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Level: Primer Expository Concept Questions: ‘What animals Ine near lakes? G3: fgturdshucks; 2: those tha swim; 1: water) Crocs ducks QEO82 J 23-0) When do you sce tres onside? 3 wien i say 2: when us warm; Ls sehen vow go) Sumner 622.0 ‘Why do people live near lakes? (they lik to syinvboat! {fishsce animals that live new water; 2: so they have water ‘for thei gardens; I: because 5 prety. Beoause oF ths Cond Zant 55%) —_unran “Who Lives Near Lakes?” ‘Many animals live near lakes. TERE E on was ‘They like w be in the sun. ‘You can see ducks near a lake. There wee baby ducks. The babies walk behind the mother duck. ‘There are fish in lakes, You can see them when they jump out of the water. People live near lakes too, They like to see the animals. (62 words) Namber of Torl Miseues (Tal Accuracy) Number of Meaning: Change Miscues (Total Acceptability) Toul Total Accuracy Acceptability 0-1 miscues QRS 0-1 miscues 246 miscues Instructional 2-3 mises 7+ miscues Frustration 4+ miseues Rate: 62 x 60~ 3.720102 seconds = LoO_ wom ‘werm: (62 = error) x 00 = Beles 402 seconds = SP worm Retelling Scoring Sheet for Lakes?” Main Idea Many animals live near lakes. Turtles Details Turles st on rocks. ——— They lke to be inthe sun, You can see ducks near lake Baby ducks wall behind the mother duck, 12 There are fish in lakes. —— You can see them when they jump out of ‘the water. = People live near lakes too —— They like to see the animals. Level: Primer Questions for “Who Lives Near Lakes?” j 1. What did the passage say turtles sit on? Explicit: rocks ToCKS 2, When would turtles sit on rocks? Implicit: when itis sunny Udon ray don Wont Fo koe in Ve woler 3. Where do baby ducks walk? Explicit: behind the mother duck to the lales 4, What other animal besides a turtle and ducks does the passage talk about? Explicit ish yes huclss, Sish, turds 5. When can you see fish? Explicit: when they jump out of the water Usher You Live naar Wotan 6. Why do people live near lakes? Implicit: they like to see animals Whore Hu workers built Yu house ‘Number Correct Explicit 5-9 miscues 194 miscuss “The Pig Who Learned to Read” ‘Once there was a pig. His name was Bie. He lived ona farm. He was not like other pigs. He was special, He wanted to learn to read. His father said, con't fe “But pigs cant read!” “I dont care,” said Pete. “1 want to read” Yok want _One day Pete went to a boy who lived on the farm. “Teach me to read,” he said. The boy said, “But youre a pig. 1 Gant know if lean. But ate: 170 > 0 = 10,5007 LZAseconds = BO wert werM: (176-7 _ errors) x 60 = IMO L22sceomds = 12 worm Retell “The g Sheet for ig Who Learned to Read” Setting/Background There was a pig named Pete. Goal He wanted to lear to read, Level: Primer 2 tis father said, “Pigs cant read.” 7 —— Pete said, “I don’ care.” Event —Z He went 0 a boy 2 who lived on a farm, —X He said, “Teach me to read” — Every night before bed, © the boy read to the pig. — The pig loved the stories. © Pete took the book to the barn. He looked at the words every day. —Z One day the pig read a story to the boy. He was so happy. Resolution <2 He read to the animals every night. — The boy was happy. —— He taught the pig to read. Questions for “The Pig Who Learned to Read” 1. Who was this story about? Explicit: Pete the pig The er 2. What did Pete want? Explicit: to learn to tead to veod 3. What did Pete do to get what he wanted? Explicit: he asked the boy who lived on the farm to teach him. ho as Nu coy 4. Why was the boy not sure he could teach the pig to read? Implicit: because pigs didn’t learn to read or ‘because the boy had never taught anyone to read before PQ is Ox anwnal 5. What did the boy do to teach Pete to read? Explicit: he read to him every night boy, PEA +o \nwy 6. What did the pig do in order to learn how to read? Implicit: he matched the words with what the boy had said. He did that every day. to ubavte Jy paid uonanpoa hyo wha PIQ, Mader Wo words, amber Cone Expt: ‘Number Correct Implict: 2L_ oral Lp Caceres Scone, —— Instructional: 4-5 correct ——Frosration: 0-3 correct Q Level: One uo ars wenn J passed = vousnpesty oul otearps venta L107 @ UlsoD Narrative Concept Questions: ‘What makes a fiend? 3: Ming he came things; 2 nies Boma : Jor ouree\F= Doro Wad) 32ho ‘What isa bear? Gan animal wih ar; 2: Smokey, gizaly or some ether hind I: teddy) Browne) Bao “What does “being ata of animals” mean to you? 8: you're scared of them; 2 they’ mean/ they’! hart yous Tsscaedy ct) are scared of tor, But one dt bea was Bing By aver. He Se vas singing Sty td himsel. A rabbit lived near Wore the river. He looked out of his hole WhEE he heard the bear’ song. He thought, “Anyone who sings like eser that must be nice. Maybe I dont need to be afraid of him. It would be nice to have a fiend” ‘The rabbit Soar nd got his hom, Very sofly he BES” to play. His music went well with the bear’ song The beat looked around. He couldnt see the rabbit. _ Ges She abit walked up tothe ea. He fep 4 playing and the bear kept singing, They wereboth happy that they had found a fiend. And a bird (eine) in the song. (181 words) Qu» score: 1.» = 12 18 rams 6 ___UNEAM “The Bear and the Rabbi Once there was a very big bear. He lived in the woods. He was sad because he didn’t have anyone to play with. He said to his father, “How can | find a friend?” His father said, “By being you.” “But all ARR ae BEB me" said the bear, “I eant even get near them. Number of Total Miscues (Total Accuracy) Number of Meaning Chygge Miscues Cal Accepabiyy Ch Toul Total (| Accuracy Acceptability | | o-#miscues_ Independent 0-4 miseues FO miscues “Fnsteuctional C59 miscues OF wikcies — Frustration 10+ miscues ate: 181 x 60 = 10,8601 L4Zseconds = “Ho wens wer: (gt ~ 2 eros) x 60 = 2430/ 142 seconds = Worm Wo - Jesa grace Ao-ipo Second \WAL dine ol Level: One ral Reading Prasody Scale—QRI-6 Dicetions: Please circle the mumber below that best. represents the student’ 1 minute oral reading of this passage Resolution Fy —2 They were both happy they had found a friend. az 3 OQ i Rade [Rea [Read | Rene primary | prmeryin | pimariyin | panty intr, [tree-or [ovowerd | wordy renin | fourword | phar wh | word wth phrase Phrase ‘some three- | occasional rep: aroups, | orfourwort | trowordor Someor | Livorno | groupings | ew-woré most |expresve [Word | passe thesxonys_|imerpreion | song readies |iepresnt. | maybe expression decward SettingiBackground << There was a big bear who was sad because he didn’t have anyone to play with. Goal = He asked his father, “How can I find a friend?” —_4 lis father said, “By being you” = “But al the animals are alraid of me he said Events —Z The bear was sitting by the river —Z. He was singing sofily. 2 A rabbit lived there. Wa He (rabbit) looked out of his hole when he heard the song. —— He thought the bear was nice. —— The rabbit went and got his horn. He began Poe ‘His music went well with the bear's song, ~Z The rabbit walked to the beat. The bear kept singing, A bird joined in, Questions for “The Bear and the Rabbit” 1. Why was the bear sad at the beginning of the story? Explicit: because he didn't have anyone to play with No friends to Prey orth 2. Why did the father think that the bear could find a friend just by being himself? Implicit: the bear was nice and being nice ‘makes friends +h. bear was sod jing tose List lH © sn wnoutea Jy pends uononpeuy une ‘quo an wooussep Joy parsed s| uoqznpa.y Jul vaneonpg uOsuEeY £107 @BUAdOD ©} Level: One 3. What was the bear doing as he sat by a river? 5. What did the rabbit do? Explicit: singing Explicit: went and got his horn; played his horn Sigua, ha made A Sy ie nd 4. What did the rabbit think when he heard the 6. Why did the bear and the rabbit become bear singing? friends? Explicit: that the bear must be nive; he doesn't Implicit: because of their love of music have to be afraid of him; it would be nice to have a friend mice Oe Couss BIANTAL Number Correct Expiet: <2 ‘umber Correct implicit: ovat Independent: 6 correct, Instructional: 4-5 corres, —— Frustration: 0-3 correct 3 Level: Two ne uniampeidny ay uapeneg uatay (10 @ HEME sr woeuep 0; pan ua Expository Concept Questions: How do whales breathe? 3: through aol in the top of tet ead; tough ter blow ble; 2: dough hoe: tfvough ther head: I: throug their gill) thruon o bo oho What does "baby animals staying with their mother” seat you? (3: tht de Babies ned ter metho el sure 2; bby sleeping with ts mothe, aby geting food fom ts mother I: ving wi ter moder) sti Ore wrbh Ver G24}o) How ate baby fish born? ftom egs that hatch; 2 they Itc: In the water) rom 2495 G22.0) seore: (0 12 = 59% FAM = 55% .UNFAM. “Whales and Fish” Nes ‘Whales and fish both live in the water, but they are : i (citere in many ways. Whales are large Slensié that live in the water, Even{ though yhales ive in the water, they must SSine wo the top of the water to seta When they come tothe top ofthe water, whaled eatin ar through a hole in the top of their heads, At the same Uffe they Doo old air Whales don't get air like fish. Fish take in afr from the water. Mother whales give fadj live whales, The baby whale must come to the top of the water right Fron Arne ‘away for ait, The baby drinks milk from its mother for about a year. Then it finds its own food. Fish have babies in aGllferen way. Most mother fish a hoy lay eggs. The babies are born when the eggs hate they Right after they are bor, the Baby fish must find their own food. Some Whales and fish are alike in some waystoo. Whales and fish haveGlippeon their sides. They also have fins on their tals Gia and fins help piven Bu} whales and fish swint Fins move and push the water away. (198 words) Naraber of Toul Miscues (Fonal Accuracy): 2. Number of Meaning. Change Miscues (Total Accepeabiiy) ‘otal Toval Accuracy Acceptability 0-4 miscues Independent __ 0-4 miscues 5-20 miscues 1c “nstructonal 5-10 miscues 21+ miscues Frustration 4 11+ miscues Rate: 198% 60 = 11,880/_Lle2seconds = 22 went WwePM: (198 ~ Le secon Level: Two sody Scale—QRM6 Directions: Please cirle the number below that best represents Details —— Whales and fish have flippers on their sides. They have fins on their tals Reads Reads Reads Reads primarily | primariyin | primariyin | primary intarger. | iree-or | ewo-word | word:-by- rmeaningfl |fourword | phrases with | word with Phrase | phrase some three- | occasional groups. | grouss. or four-word | two-word or Some or | Litle orno | groupings. | three-word mostof | expressive | Word phrases. ‘he story's | interpretation | groupings read with |ispresent. | may be expression. awkward Retelling Scoring Sheet for “Whales Main Idea Wales and fish both tive inthe water, —— but they are different in many ways. Details —— Whales are large animals, — They must come to the top of the water to get — Whales breathe in air through a hole in the top of their heads, — At the same time, they blow out old air. Bish take nar from the wate: Mother whales give birth to live whales. —— The baby whale comes to the top of the water Tight away for air. —— The baby drinks milk from its mother for yout a year. ‘Most mother fish lay eggs. — The babies are born when the eggs hatch. — Right after they are born, the baby fish must find their own food. Main Idea — Whales and fish are alike in some ways too. Flippers and fins help whales and fish swim, _—— Fins move and push the water away. Questions for “Whales and Fish” 1. What is this passage mainly about? ‘Implicit: how whales and fish are alike and dif- ferent virot lives wn cocker 2. According to the passage, how are whales and fish different? Explicit: whales breathe air and fish take in air from the water; whales give birth to live babies and fish lay eggs; baby whales get food from their mother, and baby fish have to get it for themselves Whales have aloes Dish have eQas JO 3. According to the passage, name another way that whales and fish are different. Explicit: any other of the above answers ZL Gon's Know vo Level: Two 4. What part of the whale is like our nose? 7. Where are fins found on fish and whales? ‘Implicit: the air hole or the hole in the whale's Explicit: on the tail head on tow bodies DT dow'sKnos 8. Why might a mother fish not know her baby? 5, Why does a baby whale stay with its mother Implicit: the mother does not see the babies for a year? shen they are born; or the babies hatch from Implicit: it gets food from its mother eggs 2 se Sad _ a | ae T don'* Know j \nome * — 6. What part of whales and fish are alike? Explicit: fins or flippers Ping | || Number Comet Explici: GL |] Namiber Comet Implicic O— Total: | Independent: 8 correct Instructional: 6-7 correct AL rrwsrtion: 0-5 cornet

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