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“Everybody is a genius.

But, if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will spend its whole
life believing that it is stupid.” – Einstein
No matter what, it seems that Einstein will never fail to disappoint. This beautiful quote
addresses a major issue that has been faced throughout all of history, as well as modern times.
Since back during the hunter-gatherer days of humanity, a man was judged on his capability to
gather food and hunt. Fast forward to modern days, humanity hasn’t changed much at all when
it is boiled down to the bare essence really. Children are made to go to school to receive an
education to ultimately be someone useful to society. While there is nothing wrong with this
process, there is however a major problem with how it is done. Children are assigned to a
multitude of differing courses including Math, Science, English, History, Art, as well as many
other subjects. This causes many young kids as well as teens to feel stupid when they are judged
solely on their ability to perform within 5(or more) different subjects. This also potentially limits
the capabilities of these young teens and children who grow up believing they are stupid while

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following someone else’s standards. Self-confidence deficiency usually stems from judging

oneself based on other’s own standards. The best piece of advice that I’ve learned in my short

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but meaningful 16 years of life is that one should always work at their own pace and do their

own thing. For if one works based on another’s pace, they will find themselves making little to
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no progress, or at least lacking. Never best another. Only best yourself. Here’s a good anecdote.
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I used to have a friend who came to this school named Murad. Murad was never the smartest
kid in class. He would always compare himself to the smarter kids in class and when I would
attempt to help him with school work, he would always begin to feel inferior. He never realized

what he excelled in until we took Chemistry. Trust me when I say this, but the boy was a genius.
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I found myself asking him for help, beginning to question my own intellect. That was until I took
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my own advice to heart and focused on what I was good at. The moral of the story is based on
Einstein’s saying: Never judge someone based on something they aren’t good at, for everyone
has their own genius.
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