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Assessment Task: 1

I. Discuss and relate at least five strengths and five weaknesses of the Filipino
moral character that are being experienced during this pandemic brought about by
the Covid 19? (20 pts)


Since the epidemic, we've all had a difficult time adjusting, especially students
who struggle in online classes like myself, but with to the pakikipagkwapwa-tao,
or helpfulness and kindness of others, we've been able to adjust better and stay
up with the students who know more. We couldn't leave during the lockdown, but
it's fortunate that we Filipinos are creative because we can still be joyful even if

er as
we know something is missing or wrong with what's going on around us. When

Covid 19 first began, most business owners lost their businesses; many went

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bankrupt or closed down owing to a lack of buyers; yet, many Filipinos worked
hard to keep their businesses afloat on a daily basis. And we Filipinos are truly

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God because we all believe and rely on His plans for us.
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We can't escape our insensitive peers in an online class, either. For example, his
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classmate is having difficulties, but he refuses to assist since he feels like he is

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competing with everyone and only thinks of himself, even if he can assist with the
most basic of tasks. Another terrible habit that students like myself have is the
bahala na system, or bahala na si batman, which states that because we are
lazy, we choose to postpone rather than do our tasks. Discipline is also a
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poisonous attribute of Filipinos, especially during this epidemic, because many

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people do not follow the safety measures to avoid contracting covid. Many
people are tenacious and try to come out despite the prohibition, particularly
those under the age of 18, who continue to go to busy locations despite the

prohibition and are still able to lie about their age when asked.

Assessment Task: 2

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1. President Duterte has signed a law institutionalizing good manners and right
conduct (GMRC) and values education as core subjects in the K to 12 curriculums
both in public and private schools. Is this necessary? Justify your answer. (15
points each item)
Yes, it was an integral component of our education up until it was phased out. We
were taught proper etiquette and proper behavior. If our parents failed to instill
positive principles in us. Teaching excellent behavior in schools is ineffective
unless the pupil is surrounded by positive role models at home. Consider the use
of curse words and swearing. Cursing is prohibited in private schools that use a
variant of GMRC. If, on the other hand, the parents or older relatives curse at
home, the youngster will be more influenced by what occurs there. Cursing is
also considered hip, especially when you enter your adolescent years, and your
peers will most likely influence your decision. I had a swearing phase in high
school, but I never cursed at home since my parents did not. This topic will serve

er as
as a reminder of how they should conduct themselves on a daily basis.

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2. In terms of character versus reputation, can public life be separated from private

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No Certainly not. I speak from personal experience, and I was naive enough to
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believe that private and public lives could be separated. Now, in my opinion, it's
crazy, and in most circumstances, no matter how much someone tries to hide
defects in his or her personal life, they always surface in some way. It's all a

matter of character, and those who have nothing to hide never separate their
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public and private lives.

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Assessment Task: 3
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1. There are 16 criticisms on Kohlberg’s theory. Choose one of these criticisms

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which you think is the most plausible argument and justify your answer. (20 points)

One issue stemming from Kohlberg's model's depiction of how cognition and the

moral life grow is that there is no logic for holding a person accountable for his

moral decisions. It's difficult to blame someone for a lack of moral development.
Many people have never had an appropriate setting in which to develop higher
moral phases.
This flaw is also one of the reasons why, after attempting to apply his strictly

nonjudgmental cognitive method in a school context, Kohlberg conceded that

particular indoctrination is required. That is, Kohlberg eventually admitted that in
the classroom, direct teaching of good and wrong is important.

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