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Assessment Task:


1. President Duterte has signed a law institutionalizing good manners and right conduct
(GMRC) and values education as core subjects in the K to 12 curriculum both in public
and private schools. Is this necessary? Justify your answer. (15 points each item)
- Yes. I think it is necessary. So that our youth will know what is right
manners and good conduct. There are too many parents whose parents either didn't
know the social rules of society or held a self-centered view that no one should have to
behave or cater to society's unspoken rules. As a result, their child didn't get taught and
it goes down the line of succession. For society to stay intact, values education is even
more desperately need today than 30yr. ago. Just look at Trump and his social behavior
and his followers! Look at a restaurant and peoples eating habits. Speaking with a full

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mouth of food, the way the fork and knife are held and how food gets to the mouth.
Cellphone manners at the dinner table or hats at a dinner table. Shooting people for no

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reason but anger and jealousy. It needs to be taught civility, morals and manners which
really is respecting your fellow citizens.

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2. In terms of character versus reputation, can public life be separated from private life?
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- Yes, I believe so. Most people don't care about other people, places
and things at all. Most people only care about themselves. I’d say 10% of the
population can do that, you can separate private from public, and succeed. You

just have to work at it. But most people can't do that, it is exactly a matter of
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character and people who have nothing to hide never separate public and
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private life because anyone with a phone can reach a million people with any
comment at all. No secrets for public figures. But both sets of actions affect
one's character.
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