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Can communities ever recover from natural disasters?


Natural disasters destroy lives, buildings and sometimes even whole cities, and this can have a great
impact on the community’s economic growth rate and financial stability. The city’s infrastructure will
also be affected. natural disasters can greatly affect the quality of life as well as force people to consider
leaving the country and migrating to another city since it is not safe for them to stay there anymore and
this will lead to less people thinking about spending vacations there, which will lead to a decrease in
tourism rates, not only that but a community’s essential structure is its social, financial and economic
growth including its infrastructure which basically shapes it into a nation.

Main argument: NO

I personally think that communities cannot fully recover from Natural disasters since they can cause the
citizens in the community which some of them are now victims, to either becoming homeless, or losing
loved ones which may cause them to be traumatized. People’s valuables are now gone and cannot be
salvaged. Monuments or important buildings such as schools, hospitals and banks which make up the
essential structure of the city’s could be destroyed and never brought back since now most of the
citizens are at risk and won’t agree to aid in rebuild which means the city’s infrastructure may never be
the same as before. The government has to oppose the giant task of restoring and rebuilding the main
assets of the city, people will eventually feel threatened since their area of residence is now unhabitable
and at high risk. The scale of the damage sustained makes it impossibly difficult for the citizens to cope
and recover during the aftermath of the disaster The citizens can’t continue on living normally after the
catastrophe, and the community may never fully recover financially.


natural disasters aren’t supposed to be obstacles for a community’s economic growth rate to be
affected for example, shelters could be built by the government for the victims who are now homeless,
demolished buildings could be reconstructed back into even better state than before, disaster relief
programs can be provided for the people who were most affected by the cataclysm, the infrastructure
of the city could be rebuilt easily, this could also be an opportunity for the city to be rebuilt into
something better, the nation leaders could plan a program relating post-disaster warnings using
forecasts to predict any following catastrophic events that could occur in the future, building anti-
disaster buildings and shelter that allow citizens to feel more safe during these events, strengthening
the capacity to respond to disasters on the long-term. Life may not be the same but that doesn’t mean a
community can’t recover.


In conclusion, weather a community can fully recover from a natural disaster depends completely on its
financial and economic state, if it has the right amount of resources to recover and rebuild it again, and
how well its national leaders can handle the stress and pressure they are being put in. In my opinion, I
think the government of the community plays a big and main role in providing the resources and the
sufficient aid needed in order for the city to fully recover from such cataclysmic event.
-this could be an opportunity for the city to be rebuilt completely into something better

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