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Introduction to Globalization

To start with, Globalization, according to majority of textbooks and articles is a word used to
describe cross-border commerce in products and services, technology, and movements of
investment, people, and information that have all contributed to the growing interdependence of
the world's economies, cultures, and inhabitants. Furthermore, definitions of globalization vary
from different perspectives – sociological, economic, cultural, political, and technological.

However, according to Robertson & White, perspective of people from developing countries are
different and do not accept the definition of globalization by those who come from a much-
privileged position. That is the reason why globalization, up until now, is within a wide range of
inter-subjectivity and debates. To sum, there is no permanent definition of Globalization as it is
rather subjective and vary among people and countries.

Nonetheless, various sociologists were able to identify the patterns and dimensions of
globalizations, namely: economic, political, and cultural, which are now commonly found in
academic literature.

As our world progress and continue to create advancements and improve through various
inventions, innovations, and technologies, this allows globalization to take place. As it efficiently
reduces transportation costs, and it allows a much efficient means of communication with other
countries. To add, this also allows our cultural perspective to be influenced because
communication is more efficient and easier. Thus, conveniently exchanges messages and it
creates a much-united bond among people of different countries through the great platform of
communicating. However, this is the problem seen by those perspective in a developing country
and economy. It is important to consider that not all countries have the capacity to continuously
adapt to change and advancements of the world. It may be due to the lack of resources, poverty,
and other hindrances that in the end, might result to social tensions among countries. They say
that through globalization we are creating a unified world, but this statement rather uplifts only
those who are privileged not those who are still developing.
Though Globalization’s intentions appear to be good and positive, as people of this world, we
must investigate it deeper and critically analyze all aspects because there are a lot of injustices
and various forms exploitation that we are not fully aware that are taking place as globalization
continue to take place. That is where our global connectivity and global consciousness play its
vital role – to fully understand and analyze certain phenomenon taking place behind

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