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Name: VILLASORDA, JONNEL A Subject course: ED 3310

Year & Section: BTLED HE 3B Schedule: TUE 1-4 PM


What I learned How I apply what I learned in the 21st century


1. Learning to know As in 21st century teacher we must to teach

 The development of skills and them to learn something related in
knowledge of the student technology, not to remember something. We
begins with the discussion of have also teach them a realistic lesson
learning to know. We should situation so that if ever they will encounter a
teach our students how to real life situation they know already how to
study and learn more by handle it. To survive in this educational
applying critical thinking and technology learning all we need to have is
personal experiences. We basic general knowledge and critical learning
should apply what we've so that we can survive in this new world.
learned in class to a real-life
issue. To summarize, this
pillar emphasizes the
importance of student
academic learning. Teachers
must be a way of developing
critical thinking, data
gathering, and general
knowledge abilities in pupils,
which will be extremely
beneficial to them as they face

2. Learning to do Inside the classroom it consist of a variety of

 Learning to do, as the phrase knowledge. Students have different
implies, is about putting what intellectual capabilities so we need to teach
you've learnt in school into our students how to have unity. Let’s teach
practice. In order to grow, we our students to learn how to work together
must work together as a team. and to assist situation to so that the problem
It also emphasizes a student's will be less and they can a solution easier.
ability to be effective and
productive by utilizing and
developing skills or information
not just to manage one's own
life but also to cooperate with
other members of society.
Learning to do is the student's
application of knowledge
gained through the application
of learning to know
3. Learning to live together In the classroom teachers face the diversity
 This pillar discusses the of students. Everyone has different
various cultures of students. It perspective and values in life, teachers have
also includes the development to teach their students to live together with
of social skills and values like peace and harmony so that when they
respect and empathy for encounter people that contrary to their belief
others. Because we live in a they will understand and they are able to
world where people have work with them peacefully.
diverse beliefs, traditions,
cultures, and so on, we must
respect one other in order to
maintain unity and a peaceful
4. Learning to be As a teacher we are part of the development
 As individuals, we must enjoy of the life of students, we have to guide their
our lives and unwind from time development. Teachers also need to support
to time. This pillar addresses the physical development of their students by
not only our mental but also exposing them to sports and physical
our physical well-being. In activities. We have to help them to be who
order to improve ourselves, we they will become so that they can nurture
sometimes need to learn or their skills.
develop new skills. It also
focuses on our particular
personalities, such as our
attitudes, opinions, and
interests, among other things.
We not only learn to know and
acquire abilities, as well as
how to use those skills and
knowledge, but we also learn
to be a better person, not just
for our families, but also for

5. Learning to transform School has a huge part of student’s behavior

 I have a responsibility to as a future teacher we have to discipline the
contribute to my society as an students properly so that when they interact
individual. Learning to modify with society they can know to behave
oneself and society implies properly.
that we have the ability to
change ourselves and society.
We have the ability to alter
society's perceptions. We
have the ability to change. We
have the ability to change
anything because I think that
everyone in this world is equal.

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