Recommendations For Monitoring and Reporting Harm in Mindfulness For Psychosis Research

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The British Journal of Psychiatry (2021)

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Recommendations for monitoring and

reporting harm in mindfulness for
psychosis research
Lyn Ellett and Paul Chadwick

There is increasing interest in potential harmful effects of mind- Keywords
fulness-based interventions. In relation to psychosis, inconsist- Mindfulness; psychosis; harm; schizophrenia; adverse events.
ency and shortcomings in how harm is monitored and reported
are holding back our understanding. We offer eight recommen- Copyright and usage
dations to help build a firmer evidence base on potential harm in © The Author(s), 2021. Published by Cambridge University Press
mindfulness for psychosis. on behalf of the Royal College of Psychiatrists.

A third approach to operationalising harm has been to consider

Lyn Ellett is a reader in clinical psychology at Royal Holloway, University of London, UK.
indirect or proxy indices of harm, such as study drop-out rate – the
Paul Chadwick (pictured) is Professor of Clinical Psychology and Director of the Bath
Centre for Mindfulness and Compassion, University of Bath, UK.
argument being that drop-out rates would be higher in psychothera-
pies experienced as unsafe by patients.

Is mindfulness for psychosis harmful?

One of the most significant recent developments in the field of psy-
chotherapy has been the emergence of mindfulness-based interven- The literature on mindfulness-based therapies for psychosis is
tions (MBIs). In relation to psychosis, MBIs were slow to develop, in growing fast. An evidence base comprising more than 20 RCTs
large part because of concern that people with psychosis are particu- (see Jensen et al for the most recent meta-analysis3), alongside
larly vulnerable to harmful effects arising from mindfulness numerous uncontrolled studies, evidences a range of clinical bene-
practice.1 fits of mindfulness for psychosis, including reduced negative symp-
toms and levels of depression, and enhanced psychological quality
of life.3 Although these randomised studies do not suggest that
Operationalising harm in psychotherapy research mindfulness for psychosis is harmful, a closer look at how harm is
operationalised, monitored and reported in mindfulness for psych-
Harm in psychotherapy research has traditionally been defined as osis research reveals some critical shortcomings that make it impos-
the occurrence, following an intervention, of a deterioration in sible to provide a data-driven answer to the question ‘Is mindfulness
symptoms or functioning that is sustained, is likely to have been for psychosis harmful?’ We offer below eight recommendations
caused by the intervention and is more severe than it would have (summarised in the Appendix) on how harm should be operationa-
been had the individual not received the intervention.2 This defin- lised, monitored and reported, to strengthen the evidence base on
ition highlights two immediate complexities in defining harm in potential harm in mindfulness for psychosis research.
psychotherapy. First, a proportion of people with mental health
conditions will experience a deterioration in symptoms with or Recommendations for reporting of harm
without an intervention, so it is important to establish a baseline
rate of deterioration. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) are Study design
particularly useful in this regard, as the inclusion of a control arm
First, although uncontrolled research studies were pivotal to the
provides a valid point of comparison from within the same clinical
development of mindfulness for psychosis, priority should be
setting and time frame. Second, a deterioration means more than
given to findings from RCTs when drawing generalisable conclu-
simply a change in score – to determine the clinical significance
sions about harm. The discipline in RCTs of applying a common
of a change in symptoms or functioning it is helpful to know the
set of study inclusion and exclusion criteria within a standardised
minimal clinically important difference (MCID) for any given
recruitment protocol, combined with the inclusion of a control
outcome measure.
arm and random treatment allocation, provides a valid point of
A second approach to operationalising harm that is commonly
comparison from which to understand observed levels of harm in
applied in RCTs is to report the occurrence of both serious adverse
those receiving mindfulness for psychosis. Although uncontrolled
events (SAEs), defined by the World Health Organization as life-
studies will always be useful in flagging important potential issues
threatening or fatal occurrences, and adverse events (AEs),
of risk and harm, and in ongoing therapy development, they do
defined as untoward events experienced by study participants.
not provide a solid basis for drawing firm conclusions about harm
SAEs and AEs may or may not be caused by the intervention. In
in mindfulness for psychosis.
a review of the available research on harm in mindfulness-based
psychotherapies across a range of conditions (but not psychosis),
Baer et al report that AEs or SAEs occur in 0–10.6% of research Serious adverse events
participants, and are no more common in mindfulness-based Second, there are inconsistencies in reporting of SAEs. All future
psychotherapies than in control arms of trials.2 studies should state explicitly the number of SAEs by study arm;

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Ellett & Chadwick

if there were none, then this should be stated explicitly. This is then that included data on clinically important deterioration on
already a recommendation in reporting of trials, but it is not the primary outcome measure across all study arms.5 Whenever
always applied in the MBI for psychosis literature. Also, there is possible, clinically important symptom deterioration by study arm
some confusion about what constitutes an SAE in mindfulness for should be reported in all future studies.
psychosis research. For example, in one study a participant death
was not reported as an SAE because it was attributed to natural Drop out
causes. Crucially, an SAE is defined by the untoward event itself
Seventh, drop out occurs for many reasons but it can be a useful indir-
and not by degree of imputed causal connection with study partici-
ect index of harm. CONSORT diagrams show study drop out – the
pation. Although it is informative to include indications of likely
number of participants who did not provide post-intervention or
degree of connection between a life-threatening or fatal occurrence
follow-up data. However, a participant who ceased attending
and study participation, it always remains an SAE and should be
therapy yet still provided post-intervention assessment data would
reported as such.
not be recorded as a study ‘drop out’. It would be useful for future
studies to report not only study drop-out rates (including, where
Hospital admissions known, the reason), but also therapy non-completion rates as deter-
Third, there is lack of clarity around reporting of hospital admis- mined against a preset number of sessions (e.g. attending at least 50%
sion. As with other SAEs, it is sometimes simply not reported on of sessions).
– does this mean that it was robustly monitored and did not
occur, or that it was not monitored? Harm in psychotherapy is Public and patient involvement
such an important issue that clarity is essential. Data should minim-
Finally, it will be important in future studies to ensure meaningful
ally include the number of participants in each arm who were
public and patient involvement (PPI) in research assessing harm.
admitted to hospital – if there were none in a study arm, then this
Studies are encouraged to state explicitly if and how PPI input con-
should be stated explicitly. If admissions were not monitored,
tributed to specific decision-making on how harm was operationa-
then this should be stated explicitly as a study limitation. Where
lised and monitored.
applicable and possible, data on hospital admissions might be sup-
plemented by data on usage of crisis or home treatment teams.
Further inconsistency can arise in trials of MBIs for psychosis Conclusions
that use the hospital admission or readmission rate as an outcome
measure. Authors typically report admission rates as clinical out- There is a pressing need to improve monitoring and reporting of
comes but not also as adverse events. This substantially distorts harm in mindfulness for psychosis research – indeed, in the wider
reported rates of adverse events in mindfulness research. Selecting literature on MBIs – in order to develop a fuller understanding of
an adverse event as a study outcome does not obviate the need both beneficial and harmful effects.
also to report it as an adverse event. Hospital admissions should
always be reported as adverse events, as is done in non-psychother-
Lyn Ellett, Department of Psychology, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK;
apy research. Paul Chadwick , Department of Psychology, University of Bath, UK

Correspondence: Paul Chadwick. Email:

Adverse events
First received 13 Jan 2021, final revision 8 Jun 2021, accepted 14 Jun 2021
Fourth, although real-world practical constraints mean that it is not
possible to monitor all potential adverse events, what is practicable
is for researchers to follow Jacobsen et al4 in stating clearly in their
trial protocol those adverse events that were deemed particularly Author contributions
relevant to the trial, specifying how these were monitored (e.g. Both authors contributed equally to all aspects of the manuscript. Both authors have approved
review of case notes) and giving detailed descriptions of any such the final version to be published and agree to be accountable for the accuracy and integrity of
the work.
untoward events that did occur.

Side-effects Funding
Fifth, researchers are encouraged to consider using a standardised This research received no specific grant from any funding agency, commercial or not-for-profit
patient-reported side-effects questionnaire in trials of MBIs, as is
done in trials of medication. None of the trials included in the
most recent meta-analysis3 of MBIs for psychosis did so. Side- Declaration of interest
effects are distinct from adverse events and will occur in all psy-
chotherapies. Recording subjective side-effects will broaden under-
standing of potential harm in MBIs for psychosis.
Symptom deterioration
Sixth, although studies increasingly seek to contextualise benefits of Criteria and recommendations
MBIs by reporting the number of participants who showed a clinic- (a) Study design:
ally important improvement on measures of psychological func- (i) data from randomised controlled trials should be priori-
tioning, it is rare for studies to report how many participants tised when drawing generalisable conclusions about
experienced a clinically important deterioration. None of the rando- harm in mindfulness for psychosis research.
mised trials of MBIs for psychosis included in the most recent (b) Serious adverse events:
meta-analysis3 reported data across all study arms on clinically (i) all life-threatening and fatal occurrences should be
important deterioration on the primary measure of psychological reported as serious adverse events (SAEs), regardless
functioning – and we have found only one RCT published since of degree of causal connection with study participation

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Reporting harm in mindfulness for psychosis research

(ii) if there were no SAEs, this should be clearly stated (g) Drop out:
(iii) if SAEs were not monitored, this should be listed as a (i) report study drop out, and reason for drop out (includ-
study limitation. ing direct or indirect link to harm), by treatment arm
(c) Hospital admissions: (ii) report separately drop out and non-completion of
(i) hospital admissions should always be reported as therapy.
adverse events, even when admission is a study outcome (h) Public and patient involvement (PPI):
(ii) if there were none, this should be clearly stated (i) ensure meaningful PPI in decision-making about how
(iii) should be supplemented with data on usage of crisis harm is operationalised and monitored.
services if possible
(iv) if admissions were not monitored, this should be listed
as a study limitation.
(d) Adverse events:
(i) list which instances of less serious adverse events were 1 Chadwick P. Mindfulness for psychosis. Br J Psychiatry 2014; 204: 333–4.
monitored 2 Baer R, Crane C, Miller E, Kuyken W. Doing no harm in mindfulness-based
programs: conceptual issues and empirical findings. Clin Psychol Rev 2019; 71:
(ii) list how they were monitored (e.g. case note review). 101–14.
(iii) provide detailed descriptions of any adverse events that
3 Jensen JE, Gleeson J, Bendall S, Rice S, Alvarez-Jimenez M. Acceptance and
occur. mindfulness-based interventions for persons with psychosis: a systematic
(e) Side-effects: review and meta analysis. Schizophr Res 2020; 215: 25–37.
(i) include standardised patient-reported measure of side- 4. Jacobsen P, Peters E, Robinson EJ, Chadwick P. Mindfulness-based
effects. crisis interventions (MBCI) for psychosis within acute inpatient psychiatric
settings; a feasibility randomised controlled trial. BMC Psychiatry 2020; 20:
(f) Symptom deterioration: 193.
(i) all instances of clinically meaningful deterioration in 5 Ellett L, Tarant E, Kouimtsidis C, Kingston J, Vivarelli L, Mendis A, et al. Group
symptoms or psychological functioning should be mindfulness-based therapy for persecutory delusions: a pilot randomised
reported. controlled trial. Schizophr Res 2020; 222: 534–6.

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