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 Henry VIII did not really plan to break away  He moved to annul his marriage on the
from the Catholic Church. ground that the pope should not have
 He was not happy with the reformation granted a legal dispensation. The pope
done by some concerned persons. refused to grant the annulment.
 he earned the title “Defender of the Faith”  The annulment would have allowed Henry
when he wrote an essay against the to marry another woman and produced
Lutherans. more heirs.
 Henry ’ s elder brother, Arthur, married  Henry submitted his case to the universities
Catherine of Aragon, which sealed the for their judgment and ruling and
alliance between Spain and England. universities favored Henry that lead him to
 Arthur died four months after the wedding. dump Catherine and married Anne
It was agreed to have Catherine marry Boleyn.
Henry who was then heir to the English  Henry argued that Leviticus 21:14 forbade
throne. a man from marrying his brother’s widow.
 Since the Church law forbade the marriage  He forced the clergy of England to submit
of a man to his brother ’ s widow, it was to him. This started his breakaway from the
necessary to get a dispensation (an Catholic Church.
exception from church law) from the pope.  The final break came when in 1534 the
The pope granted the dispensation. English parliament passed the Supremacy
 marriage was not a success. Act which made Henry the supreme head
 Five of six children died and the surviving of the English Church.
child and heir to the throne was a girl, Mary  He eventually suppressed and seized the
Tudor. properties of the monasteries and sold
 Henry convinced himself that the failure to them to rich laities to raise funds for the
produce a male heir was a divine royal treasury. Henry married four more
intervention. women.

“ Its all in the execution.”

 Luther was a German theologian whose  His father was a copper mine.
writings inspired the Protestant  studied at the University of Erfurt,
Reformation.  1505 decided to join a monastic order,
 born Nov. 10 1483 in Eisleben. becoming an Augustinian friar
 died Feb. 18 1546 in Eisleben.
 ordained in 1507, began teaching at the summoned to appear at the Diet of Worms,
University of Wittenberg an assembly of the Holy Roman Empire.
 1512 was made a doctor of Theology.  He refused to recant and Emperor Charles
 1510 visited Rome on behalf of Augustinian V declared him an outlaw and a heretic.
monasteries, and was appalled by the Luther went into hiding at Wartburg
corruption he found there. Castle.
 Luther became angry about the clergy  1522, he returned to Wittenberg and in
selling indulgences 1525 married Katharina von Bora, a
 indulgences–promised remission from former nun. With whom he had six
punishments for sin, either for someone still children.
living or for one who had died and was  Luther then became involved in the
believed to be in purgatory. controversy surrounding the Peasants War
 Oct 31 1517, he published his 95 Theses, (1524 -1526), the leaders of which had
attacking papal abuses and the sale of used Luthers arguments to justify their
indulgences. revolt. He rejected their demands and
 Luther had come to believe that Christians upheld the right of the authorities to
are saved through faith and not through suppress the revolt, which lost him many
their own efforts. This turned him against supporters.
many of the major teachings of the Catholic  1534, published a translation of the bible
Church. into German, underlining his belief that
 1519 –1520, he wrote a series of people should be able to read it in their
pamphlets developing his ideas (On own language. The translation contributed
Christian Liberty,On the Freedom of a significantly to the spread and development
Christian Man,To the Christian Nobility’ of the German language.
and On the Babylonian Captivity of the  Luther’s influence spread across northern
Church) and eastern Europe and his fame made
 Thanks to the printing press, Luther’s ’ Wittenberg an intellectual center.
95 Theses’ and his other writings spread  In his final years he wrote polemics
quickly through Europe. against the Jews, papacy and Anabaptists,
 Jan. 1521, the Pope Leo X a radical wing of the reforming movement.
excommunicated Luther. He was then


Western Schism, also called Great Schism or Great Western Schism or in simpler terms the Scandal
of the Three Popes, in the history of the Roman Catholic Church, the period from 1378 to 1417, when
there were two, and later three, rival popes, each with his own following, his own Sacred College of
Cardinals, and his own administrative offices. Shortly after the return of the papal residence to Rome
following almost 70 years of the Avignon papacy, the archbishop of Bari was elected pope as Urban
VI amid demands by the Roman populace for“a Roman or at least an Italian.”Urban VI proved to be
hostile to the cardinals, who had assumed great powers during the years at Avignon, that a group of
cardinals retired to Anagni and elected one of themselves, Robert of Geneva, as Clement VIII,
claiming the election of Urban VI had been invalid because it was made under fear. Clement VII then
took up residence at Avignon.Although Roman Catholic Church historians generally agree that
Urban VI and his successors were the legitimate popes, there has never been an official
pronouncement to this effect. The double election had disastrous effects upon the church. The
followers of the two popes were divided chiefly along national lines, and thus the dual papacy
fostered the political antagonisms of the time. The spectacle of rival popes denouncing each other
produced great confusion and resulted in a tremendous loss of prestige for the papacy. Various
proposals for ending the schism were made, especially by the University of Paris, which suggested
either mutual resignation or a decision by an independent tribunal or a general council. This last
proposal was in line with the growing conciliar movement, according to which a general council has
greater authority than a pope. Both lines of popes refused to submit. Eventually cardinals from both
obediences, seeking to end the schism, arranged the Council of Pisa, which met in1409 and elected a
third pope, Alexander V, who is succeeded shortly thereafter by Baldassare Cossa, who took the
name John XXIII.Under pressure from the emperor Sigismund, John convoked, in 1414, the Council
of Constance, which deposed him, received the resignation of the Roman pope, Gregory XII, and
dismissed the claims of the Avignon pope, Benedict XIII. That series of event opened the way to the
election of Martin V in November 1417, whereby the schism was ended.
The root of almost every schism and heresy from which the
Christian Church has suffered, has been because of the effort of
men to earn, rather than receive their salvation; and the reason
preaching is so commonly
ineffective is, that it often calls on people to work for God
rather than letting God work through them.
John Ruskin
 Saint Francis of Assisi (Prayer of Peace) businessman and taught him about the
was a Catholic friar who gave up a life of French culture.
wealth to live a life of poverty.  About the age of nineteen Francis went to
 He established the Franciscan Order of battle against the nearby town of Perugia.
friars and the womens Order of the Poor Francis was captured and taken prisoner.
Ladies. He was held prisoner in a dungeon for a
 born in Assisi, Italy in 1182. He grew up year before his father paid the ransom and
leading a privileged life as the son of a he was set free.
wealthy cloth merchant.  Over the next few years Francis began to
 Francis loved to learn and sing songs as a see visions from God that changed his life.
boy. His father wanted him to become a The first vision was when he was sick with a
high fever. At first he thought that God had
called him to fight in the Crusades. some birds when they began to sing
However, he had another vision that told together. Then they flew into the sky and
him to help the sick. Finally, when praying formed the sign of a cross. It was also said
in a church, Francis heard God tell him to that Francis could tame wild animals. One
“repair my church, which is falling in story tells of a vicious wolf in the town of
ruins.” Gubbio that was killing people and sheep.
 Francis gave all his money to the church. The people of the town were frightened and
His father became very angry with him. didn’t know what to do. Francis went to
Francis then left his father’s home and took the town to confront the wolf. At first the
a vow of poverty. wolf growled at Francis and prepared to
 As Francis lived his life of poverty and attack him. However, Francis made the sign
preached to people about the life of Jesus of the cross and told the wolf not to hurt
Christ, people began to follow him. By 1209, anyone else. The wolf then became tame
he had 11 followers. He had one basic rule and the town was safe.
which was “To follow the teaching of our  Francis became ill and spent the last few
Lord Jesus Christ and to walk in his years of his life mostly blind. He died in
footsteps.” 1226 while singing Psalm 141. He was
 Francis was a devoted follower of the declared saint of the Catholic Church only
Catholic Church. He and his followers two years after his death.
travelled to Rome to get the approval for INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT SAINT FRANCIS
their religious Order from the pope. At first, OF ASSISI
the pope was reluctant. These men were  October 4th is observed as Saint Francis
dirty poor, and smelled bad. However, feast day.
eventually he understood their vow of  It is said that he received the stigmata two
poverty and blessed the Order. years before he died. This was the wounds
 The Franciscan Order grew as men joined Christ from the cross including his hands,
and made vows of poverty. When a feet, and side.
woman named Clare of Assisi wanted to  Francis travelled to the Holy Lands during
take similar vows, Francis helped her start the Crusades hoping to conquer the
the Order of the Poor Ladies (Order of Saint Muslims with love rather than war.
Clare). He also started another order (later  Francis set up the first known Nativity
called the Third Order of Saint Francis) scene to celebrate Christmas in 1220.
that was for men and women who didn’t  He believed that actions were the best
take vows or leave their jobs, but lived example, telling his followers to “Preach
out the principals of the Franciscan Order the Gospel at all times and when
in their daily lives. necessary use words.”
 Francis was known for his love of nature THE LIFE STORY OF SAINT DOMINIC
and animals. There are many stories about  Saint Dominic was born into a rich, noble
Saint Francis and his preaching to animals. Spanish family. But by the time he was 21,
It is said that one day he was talking to he had sold everything he owned so that
he could help feed the homeless received in exchange for his worldly
population of Spain. possessions, he bought food for the homeless
 The founder of the Dominican Order was of Spain. Despite his love for his studies,
friends with Saint Francis of Assisi. He Dominic also sold his manuscripts that he used
pursued a life of humility, poverty, and to study. When his fellow students asked him
obedience. When he died at the age of 51, why he did not keep what he needed for his
he turned to his followers and said,“Do not education, he responded, “Would you have me
weep, for I shall be more useful to you after study from these dead skins when people are
my death and I shall help you then more dying of hunger?”
effectively than during my life.”  3. A ROAD TRIP INTRODUCED HIM TO HIS
 1. HIS MOTHER HAD A VISION ABOUT At 33, Dominic travelled with the Bishop of
DOMINIC BIRTH Osma, Diego de Acebo. They were on a
Saint Dominic was born in 1170. His parents diplomatic mission to find a bride for the crown
were Felix Guzman and Juanna of Aza. Before prince Ferdinand. Although the marriage
conceiving Dominic, the couple experienced negotiations were successful, the princess
infertility. Juanna took a pilgrimage to the passed away before journeying back with the
Abbey at Silos, and there she received a envoy. However, on the trip with the bishop,
vision.In the vision, she saw a dog leap from her Dominic met the Albigensians (also known as
womb. The dog was carrying a flaming torch the Cathari). This heretical group believed that
and Juaana said that the dog “seemed to set any human matter was evil. As a result, they
the earth on fire.”Later in his life, Dominic went denied the Incarnation. The group also took
on to found the Dominican order – little food and water, and practiced harsh fasts.
Dominicanus in the Latin translation. The order’ Christians who encountered the Albigensians
s name is seen on a play on words. Domini were impressed with their fasting and lifestyle.
Canisis Latin for “Dogs of the Lord.”Dominic’ Meanwhile, they saw Catholic priests and
s mother was beatified by Pope Leo XII in 1828. preachers dressing in expensive clothing and
 2. HE SOLD HIS SCHOOL TEXTBOOKS FOR travelling in style. In response to the heresy,
MONEY TO DONATE TO THE POOR Dominic realized that preachers who were truly
When he grew up, Dominic was educated in holy and humble could win over those who
Palencia. He studied theology and the arts, believed in the Albigensian heresy.
spending ten total years studying. He was  4. DOMINIC IS THE PATRON SAINT OF
known as a fantastic student by his teachers. ASTRONOMERS
When he was 21 years old, a famine struck Dominic is the patron saint of the Dominican
Spain, leaving many of Spain’s population out order and of those falsely accused, but he is
on the streets with nothing to their name. In also the patron saint of astronomers. What does
response to seeing the poverty in the streets of this saint and those who study thestars have in
the city, Dominic sold everything he owned. He common?At Dominic’s baptism, his mother saw
sold the furniture out of his house and the a star shining on his chest. Often, artists depict
clothes off of his back.With the money he Dominic with stars.
told his brothers to be humble and to treasure
 5. THE FOUNDER OF MODERN SCULPTURE their poverty. After his death, his body was
CARVED DOMINIC’S SHRINE moved to a simple coffin. Thirteen years after
Dominic passed away to his Heavenly reward his death, Pope Gregory IX canonized Dominic
when he was 51 years old.Author Jean Guiraud in the year 1234. In 1267,Dominic body was
wrote that Dominic was “exhausted with the transferred to an official shrine, which was
austerities and labors of his career.”His brother carved by Nicola Pisano,an Italian sculptor who
monks lay him on the ground. Even when he was known for his classical Roman sculpture
was dying, Dominic continued his preaching. He styling.

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