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Handout on ReEd 1

Initium Fidei: An Introduction to Doing Catholic Theology

Lesson 1: Theology and The Search for Meaning

This lesson aims to introduce students to the task of doing theology in the context of the
world today. The world is shrouded with a troubling pall of skepticism and indifference
that has been worsened in recent years by trends in this so-called “post-truth era.” As a
response, theology presents a way to search for meaning and purpose that is grounded
on the certainty of God, who can neither deceive nor be deceived. The theological
enterprise is an opportunity for people, especially the youth, to understand life, faith and
their reality.

Learning Objectives

1. Describe challenges posed to human quest for meaning by the current world and
Philippine situation;

2. Examine features of theology as endeavor for meaning and purpose in relation to

the transcendent; an endeavor open to all people and

3. Weigh the various opportunities and challenges of youth doing theology today

The Context of Our Search

Today we live in an age of indifference, cynicism and skepticism. Globalization and

modernization affirm Friedrich Nietzsche’s forecast of the death of God. We can see
Nietzsche’s claim to hold most true today: “I will only believe in the Christians’ Redeemer
if the Christians themselves look more redeemed.” (Badion 2018:2)

Globalization and Modernization which include mass media, the Internet and popular
culture, though not inherently problematic, are home to much noise that masquerade as
truth. One can take the case of the use of social media to shape public opinion about
political issues, and the rise of trolling( Badion 2018: 3)
1. Trolling is a specific kind of political activity that is marked by a refusal to participate in
the kind of productive exchange of ideas that marks democratic politics. Instead of
engaging in activity marked by democratic principles of reciprocity, accommodation, and
inclusion, trolls actively work to dominate and control the conversations on any given site.

2. The rise of the “post-truth” era is just one of the many signs of the current brokenness
pervading the world and the Philippines of today… the growing trend of individualism and
exclusivism that has poisoned our society.

Both individualism and exclusivism are signs of the trend for more privatistic tendencies
that can become hindrances to an authentic search for meaning and purpose in the world.
We can take heed from the advice of Augustine in his own struggle to understand one’s
meaning and purpose: Domine Iesu, noverim me, noverim te. “O God, let
me know myself, so I may know you.”The means of understanding the self
cannot be separated from the means of understanding the transcendent. Augustine
suggests that an engagement and encounter with God will reveal one’s authentic self, and
in a similar manner, introspection and self-understanding will be an avenue to witness the
presence of the divine in our lives.(Badion 2018: 4).

Theology as an Endeavor for all People

1. For believers, theology acts as faith seeking understanding (Latin: Fides quaerens

“For I do not seek to understand in order to believe; I believe in order to

understand, For I also believe that ‘Unless I believe, I shall not understand.’”

The International Theological Commission describes theology as scientia Dei

(Science of Faith):

Theology is therefore scientia Dei in as much as it is a rational participation in the

knowledge that God has of himself and of all things. As scientia Dei, theology aims
to understand in a rational and systematic manner the saving truth of God.

2. For nonbelievers, theology is a form of appreciation of the capacity of human

beings to acquire faith. It is by no means a form of indoctrination, and in no way is
it an attempt to convert people into Christianity or Catholicism.
Youth as an Essential Audience of Theology

Youth is a time of great self-discovery and self-concern

Because of the Internet, youth culture is becoming a global culture rather than just a
national and regional culture, and therefore, they become more in tune with the problems
and concerns of other people, despite cultural, geographic and national borders.

The rise of slacktivism – these so called “ Hastag activism” “armchair activists”

However, it is a general feeling among the youth that when searching for the answers to
these questions they have, theology, religion and God are not viable sources for answers.

Direction, commitment, call — these are all within the vision of the Christian

Why then do the youth still search elsewhere, when what they are searching for is already
found within the Christian vision?


Faith seeking understanding includes the three topics (Theology and The Search for
meaning, A Conversation between Spirituality and Theology and The Sources of the

This provides an introduction to the human quest for meaning and purpose in light of
God’s grace and our faith. It consists in an effort in an effort at sustained, directed and
personal thinking out of Christian Spirituality with the aim of fostering the ongoing growth
of students toward full maturity in the faith, as active members of the Catholic Church,
able to respond as true disciples of Christ to the urgent challenges of Filipino life today.

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