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1. Prayer

Let us stand up for a short opening prayer.

May I call on Mr. ____ to kindly lead the prayer?

(The students will all stand)

Oh, God our father, we praise and

adore you for everything. Forgive
us for the sins that we have done.
We give you thanks Oh God
almighty for all the blessings of
life. Thank you for being the light
in the midst of the dark. Give us
hope to overcome every struggle
and knowledge we need for our
discussion. We pray this in Jesus
name, Amen.

Good morning Ma’am, Mabuhay!

2. Greetings
Thank you Ma’am.
A wonderful morning my dear students!

Kindly take your seat. We are good and excited Ma’am.

How are you this morning?


3. Classroom Management (Students align their chairs and they

pick up all the pieces of trash.)
Before we start, align your chairs properly and
kindly pick up the pieces of paper under it.

Yes Ma’am! Everybody is present

4. Checking of Attendance today.
Is everybody present today?

Very good!

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