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88 ataonn mathemati rum i rt Definite integral ® Kamiron tents a tae A ZSSMART Notes EE TS? 1. Dott intogra anton ea S10 ox fae + ef = g{b) + ¢—g{a)-¢ = lb) - ga) cred ‘2 lower limit / hod bawan (B= upper limit! had atas ‘The area on the left of the ypaxis = [fx dy{ dans teh ply =f 4 2. Characteristics of definite integral Git kamiran tort ” Rx) ax = ‘Volume of revolution. @) f'n ar=0 4 Youme of (©) fet de= Kf te) de © fro af wera (©) f no x= [1p ax + [0 oe 3. Area under the curve ‘The volume ofthe shaded region, revlved 360° atcu {ise a bow eran es {Spowu raiu bre dengan pura 20" pad pbs veaf’ or “The are under the oxi * fy ae s ‘The volume of the shaded region, revolved 360° about Laas ban pats = fy Hed Is pd rntou bork dengan puteran 360" pa alsiy veaf vay 7. Find the value for each of the following. 42 cart nilai bagi sei yang berkut fie ‘Answer! Jawapan: 3x . 2F + a] [3 ))- [3 [oe + 2c0]-[ = (24+ 8)- (6-4) 0 o f0-#)e Answer! Jawapan: (b ff (ae aces) de ‘Answer! Jawapan: [ox] Os 12-44-TE) tg yy = 7 8 oo ( 6) (4-117-4) ete oty lie 2 org 4 iw} ‘Answer! Jawapan: of (x-4) @ [2 2) de (45 74K Th) ‘Answer! Jawapan: ‘Answer! Jawapan: few lye + Lx dy w ae we }; [7 eo rai ee a IO fe a +203] -9t 5 ty y wo fasitr coxa” — a fayeeaef; x zy ee ete 2s a> a 3 3 -2 | [mB a] [=4)- Cu *- e) poy st =) =~ ae QAy Scanned with CamScanner Given that ffx) de CLs dx = 6 andif” gx) dx=7, solve each of the folowing. Diet bahawa fs) dx = 3, * et) tx = 6 dan [x= 7, selesaan sei yon beret . wy [900 ae “ l 0 [a6 Rac cee eee answer /Jewapan: 5S) ) == f's10 a Bore oes vs =5(3) ad | 215 2 mL ‘Bs a Sea (toy (a) ff }a00 a [B+ 3 5 Answer! Javapan: Aswed wean: 1f¢ sexy ax [sa]. ¥3 —6b t yates | [st Sa 7 | = 12 | cy fay c+ fs de f'n de ca Ta =f 200 | .swer! Jawapan: “Answer/ Jawapan: t 2 ? x | dy ~< 309) + 2{ 34) | Jo Fey dns 2 WI t J, -6) 20D ~ te to > fate a (0) J toe) + 2a de = 10, Find the value off Answer! Jawapan: J (s(x) + kx] dx = 10. Cari nilaik. 4 u SCS te) +g | Ag S¥ gon) 4 Lo 1) btkEg <0 a= = 34 3 fre ae 3.f' a x=6 andf'900 de=7, * ° ‘ Scanned with CamScanner 9, Find the area of the shaded region. 13) Cari luas rantau berlorek. y ‘Answer / Jawapan: fre ‘Smart 7ps| ‘Area of the region above the x-axis postive and {tea ofthe region below the rans is negative lus rantau datas paks!x adalah positf dan lues ‘antau dl Dawah pakslx adalah negott ‘Smart 7pe 'Area of the region on the right of yaxl is postive {and area of the region on the left of y-axis is negative {lua rantau a sebelah kanan patsy adalah positif ddan lus rantau di sebelah kil paksty edalah egatt =a =5 oO = S unit (a) (b) y yore 15 LE ‘Answer! Jawapon: ‘Answer! Jawapan: Scanned with CamScanner ‘Additional Mathematics Form § Chapter 3 integrator ry () verte 2)00-3) oe ‘Answer! Jawapan: «) ® ‘Answer/ Jawapan: ‘Answer! Jawapan: Scanned with CamScanner 10. Solve the following proble following problem, £8 Selesatkan masala yang berikut Answer! Jawapan: () At poimis of intersection Pada ik prslangan X44254K-x F-1=0 &- e+ X= Lxe-l Sy =3 AGL, 3), BA, 5) ‘Adenigat Mathematica fom 8 hes iieran () Point A and B are the intersecting points of the equations, y=54x-x and y=x +4, Find the coordinates of point ‘and point 8. Titik A don B merupakan tick persilangon bog! persamaan y= 54 x—x dany = x + 4, Cart koordinat bag tte A dan 8 (li) Find the area of the shaded region. Car uas rantau berforek. (ii) Area of the shaded region tuas rantau berlorek sformefeens aficeene Feo (+9)-4-9 Answer! forage: Given, the shaded region is bounded by the curves y = x8 and vax find Ditert, rontau beriorek dibaasi oleh lengkung (i) the intersection points of the curves, tite pesilangan, (ii) the area of the shaded region, Iuas rant berorek. deny (b) =a = “Answer! Jawapan: Given, the shaded region is bounded by straight line, x-2y = 3, x= 2 and the curve y = &. Point A is the intersection point of the curve and straight line x ~ 2y = 3. Fing Dibert, rantau berlorek dibatasi oleh garislurus x ~ 2y = 3, x = 2 day lengkung y =< Titk A ialah cite persilangan lengkung itu dan garg lurus x~ 2y = 3. Cart Ai) the value of & nila k, (ii) the area of the shaded region. Iuas rantau berlorek. Answer! Jawapan: Straight line y = max + c intersects the curve y = x* - 2x - 8 at points (4, 0) and (0, ~8). Find Garls urus y = mx + ¢ bersilang dengan lengkung y = x¢ ~ 2x ~ 8 pada tit (4,0) dan (0, -8). Cari (i) the value of m and ¢, nila m dan c, (ii) the area of the shaded region. tugs rantau beriorek. Scanned with CamScanner ye = 11. Find the volume, in terms of x, generated by rotating the shaded region through 360: — Carlisi padu, dalam sebutan zr, yang dijana dengan memutarkan rantau berlorek melaiul 360° pada paksi-x ‘Answer/ Jawapan: Volume Ii padu ‘Volume generated about the scans froma tox= Bis siven by «fy |si padu janaan pada paksix darix =a ke x= dlberi oleh Eee (a) y vee Answer/ Jawapan: (b) ‘Answer/ Jawapan: y"aeeT wo ‘Answer! Jawapan: Scanned with CamScanner 12. Find the volume, in terms of x, generated by rotating the shaded region through 360° about the y-axis, Cart it padu, dalam sebutan x, yang dijana dengan memutarkan rantau beriorek melalui 360° pada paksty. MX (a) y y K yexy 7 af y= 1 q x Answer? Jawapar ‘Answer! Jawapan: Volume =afoedy Isi padu ‘ ‘Smart Te) ety Volume generated about the aafl'ha yanstfonysctoy=d sie] 22 bya fe ay. saf ya tion oeon pat pay Gatly=chey=d deri oleh afin. _ 7/22) 30” =pe-23"] = 1.3052 unit? | Cy © x y ste yerestp yore Answer! Jawapan: ‘Answer! Jawapan: Scanned with CamScanner 13. Solve each of the following problem. @@ £8) Selesaikan setiap masalah berikut. x anes yao a * Answer / Jawapan: yextd.. ® The diagram shows the graph of y = 7 +x and y=x-+ 4. A cup like object is formed when the graph is rotating about the y-axis. Find the volume of the material needed to form the object. State the answer in terms of 2. Rajah menunjukkan graf bagi y = x + x dan y = x + 4 Sebuah objek berbentuk cawan terbentuk apabila graf tersebut diputarkan pada paksiy. Cari isi padu bahan yang diperlukan untuk memabentuk objek tersebut. Nyatakan jawapan dalam sebutan zt. yee an. @ By using the substitution method: / Dengan menggunakan kaedah penggantian: Xt4ar 4x a4 (x= 2) +2)=0 x= ~2 (ignore / abaikan) Volume of the material / Isi padu bahan ea f eer aoe +a) dr [eae + 84+ 16) ae ax [-3-3+ 4(2y+ 1622)| 2 Answer/ Jawapan: If the shaded region is revolved 360° about the x-axis, find Jika rantau beriorek dikisarkan 360° pada paksi-x, cari (i) coordinates of point A and B, oordinat bagi titik A dan B, (ii) volume generated. isi padu yang dijana, Scanned with CamScanner wn in the diagram. The radius of the can is 5 cm, whereas, to soup as shor ke 3, (b) Mr Rais bought a can of tomato soup mene can ie 250x mi. If 1 mf is equals 10 1 cm, prove | the height is 10 cm. Stated that the volume that the volume stated is correct by using integration. ; that the volume sa lose yang dtunjtian dalam raja fej tin lah 5 cm, manakla ng ay 10 cm. Dinyatakan bahawa isi padu tin iu iolah 2507 mi. jka 1 ml bersamaan dengan 1 cm’, buktkan bahawa nilai is padu yang dinyatakan adalah betul dengan menggunakan pengamiran. gyypf¥omrereny Answer! Jawapan: J Paper )¥) 3. Given 4 = 3x — ax + 4, 1 is found that x = 1 whet y= 8, find the equation of y in terms of x. 4 Diberi = 30° — 2x + 4, Didapati bahawa x = 1 apabia ier (2x6) de= 1-2 cart ia By) y= 8, cari persamaan y dalam sebutan x. ) 1. Given f° (2x 6)dx = 1 ~ 2h find the value of find | Die” fy) dy = 3 i 2 tris given that [G4 ark = GP BB ap are constants Find the vale of and p. @ [ eve, 4 pa Diberi bahawa Saker de = Gaygy + & dengan (b) the value of k such that Keadaan ¢, n dan p ialah pemalar. Cari nilain dan p. [3] mili k dengan keadaan Jf e-1 a= 10 “ Scanned with CamScanner 5. The diagram shows the curve y? = &x and line x Rajals meruajukn leggy! = 8x dan gris x= 2. coordinates of and B, koordinat A dan B, (©) the area ofthe shaded region tas rant bertorek. Paper “The diagram shows the curve 1 = mx + cis the tangent to the curve at 1. Rajah menunjukan lengkung y= y= mx + cal rangen kepada lglg pade (2, 1). (a). Find the value of m and c, (Car iat dan (b) Calculate the area of the shaded region, Hit us rata berlorc 2 @) Q) anaes ine A dan gars burus a 4] (© is given that the volume of revolution when the region bounded by the curve, the xaxis, the straight lines x = 2 and x is rotated through 360° about the ars Zo nen the vale ah, ch at koa. Dieri bahaws ist pad Ksaran apab batt oleh lenghang, pubs, gars lrus x “Zoe iC i, eg an > 3 ronteu yang 2 dan diputerkan melalui 360° pada pats, alah bl 6, Find the area of the region enclosed by the curve y= R= 4x4 Band the xan. Cari tuas rantau berloree yang dibatast oleh lengkung yes? 4+ 3 dan paksi By 2 The diagram shows the straight line 12 + 6y = 60 and the curve y =x +2. Roja menanua gori ars 128 +6 yee nd Car, (0) the cordinates of points 4 Band ¢, foonina tik A,B dan C, fo 0) araorg, fuas Q, & (9 te ati ofthe area of region Qt the are of region iba as rata P kp rata Q io) : § adattionat mathematics Form’ ctuptrnteyaton 3. ‘The diagram shows a curve y = 2x = 18 and straight line By ro which is the tangent tothe curve a point Rajah memunjakanlnghung y = 2° ~ 18 dan aris rus PQ. sang mera tango pala lengkung itu pat ik. x ° val Coiven that the gradient ofthe straight line PQ is 6 iter, keerunan gars rus PQ ialah 8. (a). Find the coordinates of point k Cari koordinat titi k, (3) (@) Calculate the area of the shaded region. tung lua rata brlorek. fe) (9 When the region bounded by the cuve, the xaxis and the stright line y = his rotated through 180° about ‘the y-axis, the volume generated is 327 unit Find the value off Apabia kawason yang dibatas ole lenglung, pats dan gris ars y= hdiptar 180" pada post pad sera ‘alah 3227 unit, Cari ila (4) ‘4. The diagram shows the straight line 4y = x~ 2 touches the curve x = y'+ 6 at point P. Raja menunjuan gars aru 4y =.~2 menyentu engkung ay + 6 pada tie? Find f cor (a). the coordinates of point oordina it P, 2 (b)_ the area of the shaded regio as rata berlorek, ts (0) the volume of revokuon, in terms of 2, shen the region bounded by the cure and the straight ne = 10|s revolved through 160" about the axis 1x pau ksaran dalam ebutan%, aptilakaacan yrg its ole eglang dan gai laras = 10 diptr Ie pada pas 6) 5. The diagram shows the curve y = 2 ~ x and tangent to Bt the curve at point A passes point 2. Rajah menurjukkn lengkang y = 3x ~ 2° dan tongen kepada Tenghng pada tik A mela iB @ Show that h = 2, ‘Tunjubhan bahawe b= 2. i (0) Caleulate the area ofthe shaded region tng as rata belek: ro 1 cen hat k= 9 dhe sae of Een Dien bha = can HE paler= 8. (3 2 civeny = 7B=3 ang 4 = sy nnd the values oie ig) = 22, é 3 Die y » 22-3. gay 2. Se). Cat ie 1 ing Ho) 22 a) . The surface area of a cube increases at a constant rate ‘of 12 cm’ 5, Find the rate of change of the side length ‘of the cube, in cm 5, when the volume of the cube is 125 cm, ‘Luas permukaan bagi sebual kubus bertambah pada kadar tetap 12.em* s". Cai kadar perubahon pang is kubus it dla em s",apabia isi padu kubusialah 12S em. (3] pat 4. The diagram shows a part of curve y = 2*=4 staright line y = 2px. and a 2-4 Rajah menanjukan bahia daripads lengungy= 223 ddan garis lrusy = 2p y y=20, Given that the straight line is parallel tothe tangent ofthe ‘curve at point 4, Find the value ofp. Diberi bahawe gars lurus itu selari dengan tangen kepada Tenghang itu pada tite A. Cari nla p. (al 5. The curve y = pet + 3% bas tuming point at (1, g- Find the value ofp and of 4 Lenghngy =p + 3x mempunya tk psingan pada (1,4) Caria da ml ia] ‘Additional Mathematios Form 5 Chiptor2 Ditrentaton SS 6. The volume of a sold, the rate of 3 cm 5" Find the rate of change of V, in terms of, when p = 2. = 2P. Given that p increases at v= FP ci p pat pep V = 2 Der ah p bert dengan kadar 3 em 5" Cari kadar pertambahan Vj, dalam sebutan x, apaila p = 2. Qi 7. The curve ofy = mx’ + nx + phas @ minimum point at (2, 2) and passes through point (-1, 4) Find the value of m,n, and p. Lenghung, y= ms? + + p mompnyat ete ruiniarn pada (22,2) dan melalui sik (1, 4). Car nila m dap. [3] 8. The diagram shows the curve y = -¥° + 5x. Rajah merunukka enghongy = -x2 6 Sx 2.4) Given that, the tangent to the curve at point Ais parallel to straight line 08, find the coordinates of point A. Diberi bahawa, tangen kepada lenghung pada ttk A seleri dengan goris rus OB, Nyatakan koordinat tik A. [4] 9%. Point A lies on the curve y = @ ~ 2x). Given that the gradient of the normal at point A is - 1. Find the coordinates of pont Ti A tra pada lng y = (3 - 2x): Deri bows tran nomal pu lh, Crh. A

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