Learning Activity Sheet: Quarter 1 - Week 2 Who Is An Entrepreneur

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Name of Learner: ___________________________________________ Grade Level: ___________

Section:_____________________ Date: ___________________


Who is an Entrepreneur

Background Information for Learners

In this lesson, you will be able to define who an entrepreneur is and what are their characteristics.

As you start this lesson, I want you to set aside other task/s that may disturb you while enjoying the lessons.
Read and understand the discussion below and answer the activities. Follow carefully all the contents and
instructions indicated in every page of the module. In order to deepen your understanding regarding the
subject matter, I advise you to have a dictionary, books or if you have internet access with you. Further, you
can ask help from your teacher.

Put notes or highlight important discussions. Write in your notebook the concepts about the lessons. Writing
enhances learning, which is important to develop and keep in mind. Perform all the provided activities in
the module.

Enjoy and have fun!

Characteristics of an Entrepreneur
Who is an Entrepreneur?
▪ Someone who creates and runs a business is called an entrepreneur.
▪ A person who sets up a business with the aim to make a profit and creates a new business, bearing
most of the risks and enjoying most of the rewards.
▪ An innovator, a source of new ideas, goods, services, and business/or procedures.
▪ Playing a key role in any economy, using the skills and initiative necessary to anticipate needs and
bring good new ideas to market.

Self-assessment—evaluating your strengths and weaknesses— is an important part of

becoming an entrepreneur.
➢ An aptitude is a natural ability to do a particular type of work or activity well.
➢ An attitude is a way of viewing or thinking about something that affects how you
feel about it. Entrepreneurs tend to be people with positive attitudes.
Personal Characteristics

▪ Courage
▪ Creativity
A skill is an ability that’s learned through training and practice.
▪ Curiosity
▪ Business Skill
▪ Determination
▪ Communication Skill
▪ Discipline
▪ Computer Skill
▪ Empathy
▪ Decision-Making and Problem-Solving Skills
▪ Enthusiasm
▪ Mathematical Skill
▪ Flexibility
▪ Organizational Skill
▪ Honesty
▪ People Skills
▪ Patience
▪ Responsibility

Why Be an Entrepreneur?
The biggest reward of becoming an entrepreneur is the personal satisfaction that comes from having
the freedom to make your own business decisions and then act on them.

1. Making Your Own Rules. When you own a business, you get to be your own boss.
2. Doing Work You Enjoy. Since the majority of most peoples’ lives is spent working, why not spend
that time doing something you enjoy?
3. Creating Greater Wealth. There’s no limit to what an entrepreneur can make.
4. Helping Your Community. Being an entrepreneur lets you make your community and world a
better place.

Risks of Being an Entrepreneur

1. Potential Business Failure. Being fully responsible means the success or failure of your business
rests on you.
2. Unexpected Obstacles. Problems can happen that you don’t expect.
3. Financial Insecurity. Many new businesses don’t make much money in the beginning, so you
may not always be able to pay yourself.
4. Long Hours and Hard Work. It’s not unusual for entrepreneurs to work a lot of extra hours to
make their businesses successful. This is especially true during the initial start-up process.

Increasing Your Potential

Increase your business and entrepreneurial potential by focusing on six specific areas.
1. Business Knowledge. Reading magazine and newspaper articles, search the Internet, and talk to
business owners.
2. Financial Skills. Strengthen your math skills.
3. Career Exploration. Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses, explore careers interest you.
4. Community Awareness. Look for volunteering opportunities and find out if any companies in your
area provide internship programs.
5. Education. Obtaining a good education benefits you personally and open doors to more career
6. Relationships. Spend time with people who believe in you and inspire you.

Congratulations! You are almost done in this lesson. I hope you are enjoying!

Learning Competency:
1. Define what it means to be an entrepreneur.
2. Identify the characteristics of an entrepreneur.
Read and follow carefully the given instructions given in each activity

Activity 1:
Let’s do checking of your understanding. Try to design a concept map indicative of the traits and skills that
you should possess in order to become successful in your own chosen career, say for example as an
encoder, as a cook, as a beautician, or as an electrician.

Directions: Fill in each petal of the flower below with your traits/skills needed to become a successful.
Write inside the inner circle your career choice.

What have you learned from this lesson: Briefly explain in your own words.
Write your answer at the back portion of this page.


Entrepreneurship: Owning your Future by Steve Mariotti

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