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Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia

9 (3) (2020) : 264 – 272

The Humanist Expressive Speech Acts of Journalists in the Covid-19


Areni Yulitawati Supriyono , Ida Zulaeha ,Tommi Yuniawan

Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Article Info Abstract

________________ ___________________________________________________________________
History Articles This research aims to analyze the humanist expressive speech acts of
Received: journalists in the covid-19 outbreak. The data collection technique was carried
August 2020
out by using the free non-participatory technique. The sources of data are the
journalists’ utterances on YouTube in the covid-19 Outbreak. The humanist
Oktober 2020
expressive speech act forms used by journalists, is 58% used the direct speech
December 2020 act forms with imperative, interrogative, and declarative modes; and 42%
________________ forms of indirect speech acts were declarative-imperative and declarative-
Keywords: interrogative modes. Results of this study shows that journalists use the forms
Covid-19, expressive, of direct speech acts with declarative mode mostly. The form of indirect speech
journalist, speech acts acts with the declarative-imperative mode are mostly used by the journalists.
___________________ This research is important to be a journalist's guide so that the utterances
spoken can be accepted by the society in the covid-19 outbreak.

Correspondence address: p-ISSN 2301-6744
Jl. Welirang I/No 42, RT 05/RW 05, Karangrejo, Gajah Mungkur,
e-ISSN 2502-4493
Kota Semarang-50235

Areni Yulitawati Supriyono et al./ Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia 9 (3) (2020) : 264-272

INTRODUCTION institutions to respond to certain events related

to the crisis, both in the short and long term. The
Language is a communication tool used function of the journalist at first is a very big
by humans. The main function of language is as impact on the wider community, especially
a communication tool or interaction tool (Chaer during the covid-19 outbreak.
& Agustina, 2004). Everyone has the good social Journalists have different characteristics
competence; it is the ability of the one as a part of utterance in conveying information. In
of society to communicate and interact delivering information, the good communication
effectively with society. process is influenced by the use of an
The Indonesian government issued appropriate utterance in this case. During an
Presidential Decree No.11 on 2020 concerning outbreak, the speech acts that people expect are
the Determination of the 2019 Corona Virus humanist speech acts. It is hoped that humanist
Disease (Covid-19) Public Health Emergency. speech acts can make people to be calm in the
The government recommends keeping your facing of outbreak. The speech act means that in
distance, washing your hands and wearing a uttering an expression, the speaker does not
mask. Data on corona sufferers merely say something by saying that expression.
( in Indonesia In pronouncing that expression, he also "acts"
until July 9th 2020, there were 70.736 positive something (Purwo in Rustono, 1999). The form
records. This shows that the recommendation of of speech acts is divided into direct and indirect
the government has not been fully implemented speech acts (Wijana, 1996). Direct speech acts
by the community. It is contrast with the line have a relation between the mode of speech and
that the government has made efforts to provide its conventional function. Indirect speech act is
recommendations both verbally and in writing the irregularity of the mode with the function in
to the public. one speech.
During a pandemic, people tend to use The importance of using humanist
social media more. It is not only for expressive speech acts by the journalists during
socialization, but there are other purposes such the outbreak is very important. The good speech
as promoting something or simply expressing acts will facilitate the delivering of messages to
themselves. Expressive utterance is very easy to the society properly. Through this research,
find on social media nowadays, but not all humanist expressive speech acts of journalists
expressive utterances can easily be accepted in will be found during the covid-19 outbreak.
society. Research on the topic of the covid-19
The press is an institution that is outbreak has been conducted by several
increasingly needed by the government, citizens researchers, including Agung (2020), Bavel
and other institutions to exchange information. (2020), Giatman (2020); Hardika (2020),
A journalist's main goal in a public health crisis Kurniawan (2020), Ristyawati (2020), Xiong
is to help public health goals optimally and (2020). Xiong concluded about psychological
reduce risk while reducing public panic in condition of the society during the covid-19
uncertainty. Wilkins (2005) describes three outbreak and the associated risk factors. A high
functions of journalists. First, it provides prevalence of adverse psychiatric symptoms has
accurate information about disease that is been reported in most studies. The covid-19
available for public, the medical and scientific outbreak represents an unprecedented threat to
community, and makes government decisions. mental health in high, middle and low-income
Second, it is as the multi-directional information countries. Apart from flattening the curve of
that delivery between the public-government or viral transmission, priority needs to be given to
government-science, and the government and prevention of mental disorders (e.g. major
local-international institutions. Third, it is as depressive disorder, PTSD, and suicide). A
supervising the government and related combination of government policies that
Areni Yulitawati Supriyono et al./ Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia 9 (3) (2020) : 264-272

integrate virus risk mitigation with provisions to The research related to expressive
reduce harm to mental health is urgently needed. utterance has also been conducted by Ekawati
Several researchers have conducted the (2017) with the title of the article "Kesantunan
research related to journalism. For example, Semu pada Tindak Tutur Ekspresif Marah dalam
research conducted by Mitchell (2014) examines Bahasa Indonesia". Ekawati concluded that non-
the ethics of speaking and the representation of literal indirect face-threatening acts (ironic
thoughts in literary journalism. The article madness) were face-threatening acts that were
written by Mitchel with the title The Ethics of conveyed in an indirect sentence mode with
Speech and Thought Representation in Literary non-explicit meaning. This angry speech act
Journalism discusses how ethics’ speak of focuses on O3 and O2. Although in expressive
journalists. It is only ethical; it has not yet speech acts of blaming and anger there are no
included the form of a journalist's speech. In the maxims that support politeness, anger aimed at
other hand, the researches on speech acts has the third person is a realization of pseudo
been conducted by How & Jan (2019), Ariyanti politeness. Pseudo politeness is in angry
& Zulaeha (2017), Ekawati (2017), Rini & expressions conveyed not to the target or goal of
Wagiran (2018). The title of How & Jan's angry actions but to other people (third person).
research (2019) is "Speech Act of Concern on The maxim of conformity, humility is
the Academic Performance of Malaysian Foster maintained by not conveying anger in a
Children". How and Jan found that its attention prominent manner. Pseudo politeness also
was not only limited to one category of speech functions to maintain social relations between
acts (expressive acts), but outside the categories friends, family and community.
of expressive acts representing acts, directive and Rini & Wagiran (2018) conducted
commissive acts. The results showed that at a research on humanist expressive speech acts
high level (i.e. refocusing), the more speech act with the article title "Humanist Expressive
categories were found because teachers and Utterance Function and Form in Teaching
caregivers voiced concern in hopes of answering Learning Interaction at Vocational High
the foster children's academic needs and School". The results of the study found that the
problems. The refocusing stage is the most form of speech used in the learning interaction
prominent stage of attention in both teacher and was direct and indirect. The humanist expressive
caregiver responses and consists of three speech function is to criticize or suggest, express
categories of speech acts, namely representative, apologies, function to apologize, insinuate, and
directive and commissive. Meanwhile, the suggest.
process and collaboration stages have two From several studies conducted that are
categories of speech acts. related to covid-19, there is no research that
The research of speech acts was also leads to speech actions during the covid-19
conducted by Ariyanti & Zulaeha (2017) with outbreak. The existing research, mostly directed
the title of the article "Tindak Tutur Ekspresif at the health sector. It has no research that has
Humanis dalam Interaksi Pembelajaran di SMA examined the humanist expressive speech acts of
Negeri 1 Batang: Analisis Wacana Kelas". Ariyanti's journalists in the covid-19 outbreak in
research found that the imperative mode of journalists’ expressive utterance. Therefore, this
direct speech tended to be more frequently research study focuses on the humanist
spoken in the observation aspect. The most expressive speech acts forms of journalists
commonly used functions are the critique or during the covid-19 outbreak.
suggest function. The use of humanist expressive
speech acts in learning interactions between METHODS
building school culture, building the image of
the school in the public, and building the The approach in this research is divided
students’ characters. into two, namely the theoretical approach and
Areni Yulitawati Supriyono et al./ Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia 9 (3) (2020) : 264-272

the methodological approach. The theoretical data used in this research is the speech of
approach in this study uses a pragmatic journalists who are suspected to contain
approach. The methodological approach used in humanist expressive speech acts.
this research is a qualitative approach and a The data collection technique used in this
descriptive approach. Qualitative research is a research is using the free-non participatory
research method used to examine the condition listening and recording techniques. In the free-
of natural objects. Qualitative research was non participatory listening technique,
chosen because the researcher's stability based researchers downloaded videos of journalists
on his research experience and qualitative who are well known to the public, Najwa Shihab
methods can provide more complex details and Karni Ilyas, via the YouTube page on the
about phenomena that are difficult to reveal with covid-19 outbreak during March to May.
quantitative methods. Furthermore, the technique used is the note-
The data in this research is in the form of taking technique, the downloaded videos are
speeches from several senior journalists in converted into manuscripts, there are 9
Indonesia, Najwa Shihab and Karni Ilyas during manuscripts from the data that have been sorted.
the covid-19 outbreak. Najwa Shihab is a former The data are then sorted and analyzed based on
news anchor on Metro TV television station. the form and function of the speech, then used
She has served as an anchor on the news as data cards.
program Prime Time Metro Today, Your Voice This study used data validity by means of
and the talk program Mata Najwa. The triangulation techniques of the data source.
recognition of Najwa's professionalism as a Triangulation is a data validity checking
journalist came from within and outside the technique that utilizes something other than the
country. She has received several awards in the data for checking purposes or as a comparison to
field of journalism. Those are awards from the data (Moleong, 2015). Source triangulation
center PWI and PWI Jaya for the 2004 Aceh is done by checking the data that has been
Tsunami report, on Best Journalist Metro TV obtained by listening to the video that has been
(2006) nominated for the Best News Reader for downloaded. Theory triangulation is a variety of
the Panasonic Awards. She was being selected related theories to ensure that the data collected
as a participant in the Senior Journalist Seminar with the requirements.
(2005) which took place in a number of cities in The data analysis method used in this
the US, and she was a speaker at the Asian research is the equivalent method. The matching
American Journalist Association Convention, method used in this study was the pragmatic
nominated for the (top 5) Asian Television matching method, then continued with the basic
Awards (2007) in the category of Best Current technique, namely the Sorting Determining
Affairs / Talkshow Presenter. Until 2020, Najwa Elements (PUP/Pilah Unsur Penentu) technique
Shihab has been a journalist for 10 years. Karni to classify the form and function of a journalists’
Ilyas, has been a journalist since 1972. Until utterances.
2018, we have received 4 awards as a journalist,
the Panasonik Gobel Award (2013), the RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Indonesian Broadcasting Commission Award
(2015), the Panasonik Gobel Awards (2016), The results of research on expressive
and the Panasonik Gobel Awards ( 2018). This humanist speech acts of journalists during this
shows that Najwa Shihab and Karni Ilyas are outbreak found direct and indirect speech acts.
influential senior journalists in Indonesia. Humanist expressive speech acts during the
The data source of this research is that covid-19 outbreak, using direct and indirect
journalists' speeches can be obtained from the forms of speech. Direct speech occurs when
YouTube page and there is a conventional fit of speech mode and during April to May, the function. Indirect speech occurs when there is a
Areni Yulitawati Supriyono et al./ Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia 9 (3) (2020) : 264-272

mismatch between mode and function in speech. only been at home for 1
The mode of speech in two forms of expressive month due to the Covid-
speech by humanist journalists during the covid- 19 outbreak. Najwa
19 outbreak can be seen in the following table. conveyed that many
people question how
Table 1.The Forms of Expressive Humanist long this pandemic will
Speech Acts of Journalists end.
No Form Mode Frequency 1st : But honestly, no one really
Declarative 52% Journalist knows when this outbreak will
1 Direct Interrogative 3% end. It is impossible for us to
Imperative 3% know without accurate data.
Declarative- 39% (Tapi jujur, memang tidak ada
Imperative yang tahu kapan pandemi ini aka
2 Indirect n berakhir. Mustahil kita bisa
Declarative- 3%
Interrogative tahu tanpa data yang akurat).
The results of the analysis on humanist (data 76)
journalist expressive speech acts on YouTube The utterances of data 76 are the
during the covid-19 pandemic, found that there utterances of the 1st Journalist in the video with
were direct and indirect forms of speech acts. the title Corona: Kepastian diantara
The form of direct speech acts used by ketidakpastian. The utterances are the humanist
journalists, 52% used the declarative mode, 3% expressive speech acts. When there are many
interrogative, and 3% imperative. This shows questions that asks about when this pandemic
the tendency of journalists use the declarative will end soon. Journalists conveyed their feelings
mode in the form of direct speech. The indirect that they also did not know when this pandemic
speech acts used by journalists were 39% in the would end. Journalists also conclude that it is
declarative-imperative mode and 3% using the impossible for the society, including journalists,
declarative-interrogative mode. This shows that to know when this pandemic will end without
journalists tend to use the declarative-imperative accurate data. The utterances have a convention
mode in indirect speech. The followings are the between its mode and function, so that it can be
examples of the utterances. classified into the form of direct speech acts. The
mode used in the speech is declarative mode.
Direct Speech Acts The 1st Journalist uses the declarative mode to
Declarative Mode express feelings, saying that she does not know
Declarative mode is a mode that contains when this pandemic will end.
information that is used to provide information (2) Context : The anchor had a
between interlocutors. This mode states the conversation with the 2 nd

actions that will manifest through the one's Journalist as the chief
willingness to influence the others’ willingness. editor of one of the private
Several journalists' utterances that use the TV stations in Indonesia.
declarative mode are as follows. The topic of discussion
(1) Context : The 1st journalist speaks was the impact of several
on the video entitled regions that have
Corona: Kepastian implemented large-scale
diantara ketidakpastian.. social restrictions, these
In the video, 1st restrictions certainly have
Journalist shares her an impact on the economy
feelings that she has of the society.

Areni Yulitawati Supriyono et al./ Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia 9 (3) (2020) : 264-272

Anchor : Mr. Karni, what is your corona will end.

opinion about social Journalists explain that
assistance due to the effect data related to Covid-19 is
of Corona? (Pak Karni, changing rapidly.
bagaimana pandangan Najwa : By using data, it is difficult
Bapak soal bantuan sosial, Shihab to provide accurate
efek dari corona ini? ) predictions, especially
2 : Yes, in my opinion, the without data? (Dengan
Journalist absolute condition to make data saja sulit untuk
success for the PSBB is memberikan prediksi yang
directly proportional to the akurat, apalagi tanpa
smooth running of social data?)
assistance. (data 82)
(Ya kalau menurut Saya, In the context of the 82 data, many
syarat mutlak dari questions from netizens ask when the corona will
berhasilnya PSBB itu end. Through a video uploaded on the YouTube
berbanding lurus dengan page, Najwa Shihab provides an explanation. In
lancarnya bantuan sosial.) this speech, Najwa Shihab asked netizens how we
(data 178) could predict without data.
The 178 utterances data are a part of the The expressive speech acts contained in
TV news anchor with 2nd Journalist, as the chief the above conversation sections include direct
editor of TV. The form of speech acts which speech acts because they have the appropriate
were spoken by 2nd Journalist when answering speech mode and function. The function of
questions was in the form of direct speech acts. interrogative speech is to ask questions, namely
The speech has a match between the mode of questions asked by journalists to citizens. The
speech and its conventional function. The mode humanistic value contained in these utterances,
used by Journalist 2 in the speech is the netizens better understand the environment they
declarative mode. The information given by 2nd are currently facing during the outbreak. Najwa
Journalist to the public is his thought, if the Shihab did not immediately ask, but gave a brief
PSBB is said to be successful, then social description of the situation first, then asked
assistance should be distributed smoothly to the questions. Najwa Shihab's speech felt polite and
community. The humanist value contained in easier to be accepted by netizens.
the speech, 2nd Journalist does not force the
public or interlocutor to have one opinion. 2nd Imperative Mode
Journalist gives pressure when saying "I think", Imperative mode is a mode that contains
it shows that journalists are just conveying their an order or request that is used to give orders or
thoughts. requests, emphasize willingness, and state
prohibitions. The results of the analysis show
Interrogative Mode that there are three journalists' utterances that
The interrogative mode is a mode that use the imperative mode.
contains a question that is used to ask something (4) Context : There has been a
to the interlocutor. This mode states actions that phenomenon of society
are not known to the speaker and hopes that the isolating people who are
speech partner will provide an explanation of suspected of being positive
something. for Covid - 19. Najwa
(3) Context : Many questions from Shihab gave a
netizens ask when the disappointment response

Areni Yulitawati Supriyono et al./ Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia 9 (3) (2020) : 264-272

to the phenomenon that mengisolasi diri di rumahnya

occurred. masing-masing.)
Najwa : Remember the old slang, (data 49)
Shihab stay away from the The statement on data 49 occurred when
disease, not the person, Najwa Shihab conveyed the feeling of her
this should be our grip!" heartbreak that she was experiencing, seeing the
(“Ingat jargon lama, jauhi phenomenon that was happening during the
penyakitnya bukan outbreak. Many people even inhumanely isolate
orangnya, seharusnya ini Covid- 19 suspected. The utterance does not
jadi pegangan kita!”) have an appropriate between the mode and
(data 61) function of the speech. In his speech, “ODP or
The utterances of 61 data occurred in a ODP patients are victims. Help them isolate
video fragment, when giving a response about themselves in their homes”, in the form of a
the number of people who began to isolate declarative speech. When speaking the tone used
Covid-19 sufferers. Journalists asked citizens to by Najwa Shihab is a down tone, it can be
remember the old jargon, what should be identified as a declarative mode. The function of
avoided is the disease, not the sufferer. The declarative speech is to provide information, but
journalist's speech is direct because the mode in this speech it functions to indirectly order
and function of the speech are interrelated. The citizens to help PDP or ODP patients to isolate
speech takes the form of an imperative or an themselves in their respective homes. The
order, which instructs the netizen to remember humanist value in this conversation piece (4)
the old jargon "stay away from the disease, not shows Najwa Shihab's concern for the
the person" as a guide in action. The humanist community during the pandemic. This concern
value contained in the speech reflects the was proven by Najwa reminding the internet to
concern of journalists for Covid-19 suspected. help PDP and ODP patients isolate themselves
Journalists remind netizens do not isolate Covid- in their respective homes. If the patient finds it
19 suspected. difficult to self-isolate and leave the house, it will
spread the virus to other communities.
Indirect Speech Acts
Declarative-Imperative Mode Declarative-Interrogative Mode
Declarative - imperative mode is a mode Declarative - interrogative mode is a
of speech acts that is declarative but intends to speech mode that is declarative but intends to
express the imperative meaning. In his speech, express interrogative meanings. In his speech,
the speaker intends to give orders to his speech the speaker intends to ask the other speaker
partner to do something, but the speech is questions, but the speech is expressed in a
expressed in a declarative mode is not appearing declarative mode.
to be commanding. (6) Context : Najwa Shihab gives the
(5) Context : Najwa Shihab told of a opening to the video.
phenomenon that is Njawa conveyed her
happening, many people feelings that have been at
are isolating Covid-19 home for several months.
suspected. Jurnalis : Friends, we have passed
Najwa : PDP or ODP patients are for more than two months,
Shihab victims. Help them isolate maybe it feels longer than
themselves in their homes. the usual 2 months.
(Pasien PDP atau ODP (Teman-teman dua bulan
adalah korban. Bantu mereka lebih sudah kita lalui,
mungkin lebih terasa panjang
Areni Yulitawati Supriyono et al./ Seloka: Jurnal Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia 9 (3) (2020) : 264-272

dibanding 2 bulan biasanya.) declarative mode so that it does not appear to be

(data 118) commanding. This is appropriate with Taylor's
The statement on the theory (Agung, 2020: 70), that a pandemic has a
118 data occurred when Najwa Shihab opened broad and massive psychological impact on
the video with the title "Kenapa Tidak Sia-sia di society. People experience changes in ways of
Rumah Aja", in the video Najwa Shihab thinking and emotional changes in
conveyed her feelings. The utterance does not understanding information in society.
have a correlation between the mode and Journalists as a door to disseminate information
function of the speech. The mode used in the need to be careful so as not to cause social
speech is declarative mode. The function of conflict. The form of direct humanist expressive
declarative speech is to provide information, speech acts with the declarative mode is an
from this speech Najwa Shihab provided alternative that can be used by journalists in
information that it has been 2 months since conveying information, so that there are no
facing an outbreak, so you have to stay at home. misunderstandings.
In this utterance, Najwa Shihab emphasizes the The suggestions that can be
word "maybe". This shows that Najwa Shihab recommended are as follows: (a) journalists in
intends to ask the netizen about this. Najwa conveying information during an outbreak, it is
Shihab explicitly asked netizens, "Do you feel important to create speeches that can motivate
the same way?" The humanist value in the and educate speech partners without offending
conversation section (5) is Najwa Shihab's speech partners. (b) the use of humanist
concern for the netizen. What netizens feel, expressive speech acts is expected to be
Najwa Shihab also directly feels, so that the cultivated in various interactions, not limited to
emphasis on the word "maybe" implies that journalist interactions on YouTube. (c) other
Najwa Shihab also feels the same way. researchers are expected to develop similar
research by expanding the object of study,
CONCLUSION including expressive speech acts of humanists,
medical personnel, regional heads, parents, and
Based on the results of this research so on during the covid-19 pandemic.
obtains from nine video transcriptions found 103
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Indonesia, 8(1), 62–67. 1 /jsi. v8i1.29951


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