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REG NO: 2020-04-04261



QUESTION NO 02: Attempt the major characterization of history from the Greek to
modern period
The meaning of history is always dynamic since it changes as time goes on and there is no single
explanation about the term history. The term has got different explanation to different scholars
and historian. According to E. H. Carr on his “book what is history” he said history is the endless
dialogue between historians existing today and historical facts that existing in the past. 1 And for
him not everything that happens in the past can be termed as the part of history unless historian
made a clear evaluation and analysis about the certain historical event. For him you cannot
separate historical fact with the historian since those fact they can’t stand by alone and give a
clear meaning since they need someone to explain about it who is historian. Since we cannot
retrieve the past as it was happened and there is no comprehensive history which cover
everything from the past, since each scholars select what kind of event to explain that is why
there is no single explanation about a certain event, since each time have got different historical

The following are the characteristics of history based on different period from the Greek to
modern history

During Greek and Roman period, at this period the term history was not regarded as the fact and
it was characterized with human event which occur in the society. A famous scholar here is
known as Herodotus who is regarded as the father of history as he wrote only what he observed,
also the term history was characterized with natural occurrence in the society such as earthquake,
floods and drought. Methodologically during this time the common method which were used to
write about history was observation, among scholars includes Herodotus and Thucydides who
are regarded to produce original history because they wrote what they observer. Therefore they
contributed a lot in the construction of roads and bridges that remain in use today, because
method such as observation and inquire are still used by different scholars and historian to
narrate what they have been observed. At this time history was used in court because it involved
eye witnessed.

Medieval period it's also called middle age or Dark Age, during this time Monks and members of
clerks were dominated. The writing of history during middle ages were much writing about the
history of the church and revelations. Historians during middle ages they wrote history so as to
maintain the status core of the rulers and free narration of the people’s life. The main source of
Edward Hallett Carr, what is History? (London England 1961)
history during this time were annals, chronicles and biographies. Among of philosopher during
medieval ages includes Ibn Khaldun who wrote about the history of Muhammad. It was the time
when the power of the king was given priority and it's was the time Christianity church was
dominant. During this time there was no reasoning, that means human reason was not allowed
and what's happened was related to God action. So what was writing was the history of the
church, sent, and people in the power. During this time history started to be regarded as the past
event and also the narration of those past event. During this time history comes from two source
which was Arnold and chronicles where by Arnold was the record of event that's are recorded
year by year such events include Institution events and government events while chronicles
referring record of important event of a year such as pandemic and others. Again it's should be
noted that during this period the writing of history was dominated by church people so they
wrote much about Jesus and it's was time when the church was dominant. The purpose of history
during this time was just to justify the state core of the rulers.2

Modern period it begun after collapse of medieval period, it based explores the change of the
society due to the industrialization it was the ages of reasoning and the age of enlightenment
much after the essence of industrial revolution History during this time was characterized by
industrial revolution and scientific development it also called the age of reasons. Science help
people to survey the world and explore the universe and to start to question the issue that were
not question during the middle age. Again it's should be noted that during the modern period the
printing technology started as the results the writing of history be simple and scientist Started to
understand the universe such as Stars and moon also during this period history was characterized
by argument rather than based on revelation as it was in middle age and thus is to say the power
of human reason was given first priority and history was the party of human action in all aspect
of life politically , economically and socially and the main purpose of history during this time
was to show human agency in control the universe.

Generally different historical event that occurred from the past have got different explanation by
different scholars and historian that is to say there is no a single explanation about any historical
event. Also due to the different thought of different historian make the meaning of history

Robin George Collingwood, “The idea of History” (London, Oxford University Press 1946)

Edward Hallett Carr, what is History? (London England 1961)

Robin George Collingwood, “The idea of History” (London, Oxford University Press 1946)

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