consideration of Dubai Municipality Deep Tunnel
Drainage networks.
i) The porewater pressures for Ultimate Limit State shall be the worst credible
values, taking into account the possibility of adverse water pressures due to
the presence of perched, artesian, or sub-artesian water tables that are
considered reasonably possible for the conditions encountered over the
design life of the slope.
ii) For Serviceability Limit State, the design values shall be moderately
conservative values.
iii) Where seepage and/or consolidation parameters are required for the design
process, then information on the anisotropy and soil variability shall be
established from the site investigation to determine the appropriate design
permeability values.
iv) The Contractor shall take into consideration any capillary rise that may be
anticipated because of construction of the slope, in particular in areas of
Sabkha. Where appropriate provision shall be made to construct a capillary
break layer, which shall be compatible with the materials used to construct
the earthworks and meet appropriate filter rules.
v) Where capillary rise of the groundwater into a fill slope is determined by
the Contractor’s design, then a capillary break shall be provided at the base
of the fill slope.
4.5.14 With regard to fill slopes and embankments, the Contractor shall take into consideration
the potential effects of the following on the design as a minimum:

a) The geological environment.

b) Fluctuations in the groundwater table and the effects of seepage.
c) Existing and proposed drainage paths.
d) Slope stability.
e) Slope drainage, Interceptor drains or similar.
f) Slope protection.
g) Settlement.
h) Accessibility for Maintenance of landscaping areas on side slopes.
4.5.15 With regard to cut slopes, the designer shall take into consideration the potential effects
of the following on the design as a minimum:

a) The geological environment.

b) Susceptibility of exposed materials to weathering.
c) Permeability of the exposed faces.
d) Fluctuations in the groundwater table and the effects of seepage.
e) Existing and proposed drainage paths.
f) Slope stability.
g) Slope drainage, Interceptor drains or similar.
h) Slope protection.
4.5.16 Slope Protection.

a) The Contractor shall ensure that erosion from inundation or scour by water or wind
shall be controlled by placement of an appropriate layer on the faces of the slope and
by placement of rip rap around and adjacent to culverts.
b) The following materials shall be considered for use in erosion control:
c) Sub-base material.
i) Rip Rap.
ii) Motored or grouted Rip Rap.
iii)Stone Pitching.
iv) Shotcrete.
v) Vegetation subject to local prevailing sustainability and environmental
d) The proposed slope protection shall comply with the Landscape Design.
4.5.17 Road Pavements

a) The Contractor shall provide a road pavement for all the roads within the Road
Corridor made available by the Employer for the Works. The design shall be
undertaken in accordance with RTA Pavement Maintenance Section Requirements
and Trakhees.
b) The road pavement structural design for roads shall be determined using the minimum
design criteria contained in these Particular Employer’s Requirements. The pavement
design drawings for the Concept Design (Reference Design) are provided for as
reference documents for information purposes only.
c) The Contractor will be required to consult and comply with the relevant authorities
on all future developments that could influence the traffic loading on roads. The
Contractor shall review the minimum requirements and increase the requirements as
d) The road pavement structural design on the circulatory carriageway of roundabouts
shall be determined using the most onerous of the design traffic flows applicable to
each of the arms of the roundabout. At signalised junction the road pavement structure
design for the centre of the junction shall be determined using the most onerous of the
design traffic flows applicable to each of the arms of the junction.
e) Pavement design method shall be approved by the Engineer.
f) The pavement design shall be in accordance with RTA and Trakhees guidelines. This
identifies the methods to be used for various ESALs.
g) If during the course of the Works the Contractor either damages or has to break out
existing pavement, the Contractor shall be responsible for reinstating to the exact
standard of the existing pavement. The Contractor shall ensure that the interface

between existing and new pavement is stepped, with exact details to be agreed with
the Engineer.
h) Transverse and longitudinal joints between new works and existing roads shall
conform to RTA requirements.
i) Where reconstruction of carriageways is required, the faces of the excavations in
bound pavement materials shall be formed by saw cutting.
j) The first 15 metres of pavement of local roads forming a junction with existing roads,
measured from the edge of the pavement execution on the main road, shall use the
same pavement execution as the main road.
k) The Contractor shall ensure that hard shoulders and hard strips shall have the same
pavement construction as the carriageway pavement to which it shall be joined.
l) The pavement design for lay-bys shall be the same as the pavement design for the
main carriageway.
m) The design method and design inputs shall be consistent with the materials
specifications used. The design recommendation and calculations shall be submitted
for the Engineer’s approval. Any proposed staging of pavement construction should
consider construction traffic and shall be consistent with the authority’s maintenance
n) The detailed road pavement design shall comply fully to the pavement construction
and pavement details within the RTA Geometric Design Manual.
o) The Contractor shall develop a pavement design using the traffic volumes from the
provided Traffic Impact Study. The proposed design life is 20 years from opening.
4.5.18 Kerbs, Footways, Cycle Paths, and Paved Areas

a) The Contractor shall ensure that the edges of all roads shall be kerbed where required
by the RTA Road Side Design Manual and RTA Geometric Design Manual.
i) Roundabouts and signalized junctions in the design shall be kerbed in all
cases, unless specified otherwise, in accordance with the RTA Road Side
Design Manual and RTA Geometric Design Manual.
ii) The edges of the carriageway at all major/minor junctions shall be kerbed.
iii) All Roads inside the site shall be kerbed unless otherwise specified by the
Client or the Engineer.
iv) Details of kerbs, footways, and paviour pavement in the design shall comply
with the RTA Road Side Design Manual, RTA Geometric Design Manual
and RTA Pedestrian and Cyclist Manual.
v) The Contractor shall ensure that all roundabouts shall be kerbed, including
the roundabout deflection islands and the roundabout central islands.
vi) Median islands shall be suitable for use by pedestrians with prams,
wheelchairs, and by persons that are visually impaired or design to avoid
/prevent unsafe non-motorised use.
vii) The centre of the roundabout shall form part of the landscape design.
b) All footways and cycle paths shall tie into existing footways at all interfaces and
extremities where existing footways and cycle paths exist.

c) In general, footways shall be provided on both sides of all the roads and 2-way Cycle
path on one side of the road within the limits of the Works. The minimum provisions
are shown in Table 4.2 below
TABLE 4.2 – Minimum Requirements for Cycle Paths and Footways

Cycle path / Footpath Locations / Design Criteria Minimum Requirement

Separate Cycle Path and Footpath on both sides Verify corridor length
Cycle Lane Width (m) 1.2 (min.)*
Footpath Width (m) 2.0 (min.)
Separation between Cycle Path and Footpath (m) 1.50 (min.)
Shared Use (combined cycle path and footway on both Verify corridor length
Cycle Lane and Footpath Width (m) 2.4
Separation between road Edge and Shared Use path 1.50
* One directional only
** Minimum to be used where Right of Way does not permit the use of preferred dimensions
d) At intersections and cross roads, the Contractor shall ensure continuity of the cycle
paths and footways by providing at grade crossings across all four quadrants or
corners of the intersection.
i) Cycle paths shall be dual direction with seating, shading (by adjacent
landscaping or tensile shade) and other street furniture elements to be
provided at appropriate locations.
ii) The Contractor is to take into consideration best practices in international
urban design/streetscape techniques, the future land use, and the travel
iii) Opportunities to create or enhance recreation facilities, improve access and
general amenity for the community are to be maximised.
e) The Contractor shall assess the provision (cross sections) of the cycle path and
footways included in the Reference Design and amend as appropriate to ensure the
continuity of these paths with the minimum required width throughout the road
sections and at the junctions.
f) Allowance shall be made to accommodate existing widths at tie-ins and any other
features affecting the width of the footpath
g) The Contractor shall provide additional controlled at-grade crossings footpaths/cycle
paths to ensure safety of the pedestrians and cyclists. All costs associated with the
refinements shall be considered and incurred by the Contractor.
h) Footways and cycle paths shall have a maximum crossfall of 2.0 percent. The design
parameters of the footways and cycle paths shall follow recognised International
Standards and, RTA Geometric Design Manual and RTA Cyclist and Pedestrian

i) The Contractor shall ensure that wherever possible the asphaltic layers of footpaths
and cycle paths in the design shall be machine laid.
j) The Contractor for all footpaths and cycle paths shall incorporate sufficient drainage
to ensure that they are kept free from standing water.
k) The Contractor shall include for footpaths and cycle paths at locations as required by
the Contract and as agreed with the Engineer.
l) The design for footpaths and cycle paths shall include removable bollards at both ends
to prevent access of vehicular traffic.
m) Cycle path pavement shall have a minimum 20-year design life.
4.5.19 Traffic Signs and Road Markings.

a) The Contractor shall ensure that traffic signs shall be in accordance with the RTA
Traffic Control Devices Manual.
b) The Contractor shall use the Concept Design Traffic Sign Strategy as a base from
which to develop the signage strategy for advanced directions signs and direction
signs as currently installed within the adjacent road network.
c) The signage strategies shown within the Concept Design Plans are indicative only.
The road signs layouts shall be developed during Preliminary/Detailed Design stage
following consultation with the RTA, Trakhees and the Client.
d) The Contractor shall have overall responsibility for the design and execution of the
road signage on the road network within the Works and any modifications to existing
signage along and/or adjoining the roads affected by the Works.
e) In the preparation of the design, the Contractor shall prepare an initial preliminary
design of the road signage, including directional sign facing and considering the co-
location of any DPW Security devices, and shall forward the initial preliminary design
to the Client, RTA and Trakhees as part of the consultation process.
f) Following the consultation with Client and the Authorities, the Contractor shall
finalise the road signage design and obtain the written agreement of the Client and the
Local Authorities to the final road signage design prior to the manufacture of the signs.
g) The Contractor shall consult and comply with the Project Brief with regard to all
details for the provision of advance direction signs, direction signs, and regulatory
h) The Contractor shall include full signing and marking with bicycle and pedestrian
symbols as per latest RTA Traffic Control Devices Manual and Cyclist and Pedestrian
4.5.20 Road Lighting

a) Permanent road lighting shall meet the Project Brief and the requirements of RTA
b) Road lighting in the design and execution of the Works shall be provided on all
elements of the scheme, and shall meet the minimum stated requirements for the
respective Classes of lighting shown below in Table 4.3.

Table 4.3 – Minimum Requirements for Road Lighting

Along all roads at various Refer to the Reference Drawings Minimum

Locations for the extent of Road Lightning, Mounting Height
provided for information purposes (m)

Collector Road CIE 115 Table 2 10/12

Local Road CIE 115 Table 2 6/8

Roundabouts / Junctions CIE 115 Table 4 8/10/12

c) The road lighting design shall meet the requirements of BS 5489 as follows:
i) Part 1 – Lighting of roads and public amenity areas, which shall meet the
following standards:
(i) Comply with CIE 140 Road Lighting Calculations;
(ii) Comply with CIE 115 Recommendation for the Lighting of roads for Motor and
Pedestrian Traffic;
ii) Part 2: Performance Requirements
iii) Part 3: Calculation of Performance
(i) Comply with the requirements of RTA RLTS;
(ii) Comply with DEWA ED, RTA and Trakhees requirements for the location and
construction of pocket substations and Feeder Pillars; and
(iii) A Maintenance Factor of 0.8 for all road lighting applications is to be adopted.

4.5.21 In respect to the road lighting design, the Contractor shall consult and comply with the
Project Brief with regards to all details for the provision of road lighting design and
including reference numbering of lighting columns and provision of all electrical supplies
and associated works.

4.5.22 The design and execution of the Works shall include for the provision by the Contractor
of all electrical supplies required for the execution of the road lighting works.

4.5.23 The Contractor shall consult and comply with the Project Brief and DEWA with regard
to the provision of electrical supplies and associated Works by DEWA.

4.5.24 The Contractor as part of the Works shall provide and execute all such electrical supplies
and associated Works by DEWA.

4.5.25 All cabling in crossing under the paved roads/cycle lanes shall be through buried ducts.

4.5.26 The lighting design shall be completed in a manner to minimise both glare and light

4.5.27 All lanterns shall be LED Lanterns, and to ensure that the suppliers to be selected is in
compliance with RTA standards and requirements.

4.5.28 Lighting columns shall be of slim galvanised steel construction with tubular outreach
brackets to support the lanterns and have a minimum mounting height of 12, 10 or 8
metres at locations specified in Table 5.4 above unless otherwise agreed with the

4.5.29 The Employer shall consent in writing to the finished colour of the lighting columns.

4.5.30 The minimum lateral clearance of columns from the edge of carriageway shall be in
compliance with BS 5489-1 Table 2.

4.5.31 The minimum size of cable to be selected as per RTA and DEWA requirements, and
achieve maximum 4% voltage drop

4.5.32 Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Contract, as-fitted drawings and test
certificates relevant to the road lighting Works shall be submitted by the Contractor to the
Engineer prior to the issue of the Taking Over Certificate.

4.5.33 The Contractor is to provide to the Client samples of conventional/decorative street

lighting poles with cost comparison for selection of preferred option.

4.5.34 The Contractor is to investigate sustainable solutions to the client for the lighting poles
including but not limited to solar lighting poles, smart street lighting poles, auto dimming
street lighting poles (with motion sensors), etc. for the Client to review and decide.


5.1 Supervisory Levels

5.1.1 Notwithstanding any other provisions of the Contract, the Contractor shall ensure an
adequate level of supervisory staff shall be present on Site to carry out the supervision
duties required under the Contract. This shall include staff of the designer, who shall be
responsible for supervision of the execution and completion of the Works to the extent
that shall be necessary to permit the designer to sign the various execution and post-
execution certificates referred to in the Certification Procedure, and to permit the designer
to comply with the other provisions of the Contract. These shall include but not be limited
to the minimum levels of Site supervisory staff required by the designer under paragraph
7.1.4 of these Employer’s Requirements.

5.1.2 The Contractor shall ensure that:

a) A minimum of 3 qualified experienced Engineers from the Designers Organisation

shall be based on Site throughout the period of the Works for the purpose of
witnessing and supervising the Works and
b) Sufficient supervisory staff shall be on Site during the Warranty Period during which
Works of maintenance and repair and any outstanding Works are being executed.
This shall be the minimum core requirement and shall be in addition to the Contractor’s
own supervisory staff.
5.1.3 The total number of and the experience of the supervisory staff from both the Contractor’s
and Designer’s organisations shall be commensurate with the level and type of work being
carried out on Site.

5.1.4 Notwithstanding the requirements contained in this paragraph 5.1.4 above of these
Employer’s Requirements, the Designer’s on-site core supervisory staff shall include, at
a minimum, the staff listed below,

5.1.5 General Requirements and Criteria:

a) The Contractor is to submit qualified candidates that clearly demonstrate Contractor’s

ability to provide an optimum service to ensure the project as a whole is carried out
in the most cost-effective manner and completed in time, while fully complying with
the highest international standards of technical, operational and safety requirements.
b) The Engineer reserves the right to review the performance of all or any staff assigned
to the project on a regular basis.
c) The Contractor is required to provide the same key staff for all positions nominated
in the bid. Any substitution of nominated staff must be prior approved by the Engineer.
All substitute staff nominations must have equivalent/greater accredited qualifications
and experience that match/exceed the bid staff nominations.
d) All positions shall be subject to approval by the Engineer.
e) No staff member shall be allocated to or removed from the team without the
Engineer’s approval.
f) All the key individual members of the Team shall have:

i) Proven ability to manage projects of similar size and nature to deliver
completed quality work on time and within budget;
ii) Proven ability to coordinate a multi-disciplinary team on projects of similar
size and nature;
iii) Proven ability to work cooperatively and effectively with a wide variety of
interests/authorities; and
iv) Demonstrated understanding of the Design-Build process.
v) Demonstrated understanding of doing business in UAE or the GCC.
g) Staff shall be fully computer literate and able to use computer technology to access
data, maintain records, generate reports, etc. and in particular, to make use of any
project-specific relevant engineering software. This is particularly applicable to all
degree-qualified Engineers.
h) Staff must be fluent in both written and spoken English, with an excellent capability
in written technical skills as well as oral and written communication skills. This is
particularly applicable to all degree-qualified Engineers.
5.1.6 Qualifications and Experience

The specified staff shall meet, at a minimum, the qualification and experience criteria
stipulated for each position given below. Higher academic levels and professional
Chartered Engineer (CEng), Professional Engineer (PE), or Project Management
Professional (PMP), or similar level credentials are preferred: Staff curricula vitae, along
with credentials, experience certificates, supporting documents, and contact details of
references from previous employers shall, in all instances, be submitted for the Engineer’s
non-objection prior to appointment of staff.
a) Project Director (Contractor’s Representative)
i) Shall be qualified with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering
from an internationally recognized accredited University.
ii) Minimum twenty (20) years post graduate experience in the construction
and management of major highway and/or infrastructure projects of
complex nature, including minimum five (5) years in a similar role and
capacity, and minimum two (2) years with the company.
b) Project Manager
i) Shall be qualified with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering
from an internationally recognized accredited University.
ii) Minimum fifteen (15) years post graduate experience in the construction
and management of major highway and/or infrastructure projects of
complex nature, including minimum five (5) years in a similar role and
capacity, and minimum of two (2) years with the company.
c) Construction Manager (Roads, Structures and Utilities and Drainage)
i) Shall be qualified with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering
from an internationally recognized accredited University.
ii) Minimum fifteen (15) years post graduate experience in the construction
and management of major highway and/or infrastructures projects of
complex nature, including minimum five (5) years in a similar role and
d) Engineering Manager (Design Coordinator)

i) Shall be qualified with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering
from an internationally recognized accredited University.
ii) Minimum fifteen (15) years post graduate experience in the design and
construction of major highway and/or infrastructure projects of complex
nature, including minimum five (5) years in a similar role and capacity.
iii) This position is required to coordinate with the designer regarding any
ongoing design issues during the construction period.
e) Project Controls/Planning Manager
i) Shall be qualified with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering
from an internationally recognized accredited University.
ii) Minimum fifteen (15) years post graduate experience in planning and
control of major highway and/or infrastructure projects of complex nature,
including minimum five (5) years in a similar role and capacity.
iii) Completed at least one complete project from start to completion that is
comparable in complexity and size to the project.
iv) Certified in planning and scheduling (PMI-PSP or similar).
f) Procurement and Logistics Manager
i) Shall be qualified with a Bachelor’s Degree in Commerce or an equivalent
related qualification.
ii) Minimum ten (10) years post graduate experience in the delivery of major
highway and/or infrastructure projects, including minimum three (3) years
in a similar role and capacity. Local or GCC experience is a must. Arabic is
a plus.
g) Quality Assurance Manager
i) Shall be qualified with a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering from an
internationally recognized accredited University plus ISO 9001 Quality
Management System Lead Auditor.
ii) Minimum ten (10) years post graduate experience in quality management
of major highway and/or infrastructure projects, including minimum five
(5) years in a similar role and capacity.
h) HSE Manager
i) Shall be qualified with a Bachelor’s Degree in safety, engineering or a
related technical field from internationally recognized accredited University
plus certification in OSHA or NEBOSH.
ii) Minimum ten (10) years post graduate experience in HSE management of
major highway and/or infrastructure projects, including minimum five (5)
years in a similar role and capacity.
i) Chief Highway Surveyor
i) Shall be qualified with a Bachelor’ Degree in Civil Engineering or
Surveying from an internationally recognized accredited University.
ii) Minimum ten (10) years post graduate experience in the construction and
management of major highway and/or infrastructure projects of complex
nature, including minimum five (5) years in a similar role and capacity.
j) Commercial Manager/Chief Quantity Surveyor
i) Shall be qualified with a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering or
Quantity Surveying from an internationally recognized accredited
University. Member of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors or an
equivalent credential accepted by the Engineer.
ii) Minimum fifteen (15) years post graduate experience in the quantity
surveying of major highway and/or infrastructure projects of complex
nature, including minimum five (5) years in a similar role and capacity.
k) Risk Manager
i) Shall be qualified with a Bachelor of Science or Bachelor’s degree in Civil
Engineering from an internationally recognized accredited university.
ii) Minimum ten (10) years post graduate risk management experience in the
risk management of major highway and/or infrastructure projects of
complex nature, including minimum five (5) years in a similar role and
iii) Certified in Project Risk Management such as Certified Practicing Risk
Manager (CPRM) or accredited by The Institute of Risk Management
l) Pavement/Materials Manager
i) Shall be qualified with:
▪ A Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering from an accredited
university plus ten (10) years of experience in construction of road
pavements; or
ii) Shall have substantial hands-on experience with the following:
▪ Field and laboratory testing of soils and granular materials;
▪ Field and laboratory testing of aggregates for asphalt and concrete
▪ Marshall and Superpave Mix Design methods for asphalt mixtures.
iii) Shall be familiar with the following systems:
▪ Pen Grade of Bitumen;
▪ Performance Grade (PG) of Bitumen;
▪ Polymer Modified Bitumen;
▪ International Roughness Index of 0.9 m/km or less.
m) Authority and/or Utility Coordination Manager
i) Shall be qualified with a Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering or an
equivalent related qualification.
ii) Minimum ten (10) years in the construction of major highway and/or
infrastructure projects with minimum five (5) years in a similar role. Local
experience is required.
n) Traffic Safety and Control Officer
i) Shall be qualified with a Bachelor’s Degree in Safety or Engineering or an
equivalent related qualification.
ii) Minimum ten (10) years post graduate experience in traffic safety and
control management of major highway and/or infrastructure projects,
including minimum three (3) years in a similar role and capacity.
o) Senior Electrical Engineer
i) Shall be qualified with a Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical
Engineering from an accredited University.
ii) Minimum ten (10) years post graduate experience in the construction and
supervision of electrical LV, MV, HV, EHV networks, including electrical
iii) Familiarity with electrical design, construction of underground utilities such
as the telecommunication networks etc.
iv) The approval of the nominated Electrical Engineer is subject to DEWA
p) Senior Quantity Surveyor
i) Shall be qualified with a Bachelor of Science degree in Quantity Surveying
from an accredited internationally recognized university and must be
qualified and chartered (QS) by a recognized international body such as
Chartered Institute of Buildings (CIOB) and Royal Institution of Chartered
Surveyors (RICS) or as approved by the Engineer.
ii) Minimum ten (10) years’ experience in dealing with major highway
iii) Experience in the planning of major projects with particular emphasis on
the utilization of computer programmes such as Primavera or equally
capable programme for the planning and tracking of similar projects is a
requirement. This person will also provide assistance to the team for the
term of the Contract. Computer literacy and excellent communication skills
are essential.


6.1 Design Team Requirements

6.1.1 The Contractor shall provide all necessary and required professional and support
personnel that are appropriately qualified and/or experienced, to form a specialised and
able Project Design Team for carrying out the design requirements and objectives,
specified in Volume 2: Project Brief, in an effective and timely manner. All personnel to
be supplied shall meet the requirements set out in this Section 9 and will be subject to the
approval of the Engineer.

6.1.2 The Contractor shall within 7 days following Contract Award submit to the Engineer for
approval an “organisation chart” depicting the Project Design Team, together with the
names, qualifications, duties, responsibilities and experience of the individuals therein all
of which shall confirm and/or elaborate and finalise the Project Design Team submitted
with the Tender submission in accordance with the Employers Requirements.

6.1.3 All design and reporting shall be conducted in the Contractor’s Dubai Office.

6.1.4 Specialist staff that are not required to be permanently based in the Contractors Dubai
Design Office, but who are part of the Project Design Team shall be clearly identified in
the submitted Tender. The periods that they will be in Dubai (UAE) for familiarisation,
design, reporting, and liaison shall also be clearly stated in the submitted tender.

6.1.5 The Contractor is encouraged to recruit engineers with relevant qualifications from
universities of repute, and extensive experience in the fields of highways, infrastructures
and land development, as well as all other relevant disciplines.

6.1.6 The Contractor shall submit with his Tender, Curricula Vitae (CVs) of the Project Design
Team. The CVs shall include full details with regard to relevant experience, employment
history and levels of responsibility held in various assignments. CVs should be limited
wherever possible to not more than 4 pages. The quality of the proposed professional
staff and their experience shall form a major factor in the technical assessment process.

6.1.7 The Contractor shall employ best international practice as defined in the Conditions of
Contract and shall exercise all reasonable skill, care and diligence in the performance of
the services required and shall carry out his duties and obligations.

6.1.8 The Contractor shall identify an alternative Project Manager in the event that the
designated person for this position is unavailable for any reason and to act as deputy
during periods of absence.

6.1.9 The Employer will accept no responsibility for the procurement of visas, accommodation
or transport for any member of the Contractors staff employed on the project.


7.1 General Requirements and Criteria

7.1.1 The Contractor is to submit qualified candidates that clearly demonstrate the Contractors’
ability to provide an optimum service to ensure the project as a whole is carried out in the
most cost-effective manner and completed in time, while fully complying with the highest
International standards of technical, operational and safety requirements.

7.1.2 The Engineer reserves the right to review the performance of all or any staff assigned to
the project on a regular basis.

7.1.3 The Contractor is required to provide the same key staff for all positions nominated in the
bid. Any substitution of nominated staff must be prior approved by the Engineer. All
substitute staff nominations must have equivalent/greater accredited qualifications and
experience that match/exceed the bid staff nominations.

7.1.4 All positions shall be subject to approval by the Engineer.

7.1.5 No staff member shall be allocated to or removed from the team without the Engineer’s
approval. Staff curricula vitae shall, in all instances, be submitted for the Engineer’s
consideration and approval prior to appointment of staff.

7.1.6 All the key individual members of the Team shall have:

a) Proven ability to manage projects of similar size and nature to deliver completed
quality work on time and within budget;
b) Proven ability to coordinate a multi-disciplinary team on projects of similar size and
nature; and
c) Proven ability to work cooperatively and effectively with a wide variety of

7.1.7 Staff shall be fully computer literate and able to utilize computer technology to access
data, maintain records, generate reports, etc. and in particular any project specific relevant
engineering software. This is particularly applicable to all degree qualified engineers.

7.1.8 Staff must be fluent in English both written and spoken with an excellent capability in
written technical skills as well as oral and written communication skills. This is
particularly applicable to all degree qualified engineers.

7.2 Design Staff

7.2.1 The qualifications and experience of the specified staff shall have as a minimum the
qualifications and experience criteria stipulated for each position given below.

7.2.2 Named Staff

a) Design Director
i) Shall be qualified with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering
from an internationally recognized accredited University.
ii) Minimum twenty (20) years post graduate experience in the design delivery
and management of major highway and/or infrastructure projects of
complex nature, including minimum five (5) years in a similar role and
iii) This position is required to manage the strategic delivery of all design
disciplines by the Design Consultant for a Design and Construct contract
throughout the design phase of the project.
b) Design Lead – Highways
i) Shall be qualified with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering
from an internationally recognised accredited University.
ii) Minimum ten (10) years post graduate experience in the design delivery and
management of major highway projects of complex nature, including
minimum five (5) years in a similar role and capacity.
iii) This position is required to manage the delivery of the highway design
discipline by the design consultant for a Design and Build contract
throughout the design phase of the project and obtain approvals from the
concerned authorities.
c) Design Engineer (Roads)
i) Shall be qualified with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering
from an accredited University.
ii) Minimum five (5) years post graduate experience in design of major
highway projects of complex nature.
d) Design Lead - Utilities
i) Shall be qualified with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering
from an accredited University.
ii) Minimum ten (10) years post graduate experience in design of Utilities in
major highway projects.
iii) This position is required to manage the delivery of the utilities design
discipline by the design consultant for a Design and Build contract
throughout the design phase of the project.
e) Design Engineer (Utilities)
i) Shall be qualified with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering
from an accredited University.
ii) Minimum five (5) years post graduate experience in design of Utilities in
major highway, infrastructure, master planning projects
f) Design Lead - Mechanical
i) Shall be qualified with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical
Engineering or MSc in Transport Engineering / Planning from an
internationally recognized accredited University.

ii) Minimum ten (10) years post graduate experience in the design delivery and
management of major highway projects of complex nature, including
minimum five (5) years in a similar role and capacity.
iii) This position is required to manage the delivery of the mechanical design
discipline by the design consultant for a Design and Construct contract
throughout the design phase of the project.
g) Design Engineer (Drainage)
i) Shall be qualified with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering
from an accredited University.
ii) Minimum five (5) years post graduate experience in design of drainage on
major highway projects of complex nature.
h) Senior Pavement Engineer/Specialist
i) Shall be qualified with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil Engineering
from an internationally recognized accredited University plus minimum of
five (5) years Chartered Engineer or Professional Engineer (PE) registration
or other similar professional organizations accepted by the Employer.
ii) Minimum ten (10) years post graduate experience in design of road
pavements in major highway projects.
i) Senior Geotechnical Engineer
i) Shall be qualified with a Bachelor of Science degree in Civil / Geotechnical
Engineering from an accredited University.
ii) Minimum five (5) years of relevant experience and qualification in
geotechnical on major highway projects.
iii) Demonstrate local experience or experience in GCC.
j) CAD Operator
i) A relevant technical qualification is essential.
ii) Minimum three (3) years relevant experience in preparing CAD drawings
for major highway and infrastructure projects. Familiarity with the latest
AutoCAD version and Bentley Microstation.
iii) They must possess the ability to read working drawings and related
iv) Is required to be able to graphically translate verbal and visual instructions
into working drawings.
v) Knowledge in drawing compositions using external references and other
advanced AutoCAD drafting techniques, computer literacy and excellent
communication skills are essential.
vi) Must know how to coordinate drawings from other parties.
vii) Should be able to perform complex drafting assignments utilizing both
manual and computer aided design and drafting software; plan, sections,
elevations, details, construction documents for review and approval.

7.3 Submittal of CVs for Approval
7.3.1 The Contractor shall submit nominated staff CVs and photocopies of all relevant
qualifications for engineering posts with specified qualifications with his Tender.

7.4 Approvals of CVs and Credentials

7.4.1 The proposed candidates must be available and may be subject to being interviewed by
the Engineer for final approval before recommendation for award is made.

7.4.2 There should be copies of reference letters confirming previous experience, copies of
accredited University degrees and diplomas, Chartered Engineer/Professional Engineer
registration certificates and any other appropriate certificates.

7.4.3 Prior to the award of the contract to the selected Tenderer, the Employer reserves the right
to re-evaluate any or all of the nominated site staff candidates. The Contractor shall at the
written request of the Trakhees, RTA, or Utility Authorities make all or any of the
candidates available for interviews and or provide any documentation as deemed
necessary for the purpose of re-evaluation.

7.4.4 The Contractor shall note that if delays in award of the Contract occur, then he will be
permitted to submit alternative proposals for filling the positions. However, any such
alternative proposal shall be at least equivalent and in no way inferior to the original
personnel proposed. CVs for other categories required shall be called upon from the
Consultant submitting the best offer.


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