Proposal Guidelines

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Course Title: Project Work

Course no: CSC-404 Full Marks: 100

Credit Hours: 3 Pass Marks: 40
Nature of course: Project
Course Synopsis
This course introduces students to the practical environment. Special focus will be
given in enabling students with the skills pertaining to the analysis, design, and
development, installation, testing and servicing a corporate organization. The course
has a practical approach to building real application.
To develop the skills associated with analysis design and development of meaningful
and efficient real-world application
Course Contents:
❖ Problem Identification
❖ Problem Specification
❖ Analysis and design
❖ System Development
❖ Installation and Testing
❖ System Maintenance
The content of this course is divided into six different phases; the students will first
involve themselves in identifying a problem that needs to be addressed. Such problem
needs to be specified precisely and several solutions need to be prescribed, out if which
the most viable will be selected. The selected proposed solution now has to be
analyzed properly and design. This might involve the use of tools depending upon the
nature of the problem and environment.
Text Books: None
Prerequisite: Depending upon types of project
Evaluation Criteria of Project Work.
❖ Analysis and design
❖ Presentation skill
❖ Questions Answer
❖ Scope of Work / Future Implementation of Project
❖ Overall documentation of project work
Evaluation of Project Work
Internal Evaluation (At the mid of project work by supervisor, HOD/coordinator)
Final Evaluation with External (At the end of the project by External, Internal and
Marks Allocation
Supervisor 60
Internal 20
External 20
Total 100
Proposal Design
Proposals are written when people need to ask permission to make a purchase, do a
project, or write a paper; the proposal is a formal way of putting forth an idea and asking
for action to be taken on that idea.

The next obvious question is, "how to design the proposal? ". Well here are the topics
that you should include in your proposal.

1) Introduction
2) Problem Definition
3) Objective
4) Scope & Limitation
5) Research Methodology
a. Literature Review
b. Data collection
c. Testing and verification
d. Expected output
6) Working schedule
7) References
You can use following things as your resources:

❖ Research Papers: You can get journals of various institutions.

❖ Internet: The ultimate source for everything nowadays. you can start from google.
❖ Books: If you haven't been to library for a long time, maybe it's the time now.
❖ Supervisor: The man who is holding your back for the entire project work
❖ Friend / University: Maybe it's the time to ask for something.

This is a brief guide to Proposal Writing for your Project. Somewhere in your study, or in
life, you might have to write proposals before doing your projects.
Generally, proposals are to be submitted to higher authorities or your
university/company to inform them what you are doing and how will you do use what
type of resources in what time.

There is a famous saying by Abraham Lincoln "Give me six hours to chop down a tree
and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe". This quote represents the value of
planning and preparation. A correct planning can lead the project to the successful
accomplishment. The project both academically and professionally is a very essential
According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, the project is defined as a specific plan or
design whereas a project proposal is a detailed description of a series of activities
aimed at solving a certain problem. In engineering or computer science education,
Project plays a vital role in the students' career. According to B.E. curriculum, in a 3rd
year, they have to do the minor project whereas in 4th year they have to do the major
project. Before starting the project, after forming a group and selecting a suitable project
title they should be focused on writing the proposal. So, there is an issue that how to
write a better project proposal? I will try to provide the essential guidelines to write a
better project proposal which may be helpful to the students of Bachelor’s degree in
Engineering/Computer Science/Information Technology.

Here below, I have described the most precise and general way of writing the project
proposal. This guide is prepared in reference to the proposal for Bsc.CSIT of TU,
however, it is almost similar in every field. All the topics are explained in brief below:

Before starting to the main contents, let’s know about the general format, fonts and
❖ The proposal should be short enough to explain your project
❖ Don’t use page breaks to start a new topic, continue writing next topic after a
topic finishes with some gap.

Table of Content
1. Page Setup
a. Font & Font Size
2. Title
3. Abstract
4. Introduction
5. Problem Definition
6. Objective
7. Scope & Limitation
8. Methodology
a. Software Development Model
b. Study of existing system
c. Data Collection
d. Requirement Analysis
e. Feasibility Analysis
f. Testing
g. Tools used
9. Overview of system
10. Time schedule (GANTT chart)
11. Expected outcome
12. Bibliography

Page setup
Line Spacing: 1.5
Margins (in inch): Left 1.5, Right 1, Top 1 and Bottom 1
Font: Any font of Sans Series only (Times new roman, Calibri etc.)
Font Size
Title: 14
Sub heading: 12 bold
Normal texts: 12
Latex: APA format

Title /Cover Page

Cover Page consists of the institution's name with address, project title, project
members, concern department and a submitted date in a correct format. Defining proper
title is the difficult task. A title is the main thesis statement that overall reflects the own
idea. It should be clear. For e.g. if developing Smart dress is a concept then "Design an
efficient smart dress" can be a title. Whenever you write or define title it should be
meaningful and logical.

❖ should be catchy and specific to the domain not broad

❖ try to make your title not so long, minimize the use of many words
❖ give your application/product a good name

This is the most important part of the proposal because it is the reviewer’s first
impression. Even though it appears at first, write it at last because it is the summary of
the proposal. The abstract is a concise description of the project covering objectives,
need, methodology and dissemination plans. It should identify the expected outcomes
of the project. An ideal abstract should be less than 500 words and fit on one page.

Abstract contains:
❖ The background & problem statement
❖ The project’s objectives
❖ Key project activities
❖ The total project budgets (if required)
❖ Keywords: the words that represent your project

Elaboration on the topic in the correct or logical way, Be specific. For e.g. If you are a
student and you are introducing to your teacher, giving the background of +2, grades
with name and address are fine rather explaining all your hobbies and personal

Note: Avoid giving less information or over information.

❖ The introduction is short and right to the point of information

❖ Write what exactly your project does
Example: This mobile application provides user to track, record, monetize his/her family
members’ travel activities through the use of GPS technology and location services.
Problem definition
❖ Make it critical

❖ The problem should be stated in such a way that if there is no project there would
be a great loss/impact

Example: These days, parents are having a difficult time as many children go to
different places and don’t tell parents their exact location.

❖ Mention the main aim of your project, think about the outcome
❖ Why would you do it?
❖ Always start from To
❖ Objectives should be: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, timebound
❖ Keep 3-4 objectives
❖ To develop a mobile application that tracks user’s daily activities
❖ To make it easier for parents to know where their children are in real-time
Scope and limitation
❖ In scope write about what consequences your project outcome can bring

❖ mention what extra feature you would like to add, or write about the scalability
and extendibility of your product

❖ you can write about what impacts it can create when it goes on a large scale
Whereas in limitation

❖ write about some of the things you couldn’t include but always wanted to

❖ mention the performance limitations, real-time working dependence

❖ writing about the accuracy of the data you take and processed result will make
your proposal more precise

While talking about the software development model in our case, in methodology you
write about the methods you are going to use to achieve your objectives and why and
how would you choose it. Its main content should be:

a) Software Development Model (with justification)

In software development model,
❖ You mention which software development model you will be using, and
❖ The reason for choosing this model despite of other models.
b) Study of existing system (literature review)

A literature review is the study and research of similar systems/applications that are
already developed or are already in the market which are in some way similar to yours.
Discuss any such application, their outcome or quote any sayings here. Including date,
author name, developer name might be good and attractive. You can also include at
least 5 websites, apps, books etc. that are some way related to your project or give you
the inspiration to do.

c) Data Collection (requirement collection)

In data collection, you mention how you are going to collect various data that are
needed for your project development. Mention about the primary and secondary
sources of your data.

Some of the data sources for technological projects might be:

❖ Web surfing,
❖ Review,
❖ The questionnaire, and so on.

d) Requirement Analysis
❖ Change user requirement into system requirement

❖ Group to functional and non-functional requirement

e) Feasibility Analysis

Write about the feasibility of your product after development. Mention various feasible
areas like operational, economical, technical etc.

Example: This software is operationally, economically, technically feasible.

f) Testing

When you develop an application/ software testing is inevitable to minimize various

errors and make your product more accurate and optimized.
In this section, briefly write about the different testing approaches you will be using.
❖ Unit Testing
❖ Integrated Testing
❖ System Testing
❖ Acceptance Test
g) Tools Used
We make use of different available tools and technologies to develop our product.
❖ In tools used section we mention the various such tools we will be using or are
planning to use.
❖ Just write their purpose and recommended is their versions for use
❖ Don’t write the definition of tools
Frontend: HTML5/CSS3, Javascript
Backend/database: Ruby on Rails (ruby 2.4.0p0, Rails 5.1.0), PostgreSQL 9.6.3

Overview of system
Pictorial representation of your system comes under the overview of the system. The
diagram should explain how the overall system works You can include any of the

Diagram of server, user, setup and use case diagram Or DM (Dimensional modeling)
or: Flowchart of data-flow diagram (DFD) (best to use this), Decision table, ER diagram

Time schedule (GANTT chart)

In time schedule, you give a brief summary of how much time the project will take
including all steps. Represent them in GANTT chart.

Expected outcome
❖ Write about what your product should do
❖ Remember meeting the objective
❖ Good to write about the time taken for processing

Cost Estimation
Show the overall cost of the project if required

Bibliography/ REFERENCES
The referencing style can be different for different departments such as APA, MLA,
IEEE. In engineering IEEE referencing style is preferred for research papers. Simplified
Hardvard style is preferable in academic reports. Here are some examples of APA &
IEEE format/style.

Mention some books, publications and their authors that you may reference to
somewhere during the project. You can include:1-2 books, websites etc.
[University paper with two authors]
IEEE style

[1] R. Gowarishankar and M. F. Demirkol, “Adaptive M-QAM Modulation for MIMO

Systems”, IEEE 2005, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, USA, 2005
APA style

Gowrishankar, R., & Demirkol, M. F. (2005, April). Adaptive M-QAM modulation for
MIMO systems. In Wireless Communications and Applied Computational
Electromagnetics, 2005. IEEE/ACES International Conference on (pp. 66-69). IEEE.

[Proceeding of Conference]

IEEE Style

[2] A. Svensson, “An Introduction to Adaptive QAM Modulation Schemes for Known and
Predicted Channels”, Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 95, No. 12, December 2007
APA Style

Svensson, A. (2007). An introduction to adaptive QAM modulation schemes for known

and predicted channels. Proceedings of the IEEE, 95(12), 2322-2336.


IEEE Style

[3] T. S. Rappaport, “Wireless Communications: Principles and Practice” Second

Edition, Prentice Hall, 2003

APA Style

Rappaport, T. S. (1996). Wireless communications: principles and practice (Vol. 2). New
Jersey: prentice hall PTR.

[Website or Document from any electronic source]

IEEE Style

[4] Quantil, "Data Transmission – Parallel vs Serial," 2017. [Online]. Available:

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