Banning plastic bags-Opinion essay - Chữa chi tiết

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Mr. Hiep’s English Classes


In many countries plastic bags are the main source of rubbish, causing pollution on land and in
the water, so many people think they should be banned. To what extent do you agree or


- Retailers; manufacturers; wholesalers; consumers: alternative to plastic bags; plastic
- Consumers: use fabric bags/reusable bags/biodegradable plastic bags; when go grocery
- Retailers, manufacturers, wholesalers: use less plastic packaging; provide customers
with biodegradable bags; shopping bags that are environmentally friendly;

Use biodegradable plastic bags;
Use a kind of worm that can feed on plastic products in general.
Mealworms/ Wax worms may be the key to reducing plastic waste.
Enzymes in the worms’ saliva or gut can break down plastic
Poop out pellets that can be used as soil/fertilizer
Bioremediation candidates
Mutate; invasive species;
Reduce, reuse and recycle


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The polluting effects of plastic are often featured in the news these days. We

have realized how damaging plastic can be and there is a strong public reaction in

favor of reducing plastic waste. Banning plastic bags would be one way of dealing

with the problem. However, in my opinion there are other, more effective, strategies

that could be implemented, targeting not only consumers but also the manufacturers

and retailers of plastic products.

The main problem with plastic bags is that they take many years to

decompose and are often only used only once for convenience and then

discarded, ending up in rivers and seas where they cause particular harm to marine

creatures such as whales, turtles and seabirds. The obvious response might be to ban

plastic bags. If shops stopped supplying them, customers would be forced to re-use

existing bags or find other ways of carrying their shopping. This has had a great deal of

success in many countries. But this ban should extend to all plastic which is used in

packaging, much of which is unnecessary. Fruits and vegetables, for example, have

their own natural covering and do not need a further layer of plastic.
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While banning plastic bags would be beneficial, this measure would not be

enough to solve the problem. People also need educating about littering and

recycling in general. Many people still do not dispose of plastic properly and as a

result, even if less plastic is produced, much of what is in existence finds its way into

the natural environment. Heavy fines should be introduced for those who do not

respect the laws regarding the protection of the environment.

In conclusion, the required approach should be to both limit the production

and use of plastic and also to ensure that people understand the impact that it can

have on the environment if plastic is not correctly managed.

310 words

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