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Advanced Research Methodology

Submitted BY:
Allah Rakha (3006)
Tahira Batool (3015)
Zahid javeed (3032)

Submitted To: Prof. Dr.Imran khan

Bahawalnagar Campus
Negative Behaviors and Turnover intention of employees with moderating
effect of Gender
Theoretical Framework
Key Concepts
The aim of HR department is to retain the good is very necessary
for any organization to know about the employees why they left the
organizations. There are three main elements which may cause turnover cost,
New recruitment and replacement cost, Time required for training and
development of new staff to understand the organization work environment and
policies, Resources for orientation and training of new staff. High turnover
intention may caused low productivity and objective of the organization. [ CITATION
Oma20 \l 1033 ]

When employee does not want to stay with the organization’s it has two negative
effects 1. high in cost for new hiring, 2. brain drain
[ CITATION Mit05 \l 1033 ]

By enhancing organizational commitment we can reduce the employee’s

turnover intention and early retirement. The study will also explain the importance
of work values and importance of employees for an organization.
The study examine the effects of three negative behaviors (alienation, cynicism
and silence behaviors) on employees intention to leave the work.
1. Alienation defined as a representation of a generalized ,unenthusiastic attitude
toward the work that indicate a low level of engagement with the work.
In general alienation , can be thought of as a loss of control through separation
from an important trait of the person, and, more exactly, isolation of an performer
or mediator from the circumstances of expressive agency. In the capitalist society
the utmost significant such separation, the one that finally underlies many, if not
most other forms, is the isolation of most of the manufacturers from the
resources of invention. [ CITATION Pro11 \l 1033 ]
The idea of the organizational alienation states that an attitude in which an
worker overhauls little about the work, approaches work with slight energy and
works mostly for the effort of extrinsic rewards. Organizational alienation means
the reflection of an person’s moods caused by the dissatisfaction about an
individual’s employment situation. The alienation thought can be described as
“the interruption, the natural connections between the persons and among the
individuals and their deception”[ CITATION DUR20 \l 1033 ]
According to seemen Alienation behaviors has 5 dimension,
 Powerlessness
It depends on the bad mood of the employee due to this employee
are unable to perform activities and cannot decide by their own.
 Normlessness
It can be define as breakdown of values with in the society and staff
or individuals
 Isolation
It is the situation when staff cutdown themselves from the
organization and feel incapable to belong with any community or
 Self- estrangement
When employee did not perform their duty willingly and did not find
interest in their jobs. They cannot feel the cheerfulness from the
success of their tasks.
 Meaninglessness
When individuals or employees did not assess themselves truly and
they think that their behavior are designed by others.
[ CITATION Abi17 \l 1033 ]

2. Cynicism behavior
defined as an intrinsic personality attribute that reflects negative emotions
like frustration and has adverse effects on an organization. organizational
cynicism means an employee is dissatisfied with their employer and thinks
that management is not based on honesty, justice and transparency.
[ CITATION Mon19 \l 1033 ]

Cynicism occurs when staff has lack of confidence in their organizations

and they feel that their organization are not trusted. organization cynicism
is link with emotions and anger.
Past studies describe cynicism behavior as a sentiment of anger or
aggravation towards the employer where the worker starts trusting that
their company is dishonest and biased.
Cynicism behavior is divided into future five assemblies,
 Personal cynicism
define as personality traits of any individual.
 Societal cynicism
defines as negative sense of individuals towards society.

 Cynicism towards change

defines as employee doubt or distrust towards change employee do
not wants to accept the change
 work cynicism
the component of job burnout or intention to leave the organization.
Negative performance of work in the organization.
 Employee cynicism
Negative attitudes of the staff towards work which can effect
negative at the productivity and organizational process.

3. Silence behavior It is observed that the majority of workers prefer to be silent

due to fear of being viewed negatively, fear of damaging professional relationship
among peers or supervisor and employees and Gera of some fine , punishment.
Furthermore, an employee may show silence due to individual reason like lack of
experience, organizational hierarchical structure or unsupportive culture.
Organizational silence can wastes all of the organzioanl efforts. Employees
wants to choose the organization where they can express their ideas and
[ CITATION orh13 \l 1033 ]

4. Employee turnover cost is 100% more expensive than an employee’s yearly

income. It can affect the organization’s profits as well as production. High rate of
turnover also affect the social life and mental life of a worker. There is an
important relationship between financial performance of organizations and
turnover intentions as turnover increased the profit of the organization
decreased, as the turnover intention decreased the financial position of the
company grew up.
Employee’s turnover intention is very important factor for any organization
success or failure. Work values and turnover intention are major concerns for
companies in the era of 21st century. Around 90-100% of an employee salary is
the employee replacement cost. The general problem is to satisfy and retain an
employee for any organization that can affect the profit and growth of the
organization. The problem is that the owners of the organizations are unable to
understand the relationship between objects/aim of employees and job
satisfaction and job dis-satisfaction and rapidly growing rate of employee
turnover intentions.
I. The objective of the research is to examine the relation among negative
behaviors , work environment and turnover.
II. Effects of turnover intentions at profitability of organization and recruitment
III. Provide Suggestion regarding strategies to overcome the turnover
intentions and provide maximum work values to employees.
IV. To identify the mediating role of organization commitment on job
satisfactions and turnover intentions.
Research Questions
I. What is the association between employees and top management
(job satisfaction & dis-satisfaction)?
II. What is the relationship between turnover intention, organizational
commitment and negative behaviors?
III. What are possible effects of turnover intentions at the profitability and
recruitment cost of organization?

There are several social theories that our study will be based on.
Two Factor Theory (Hygiene Theory) of job Satisfaction
 The two factor theory from Frederick Herzberg’s motivation hygiene
theory, developed in 1959 and job embeddedness theory from Mitchell
provided the grounds for exploring the level to which employee job
satisfaction and job embeddedness expect employee intention to leave
the organization.
 According to Frederick Herzberg’s theory, two factors means hygiene
factors and motivation factors. Hygiene factor are sources of job
dissatisfaction. It is associated with job context or work setting. According
to motivation-hygiene theory improving people from being dissatisfaction.
The prediction of turnover intention is based on job satisfactions .
According to Mitchell “job embeddedness theory” (factors that keep an
employee on the job) should predict employee turnover intentions
[ CITATION Bro06 \l 1033 ]
 The theory of (Adams and Behr, 1998 tell that Early retirement and
turnover at any age are organizational withdrawal responses. It show that
the lower benefits for staying in a specific job as compared to leaving.
 William and Hazer (1986) define job satisfaction is the employee’s
emotions and affection responses to his/her job features.
“Employee leaves the organizations due to lack of facilities, attitude of
management, lack of motivation that can cost high for any organization”.
[ CITATION Ang20 \l 1033 ].

 There are many other factors that effects on employees turnover

intentions such as (Career satisfaction ,demographic aspects, Age,
 Career of employees is define as there is progress, development and
success during the job in an organization(Werner P384)
“Employee turnover affect organizational decisions and force top executives to
find the reasons for employee turnover intentions” [ CITATION Rah201 \l 1033 ].
Conceptual/theoretical Research Framework and hypothesis


Borrowed Instrument

Alienation behavior were

Adapted from the study of
Punia and Berwal (2017),
Cynicism behavior were
Adapted from the study of
Durrah et al. (2019

Silence behavior
were adapted from the
study of Adamska and
Jurek (2017).

The scale of intention to leave work designed based on

previous literature (Kumar
and Govindarajo, 2014

A five point Likert scale (1 “strongly disagree,” 2 “disagree”, 3 “neutral”, 4 “agree” 5

“strongly agree”) has been adopted in building the survey questions

This chapter defines tools and procedures that are necessary in the analysis of the
data. Analysis of data is about the procedures and results of each proposed hypothesis.
Different procedures were used for analysis. This chapter also confirms the normality
and reliability of full measurement model. Further, this chapter also confirms the
proposed relationship among all the constructs of this study.
Analytical Procedure
Analysis of data is about the procedures and interpretation of each proposed
hypothesis. I used SPSS version 21 for preliminary data file preparation and data
screening such as missing value analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis.
Preliminary Data Screening

Data analysis starts with some initial tests that are required to screen the data e.g.
checking missing values, abnormal or aberrant values, normality, descriptive statistics
and outliers.

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