Mariano Marcos State University: College of Engineering

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College of Engineering




Poldo is just one of the typical freshman students taking NSTP CWTS. Still adjusting
from high school life to college life, he braved himself as he takes on the Stallions
lifestyle. He meets old and new friends, get acquainted with the busy school
schedule and get familiar with his surroundings and professors. As he went with his
week, he noticed that his subjects include a course called NSTP 01. Intrigued, he
went to his first NSTP class. Here is his blog post for that day:
Poldo said:
What a day I had? It is a weekend, a Saturday at that! I was supposed to spend this
day in the comforts of my home or at least inside a church with my family. Yet, I have
to wake up early and go to school. It isn’t enough that I have to go to school every
day even Saturdays are not spared. I spend my family day at school listening to a
boring lecture about this subject called NSTP. What is it anyways? Why do I have to
spend long hours every Saturday for this course? If I heard it right from my facilitator,
it is not even credited for my academic grades. It is just a requirement for
graduation. So, why should I give attention to this course? They say that it is all about
community service. Well, I participate in my community’s activities. I help as much
as I can. Isn’t that enough for a community service? My classmates told me that we
will just clean streets and plant trees in the barangays. If that’s what we will do every
Sunday, what is the lecture and lessons for? It’s too long for a community service
class. I’ll be sleeping the whole duration of the class and I won’t be the only one. I
know what I will do! I will just arrive late for class. As long as I attend the class, I will
pass this course. It will be an easy pass for me. Then, in class, I’ll just chat with my
classmates or play my gadgets to pass the time. The activities are child’s play I am no
longer a kid now, why play? I am in college already I am mature now I should be
focusing my attention in studying my program. It serves a purpose to my career.
Finally, I am just a student, I can’t make a big difference in the world even if I want
to. I still rely on my family for support; I can’t help other people with their problems.

#16S Quiling Sur, City of Batac, Ilocos Norte

  +63(77)600-34-58
College of Engineering
It is just too big and too complicated for me. The government is there to do that,
right? They should be the one responding to this problem and not students like me I
can’t do anything about their problem.
I have no intention of taking this course but I have to. My parents insist that I finish
this course. It is just too dragging. It is just too boring and I see no point in taking it.

1. As a student, how do you exercise the values being promoted by the
For me, I exercise the values being promoted by the university by
embedding it to myself and showing it to others. Being able to become a
leader or become someone who can set as a good example for everyone is a
nice way to show how you really value the values of the university. Especially
now wherein classes are being continue via online, most students nowadays
already forgotten these values so we need someone who can help them to
remember it.
2. Other than the core values of the University, what other values do you think
are being practiced by the Stallions.
“Utang na loob” which basically translate to a sense of obligation to
return a favour owned to someone. Many of us students know the feeling of
being indebted to someone and we can’t deny this because as we all know
stallions helps each other. The guilt that we feel everytime we received some
help and we can’t repay them cannot be gone easily until we repay them.
Especially when its all about money, lessons or something personal. That’s -
why I think utang na loob is now a value that is being practiced by the
3. Suppose that Poldo is your friend. What pieces of advice can you give for him
to appreciate the NSTP Program?
The first thing that I will do when giving advice to Poldo is asking him
how he value his own country. For me, hating nstp basically means hating
your own country, as we all know the aim of nstp is to build a sense of
patriotism to the individuals. Learn teamwork and loyalty. And NSTP
addresses the need for national program of youth development and
mobilization for the task of nation building. I will tell him to change his
perspective toward this program because even though this program doesn’t

#16S Quiling Sur, City of Batac, Ilocos Norte

  +63(77)600-34-58
College of Engineering
focus on academic part, this will enhance the loyalty and patriotism in every

Create a guided reflection on the values of the Filipino Society. Are these values still
observed from today? Based on your personal life experiences, site examples for
each Filipino values discussed in the topic and reflect on it whether it has positive or
negative as the result. In your own opinion, how can you eliminate/if not lessen the
negative effects/weaknesses of the Filipino character?
Definitely yes, because these values are already part of us Filipinos. This value
will continue to be pass generation by generation which makes it impossible to
forget or to erase. Based on my personal experience, the most common value that I
always observed to the people around me are they always say “Bahala na” when
they didn’t really know what are they doing. My mom always says “Maka ammun
tun” (translate to bahala na) whenever I ask her the possible outcome of something
and I always wonder why she kept on saying this. For me, saying this quotation is just
like flipping a coin and letting it decide which sides shows up. Why do people let fate
decide their future and doesn’t really make a clear choice? If you really want to
achieve something don’t just let fate decide it, work hard for it and make sure to
achieve it.

#16S Quiling Sur, City of Batac, Ilocos Norte

  +63(77)600-34-58

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