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Cardiac Amyloidosis

EPIDEMIOLOGY, 1052 Prognosis, 1054 CONCLUSION, 1060

Light Chain Amyloidosis, 1052
Transthyretin Amyloidosis, 1052
Supportive Non–Disease-­Modifying
PROGNOSIS, 1054 Disease-­Targeted Therapeutics, 1058

The systemic amyloidoses are a group of diseases characterized by the from the fourth decade of life onward, the prevalence of AL amyloi-
extracellular deposition of insoluble, misfolded fibrillar proteins in the dosis increases with age, with a median age of diagnosis at 63 years,
form of β-­pleated sheets, resulting in organ dysfunction. First applied and slight male predominance (between 55% and 65%). The current
to human disease by Rudolph Virchow in 1854, amyloid derives its estimated prevalence is 40 to 58 cases per million persons. AL amyloi-
name from the Latin amylum or starch, because amyloid was initially dosis is related to, but distinct from, multiple myeloma and monoclonal
and erroneously thought to be composed of cellulose owing to a pos- gammopathy of unknown significance (MGUS) (other clonal plasma
itive iodine-­staining reaction. Amyloid deposits evaluated by electron cell disorders). Among patients with MGUS, only a small percentage
microscopy demonstrated that amyloid fibrils are nonbranching pro- will develop AL amyloidosis (1% overall, relative risk 8.8). Although
tein structures, 80 to 100 Angstroms in width and of variable length. most patients with AL amyloidosis do not have multiple myeloma, up
They are resistant to proteolysis.Amyloid fibrils avidly bind to the histo- to 10% to 15% of patients with multiple myeloma have coexisting AL
logic stain Congo red imparting a hyaline pink appearance under light amyloidosis.3 
microscopy, while under polarized light, fibrils reflect a characteristic
apple-­green birefringence.1 Precursor protein identification is essential
to define the type of amyloidosis, inform prognosis, and guide therapy. Transthyretin Amyloidosis
The taxonomy is defined by abbreviating the type with an A (for amy- The epidemiology ATTR amyloidosis varies by type (ATTRwt and
loid) followed by a protein abbreviation.2 The two most common types ATTRv) and by specific variant, but conclusive data regarding popu-
of amyloidosis that affect the heart are light chain (AL) amyloidosis lation incidence and prevalence are lacking. Autopsy studies have
and transthyretin (ATTR) amyloidosis. ATTR amyloidosis is further sub- demonstrated that up to 25% of decedents older than age 85 years have
classified by the sequence of the TTR gene, which resides on chro- demonstrable myocardial TTR amyloid deposits, with a prevalence that
mosome 18. Hereditary or variant transthyretin amyloidosis (hATTR or increases with age, male sex, and is associated with a clinical diagno-
ATTRv) results from single nucleotide polymorphisms of the TTR gene sis of heart failure.4 Contemporary imaging suggests that of older (>60
and are inherited in an autosomal dominant fashion. In ATTRv, amino year) patients hospitalized with heart failure and preserved ejection
acid substitution results in a destabilization and misfolding process fraction with an increased left ventricular wall thickness, between 10%
that leads to amyloidogenesis. Historical nomenclature places a one-­ and 15% of patients may have ATTRwt amyloidosis. Other studies of
or three-­letter abbreviation for the normal amino acid at the position older individuals with severe aortic stenosis demonstrate similar prev-
of substitution in the protein followed by the substituted amino acid alence and male predilection for ATTRwt amyloidosis.5 Larger-scale
(e.g., ATTR Val122Ile signifies isoleucine replacing valine at position epidemiology studies designed to assess the prevalence of ATTRwt
122 in the TTR amino acid sequence). More contemporary nomencla- amyloidosis are presently underway.
ture includes the 20-­amino acid signal peptide sequence in the count In contrast to ATTRwt, hATTR or ATTRv is caused by a genetic
of residues such that pVal142Ile (or pV142I) refers to the same variant mutation in the TTR gene. The TTR gene is composed of 4 exons
as Val122Ile. In contrast, wild-­type transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTRwt) (127 amino acids) in which more than 100 mutations have been
is a sporadic disease characterized by a normal TTR genetic sequence, described that can cause hereditary amyloidosis. Linked to a genetic
with unclear causes of TTR misfolding. Secondary amyloidosis (AA), founder, each variant is endemic to a particular geographic region or
composed of serum amyloid A protein, can result from intense and follows population migration patterns. Disease expression manifests
persistent systemic inflammation but rarely affects the heart. Finally, as a polyneuropathy or cardiomyopathy (previously termed familial
uncommon genetic variants also known to affect the heart include amyloidogenic polyneuropathy [FAP] or cardiomyopathy [FAC]).
atrial natriuretic peptide (ANP), apolipoprotein A1 (ApoA1), fibrino- Phenotypic penetrance varies widely by mutation and increases with
gen (Afib), and gelsolin (Agel). This chapter will focus attention on AL age (Table 53.1). The most common variant observed outside of the
and ATTR amyloidosis, by far the most relevant types for the practicing United States is pVal50Met (Val30Met), endemic to Portugal, north-
clinician. ern Sweden, Japan, and Brazil. This variant causes predominantly a
polyneuropathy phenotype, but at a later age of onset causes amy-
loid cardiomyopathy. The pThr80Ala (Thr60Ala) variant first iden-
EPIDEMIOLOGY tified in a northern region of the Republic of Ireland, causes both
cardiomyopathy and polyneuropathy. Prevalence can approach 1%
Light Chain Amyloidosis in endemic areas but is very uncommon elsewhere in the world. By
Epidemiologic studies suggest that AL amyloidosis is a rare disease far the most common TTR variant is pVal142Ile (Val122Ile), which
with an annual incidence of approximately 1 per 100,000 individuals, has been reproducibly identified in approximately 3.5% of self-­
accounting for approximately 5000 new annual cases in the United identified Black persons in the United States.6 As a cause of ATTR
States. Cardiac involvement can be demonstrated in up to 70% of cases cardiomyopathy, this allele frequency translates into more than 1.6
of AL amyloidosis. Although AL amyloidosis can affect individuals million persons in the United States as carriers and therefore at risk

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TABLE 53.1  Comparison of the Most Common Types of Cardiac Amyloidosis

Cardiac Amyloidosis
MUTATION (pV142I) (pL131M) (pI88L) THR60ALA (pT80A) VAL30MET (pV50M) TTR
Average age 63 (30–80) 72 (47–90) 48 (35–60) 71 (40–80) 66 (41–82) Early onset (30–50) 75 (50–>100)
Late onset (>50)—
mixed phenotype
Gender (% male) 55%–60% 70% 64% 78% 60% 50% 90%
Race/ethnicity Not specific Black/Afro-­ Danish Italian Irish Portuguese, Not specific
Caribbean Swedish, Japanese
Cardiac ∼70% 100% 100% 96% 100% More common in 100%
involvement late onset
Fat pad biopsy 70%–80%* <50% <50% <50% <50% <50% <20%
Primary referral Hematology, Cardiology Cardiology Cardiology Neurology and Neurology and Cardiology
route cardiology, cardiology cardiology
Extracardiac Nephrotic syndrome/ Autonomic Carpal Polyneuropathy Polyneuropathy Polyneuropathy Carpal tunnel
manifestations renal failure dysfunction tunnel (rare) syndrome
Autonomic Autonomic
Autonomic dysfunction Carpal tunnel Carpal tunnel dysfunction dysfunction Lumbar spinal
syndrome stenosis
Purpura Lumbar spinal Carpal tunnel GI motility disorder
stenosis syndrome Biceps Tendon
Macroglossia Carpal tunnel
Carpal tunnel
Median survival/ 1: Not reached (at 12 1: 54 months NR Median overall 1: 77 months Survival usually 1: 75 months
stage years) survival of >10 years and
2: 28.8 months 2: 54 months 2: 46 months
36 months improved with
2: 9.4 years
3: 17.7 months 3: 21 months liver transplant 3: 20 months
3: 4.3 years and tafamidis
3b: 1 year

AL, light chain amyloidosis; ATTR, transthyretin amyloidosis; NAC, National Amyloidosis Centre, London, UK; NR, not reported.
*Dependent on extent of amyloid.

for ATTR cardiomyopathy. In addition, individuals of Hispanic/Latino perivascular amyloid fibril deposition leading to disruption of tissue
ancestry may also harbor this mutation which increases the risk of architecture, microvascular dysfunction with angina/ischemia, and
developing heart failure nearly 50%. Unfortunately, among the vast inhibition of contractile/relaxation functions and (2) direct toxicity to
majority of allele carriers with heart failure, the diagnosis is delayed cardiomyocytes through, in part, p38 mitogen-­activated protein kinase
or missed.7 That stated, the phenotypic penetrance of ATTR cardiomy- (MAPK) signaling. Interstitial deposition results in a restrictive cardio-
opathy is unclear and depends upon the age of ascertainment, with myopathy and heart failure, and direct cellular toxicity is thought to
increasing penetrance with advancing age. Other TTR variants seen occur through induction of reactive oxygen species and apoptosis in
world­wide that predominantly result in ATTR cardiac amyloidosis cardiomyocytes.3
include pIle88Leu (Ile68Leu, Italy) and pLeu131Met (Leu111Met, Transthyretin, also known as prealbumin, is a tetrameric protein
Denmark).8  consisting of four identical subunits, synthesized in the liver, but also
by the choroid plexus and retinal pigmented epithelial cells. TTR
derives its name from its function as a circulating transporter of thy-
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY roid hormone and retinol (vitamin A). In hATTR, amino acid substitu-
tions alter the properties of the protein favoring tetramer dissociation
In AL amyloidosis, a dysregulated plasma cell clone produces kappa which is the rate-­limiting step in amyloid fibril formation. Monomers
or lambda immunoglobulin light chain fragments that have a propen- then misfold and aggregate into amyloid fibrils that deposit in body
sity to misfold, aggregate, and deposit in the myocardial interstitium. tissues with specific organ tropism. Precisely why native (i.e., geneti-
Lambda light chain amyloidosis is more common than kappa, and cally normal), wild-­type TTR becomes kinetically unstable and aggre-
organ systems affected include the heart, kidneys, liver, nervous system gates is unclear, but the process definitively occurs with advancing
(including autonomic nervous system), gastrointestinal tract, and soft age (typically older than 60 years). Disease expression may also be
tissues. The titer of light chain does not predict the site of target organ influenced by age-­related degradation in cellular systems that man-
deposition. Cardiac AL amyloidosis is viewed as a “toxic-­infiltrative” age misfolded proteins. ATTR amyloidosis results in progressive myo-
cardiomyopathy involving two mechanisms: (1) interstitial and/or cardial deposition (infiltrating between myocytes) and restrictive

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cardiomyopathy and/or a small fiber, length-­dependent peripheral neuropathy, most commonly manifesting as abnormal sweating, ortho-
VI and autonomic neuropathy. Tissue tropism or organ system involve- static hypotension, gastrointestinal dysmotility, and erectile dysfunc-
ment in ATTR amyloidosis is incompletely understood; however, tion, can also be observed in AL or ATTR. As noted previously, different

there is developing evidence that the amyloid fibril composition may TTR variants present with either cardiomyopathy or neuropathy symp-
play a role. Amyloid deposits composed of TTR fragments (type A toms, or both. For example, the pVal50Met variant causes predom-
fibrils) are associated with later-­onset disease with cardiac involve- inantly neuropathy in early-­onset disease (third or fourth decade)
ment in ATTRv and with ATTRwt, whereas full-­length TTR fibrils (type but cardiomyopathy and neuropathy in later onset (sixth or seventh
B fibrils) in amyloid deposits correlate with earlier-­onset disease decade of life).The pThr80Ala variant causes either cardiomyopathy or
without a strong cardiac phenotype.9  neuropathy, or both, with onset in the fifth decade.The common variant
pVal142Ile affects individuals of West African origin generally in the
seventh decade of life, but nearly exclusively causes cardiomyopathy.
CLINICAL FEATURES AND PROGNOSIS Rare ATTRv manifestations resulting from leptomeningeal involvement
include hydrocephalus and vitreous opacities.Wild-­type ATTR was pre-
There are various impediments that hinder the recognition of car- viously held to be principally a cardiac-­restricted disease, although
diac amyloidosis by the cardiovascular clinician. First, the disease is soft tissue deposition manifesting as carpal tunnel syndrome, lumbar
generally perceived to be rare and presents with clinical and imag- spinal stenosis (ligamentum flavum thickening), and spontaneous ten-
ing features associated with more common conditions. Second, don ruptures (biceps in particular) is now widely recognized. It is held
cardiac amyloidosis was, until recently, an untreatable disease with that the orthopedic/soft tissue manifestations of ATTRwt amyloidosis
extremely poor prognosis lending credence to therapeutic nihilism. precede the cardiac, often by many years. The presence of neuropa-
Third and finally, the diagnostic approach required endomyocardial thy in ATTRwt is often difficult to disentangle for other age-­associated
biopsy, a procedure not appropriate in a scenario of low-­pretest like- neuropathies or comorbidities (including diabetes mellitus or alcohol
lihood or for widespread screening. Recent discoveries in epidemi- intake).
ology, advancements in diagnostic imaging, and the development
of novel therapeutics have rendered each of these conceptions
invalid. Nevertheless, significant delays in disease recognition Prognosis
persist. Among patients with ATTR amyloidosis, data demonstrate The prognosis of AL cardiac amyloidosis varies greatly depend-
increasing frequency of hospitalizations and visits for heart fail- ing upon two important contingencies: the stage of disease upon
ure without disease recognition in the 3 years preceding ultimate diagnosis and, importantly, the response to chemotherapy directed
diagnosis.10 against the affected plasma cell clone. Prognosis is assessed by a
Although differing by precursor protein, the final common patho- combination of biomarker risk assessment models and cardiac imag-
physiologic pathway of cardiac amyloidosis is one of myocardial ing. Biomarker testing (Mayo or Boston University scoring systems)
infiltration and progressive impairment in diastolic and systolic func- involves measurement of brain natriuretic peptides (NT-­pro-­BNP or
tion that elicits symptoms of congestive heart failure. Left ventricular BNP), cardiac troponin I or T, and direct measurement of lambda and
ejection fraction (LVEF) is preserved in early stages of the disease, kappa light chain.11,12 Patients are classified into stages depending
while longitudinal contraction is impaired. Progressive infiltration upon the values of these biomarkers. Recent data demonstrate that
and/or direct myocyte toxicity subsequently results in decrement median survival for stage 2 patients (with either troponin or BNP
in global left and right ventricular systolic function. Signs of heart above threshold) is approximately 9.5 years, whereas for those with
failure in more advanced disease become predominantly right-sided, advanced disease (stage 3b), median survival remains approximately
with lower extremity edema, ascites, and hepatic enlargement. For 1 year. Imaging studies demonstrate that poor prognosis is also associ-
this reason, the disease, particularly in early stages, is misrecognized ated with lower echocardiographic stroke volume, increasing impair-
for more common wall-­thickening processes such as hypertensive ment global longitudinal strain, increasingly severe cardiac magnetic
remodeling or hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). The electro- resonance imaging (CMR) late gadolinium enhancement (LGE),
cardiogram (ECG) classically demonstrates a low-­voltage pattern in and increasing CMR extracellular volume fraction (ECV).13 Each of
approximately 50% of patients with AL cardiac amyloidosis, while these imaging features is a marker of more advanced disease and is
inferior or anterior pseudoinfarcts are seen in greater than 70% of AL strongly associated with cardiac biomarkers. Hematologic response
cases. Low voltage is seen in only 25% to 40% of patients with ATTR, status and change in cardiac biomarkers with treatment also predict
while up to 15% can show evidence of left ventricular hypertrophy. prognosis. The attainment of a complete hematologic response is the
Conduction disease progressing to heart block is more commonly goal of all therapy and is strongly associated with improved survival.
a feature of ATTR amyloidosis. Atrial dysrhythmias, particular atrial A reduction in BNP or NT-­pro BNP of greater than 30% from base-
fibrillation (AF) and flutter, are seen in up to 40% to 60% of patients line is also indicative of a cardiac response and is associated with
with wtATTR amyloidosis at diagnosis and in up to 90% over time. improved prognosis.
The risk of intracardiac thrombus is increased in all patients with car- The prognosis of ATTR amyloidosis differs between hereditary and
diac amyloidosis, even those in sinus rhythm, with stroke or systemic wild-­type genotype. Similar to AL amyloidosis, staging systems using
embolization occurring in some patients. Although a low-­voltage pat- cardiac biomarkers and renal function have been developed to inform
tern itself can be attributable to other causes (pericardial effusion, prognosis. Despite the larger population of affected patients as com-
lung hyper-­expansion), integration of increased wall thickness seen pared with AL, data limited to case series estimate median survival
by echocardiography in the setting of a low-­voltage pattern (the mass in ATTRwt amyloidosis to be approximately 3.5 years and for ATTRv
to voltage ratio), increases diagnostic accuracy. amyloidosis pVal142Ile to be approximately 2.5 years from diagnosis.
One strategy to increase recognition involves identification of However, as in AL, prognosis depends upon stage of disease at diagno-
other, noncardiac features of AL or ATTR amyloidosis in the context of sis. Using a combination of NT-­proBNP and troponin T (Mayo system)
heart failure. Clinical features of AL amyloidosis are myriad and follow or NT-­proBNP and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR, National
organ system infiltration including renal (proteinuria, often nephrotic Amyloidosis Centre system), data demonstrate that for ATTRwt median
range), soft tissue (macroglossia, carpal tunnel syndrome), gastrointes- survival following diagnosis ranges from 5 to 7 years for stage 1 (early
tinal (bleeding), or neurologic (peripheral or autonomic neuropathy). stage) to 2 to 3 years for stage 3 (advanced stage).14,15 It is important to
Periorbital ecchymosis resulting from capillary fragility is considered emphasize that the natural history studies currently available do not
a pathognomonic feature of AL amyloidosis and is not seen in ATTR account for contemporary TTR-­specific therapies which can extend
amyloidosis. Hereditary ATTR amyloidosis presents as a small fiber, survival. Like AL, imaging also informs prognosis with increasing CMR
length-­dependent peripheral neuropathy manifesting as parenthe- LGE and ECV and worsening global longitudinal strain associated with
sis, pain, or sensory loss on the hands and feet. However, autonomic impaired survival. 

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Features that should raise suspicion for cardiac amyloidosis

• Increased wall thickness without obvious cause 53
• HFpEF with concomitant right heart failure (+JVP, hepatomegaly, edema)

Cardiac Amyloidosis
• HFpEF with normal/low blood pressure particularly in males >60 years of age
• Discordance of wall thickness and electrocardiographic voltage
• History of carpal tunnel syndrome, lumbar spinal stenosis, or spontaneous biceps tendon rupture
• Paradoxical low flow low gradient aortic stenosis
• Diffuse late gadolinium enhancement or increased extracellular volume by cardiac MRI
• Apical preservation on longitudinal strain echocardiography
• Natriuretic peptides elevated out of proportion to clinical syndrome
• Persistently elevated troponin in the absence of acute coronary syndrome or other cause

Evaluate for AL cardiac amyloidosis by the presence of monoclonal protein:

• Abnormal serum kappa/lambda free light chain ratio, and
• Immunofixation of serum and urine
Obtain biomarkers for staging including NTproBNP (or BNP), Troponin T
(or Troponin I) and eGFR

Abnormal plasma Normal plasma

cell testing results cell testing results

Referral to hematology for MGUS Bone scintigraphy

evaluation and consideration of bone available?
marrow biopsy, and
• Biopsy of clinically involved organ or fat
pad (if fat pad negative, biopsy of
clinically involved organ should be Yes No
• Congo red staining, and
• Identification of precursor protein Noninvasive evaluation Endomyocardial biopsy with
with mass spectroscopy (preferred) with PYP, DPD, or HMDP • Congo red staining, and
or by immunohistochemistry (Grade 2/3) with SPECT • Identification of precursor
confirmation of myocardial protein with mass
tracer retention spectroscopy (preferred)
Positive Negative or IHC

Diagnostic myocardial No myocardial

AL, ATTR, or other Cardiac uptake update + –
amyloidosis amyloidosis
ATTR Cardiac ATTR Cardiac
Cardiac amyloidosis Cardiac amyloidosis
amyloidosis unlikely amyloidosis unlikely

TTR Gene TTR Gene

sequencing sequencing

Variant Normal Variant Normal


FIGURE 53.1  Algorithm for cardiac amyloidosis diagnosis. Accurate diagnosis of cardiac amyloidosis can be made by tissue biopsy or by noninvasive methods (bone-­seeking
nuclear tracers) following exclusion of monoclonal protein. Note appropriate testing for monoclonal protein involves serum-­free light chain assay and serum and urine immu-
nofixation electrophoresis (not serum protein electrophoresis). Nuclear imaging with bone-­seeking radiotracers (PYP, DPD, or HMDP) can be performed concurrent to mono-
clonal protein assessment to afford additional information. DPD, 99mTc-3,3-diphosphono-1,2-propanedicarboxylic acid; HMDP, 99mTc-hydhydroxyl-methylene-diphosphonate;
MGUS, monoclonal gammpopathy of unknown significance; PYP, 99mTc-pyrophosphate.

DIAGNOSIS several “red flag” features have been proposed including extreme left
ventricle (LV) wall thickening (>15 mm), discordant ECG voltage as
The critical step to enable a diagnosis of cardiac amyloidosis is clini- predicted from wall thickness, orthopedic/soft tissue manifestations,
cal suspicion forged, in part, by attention to associated signs/symptoms and characteristic patterns on imaging testing.16 A clinical algorithm to
and reassessment of changes in clinical features previously attributed guide the approach toward accurate diagnosis of cardiac amyloidosis
to other processes. Examples of the latter point include intolerance can be found in Figure 53.1.
to beta blockade (a feature of restrictive filling), intolerance to Diagnosis of amyloidosis classically requires tissue biopsy with
angiotensin-­converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors, angiotensin receptor Congo red (or Thioflavin) staining and precursor protein identifica-
blockers (ARBs), or angiotensin receptor/neprilysin inhibitors (ARNIs), tion by immunohistochemistry and/or mass spectrometry. In the case
or a reduced requirement for antihypertensives. Heightened awareness of AL amyloidosis, a tissue biopsy is required to establish the diagno-
in specific affected populations is also essential, such as severe aortic sis. Establishment of cardiac amyloidosis, however, does not require
stenosis, particularly the low-­flow, low-­gradient phenotype. In addition, an endomyocardial biopsy, as supportive evidence from imaging

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and biomarker testing afford a very high predictive value for cardiac Although bone avid radiotracers have been used for myocar-
VI involvement.17 Furthermore, it is the severity of cardiac impairment in dial infarction imaging for more than 40 years, it is now recognized
that the tracers 99mTc-­pyrophosphate (PYP), 99mTc-­3,3-­diphosphono-­
AL that defines treatment regimens, rather than the binary adjudica-
1,2-­propanedicarboxylic acid (DPD), and 99mTc-­hydroxyl-­methylene-­

tion of cardiac involvement. Unlike AL, ATTR amyloidosis can now be

diphosphonate (HMDP) can detect cardiac amyloidosis and differentiate
accurately diagnosed with imaging testing (nuclear scintigraphy) com-
ATTR from AL (see Figs. 18.34, 18.35, and eFig. 18.7). Using a sim-
bined with testing for light chain amyloidosis, when performed in the ple semiquantitative methodology (the Perugini score), cardiac tracer
proper clinical context. uptake is compared with rib with grade 0 (no uptake) to grade 3 (car-
diac uptake greater than rib) and determined either after 1 or 3 hours
BIOMARKERS of tracer incubation. Alternatively, ATTR cardiac amyloidosis can be
Persistent and unexplained elevation in cardiac biomarkers, includ- differentiated from AL using 99mTc PYP (the tracer available in United
ing the aforementioned troponins and natriuretic peptides, are hall- States) by a heart to contralateral lung (H/CL) quantitative uptake ratio
mark features of cardiac amyloidosis but are nonspecific. Although of greater than 1.5 from a region of interest drawn over the heart and
candidates have been proposed, there are no specific biomarkers yet contralateral chest after a 1 hour of tracer incubation. Single-­photon
reported that can definitively identify cardiac amyloidosis. In AL, abnor- emission computed tomography (SPECT) is required to confirm myocar-
mal increase in either lambda (more common) or kappa free light chain dial (and not blood pool) tracer uptake. A large international collabora-
with abnormal ratio, and/or identification of a monoclonal band on tion using a cohort of biopsy-­proven AL and ATTR cardiac amyloidosis
immunofixation electrophoresis is indicative of a plasma cell dyscrasia. patients demonstrated that nuclear tracers provided 100% specificity
In the proper context, these findings can increase suspicion for AL but when grade 2 or 3 uptake was seen in the absence of a monoclonal
are not diagnostic. Furthermore, it is common in the setting of chronic protein by serum or urine in individuals with heart failure and typical
kidney disease to observe a kappa predominance with abnormal free echocardiographic or CMR features of amyloidosis.24 In addition, a mul-
light chain ratio, confusing interpretation. In addition, MGUS incidence ticenter study validated these results with 99mTc-­PYP and additionally
increases with age and plasma cell testing abnormalities can be seen in showed H/CL ratio greater than 1.6 conferred worse survival.25 It is
up to 40% to 50% of patients with ATTR amyloidosis.18 Thus hemato- essential that lab testing excludes evidence of a monoclonal gammopa-
logic consultation is indispensable in unclear scenarios. A serum protein thy in conjunction with nuclear imaging to properly interpret the testing
electrophoresis (SPEP) is insensitive for identifying AL amyloidosis and results. For these reasons, ATTR cardiac amyloidosis can now be diag-
should not be obtained without subsequent immunofixation. Emerging nosed using bone avid tracers and blood testing without the need for
data suggest that lower prealbumin (TTR) concentration may identify confirmatory cardiac tissue biopsy when properly applied. It is appropri-
patients with ATTRv amyloidosis and can inform prognosis in ATTRwt. ate to note that there remains some disagreement in the optimal timing
Similarly, the TTR ligand retinol-­binding protein 4 (RBP4), also appears to of imaging following tracer injection. That stated, with the adoption,
identify ATTRv pVal142Ile amyloidosis, although its capacity to predict awareness, and growing availability of this imaging technique, recogni-
prognosis has not been well explored.19  tion of ATTR amyloidosis has increased. Nuclear techniques have noted
ATTR amyloidosis in 16% of patients with aortic stenosis undergoing
transcatheter aortic valve replacement and 5% of patients with pre-
sumed HCM, with 26% of those referred for HCM older than 80 years
Cardiac imaging plays an essential role in the diagnostic pathway for
of age having cardiac amyloidosis. Although nuclear techniques hold
cardiac amyloidosis identification (Table 53.2). Recently published mul-
great promise as a means to screen for ATTR amyloidosis when applied
tisocietal consensus recommendations for the acquisition, analysis, and
in the proper clinical context, endomyocardial biopsy remains neces-
reporting of imaging in cardiac amyloidosis have conferred important
sary in cases of demonstrated monoclonal gammopathy or in cases of
standardization.20,21 Echocardiography is indispensable (see also Chap-
equivocal tracer uptake and high clinical suspicion. Although not widely
ter 16). Findings include increased biventricular thickening (above the
available, positron emission tomography (PET) tracers specific for amy-
upper limit of normal for age and sex but often ≥12 mm for the LV),
loid deposits (florbetapir, florbetaben, 11C-­Pittsburgh-­B) also identify
dilated atria, interatrial septal thickening, valvular thickening, evidence
cardiac amyloidosis and may prove clinically useful in the future. 
of right ventricular thickening, pericardial effusion, dilated inferior vena
cava, diastolic dysfunction, and increased left atrial pressures (see also
Fig. 16.31 and Video 16.28). Global measures of systolic function are BIOPSY
generally preserved in early to midstage disease; however, segmental Endomyocardial biopsy remains the “gold standard” for diagnosis of car-
variation in systolic function is evident early. Global longitudinal strain diac amyloidosis and is considered 100% sensitive and specific if biopsy
is often reduced and in specific, basal segments often are hypokinetic specimens are collected from multiple sites (four or more are recom-
relative to apical segments. This distinctive pattern is described as “api- mended). Definitive typing for the precursor protein must be determined
cal sparing” (Fig. 53. 2) and can be quantified with longitudinal systolic by immunohistochemistry or via the more preferred, laser dissection with
strain deformational imaging with an approximate apical/basal ratio of tandem mass spectrometry (LC MS/MS) analysis. Endomyocardial biopsy
greater than 2 or apical/basal+mid strain greater than 0.7 (relative apical carries a small but notable risk of perforation, tamponade, or access site
sparing). Increased LVEF/global longitudinal strain ratio greater than 4 complications and as such is reserved for confirmatory testing in sus-
is also suggestive of amyloid cardiomyopathy.22 Echocardiographic fea- pected cases wherein imaging testing is inconclusive (or isolated AL car-
tures, although raising suspicion of amyloid cardiomyopathy, are not in diac amyloidosis). Abdominal fat aspirate with Congo red staining can
themselves diagnostic. Another echocardiographic parameter that has be helpful; however, sensitivity for ATTRwt is low (only approximately
utility in identifying cardiac amyloidosis and predicting clinical outcomes 20%) and a negative result should not dissuade continued evaluation.26
is the myocardial contraction fraction (MCF, ratio of LV stroke volume to Biopsies of other sites (e.g., gastrointestinal), have widely reported sensi-
myocardial wall volume). tivities/specificities, and as with fat aspirate, a negative result should not
CMR imaging (see Chapter 19) with LGE affords the capacity to dissuade further testing in scenarios of high clinical suspicion. 
visualize the extracellular space expansion that results from amyloid
fibril deposition.23 As in echocardiography, AL and ATTR patterns over- GENOTYPING
lap; thus, although useful for adjudication of amyloid from nonamy- Genotyping of TTR is a final critical step in the ATTR amyloidosis diag-
loid, the specific type cannot be reliably identified. Cardiac amyloidosis nostic algorithm because it has implications for treatment as well as
demonstrates diffuse enhancement throughout the myocardial seg- raises the possibility of gene inheritance for first-­degree relatives. One
approach proposed as means to achieve amyloidosis screening involves
ments, either in a global subendocardial or transmural pattern, often widespread genotyping. Such an approach can accurately identify
with atrial involvement. The inability to suppress (“null”) the myo- known variants associated with ATTR amyloidosis, although it is import-
cardium in cine-­inversion recovery (Look-Locker) sequences is a com- ant to note that clinical penetrance is unclear and varies with age and
mon feature. LGE CMR is approximately 85% to 90% sensitive and family history. This has been most widely explored for the pVal142Ile
specific for identification of amyloid cardiomyopathy in patients with genotype. Although data clearly demonstrate that the inheritance of
clinically suspected disease. As extracellular amyloid fibril deposition the pVal142Ile allele increases the risk of heart failure,7 evidence from
increases, the interstitial space between myocytes expands. Parametric other studies suggest that the allele does not necessarily result in imag-
T1 mapping demonstrates increased native (noncontrast) T1 and ECV ing evidence of ATTR amyloidosis.27 Furthermore, a genotyping-­only
approach will fail to identify ATTRwt, the most common type of cardiac
is typically greater than 0.40. One distinct advantage of CMR over amyloidosis. Although rare, the possibility of non-­TTR variants including
other imaging modalities is its capacity to differentiate other diseases gelsolin, AApoA1, A2, and AFib (fibrinogen) should be considered in
that may mimic the amyloid cardiomyopathy phenotype (e.g., HCM, the presence of defined cardiac amyloidosis and a strong family history
Fabry disease). with normal TTR gene sequence.  

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TABLE 53.2  Comparison of Diagnostic Imaging Modalities in Cardiac Amyloidosis

Cardiac Amyloidosis
Clinical clues Pericardial or pleural effusions, Elevated native T1, Diagnostic for transthyretin amyloid
thick right ventricle, small increased extracellular cardiomyopathy (ATTR-­CM) if normal light
LV cavity, intra-­atrial septal volume fraction, late chain assays and grade 2/3 cardiac uptake with
thickening, and impaired gadolinium enhancement confirmation of myocardial retention by SPECT
global longitudinal strain in any pattern, abnormal
False positives due to AL cardiac amyloidosis,
characteristically with sparing of gadolinium kinetics
previous myocardial infarction, diffuse myocardial
the apex
scarring, overlying previous rib fracture, blood
pool, hydroxychloroquine toxicity, and unusual
forms of cardiac amyloidosis (ApoA1)
Relative cost $ $$ $
Specialized expertise required for No Yes No
Exposure to ionizing radiation No No Yes
Cardiac devices affect image quality No Yes No
Can identify nonamyloid causes of Yes (valvular disease, HCM, Yes (infiltrative disease, HCM) No
LV thickening diastolic function) though
amyloid CM may also be present
Distinguish AL and ATTR No No Yes*
Markers of worse prognosis Lower stroke volume, greater Late gadolinium H/CL ratio ≥1.6 at 1 hr
regional variation in global enhancement, higher
longitudinal strain, worse global extracellular volume
longitudinal strain, lower MCF, fraction, higher native T1
low EF (late phase)
AL, Amyloidogenic light chain; ApoA1, apolipoprotein A1; EF, ejection fraction; H/CL, heart to contralateral lung; HCM, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy; LV, left ventricle; MCF,
myocardial contraction fraction; SPECT, Single-­photon emission computed tomography.
*In the context of normal serum and urine immunofixation electrophoresis and serum kappa/lambda ratio.

I aVR V1 V4

II aVL V2 V5

III aVF V3 V6 10




longitudinal strain (%)


–3.0 –4.3

–13.1 –21.9 –5.3



–17.6 –25.5
–26.3 10.8

–3.9 16.1 –4.0

–3.0 –4.7


C Inferior
FIGURE 53.2  Electrocardiographic and imaging findings in cardiac amyloidosis. A 77-­year-­old male with dyspnea and palpitations presents for evaluation. A, Electrocardio-
gram (ECG) demonstrates atrial fibrillation, with low voltage in the limb leads and a pseudoinfarct pattern in the anterior leads. B, Still-­frame image from parasternal long-axis
echocardiogram illustrating severely increased wall thickness (19 mm) discordant from ECG low-­voltage findings. C, Echocardiographic global longitudinal strain polar map
showing apical-sparing pattern. D, Cardiac MR with phase-sensitive inversion recovery late gadolinium enhancement (PSIR-­LGE) imaging demonstrating diffuse subendocardial
and transmural enhancement. E, Planar Tc99m pyrophosphate (PYP) image showing grade 3 tracer uptake, confirmed by single-­photon emission computed tomography (SPECT),
with a heart to contralateral chest ratio of 1.7. Endomyocardial biopsy confirmed ATTRwt amyloidosis.

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CLINICAL MANAGEMENT and after therapeutic anticoagulation, underscoring the imperative to
VI perform transesophageal echocardiography prior to attempts at resto-
Supportive Non–Disease-­Modifying Therapies ration of sinus rhythm by cardioversion.30 Heparins, vitamin K antago-
nists, or direct-acting oral anticoagulants are all effective in reducing

In contrast to other etiologies of heart failure, the evidence basis under-

thromboembolic risk and should be considered as indefinite therapy
lying clinical management in cardiac amyloidosis, although increas-
with minimal interruption. As specified in recent American College of
ing, remains sparse. As such, management strategies are largely drawn Cardiology/American Heart Association/Heart Rhythm Society (ACC/
from smaller, nonrandomized, observational case series. That being AHA/HRS) recommendations, agents that may be used for rhythm con-
stated, aforementioned consensus recommendations for imaging trol include amiodarone (most commonly) and dofetilide.29 Data sup-
and a recently reported AHA Scientific Statement distilled available porting the use of catheter ablation in cardiac amyloidosis are limited. In
evidence into coherent recommendations to guide clinical manage- early-­stage patients, cavotricuspid isthmus ablation may help to main-
ment.28 In general, the approach to a patient with cardiac amyloido- tain sinus rhythm in the setting of atrial flutter, while pulmonary venous
sis involves treatment of the underlying cause (chemotherapy for AL, isolation procedures are generally less effective at controlling AF than in
TTR-­ directed therapies for ATTR) and concurrent management of nonamyloid populations.
In ATTR in particular, deposits of amyloid fibrils infiltrate the conduc-
heart failure, arrhythmia, and concomitant symptoms. As such, the gen-
tion system, with a significant percentage of patients requiring per-
eral principles underlying non–disease-­modifying therapy for cardiac manent pacing. Pacing following AV junctional ablation for refractory
amyloidosis include symptom management, maintenance of euvole- AF management can also be considered. Biventricular pacing can be
mia, avoidance of polypharmacy (particularly in elderly patients), considered for patients with preexisting reduced LVEF. The routine use
avoidance of medications that may cause symptomatic hypotension, of automatic implantable cardioverter-­defibrillators (ICDs) in patients
implantation of electrical devices (pacemakers, defibrillators), and with cardiac amyloidosis is debatable as sudden cardiac death related
consideration of advanced circulatory support/transplant for refrac- to ventricular tachycardia (VT) or ventricular fibrillation (VF) is relatively
tory heart failure in a minority of patients. uncommon and mortality typically results from pulseless electrical
activity. If anticipated survival is less than 1 year, then practice guide-
lines do not recommend ICD placement for the primary prevention of
sudden cardiac death.29 Device implantation for primary prevention
MANAGEMENT OF HEART FAILURE is debatable, although ICD placement after aborted sudden death or
Maintenance of euvolemia and optimization of perfusion in patients sustained VT/VF is less controversial provided survival is expected to
with cardiac amyloidosis can be a distinct challenge. Perturbations of fill- exceed 1 year. 
ing hemodynamics from diastolic dysfunction with impairment of stroke
volume (restriction), renal dysfunction from intrinsic renal disease, poor ADVANCED CIRCULATORY SUPPORT AND ORGAN
perfusion, or the cardiorenal syndrome, and in some individuals, con- TRANSPLANTATION
current autonomic dysfunction from amyloid neuropathy renders a very Selected patients with advanced heart failure may qualify for orthot-
narrow range of tolerable circulating volume. Bioavailable loop diuret- opic heart transplantation (OHT) and/or mechanical circulatory support
ics and aldosterone antagonists are the preferred first-­line agents with (MCS) after careful assessment for the extent of systemic involvement.
frequent dose adjustments to address changes in volume status that Acceptable outcomes have been reported in small series of carefully
may result from concomitant chemotherapies for AL amyloidosis, such selected patients with AL that underwent OHT followed by treatment
as steroids. Patients with orthostasis from poor vascular tone owing to for AL (typically stem cell transplant–based regimens but more recently
impaired autonomic function may require the alpha-­agonist midodrine targeted anti-­plasma cell therapy alone). Similarly, outcomes after OHT
to maintain adequate systolic blood pressure. in ATTR patients with wild-­type or cardiac-­restricted variant disease
Evidence-­based therapies that have proven beneficial in other (typically pVal142Ile) do not differ from those transplanted for other
causes of heart failure including ACE inhibitors, ARBs, ARNIs, and nonamyloid indications. Patients with ATTRv can be treated with OHT
beta blockers are generally poorly tolerated in patients with advanced followed by TTR-­specific pharmacotherapies to slow allograft TTR depo-
cardiac amyloidosis owing to fixed stroke volume and impaired hemo- sition. MCS with left ventricular assist devices (LVADs) or total artificial
dynamic compensatory mechanisms. Lower doses are often useful to heart has been reported as a bridge to transplant in a small number of
manage hypertension or AF heart rate in earlier stage patients. Non- highly selected patients, but outcomes are worse in part because of
dihydropyridine calcium channel blockers (CCBs) are generally con- small ventricular chamber size leading to suction events and, in the case
traindicated in cardiac amyloidosis because they can bind amyloid of LVAD, concomitant right heart failure.
fibrils (demonstrated in AL only), and worsen heart failure through The majority of circulating TTR protein (95%) is produced by the liver.
heart-rate slowing, negative inotropy, and potentiation of conduction Orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT) replaces amyloidogenic mutant
block. Interestingly, the affinity of TTR amyloid fibrils for various bone- TTR with wild-­type TTR and theoretically arrests amyloid formation. Prior
seeking radiotracers is thought to be calcium related, thereby suggest- to contemporary pharmaceutical therapies, OLT was the only available
ing a potential mechanism for increased binding of CCBs to amyloid TTR-­specific treatment for ATTRv amyloidosis. The treatment is largely
fibrils. Dihydropyridine CCBs may be useful as adjunctive agents for effective among patients without demonstrable cardiac involvement;
blood pressure management, particularly in the context of renal dys- however, among those with cardiac amyloidosis, there is still a risk of
function, although potentiation of lower-extremity edema may limit progressive cardiac deposition after isolated OLT owing to continued
application. Although an in vitro study demonstrated that isolated wild-­type TTR deposition upon the template of previous amyloid depos-
AL amyloid fibrils bind digoxin with high affinity, digoxin has been its. Combined OHT and OLT was formerly a strategy in ATTRv disease
recently reconsidered if used cautiously as adjunctive management in with a neuropathic TTR variant but has been largely rendered obsolete
AF rate control.29  by contemporary therapies.28  

Atrial dysrhythmias, particularly AF and atrial flutter, are extremely com-
mon in ATTR amyloidosis and less commonly seen in AL amyloidosis.
Management involves anticoagulation to prevent thromboembolism
Disease-­Targeted Therapeutics
and rate control, and if exacerbating symptoms of heart failure, rhythm Light Chain Amyloidosis
control is also appropriate. As with maintenance of euvolemia, heart The ultimate goal of chemotherapy for AL amyloidosis is elimination
rate control can also be challenging to optimize because both tachy- of the plasma cell clone that produces the amyloidogenic light chain.
cardia and bradycardia are poorly tolerated, resulting from restrictive Arresting amyloid production reverses disease progression, preserves
hemodynamics. Maintaining sinus rhythm and the atrial contribution to organ function, and enhances survival. Chemotherapeutics are drawn
ventricular filling in cardiac amyloidosis may be less important because from the armamentarium of agents developed for multiple myeloma.
many patients have significantly reduced atrial mechanical function, The objective is attainment of a complete hematologic response
reducing the atrial contribution to ventricular filling. Regularization
(CR) defined as normalization of the involved free light chain and
and slowing of heart rate likely provide equal or greater benefit. The
stroke risk among patients with AF and cardiac amyloidosis is exceed- light chain ratio, elimination of a monoclonal band by immunofixa-
ingly high because of blood stasis and elevated pressures, and atrial tion electrophoresis, and normalization of the bone marrow plasma
amyloid deposition may potentiate thrombosis. Left atrial appendage cell population. Degrees of hematologic response are defined by the
thrombosis has been observed in the context of normal sinus rhythm proportion of light chain reduction from complete, very good partial,

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TABLE 53.3  Therapies for Amyloidogenic Transthyretin Amyloidosis

Cardiac Amyloidosis
Patisiran Silencer Neuropathy IV 0.3 mg/kg q3 Infusion-related With IV infusion: None $450,000
weeks up reactions annual list
• IV steroids
to 30 mg price
Vitamin A deficiency
• Acetaminophen
• IV H1 blocker average
• IV H2 blocker effective net
annual price
• D
 aily vitamin A
Inotersen Silencer Neuropathy SQ 284 mg Thrombocytopenia/ Daily vitamin A Weekly platelet $450,000
weekly glomerulonephritis, supplements counts. annual list
requiring testing price
Every 2 weeks
before treatment and
measures $345,000
monitoring during
of serum average
creatinine, effective net
Infusion-site reactions, eGFR annual price
fever urinalysis,
and urine
Vitamin A deficiency
protein to
Tafamidis Stabilizer Neuropathy/ Oral 20 mg once Side effects were None None €100,000 per
meglumine Cardio­ a day less common than year
myopathy with placebo in
80 mg once $225,000 per
a day year
Tafamidis Stabilizer Cardio-­ Oral 61 mg once Unknown None None $225,000 per
free salt myopathy a day year
Diflunisal Stabilizer Neuropathy/ Oral 250 mg PO Related to NSAID Proton pump inhibitor Monitor renal $300-­500 per
Cardio-­ twice a properties: function, year
myopathy day platelet
• Bleeding
• Hypertension hemoglobin
• Fluid retention 1–2 weeks
• Renal dysfunction initiation and
then every 3

eGFR, Estimated glomerular filtration rate; hATTR, Hereditary transthyretin amyloidosis; NSAID, nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug.

partial, and no response. As noted earlier, the biomarker scoring sys- considered first line therapy in combination with cytoxan, bortizimib,
tems developed for prognosis are also used to follow response to treat- and dexamthasone. 
ment. First-­line strategies vary by institutional experience and must be
individualized to a particular patient. In appropriately selected patients Transthyretin Amyloidosis
managed at highly specialized referral centers with extensive experi- There are numerous pharmacologic strategies developed to amelio-
ence, high-­dose melphalan-­based chemotherapy coupled with autol- rate ATTR amyloidosis, including TTR silencing or knockdown, TTR
ogous stem cell transplant (HDM/SCT) can be applied as a means to stabilization, and TTR amyloid fibril disruption/extraction (Table 53.3).
rapidly reduce the light chain concentration. In such centers, a com- Presently, there are three U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-­
plete or very good partial response can be induced in approximately approved therapies for ATTR amyloidosis including the TTR silencers
60% of patients with a peritransplant mortality less than 2% while dura- patisiran and inotersen, and the TTR stabilizer tafamidis, with additional
ble, long-­term complete response (>15 years) can be achieved.31 Eligi- novel agents in clinical trials. In addition, the FDA-­approved nonsteroi-
bility for HDM/SCT is defined by various clinical parameters including dal antiinflammatory drug (NSAID) diflunisal has been repurposed
(but not limited to) LVEF, pulmonary function, blood pressure, and per- for ATTR amyloidosis treatment and demonstrated efficacy in smaller,
formance status.32 For those not eligible for HDM/SCT, contemporary nonrandomized, retrospective studies.
advances in chemotherapy offer many alternative and highly effective
options. Regimens include combinations of drugs such as proteasome TTR Stabilizers
inhibitors, immune modulators, and most recently, monoclonal anti- As a therapeutic class, TTR stabilizers are orally available small
bodies. In specific, a monoclonal antibody targeting the CD38-­receptor molecules that bind to TTR and inhibit its dissociation and subse-
(daratumumab), developed for the treatment of patients with relapsed quent amyloid fibril formation. Tafamidis is a benzoxazole deriva-
multiple myeloma, has produced a rapid and profound hematologic tive lacking NSAID activity specifically engineered to bind to the
response with minimal toxicity.33 This agent, which can be delivered thyroxine-­binding sites of TTR with high affinity and selectivity, stabi-
subcutaneously, results in robust hematologic and organ responses lizing the tetramer and slowing dissociation and subsequent aggre-
with an acceptable safety profile.34 Daratumumab is the first and only gation. The efficacy of tafamidis in ATTR cardiac amyloidosis was
agent specifically approved by FDA for AL amyloidosis and is now demonstrated in the phase III clinical study Amyloid Transthyretin

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Amyloidosis Cardiomyopathy Trial (ATTR-­ ACT), where treatment CONCLUSION
VI resulted in lower all-­cause mortality and reduction in cardiovas-
cular hospitalizations.35 Treatment also resulted in a lower rate of The diagnostic and therapeutic landscape for cardiac amyloidosis

decline in distance for the 6-­minute walk test and in the Kansas City has dramatically changed over the recent past. A disease that formerly
Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ-­OS) as compared with con- was conceived as uncommon and untreatable is now increasingly
trols. Tafamidis was approved in May of 2019 as the only therapeutic recognized with available therapies that dramatically extend survival
approved for ATTRwt cardiac amyloidosis. Given its extremely high and mitigate symptoms. Advances in noninvasive diagnosis coupled
initial cost, the cost-­effectiveness of the therapy was deemed poor with concurrent demonstration of efficacy and approval of specific
despite the efficacy.36 therapies has shifted cardiac amyloidosis from a rarely encountered
Diflunisal is an NSAID that, like tafamidis, binds to the TTR tetramer and untreatable “zebra,” to a condition that cardiovascular clinicians
at the thyroxine-binding site, kinetically stabilizing it from dissocia- should consider in daily practice.
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