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CMD commands for the Windows

command prompt
Most IT experts and Linux users, in addition to computer users who work with MS-DOS, are relatively
familiar with the command line and its corresponding commands. But a lot can be achieved with
the command prompt in Windows, too. For this reason, we’ll explain what the command line is, how to
open it, and which CMD commands there are for Windows.

Windows console commands have changed over time: in newer Windows versions, users no longer have
access to some of the familiar commands. In the following, we’ll explain which CMD commands still
work under Windows 10 so that you don’t have to tediously test which are still valid and which are
outdated. Our overview tables describe the functions of the individual commands and specify under which
Microsoft operating systems they’re effective.

1. How does a command line work?
2. How do you open the command prompt?
3. How do you enter commands in the command prompt?
4. Windows CMD commands: an overview

How does a command line work?

The command line (also called the console or terminal) is a text-based interface within the operating
system, that forwards commands from the user to the operating system. This makes it possible, for
example, to organize files, start programs, or run other commands linked to the operating system,
computer, or network.

In older operating systems (like MS-DOS), you had to work without a graphical user interface, and
oftentimes even navigate without a mouse. Instead, you had to type in all commands – the directory
structures were then displayed as plain text on the screen. But even after the switch to graphical operating
systems, the command line remained text-based.

In general, the connection between operating system – regardless of whether graphical (GUI = graphical
user interface) or text-based (CLI = command line interpreter) was condensed under the term “Shell.” The
default command line interpreter for Windows is called CMD.EXE. In addition, however, there’s also the
“PowerShell”: This offers more options than CMD.EXE. For example, automations can be created better
with PowerShell. In this way, users can create script programs with the PowerShell scripting language.

Many Windows console commands are based on batch files. This are usually text files (with the ending
.bat or .cmd) that are run by the command line as batch processing. These files are generally created to
perform routine work and start other programs.

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How do you open the command prompt?

There are various options for accessing the command line in Windows. Technically speaking, the
command line is the CMD.EXE program. This executable file should be found in the system directory of
your Windows folder. (If you right-click on the file, Windows also gives you the option to start the
program as an administrator – in case you have the access data for this.) To reach the program more
quickly, you can use the search bar or the run menu. The latter is opened under Windows 7, 8, and 10 with
the key combination Win + R. Then all you have to do is type “cmd” into the search field and press the OK

The command prompt has long had a fixed spot in the Windows start menu as well. Under Windows 7
and Windows 10, the program is found in the “System Tools” folder. With Windows 8, Microsoft replaced
the start menu with a start screen. But the command prompt is also found via the apps here. Alternatively,
Windows 8 as well as Windows 10 both offer the “Power User Tasks Menu.” You can open this with the
key combination Win + X. In this way, you can find the command prompt in the normal execution as well
as the administrator version.

How do you enter commands in the command prompt?

CMD functions via defined commands. These have to be entered correctly, otherwise the command
prompt can’t run the task. The same goes for parameters that you link to the commands. Individual
commands can be extended using options (such as arguments). These are generally given as a letter with a
minus sign (-), plus sign (+), or slash (/). CMD also allows placeholders. For so-called wild cards, use an
asterisk (*) or question mark (?). While the latter replaces a single character (i.e. letter, digit, or other
character), the asterisk stands for any number of characters.

In the command prompt and commands, you also frequently have to work with path specifications. You
need these to navigate through your directories or specify exact positions in commands. For the input of a
path, use the backslash (\).
Individual CMD commands can be combined with one another. Through a pipe, the output of the first
command is interpreted as input for the following command. In the command prompt, commands are
linked to one another with a vertical line (|). This line itself is called a pipe, but officially is known as a
vertical bar. Vertical bars pass data from one command to the next:

 CommandA | CommandB

There’s also the possibility of redirection: where the output of a command is directly forwarded to a file
(>) or the content of a text file is understood as input for the command (<).

 Command > File (output in file)

 Command < File (input from file)

Finally, Windows command line commands can also be connected in such a way that they run directly
after one other. This can be controlled via a relatively simple form (&), but also via two more complex
variations. It’s also possible to only run the second command if the first was successful. Or, you can set up
the exact opposite as well: The second command is only run if the first doesn’t work (||). Both options can
even be combined so that there’s an either-or string of commands:

 CommandA & CommandB (the second command is run directly after the first)
 CommandA && CommandB (the second command is only run if the first was
 Command A || CommandB (the second command is only run if the first was not
 CommandA && CommandB || CommandC (the second command is only run if the
first was successful, otherwise the third command is run)

Each command has its own syntax and individual options. So that you don’t have to memorize all of these,
CMD offers a help command: Using help command or command /? you can obtain information about how
to handle the command.
It’s also extremely helpful that the command prompt remembers your last entered CMD commands. Using
the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard, you can recall your earlier entries. This also means,
though, that you can’t use these keys to scroll through the CMD window. This is usually done with the
mouse instead. But if you prefer to scroll using keys and are ready to give up the recall command function,
you can alter the corresponding setting: right-click on the command prompt and enable the “Scrolling”

Command, file names or path specifications, as well as arguments, are separated from one another using
spaces. It also usually doesn’t matter if you use upper- or lower-case letters. It’s only important in a few
cases whether you write the parameter in upper- or lower-case (generally only when two different
parameters are abbreviated with the same letter, and are only differentiated from one another through the

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Windows CMD commands: an overview

There are almost 300 commands for Windows and its predecessor, MS-DOS. Over the decades, some
commands have been kept around, some have only recently been added with newer versions of Windows,
and others have been removed or replaced. In our comprehensive list, we explain what the different
commands mean and on which Windows versions they run. This way, you can quickly look up whether the
CMD commands that you know still function with Windows 10. To make it more clear, we’ve divided the
Windows command prompt commands into four categories: basics, files, system, and network.

The information on the functionality of various Windows versions should only be understood as
orientation information. For the individual commands, it’s not only which Windows version you’re using
that’s important, but also which edition (Home, Pro, Server). In some cases, you have to adjust certain
settings beforehand so that the commands are effective. You also will need access rights as an
administrator for some CMD commands.


command Description Windows version  

bitsadmin Creates and monitors downloads and uploads. 10/8/7/Vista  

break Interrupts Ctrl + C checking in DOS, allowing you All Win/DOS  

to stop processes in the old operating system.
Only available for compatibility reasons in
command Description Windows version  

call Calls a batch file within another batch file. The All Win/DOS  
command has no effect if entered directly into
CMD instead of in a batch file.

cd Displays the current directory and lets you switch All Win/DOS  
to other directories. With the parameter /D plus
drive and path specification, you can also switch
drives. Use cd.. to switch to a higher directory (has
the same function as the chdir command).

chcp Changes the current code page (character set All Win/DOS  
table) or shows the page count of the current code

chdir Displays the current directory and lets you switch All Win/DOS  
to other directories. With the parameter /D plus
drive and path specification, you can also switch
drives. Use chdir.. to switch to a higher directory
(has the same function as the cd command).

choice Creates a selection list: typical example is the All Win (not  
selection of yes (Y) or no (N), which is created XP)/DOS
with /C YN. With the parameter /M you can add an
explanatory message for the user.

clip Forwards the result of a command to the clip) or the content of 10/8/7/Vist
clipboard. For example, you can copy the directory a file (clip <
structure (dir filename) to the

cls Clears the content of the screen. All Win/DOS  

cmd Starts CMD.EXE. 10/8/7/Vista/XP  

color Changes the background (first value) and text 10/8/7/Vista/XP  

color (second value) of the command prompt. The
color lies between 0 (black) and F (white).

command Starts CMD.COM. 32-bit/DOS  

date Displays the current date and allows you to All Win/DOS  
command Description Windows version  

change it. With the parameter /T the date is shown

without the option to change.

debug Starts debug, a program that can test and modify 32-bit/DOS  
programs within the command prompt.

dir Displays all folders and files within the current All Win/DOS  
directory. You can restrict the output by attributes
(/A), simplify the list (/B), or display all
subdirectories and their files (/S).

doskey Creates macros, recalls commands, and edits All Win/DOS  

command input.

dosshell Opens the DOS shell, a graphical file 95/DOS  

management tool. In Windows, the DOS shell is
replaced by Windows Explorer.

echo Displays a message and is mainly used within All Win/DOS  

scripts and batch files.

edit Starts the MS-DOS editor, with which you can 32-bit/DOS  
create text files.

edlin Creates and edits text files within the command 32-bit/DOS  

exit Ends CMD.EXE or CMD.COM. All Win/DOS  

fasthelp Displays helpful information about commands. DOS  

fastopen Writes the position of a program into a specified 32-bit/DOS  

list, which is in the working memory and should
accelerate the start of programs.

find Searches through a file or multiple files for a All Win/DOS  

particular character sequence. If you only want to
know how frequently the word or phrase occurs,
use the /C parameter. With the extension /I the
command ignores upper- and lower-case in the
command Description Windows version  

findstr Finds character sequences in one or multiple files. 10/8/7/Vista/XP  

It gives you more options when compared to the
find command: you can search for files that
contain various terms or with /C search for an
exact word order.

forcedos Starts a program in the MS-DOS partial system, in XP (32-bit)  

case it’s not directly recognized by Windows XP
as a DOS program.

graftabl Enables the option to use extended characters of 32-bit/DOS  

a specific code page in graphics mode.

graphics Starts a program that can print graphics. 32-bit/DOS  

help Displays help text for a specific command (you All Win/DOS  
can also use the /? command).

kb16 Changes the country settings of the keyboard for 32-bit  

DOS programs (only included in Windows for
compatibility reasons. Replaces the old command

keyb Changes the country settings of the keyboard for 98/95/DOS  

DOS programs (only included in Windows for
compatibility reasons. Replaced by kb16 in newer
Windows versions).

logoff Logs the user out of Windows. Also allows you to 10/8/7/Vista/XP  
end sessions on servers.

lpq Displays the status of a printer queue for All Win  

computers that use a “line Printer Daemon” (LPD).
(To use the command in Windows 10, 8, 7, or
Vista, the LPD print service and the LPR port
monitor have to be enabled first).

lpr Sends a file to a computer that uses a line printer All Win  
daemon (LPD). To use the command in Windows
10, 8, 7, or Vista, the LPD print service and LPR
port monitor have to be enabled first.
command Description Windows version  

md Creates a new directory on the specified path. If All Win/DOS  

directories don’t already exist on the path, md
creates them automatically (you can also use the
mkdir command).

mkdir Creates a new directory on the specified path. If All Win/DOS  

directories don’t already exist on the path, mkdir
creates them automatically (you can also use the
md command).

more Outputs the content of a file (for example, a text All Win/DOS  
file) by the page. You can also use the command
to split the output of another command into pages.

msg Sends a message to another user. You can write 10/8/7/Vista/XP  

the username into the command or create files in
which usernames are saved. The files can then be
included in the command with @filename.

nlsfunc Provides country-specific information for language 32-bit/DOS  


ntbackup Runs backup services directly from the command XP  

line or as part of batch or script files.

path Creates and displays the path for searching All Win/DOS  
executable files.

pause Pauses execution in batch files and scripts. The All Win/DOS  
user is then prompted in a message to continue by
pressing a key.

popd Changes to the folder saved by the pushd 10/8/7/Vista  

command. The command is mainly part of batch
files and scripts.

print Prints a text file. The device to be used for printing All Win/DOS  
has to be specified.

prompt Changes the display of the command prompt. All Win/DOS  

pushd Saves a specific path into a script or batch file. 10/8/7/Vista/XP  

command Description Windows version  

You can change to this directory with popd.

qbasic Starts qbasic, a program environment based on 98/95/DOS  

the BASIC programming language.

rd Deletes a directory. This must not contain any All Win/DOS  

files, even hidden ones. You can delete an entire
directory tree with the /S parameter (you can also
use the rmdir command).

rem Writes comments in batch and script files that All Win/DOS  
aren’t taken into account when executing.

rmdir Deletes a directory. This must not contain any All Win/DOS  
files, even hidden ones. You can delete an entire
directory tree with the /S parameter (you can also
use the rd command).

runas Allows a user to run commands with the rights of 10/8/7/Vista/XP  

another user. For example, you can run a
command as an administrator from a normal user
account as long as you know the password.

scandisk Starts Microsoft ScanDisk. The program searches 98/95/DOS  

data carriers for errors.

schtasks Sets the execution of specified programs and 10/8/7/Vista/XP  

commands for a specified point in time. You can
create, delete, change, and display all scheduled

set Displays environmental variables of CMD.EXE All Win/DOS  

and lets you configure them.

shift Moves variables within batch files and scripts. All Win/DOS  

shutdown Shuts down the computer (/s), triggers a restart 10/8/7/Vista/XP  

(/r), or logs the user out (/l). A graphical user
interface is displayed if you enter the parameter /I
as the first option in the command.

sort Lists out data (from a file or command) and All Win/DOS  
command Description Windows version  

outputs it again sorted – directly in the command

prompt, in a new file, or in another output.

start Opens a new command prompt window in which All Win  

you can run a specific program or command.

subst Assigns a drive letter to a path to create a virtual All Win/DOS  


taskkill Ends one or more running tasks. You either have 10/8/7/Vista  
to specify the process ID (PID) or image name.

tasklist Lists all running processes – also on remote 10/8/7/Vista/XP  

computers, if desired. The process ID also has to
be specified, which is required for the taskkill
command, for example.

time Displays the current time and allows it to be All Win/DOS  

changed. If the parameter /T is entered, the
command prompt only shows the time and offers
no option to directly change it.

timeout Stops a process for a specified time. The 10/8/7/Vista  

command Is used in batch files and scripts. If you
use the /NOBREAK parameter, the command
ignores any keyboard input.

title Changes the title of the command prompt. Spaces All Win/DOS  
are allowed, but not all special characters such as
a slash, for example, because they may be
interpreted as instructions for a parameter.

tree Graphically displays the directory structure of a All Win/DOS  

drive or path. With the /F parameter, all files in the
folders are also listed out. /A also ensures that
only ASCII characters are used for the graphical
representation. The command takes into account
all subdirectories starting from the given path. If
you don’t enter a path, the current folder is used
as the output.

type Displays the content of a text file. All Win/DOS  

command Description Windows version  

tzutil Displays the currently set time zone (/g) or 10/8/7  

changes it (/s). The parameter /l helps determine
the valid time zones.

ver Displays the current version number of Windows All Win/DOS  

or MS-DOS.


comm Windows
and Description version

append Sets the path in which files will be searched for. 32-bit/DOS

assoc Changes the program that’s linked with a particular file ending. 10/8/7/Vist

attrib Changes attributes of specified files. With the parameter +R you can protect All
a file from changes. Win/DOS

cipher Displays and changes the encryption status of files and directories on NTFS 10/8/7/Vist
partitions. a/XP

comp Compares the content of two files or two file sets. The results can be 10/8/7/Vist
displayed as a decimal value (/D) or with ASCII characters (/A). a/XP

compact Displays and changes the compression status of files and directories on 10/8/7/Vist
NTFS partitions. a/XP

copy Copies a file or multiple files to another location. It’s also possible to connect All
several files to one. You can use the asterisk as a wild card. Win/DOS

cscript Runs scripts over the Microsoft Script Host. You can enable additional All
debugging with the /D option. Win/DOS

del Deletes a file or multiple files. If you also want to delete all files from All
subfolders, you can do this with the /S parameter. Read-only files can be
comm Windows
and Description version

deleted with /F (you can also use the erase command). Win/DOS

deltree Deletes a directory as well as all subdirectories and files within. 98/95/DOS

diantz Compresses files without any loss (command has the same function as 7/Vista/XP

diskcom Compares the content of two disks. All Win (no

p 10)/DOS

diskcop Copies the content of a disk to another. All Win (no

y 10)/DOS

endlocal Ends the valid range of changes to batch files or scripts. After the command, 10/8/7/Vist
changes are applied to the entire system again (localization is started with a/XP

erase Function is the same as del. All


exe2bin 32-bit

CMD commands
Converts an EXE file to a BIN file.

for the Windows command prompt

Most IT experts and Linux users, in addition to computer users who work with MS-DOS, are
relatively familiar with the command line and its corresponding commands. But a lot can be
achieved with the command prompt in Windows, too. For this reason, we’ll explain what the
command line is, how to open it, and which CMD commands there are for Windows.

Windows console commands have changed over time: in newer Windows versions, users no
longer have access to some of the familiar commands. In the following, we’ll explain which
CMD commands still work under Windows 10 so that you don’t have to tediously test which are
still valid and which are outdated. Our overview tables describe the functions of the individual
commands and specify under which Microsoft operating systems they’re effective.

1. How does a command line work?
2. How do you open the command prompt?
3. How do you enter commands in the command prompt?
4. Windows CMD commands: an overview
comm Windows
and Description version

How does a command line work?

The command line (also called the console or terminal) is a text-based interface within the
operating system, that forwards commands from the user to the operating system. This makes it
possible, for example, to organize files, start programs, or run other commands linked to the
operating system, computer, or network.

In older operating systems (like MS-DOS), you had to work without a graphical user interface,
and oftentimes even navigate without a mouse. Instead, you had to type in all commands – the
directory structures were then displayed as plain text on the screen. But even after the switch to
graphical operating systems, the command line remained text-based.

In general, the connection between operating system – regardless of whether graphical (GUI =
graphical user interface) or text-based (CLI = command line interpreter) was condensed under
the term “Shell.” The default command line interpreter for Windows is called CMD.EXE. In
addition, however, there’s also the “PowerShell”: This offers more options than CMD.EXE. For
example, automations can be created better with PowerShell. In this way, users can create script
programs with the PowerShell scripting language.

Many Windows console commands are based on batch files. This are usually text files (with the
ending .bat or .cmd) that are run by the command line as batch processing. These files are
generally created to perform routine work and start other programs.

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comm Windows
and Description version

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How do you open the command prompt?

There are various options for accessing the command line in Windows. Technically speaking,
the command line is the CMD.EXE program. This executable file should be found in the
system directory of your Windows folder. (If you right-click on the file, Windows also gives you
the option to start the program as an administrator – in case you have the access data for this.) To
reach the program more quickly, you can use the search bar or the run menu. The latter is opened
under Windows 7, 8, and 10 with the key combination Win + R. Then all you have to do is type
“cmd” into the search field and press the OK button.

The command prompt has long had a fixed spot in the Windows start menu as well. Under
Windows 7 and Windows 10, the program is found in the “System Tools” folder. With Windows
8, Microsoft replaced the start menu with a start screen. But the command prompt is also found
via the apps here. Alternatively, Windows 8 as well as Windows 10 both offer the “Power User
Tasks Menu.” You can open this with the key combination Win + X. In this way, you can find
the command prompt in the normal execution as well as the administrator version.

How do you enter commands in the command

CMD functions via defined commands. These have to be entered correctly, otherwise the
command prompt can’t run the task. The same goes for parameters that you link to the
commands. Individual commands can be extended using options (such as arguments). These are
generally given as a letter with a minus sign (-), plus sign (+), or slash (/). CMD also allows
placeholders. For so-called wild cards, use an asterisk (*) or question mark (?). While the latter
comm Windows
and Description version

replaces a single character (i.e. letter, digit, or other character), the asterisk stands for any
number of characters.

In the command prompt and commands, you also frequently have to work with path
specifications. You need these to navigate through your directories or specify exact positions in
commands. For the input of a path, use the backslash (\).
Individual CMD commands can be combined with one another. Through a pipe, the output of
the first command is interpreted as input for the following command. In the command prompt,
commands are linked to one another with a vertical line (|). This line itself is called a pipe, but
officially is known as a vertical bar. Vertical bars pass data from one command to the next:

 CommandA | CommandB

There’s also the possibility of redirection: where the output of a command is directly forwarded
to a file (>) or the content of a text file is understood as input for the command (<).

 Command > File (output in file)

 Command < File (input from file)

Finally, Windows command line commands can also be connected in such a way that they run
directly after one other. This can be controlled via a relatively simple form (&), but also via
two more complex variations. It’s also possible to only run the second command if the first was
successful. Or, you can set up the exact opposite as well: The second command is only run if the
first doesn’t work (||). Both options can even be combined so that there’s an either-or string of

 CommandA & CommandB (the second command is run directly after the
 CommandA && CommandB (the second command is only run if the first
was successful)
 Command A || CommandB (the second command is only run if the first was
not successful)
 CommandA && CommandB || CommandC (the second command is only run
if the first was successful, otherwise the third command is run)

Each command has its own syntax and individual options. So that you don’t have to memorize
all of these, CMD offers a help command: Using help command or command /? you can obtain
information about how to handle the command.
It’s also extremely helpful that the command prompt remembers your last entered CMD
commands. Using the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard, you can recall your earlier
entries. This also means, though, that you can’t use these keys to scroll through the CMD
window. This is usually done with the mouse instead. But if you prefer to scroll using keys and
comm Windows
and Description version

are ready to give up the recall command function, you can alter the corresponding setting: right-
click on the command prompt and enable the “Scrolling” option.

Command, file names or path specifications, as well as arguments, are separated from one
another using spaces. It also usually doesn’t matter if you use upper- or lower-case letters. It’s
only important in a few cases whether you write the parameter in upper- or lower-case (generally
only when two different parameters are abbreviated with the same letter, and are only
differentiated from one another through the case).

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Windows CMD commands: an overview

There are almost 300 commands for Windows and its predecessor, MS-DOS. Over the decades,
some commands have been kept around, some have only recently been added with newer
versions of Windows, and others have been removed or replaced. In our comprehensive list, we
explain what the different commands mean and on which Windows versions they run. This way,
you can quickly look up whether the CMD commands that you know still function with
Windows 10. To make it more clear, we’ve divided the Windows command prompt commands
into four categories: basics, files, system, and network.

The information on the functionality of various Windows versions should only be understood as
orientation information. For the individual commands, it’s not only which Windows version
you’re using that’s important, but also which edition (Home, Pro, Server). In some cases, you
have to adjust certain settings beforehand so that the commands are effective. You also will need
access rights as an administrator for some CMD commands.

comm Windows
and Description version

command Description Windows version

bitsadmin Creates and monitors downloads and uploads. 10/8/7/Vista

break Interrupts Ctrl + C checking in DOS, allowing you All Win/DOS

to stop processes in the old operating system.
Only available for compatibility reasons in

call Calls a batch file within another batch file. The All Win/DOS
command has no effect if entered directly into
CMD instead of in a batch file.

cd Displays the current directory and lets you switch All Win/DOS
to other directories. With the parameter /D plus
drive and path specification, you can also switch
drives. Use cd.. to switch to a higher directory (has
the same function as the chdir command).

chcp Changes the current code page (character set All Win/DOS
table) or shows the page count of the current code

chdir Displays the current directory and lets you switch All Win/DOS
to other directories. With the parameter /D plus
drive and path specification, you can also switch
drives. Use chdir.. to switch to a higher directory
(has the same function as the cd command).

choice Creates a selection list: typical example is the All Win (not
selection of yes (Y) or no (N), which is created XP)/DOS
with /C YN. With the parameter /M you can add an
explanatory message for the user.

clip Forwards the result of a command to the clip) or the content of

clipboard. For example, you can copy the directory a file (clip <
structure (dir filename) to the
comm Windows
and Description version

cls Clears the content of the screen. All Win/DOS

cmd Starts CMD.EXE. 10/8/7/Vista/XP

color Changes the background (first value) and text 10/8/7/Vista/XP

color (second value) of the command prompt. The
color lies between 0 (black) and F (white).

command Starts CMD.COM. 32-bit/DOS

date Displays the current date and allows you to All Win/DOS
change it. With the parameter /T the date is shown
without the option to change.

debug Starts debug, a program that can test and modify 32-bit/DOS
programs within the command prompt.

dir Displays all folders and files within the current All Win/DOS
directory. You can restrict the output by attributes
(/A), simplify the list (/B), or display all
subdirectories and their files (/S).

doskey Creates macros, recalls commands, and edits All Win/DOS

command input.

dosshell Opens the DOS shell, a graphical file 95/DOS

management tool. In Windows, the DOS shell is
replaced by Windows Explorer.

echo Displays a message and is mainly used within All Win/DOS

scripts and batch files.

edit Starts the MS-DOS editor, with which you can 32-bit/DOS
create text files.

edlin Creates and edits text files within the command 32-bit/DOS

exit Ends CMD.EXE or CMD.COM. All Win/DOS

comm Windows
and Description version

fasthelp Displays helpful information about commands. DOS

fastopen Writes the position of a program into a specified 32-bit/DOS

list, which is in the working memory and should
accelerate the start of programs.

find Searches through a file or multiple files for a All Win/DOS

particular character sequence. If you only want to
know how frequently the word or phrase occurs,
use the /C parameter. With the extension /I the
command ignores upper- and lower-case in the

findstr Finds character sequences in one or multiple files. 10/8/7/Vista/XP

It gives you more options when compared to the
find command: you can search for files that
contain various terms or with /C search for an
exact word order.

forcedos Starts a program in the MS-DOS partial system, in XP (32-bit)

case it’s not directly recognized by Windows XP
as a DOS program.

graftabl Enables the option to use extended characters of 32-bit/DOS

a specific code page in graphics mode.

graphics Starts a program that can print graphics. 32-bit/DOS

help Displays help text for a specific command (you All Win/DOS
can also use the /? command).

kb16 Changes the country settings of the keyboard for 32-bit

DOS programs (only included in Windows for
compatibility reasons. Replaces the old command

keyb Changes the country settings of the keyboard for 98/95/DOS

DOS programs (only included in Windows for
compatibility reasons. Replaced by kb16 in newer
Windows versions).
comm Windows
and Description version

logoff Logs the user out of Windows. Also allows you to 10/8/7/Vista/XP
end sessions on servers.

lpq Displays the status of a printer queue for All Win

computers that use a “line Printer Daemon” (LPD).
(To use the command in Windows 10, 8, 7, or
Vista, the LPD print service and the LPR port
monitor have to be enabled first).

lpr Sends a file to a computer that uses a line printer All Win
daemon (LPD). To use the command in Windows
10, 8, 7, or Vista, the LPD print service and LPR
port monitor have to be enabled first.

md Creates a new directory on the specified path. If All Win/DOS

directories don’t already exist on the path, md
creates them automatically (you can also use the
mkdir command).

mkdir Creates a new directory on the specified path. If All Win/DOS

directories don’t already exist on the path, mkdir
creates them automatically (you can also use the
md command).

more Outputs the content of a file (for example, a text All Win/DOS
file) by the page. You can also use the command
to split the output of another command into pages.

msg Sends a message to another user. You can write 10/8/7/Vista/XP

the username into the command or create files in
which usernames are saved. The files can then be
included in the command with @filename.

nlsfunc Provides country-specific information for language 32-bit/DOS


ntbackup Runs backup services directly from the command XP

line or as part of batch or script files.

path Creates and displays the path for searching All Win/DOS
comm Windows
and Description version

executable files.

pause Pauses execution in batch files and scripts. The All Win/DOS
user is then prompted in a message to continue by
pressing a key.

popd Changes to the folder saved by the pushd 10/8/7/Vista

command. The command is mainly part of batch
files and scripts.

print Prints a text file. The device to be used for printing All Win/DOS
has to be specified.

prompt Changes the display of the command prompt. All Win/DOS

pushd Saves a specific path into a script or batch file. 10/8/7/Vista/XP

You can change to this directory with popd.

qbasic Starts qbasic, a program environment based on 98/95/DOS

the BASIC programming language.

rd Deletes a directory. This must not contain any All Win/DOS

files, even hidden ones. You can delete an entire
directory tree with the /S parameter (you can also
use the rmdir command).

rem Writes comments in batch and script files that All Win/DOS
aren’t taken into account when executing.

rmdir Deletes a directory. This must not contain any All Win/DOS
files, even hidden ones. You can delete an entire
directory tree with the /S parameter (you can also
use the rd command).

runas Allows a user to run commands with the rights of 10/8/7/Vista/XP

another user. For example, you can run a
command as an administrator from a normal user
account as long as you know the password.

scandisk Starts Microsoft ScanDisk. The program searches 98/95/DOS

comm Windows
and Description version

data carriers for errors.

schtasks Sets the execution of specified programs and 10/8/7/Vista/XP

commands for a specified point in time. You can
create, delete, change, and display all scheduled

set Displays environmental variables of CMD.EXE All Win/DOS

and lets you configure them.

shift Moves variables within batch files and scripts. All Win/DOS

shutdown Shuts down the computer (/s), triggers a restart 10/8/7/Vista/XP

(/r), or logs the user out (/l). A graphical user
interface is displayed if you enter the parameter /I
as the first option in the command.

sort Lists out data (from a file or command) and All Win/DOS
outputs it again sorted – directly in the command
prompt, in a new file, or in another output.

start Opens a new command prompt window in which All Win

you can run a specific program or command.

subst Assigns a drive letter to a path to create a virtual All Win/DOS


taskkill Ends one or more running tasks. You either have 10/8/7/Vista
to specify the process ID (PID) or image name.

tasklist Lists all running processes – also on remote 10/8/7/Vista/XP

computers, if desired. The process ID also has to
be specified, which is required for the taskkill
command, for example.

time Displays the current time and allows it to be All Win/DOS

changed. If the parameter /T is entered, the
command prompt only shows the time and offers
no option to directly change it.
comm Windows
and Description version

timeout Stops a process for a specified time. The 10/8/7/Vista

command Is used in batch files and scripts. If you
use the /NOBREAK parameter, the command
ignores any keyboard input.

title Changes the title of the command prompt. Spaces All Win/DOS
are allowed, but not all special characters such as
a slash, for example, because they may be
interpreted as instructions for a parameter.

tree Graphically displays the directory structure of a All Win/DOS

drive or path. With the /F parameter, all files in the
folders are also listed out. /A also ensures that
only ASCII characters are used for the graphical
representation. The command takes into account
all subdirectories starting from the given path. If
you don’t enter a path, the current folder is used
as the output.

type Displays the content of a text file. All Win/DOS

tzutil Displays the currently set time zone (/g) or 10/8/7

changes it (/s). The parameter /l helps determine
the valid time zones.

ver Displays the current version number of Windows All Win/DOS

or MS-DOS.


command Description

append Sets the path in which files will be searched for.

assoc Changes the program that’s linked with a particular file ending.

attrib Changes attributes of specified files. With the parameter +R you

can protect a file from changes.
comm Windows
and Description version

command Description

cipher Displays and changes the encryption status of files and

directories on NTFS partitions.

comp Compares the content of two files or two file sets. The results
can be displayed as a decimal value (/D) or with ASCII
characters (/A).

compact Displays and changes the compression status of files and

directories on NTFS partitions.

copy Copies a file or multiple files to another location. It’s also

possible to connect several files to one. You can use the asterisk
as a wild card.

cscript Runs scripts over the Microsoft Script Host. You can enable
additional debugging with the /D option.

del Deletes a file or multiple files. If you also want to delete all files
from subfolders, you can do this with the /S parameter. Read-
only files can be deleted with /F (you can also use the erase

deltree Deletes a directory as well as all subdirectories and files within.

diantz Compresses files without any loss (command has the same
function as makecab).

diskcomp Compares the content of two disks.

diskcopy Copies the content of a disk to another.

endlocal Ends the valid range of changes to batch files or scripts. After
the command, changes are applied to the entire system again
(localization is started with setlocal).
comm Windows
and Description version

command Description

erase Function is the same as del.

exe2bin Converts an EXE file to a BIN file.

expand Extracts files and folders stored in CAB files.

extrac32 Extracts files and folders stored in CAB files. The program is part
of Internet Explorer, but can also be used in the command


CMD commands for the Windows

command prompt
Most IT experts and Linux users, in addition to computer users who work with MS-DOS, are
relatively familiar with the command line and its corresponding commands. But a lot can be
achieved with the command prompt in Windows, too. For this reason, we’ll explain what the
command line is, how to open it, and which CMD commands there are for Windows.

Windows console commands have changed over time: in newer Windows versions, users no
longer have access to some of the familiar commands. In the following, we’ll explain which
CMD commands still work under Windows 10 so that you don’t have to tediously test which are
still valid and which are outdated. Our overview tables describe the functions of the individual
commands and specify under which Microsoft operating systems they’re effective.

1. How does a command line work?
2. How do you open the command prompt?
3. How do you enter commands in the command prompt?
4. Windows CMD commands: an overview

How does a command line work?

The command line (also called the console or terminal) is a text-based interface within the
comm Windows
and Description version

operating system, that forwards commands from the user to the operating system. This makes it
possible, for example, to organize files, start programs, or run other commands linked to the
operating system, computer, or network.

In older operating systems (like MS-DOS), you had to work without a graphical user interface,
and oftentimes even navigate without a mouse. Instead, you had to type in all commands – the
directory structures were then displayed as plain text on the screen. But even after the switch to
graphical operating systems, the command line remained text-based.

In general, the connection between operating system – regardless of whether graphical (GUI =
graphical user interface) or text-based (CLI = command line interpreter) was condensed under
the term “Shell.” The default command line interpreter for Windows is called CMD.EXE. In
addition, however, there’s also the “PowerShell”: This offers more options than CMD.EXE. For
example, automations can be created better with PowerShell. In this way, users can create script
programs with the PowerShell scripting language.

Many Windows console commands are based on batch files. This are usually text files (with the
ending .bat or .cmd) that are run by the command line as batch processing. These files are
generally created to perform routine work and start other programs.

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and Description version

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How do you open the command prompt?

There are various options for accessing the command line in Windows. Technically speaking,
the command line is the CMD.EXE program. This executable file should be found in the
system directory of your Windows folder. (If you right-click on the file, Windows also gives you
the option to start the program as an administrator – in case you have the access data for this.) To
reach the program more quickly, you can use the search bar or the run menu. The latter is opened
under Windows 7, 8, and 10 with the key combination Win + R. Then all you have to do is type
“cmd” into the search field and press the OK button.

The command prompt has long had a fixed spot in the Windows start menu as well. Under
Windows 7 and Windows 10, the program is found in the “System Tools” folder. With Windows
8, Microsoft replaced the start menu with a start screen. But the command prompt is also found
via the apps here. Alternatively, Windows 8 as well as Windows 10 both offer the “Power User
Tasks Menu.” You can open this with the key combination Win + X. In this way, you can find
the command prompt in the normal execution as well as the administrator version.

How do you enter commands in the command

CMD functions via defined commands. These have to be entered correctly, otherwise the
command prompt can’t run the task. The same goes for parameters that you link to the
commands. Individual commands can be extended using options (such as arguments). These are
generally given as a letter with a minus sign (-), plus sign (+), or slash (/). CMD also allows
placeholders. For so-called wild cards, use an asterisk (*) or question mark (?). While the latter
replaces a single character (i.e. letter, digit, or other character), the asterisk stands for any
number of characters.

In the command prompt and commands, you also frequently have to work with path
specifications. You need these to navigate through your directories or specify exact positions in
commands. For the input of a path, use the backslash (\).
Individual CMD commands can be combined with one another. Through a pipe, the output of
the first command is interpreted as input for the following command. In the command prompt,
comm Windows
and Description version

commands are linked to one another with a vertical line (|). This line itself is called a pipe, but
officially is known as a vertical bar. Vertical bars pass data from one command to the next:

 CommandA | CommandB

There’s also the possibility of redirection: where the output of a command is directly forwarded
to a file (>) or the content of a text file is understood as input for the command (<).

 Command > File (output in file)

 Command < File (input from file)

Finally, Windows command line commands can also be connected in such a way that they run
directly after one other. This can be controlled via a relatively simple form (&), but also via
two more complex variations. It’s also possible to only run the second command if the first was
successful. Or, you can set up the exact opposite as well: The second command is only run if the
first doesn’t work (||). Both options can even be combined so that there’s an either-or string of

 CommandA & CommandB (the second command is run directly after the
 CommandA && CommandB (the second command is only run if the first
was successful)
 Command A || CommandB (the second command is only run if the first was
not successful)
 CommandA && CommandB || CommandC (the second command is only run
if the first was successful, otherwise the third command is run)

Each command has its own syntax and individual options. So that you don’t have to memorize
all of these, CMD offers a help command: Using help command or command /? you can obtain
information about how to handle the command.
It’s also extremely helpful that the command prompt remembers your last entered CMD
commands. Using the up and down arrow keys on the keyboard, you can recall your earlier
entries. This also means, though, that you can’t use these keys to scroll through the CMD
window. This is usually done with the mouse instead. But if you prefer to scroll using keys and
are ready to give up the recall command function, you can alter the corresponding setting: right-
click on the command prompt and enable the “Scrolling” option.

Command, file names or path specifications, as well as arguments, are separated from one
another using spaces. It also usually doesn’t matter if you use upper- or lower-case letters. It’s
only important in a few cases whether you write the parameter in upper- or lower-case (generally
only when two different parameters are abbreviated with the same letter, and are only
differentiated from one another through the case).

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and Description version

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Windows CMD commands: an overview

There are almost 300 commands for Windows and its predecessor, MS-DOS. Over the decades,
some commands have been kept around, some have only recently been added with newer
versions of Windows, and others have been removed or replaced. In our comprehensive list, we
explain what the different commands mean and on which Windows versions they run. This way,
you can quickly look up whether the CMD commands that you know still function with
Windows 10. To make it more clear, we’ve divided the Windows command prompt commands
into four categories: basics, files, system, and network.

The information on the functionality of various Windows versions should only be understood as
orientation information. For the individual commands, it’s not only which Windows version
you’re using that’s important, but also which edition (Home, Pro, Server). In some cases, you
have to adjust certain settings beforehand so that the commands are effective. You also will need
access rights as an administrator for some CMD commands.


command Description Windows version

bitsadmin Creates and monitors downloads and uploads. 10/8/7/Vista

break Interrupts Ctrl + C checking in DOS, allowing you All Win/DOS

to stop processes in the old operating system.
Only available for compatibility reasons in
comm Windows
and Description version

command Description Windows version

call Calls a batch file within another batch file. The All Win/DOS
command has no effect if entered directly into
CMD instead of in a batch file.

cd Displays the current directory and lets you switch All Win/DOS
to other directories. With the parameter /D plus
drive and path specification, you can also switch
drives. Use cd.. to switch to a higher directory (has
the same function as the chdir command).

chcp Changes the current code page (character set All Win/DOS
table) or shows the page count of the current code

chdir Displays the current directory and lets you switch All Win/DOS
to other directories. With the parameter /D plus
drive and path specification, you can also switch
drives. Use chdir.. to switch to a higher directory
(has the same function as the cd command).

choice Creates a selection list: typical example is the All Win (not
selection of yes (Y) or no (N), which is created XP)/DOS
with /C YN. With the parameter /M you can add an
explanatory message for the user.

clip Forwards the result of a command to the clip) or the content of

clipboard. For example, you can copy the directory a file (clip <
structure (dir filename) to the

cls Clears the content of the screen. All Win/DOS

cmd Starts CMD.EXE. 10/8/7/Vista/XP

color Changes the background (first value) and text 10/8/7/Vista/XP

color (second value) of the command prompt. The
comm Windows
and Description version

command Description Windows version

color lies between 0 (black) and F (white).

command Starts CMD.COM. 32-bit/DOS

date Displays the current date and allows you to All Win/DOS
change it. With the parameter /T the date is shown
without the option to change.

debug Starts debug, a program that can test and modify 32-bit/DOS
programs within the command prompt.

dir Displays all folders and files within the current All Win/DOS
directory. You can restrict the output by attributes
(/A), simplify the list (/B), or display all
subdirectories and their files (/S).

doskey Creates macros, recalls commands, and edits All Win/DOS

command input.

dosshell Opens the DOS shell, a graphical file 95/DOS

management tool. In Windows, the DOS shell is
replaced by Windows Explorer.

echo Displays a message and is mainly used within All Win/DOS

scripts and batch files.

edit Starts the MS-DOS editor, with which you can 32-bit/DOS
create text files.

edlin Creates and edits text files within the command 32-bit/DOS

exit Ends CMD.EXE or CMD.COM. All Win/DOS

fasthelp Displays helpful information about commands. DOS

comm Windows
and Description version

command Description Windows version

fastopen Writes the position of a program into a specified 32-bit/DOS

list, which is in the working memory and should
accelerate the start of programs.

find Searches through a file or multiple files for a All Win/DOS

particular character sequence. If you only want to
know how frequently the word or phrase occurs,
use the /C parameter. With the extension /I the
command ignores upper- and lower-case in the

findstr Finds character sequences in one or multiple files. 10/8/7/Vista/XP

It gives you more options when compared to the
find command: you can search for files that
contain various terms or with /C search for an
exact word order.

forcedos Starts a program in the MS-DOS partial system, in XP (32-bit)

case it’s not directly recognized by Windows XP
as a DOS program.

graftabl Enables the option to use extended characters of 32-bit/DOS

a specific code page in graphics mode.

graphics Starts a program that can print graphics. 32-bit/DOS

help Displays help text for a specific command (you All Win/DOS
can also use the /? command).

kb16 Changes the country settings of the keyboard for 32-bit

DOS programs (only included in Windows for
compatibility reasons. Replaces the old command

keyb Changes the country settings of the keyboard for 98/95/DOS

DOS programs (only included in Windows for
compatibility reasons. Replaced by kb16 in newer
comm Windows
and Description version

command Description Windows version

Windows versions).

logoff Logs the user out of Windows. Also allows you to 10/8/7/Vista/XP
end sessions on servers.

lpq Displays the status of a printer queue for All Win

computers that use a “line Printer Daemon” (LPD).
(To use the command in Windows 10, 8, 7, or
Vista, the LPD print service and the LPR port
monitor have to be enabled first).

lpr Sends a file to a computer that uses a line printer All Win
daemon (LPD). To use the command in Windows
10, 8, 7, or Vista, the LPD print service and LPR
port monitor have to be enabled first.

md Creates a new directory on the specified path. If All Win/DOS

directories don’t already exist on the path, md
creates them automatically (you can also use the
mkdir command).

mkdir Creates a new directory on the specified path. If All Win/DOS

directories don’t already exist on the path, mkdir
creates them automatically (you can also use the
md command).

more Outputs the content of a file (for example, a text All Win/DOS
file) by the page. You can also use the command
to split the output of another command into pages.

msg Sends a message to another user. You can write 10/8/7/Vista/XP

the username into the command or create files in
which usernames are saved. The files can then be
included in the command with @filename.

nlsfunc Provides country-specific information for language 32-bit/DOS

comm Windows
and Description version

command Description Windows version


ntbackup Runs backup services directly from the command XP

line or as part of batch or script files.

path Creates and displays the path for searching All Win/DOS
executable files.

pause Pauses execution in batch files and scripts. The All Win/DOS
user is then prompted in a message to continue by
pressing a key.

popd Changes to the folder saved by the pushd 10/8/7/Vista

command. The command is mainly part of batch
files and scripts.

print Prints a text file. The device to be used for printing All Win/DOS
has to be specified.

prompt Changes the display of the command prompt. All Win/DOS

pushd Saves a specific path into a script or batch file. 10/8/7/Vista/XP

You can change to this directory with popd.

qbasic Starts qbasic, a program environment based on 98/95/DOS

the BASIC programming language.

rd Deletes a directory. This must not contain any All Win/DOS

files, even hidden ones. You can delete an entire
directory tree with the /S parameter (you can also
use the rmdir command).

rem Writes comments in batch and script files that All Win/DOS
aren’t taken into account when executing.

rmdir Deletes a directory. This must not contain any All Win/DOS
comm Windows
and Description version

command Description Windows version

files, even hidden ones. You can delete an entire

directory tree with the /S parameter (you can also
use the rd command).

runas Allows a user to run commands with the rights of 10/8/7/Vista/XP

another user. For example, you can run a
command as an administrator from a normal user
account as long as you know the password.

scandisk Starts Microsoft ScanDisk. The program searches 98/95/DOS

data carriers for errors.

schtasks Sets the execution of specified programs and 10/8/7/Vista/XP

commands for a specified point in time. You can
create, delete, change, and display all scheduled

set Displays environmental variables of CMD.EXE All Win/DOS

and lets you configure them.

shift Moves variables within batch files and scripts. All Win/DOS

shutdown Shuts down the computer (/s), triggers a restart 10/8/7/Vista/XP

(/r), or logs the user out (/l). A graphical user
interface is displayed if you enter the parameter /I
as the first option in the command.

sort Lists out data (from a file or command) and All Win/DOS
outputs it again sorted – directly in the command
prompt, in a new file, or in another output.

start Opens a new command prompt window in which All Win

you can run a specific program or command.

subst Assigns a drive letter to a path to create a virtual All Win/DOS

comm Windows
and Description version

command Description Windows version

taskkill Ends one or more running tasks. You either have 10/8/7/Vista
to specify the process ID (PID) or image name.

tasklist Lists all running processes – also on remote 10/8/7/Vista/XP

computers, if desired. The process ID also has to
be specified, which is required for the taskkill
command, for example.

time Displays the current time and allows it to be All Win/DOS

changed. If the parameter /T is entered, the
command prompt only shows the time and offers
no option to directly change it.

timeout Stops a process for a specified time. The 10/8/7/Vista

command Is used in batch files and scripts. If you
use the /NOBREAK parameter, the command
ignores any keyboard input.

title Changes the title of the command prompt. Spaces All Win/DOS
are allowed, but not all special characters such as
a slash, for example, because they may be
interpreted as instructions for a parameter.

tree Graphically displays the directory structure of a All Win/DOS

drive or path. With the /F parameter, all files in the
folders are also listed out. /A also ensures that
only ASCII characters are used for the graphical
representation. The command takes into account
all subdirectories starting from the given path. If
you don’t enter a path, the current folder is used
as the output.

type Displays the content of a text file. All Win/DOS

tzutil Displays the currently set time zone (/g) or 10/8/7

changes it (/s). The parameter /l helps determine
the valid time zones.
comm Windows
and Description version

command Description Windows version

ver Displays the current version number of Windows All Win/DOS

or MS-DOS.


command Description

append Sets the path in which files will be searched for.

assoc Changes the program that’s linked with a particular file ending.

attrib Changes attributes of specified files. With the parameter +R you

can protect a file from changes.

cipher Displays and changes the encryption status of files and

directories on NTFS partitions.

comp Compares the content of two files or two file sets. The results
can be displayed as a decimal value (/D) or with ASCII
characters (/A).

compact Displays and changes the compression status of files and

directories on NTFS partitions.

copy Copies a file or multiple files to another location. It’s also

possible to connect several files to one. You can use the asterisk
as a wild card.

cscript Runs scripts over the Microsoft Script Host. You can enable
additional debugging with the /D option.

del Deletes a file or multiple files. If you also want to delete all files
from subfolders, you can do this with the /S parameter. Read-
only files can be deleted with /F (you can also use the erase
comm Windows
and Description version

command Description


deltree Deletes a directory as well as all subdirectories and files within.

diantz Compresses files without any loss (command has the same
function as makecab).

diskcomp Compares the content of two disks.

diskcopy Copies the content of a disk to another.

endlocal Ends the valid range of changes to batch files or scripts. After
the command, changes are applied to the entire system again
(localization is started with setlocal).

erase Function is the same as del.

exe2bin Converts an EXE file to a BIN file.

expand Extracts files and folders stored in CAB files.

extrac32 Extracts files and folders stored in CAB files. The program is part
of Internet Explorer, but can also be used in the command


expand Extracts files and folders stored in CAB files. All Win (no

extrac3 Extracts files and folders stored in CAB files. The program is part of Internet All Win
comm Windows
and Description version

2 Explorer, but can also be used in the command prompt.


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