Physics Paper 3 HL Markscheme

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M99/430/H()M INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE BACCALAUREAT ) INTERNATIONAL BACHILLERATO ‘ew INTERNACIONAL, MARKSCHEME May 1999 PHYSICS Higher Level Paper 3 17 pages Di. D2. D3. (a) “7. M99/430/H(3)M OPTION D—MEDICAL PHYSICS Blood pressure depends on both hydrostatic pressure ii} hydrostatic pressure depends on height (depth) uy] so when horizontal height has little effect on pressure uy Imax 3 marks] Qa / Qe =(.60)4 /(.30)* = 16 W FFR & 1/Q iii} to give the ratio 7 i) Imax 3 marks] (ii) Fluid/low rate 16* in A oiseville) uw Radius double therefore velocity flow 4* fa) Imax 2 marks] (iii) they will dilate fi) to increase the blood flow rate to the muscles ay {max 2 marks] () body surface of adult is about 4x that of a baby ul so rate of heat loss is greater a but adult mass is about 8 x greater (accept 6 - 30) n] s0 ratio of heat loss relative to body mass for an adult is about half that of a baby (or other value consistent with estimate) a {max 4 marks} (ii) same clothing (or other valid assumption e.g. same shape, same skin colour) a [max 1 mark] (a) sound vibrations do not reach the inner ear 1) (max I mark] () hearing aids are only effective over a range of about 200-5000 Hz uy this is range of a normal conversation a) sound from a Hi-Fi system covers a much greater range a) [max 3 marks] (©) rel intensity = 10 log (1/10-? ) = 40 a) togivel = 10 Wm= uy [max 2 marks] D4. (a) ) © -8- M99/430/H(3)M absorption (1) Comptom scattering (accept scattering) ty) or pair production @ Gi) @ Imax 2 marks] recognition that 1 is the slope of the graph uy ‘measurement of slope = -0.2 mm! ay [max 2 marks] fn 2) Peer 1) ei " =3.5mm ay) {max 2 marks] x-rays cause ionisation of the molecules of living cells (or break molecular bonds) ay the ions formed can react with other molecules in the cell (i) thereby causing damage ir Imax 3 marks} e.g. the ions could react with DNA and upset genetic coding ay or any other suitable example- candidate might choose a large dosage {max 1 mark El. (a) b) © E2 (a) ) © “9 M99/430/H(3)M OPTION E — HISTORICAL PHYSICS Although the stars appear to rotate about the Earth in a circular path uy against this backdrop the planets are at times seen to exhibit retrograde motion nl (or their motion wanders relative to the fixed stars) [max 2 marks] Ptolemy’s model regarded the Earth as being at the centre of the solar system iri} Copernicus proposed a heliocentric system nl the moon alone rotated about the Earth ty) (Accept Ptolemy used a system of epicycles i, look for 3 pertinent differences) [max 3 marks Diagram: Py Explanation: The direction which Mars is seen from earth varies as the Earth and Mars move round the Sun a) this variation in angle will produce the observed retrograde motion uw) [max 4 marks] The marks for this section need not be split [2] and [2] for the diagram and explanation. The diagram, which might be the candidate’s own diagram, is meant to aid the explanation. Essentially look for something that shows clearly that as the Earth and Mars move around the Sun the angular direction of Mars as viewed from the Earth will change and so produce the observed retrograde motion. Latin was the universal language of scholars of the time ry [max 1 mark] linear momentum a) Imax I mark] Answers to this will be open-ended so look for a good understanding of conservation of linear momentum in conjunction with Newton’s Third Law. Answers should not just rely on conservation of momentum, reference to forces should be made. Ifonly conservation of momentum or Newton then max [2] out of 3 [1 mark [max 3 marks -10- M99/430/H(3)M. E3. (a) Energy of photon = me? = he / A. ty therefore p =me = h/A it de Broglie hypothesised that all particles would have an associated wavelength given by p= + 1) Imax 3 marks} (b) appropriate method of calculation to give A= 3.9.x 107!" m 2 (essentially, calculation of momentum ir} calculation of 4 from p =) a which is if the order of crystal lattice spacing n Imax 3 marks] EA. (a) _Kelvin’s approach was macroscopic 1 Boltzmann’s was microscopic i) Imax 2 marks] (b) (two gases separated by a sliding door, one warm, one cool ") demon opens door every time a fast molecule in the cool gas approaches and lets it through to the warm gas. n frmax 2 marks} (ithe warm gas gets warmer and the cool gas gets cooler n therefore energy is transferred spontaneously from cold to hot OR the entropy of the cold gas has decreased spontaneously fmax I mark Energy would have to enter from outside in order for the demon to operate the door therefore, the system is no longer closed. uy [max 1 mark] Es. @ @ electric charge v strangeness energy mass baryon number ¥ ‘Award /1 mark] for electric charge and [1 mark] for baryon number. RI Deduct /7 markj for each incorrect ¥ but do not give a minus mark! e.g. YV of which one is wrong gets /I mark] V7 of which two are wrong gets (0 mark] [max 2 marks} Gi) Look for something along the lines that it is not always possible to know the details of what is happening in an interaction but if we know of quantities that are conserved then it is possible to predict the outcome OR predict what interactions will take place and which will not 2 [max 2 marks] FL. fa) ) “le M99/430/H(3)M OPTION F — ASTROPHYSICS elements present in the corona ) temperature ol its velocity relative to earth a [1 mark] for each correct Imax 3 marks} ( thisis a binary system uy consisting of two stars of the same spectral class ul that are orbiting in a visual plane with the earth oy Imax 3 marks] i) Star C Star A oo. eo Star A Star fe} ° E Earth ° Earth day zero day 53 day 105 ‘The diagram should show the correct orientations of the binary system with respect to the earth for each of the three spectra, diagram of system showing movement of individual stars ri position consistent with each spectrum a Day l- Star C is blocked (or moving sideways relative to the Earth) from view by star A so only A’s spectrum is observed iit} Day 53- Star C moving towards the earth so spectrum is blue shifted ty Star A moving away so its spectrum is red shifted a Day 105- Star A is blocked by C (or moving sideways relative to the Earth) so only C’s spectrum is seen (or both spectrums overlap) w ‘The diagram should be taken in conjunction with the explanation and discretion used to award up to /6 marks]. Ifa candidate does not give a diagram but gives a completely accurate explanation then award the full /6 marks). Essentially award /2 marks) for each correct explanation of the three spectra. [max 6 marks] F2. (a) @) F3. (a) ) F4. di) -12- Consider shells of equal thickness D at radius R from the Earth the volume of a shell is 4nR? D therefore the number of stars is proportional to R? or some other plausible argument to show that number of stars is proportional to R If candidates just quote this then award 2/5 but intensity varies as 1/R? therefore everywhere in the universe is equally bright Any 3 of: the universe is expanding is finite the stars are not uniformly distributed the universe is eternal {accept light absorbed on the way) (Red giant (Super red giant) (ii) more massive (@ could contract to become a neutron star or ablack hole (ii) the original mass of the star 1.65 x 10° ly = 1.65 x10® /3.26 pe = 0.51 Mpc v=Hd to give v=25.3 kms! Use AWA. = Vie AA = (25.3 x 10°x 500) /3 x 108 = .04 nm therefore A= 5.04 x 10 m M99/430/H(3)M a) a (1) Ou) Oo) Imax 5 marks] ii { fi) ul [max 3 marks} ry Imax I mark] 0) [max 1 mark] ty a Imax 2 marks] i] [max I mark} 0) ir {max 2 marks} {1} uy) u [max 3 marks] GL. @ @ (b) “Be M99/430/H(3)M OPTION G — RELATIVITY AY = yAt uy 7 =101 ty to give v=0.140 ul {max 3 marks] 1 1 event 1 ' These are the key things to look for in the explanation and diagram. @ wo light from events | and 2 takes the same time to reach X uy but because of the relative motion of Y if he is moving towards event 2 and because the speed of light is the same for X and Y ay then light from 2 will reach him before light from 1 i) therefore Y will see event 2 before event | By Imax 4 marks] ‘No, there is no preferred reference system ity or yes, for a particular observer [max I mark] G2. G3. @ ) © @ @ -14- Space time is curved (warped) by the presence of mass objects moving near large masses change their path because of the warped space. the frequency of light is affected by a gravitational field e.g. if light leaving the surface of the earth is compared with light emitted from an identical source at a height above the earth’s surface then it will be observed to have a lower frequency ‘The Pound-Rebka experiment Measuring the frequency shift of yrays from sources at different levels within a building OR atomic clocks in rockets and at the earth’s surface OR redshift form light emitted from atoms at the surface of the sun. calculation of frequency = 10! Hz, use of AD = gAh/c? to give 10 Hz this is far two small to be detected since the frequency bandwidth of the emitted light would be greater tan 10 Hz (Note that answers to this question can be given in terms of energy) @ Use Ey = me? - moc? calculation of Ex to give m= 12.3 x 10- kg (0.69 MeV/c?) Gi) usem=ymo to give v=.67¢ i.e. for working, for correct answer. Git) Use E = me? to give E= 1.1 x 10-3 J (0.69 MeV) ri] (iy) p=mv = 12.3 x 107! x .67 x3 x 108 = 2.5 x 10 Ns (0.46 MeV/c) (uty) ) to give 2.78 x 108 ms“! M99/430/H(3)M 2) 1] {max 3 marks] a a [max 2 marks] 1 a] [max 2 marks] a fl {max 3 marks] a uy i] [max 3 marks] fe) 2) Imax 3 marks] 1] [max 2 marks} fy fi] Imax 2 marks} 1) iy [max 2 marks] Hi. @) (b) © 715- M99/430/H(3)M OPTION H — OPTICS diagram to show the formation of image in a plane mirror ) the image is not there because of the diverging rays a diagram of eye to show that the eye converges the rays to see the image as if it were a real object at virtual image position ft) (Note: that 10 get the full marks candidates must mention or show that the eye forms the image) Imax 3 marks] (they have a wide field of view Ou] [max I mark] (i) images are smaller in convex mirrors or distortion uy [max 1 mark] (@ focal length = 0.5 m Ww) use do + /di = -V/E i) to give di = -0.42m (cither minus sign or stated behind the mirror) ul size = (1.8 x .42)/2.5=0.30m. oy) Imax 4 marks} Gi) virtual (1) {max 1 mark] Or by scale drawing Scale 2em = 1m SEESSSEESEgosoneCcssneseaossh Scale tt FandR Oy) Rays i) Size and position hy fmax 4 marks] -16- M99/430/H(3)M #2, @ fringes of near equal intensity (1) and equal separation ay [max 2 marks} intensity distance along the screen (ii) secondary maxima 0) diffraction envelope tt) Imax 2 marks} iii) In the first diagram diffraction maxima is very wide m in the second diagram diffraction effects at the slits modifies the intensity pattem rr Imax 2 marks} ) H4. (a) 17. 'M99/430/H(3)M_ () the lights are not resolved by the eye fn) as the car gets closer the angle that the lights subtend at the eye gets larger [1] so that the separation of the maximum of the diffraction pattern produced by each light at the retina increases ul until the Rayleigh criterion is eventually satisfied. a (The Raleigh criterion need not be mentioned by name) Or something along the following lines cach light produces a diffraction pattern on the retina a these patterns will overlap so that they may not be resolved ul as the car gets nearer the patterns separate uy until the Rayleigh criterion is eventually satisfied. iy max 4 marks] (@ separation of headlights 1.5 m (allow 0.5 - 2.0 m) a wavelength of light = 500 nm (allow between 400 - 700 nm) uy diameter of pupil = 5 mm (allow between 1 - 10 mm) a [max 3 marks] (ii) if d= distance of car then angle subtended at the eye = 1.5 /d ui Rayleigh criterion « = 1.224 /b i 1225x107 /5x 105 = 1.5 /6d= 12k a Imax 3 marks} light reflected from the water surface is partially polarised i} polaroid will cut out this light Wy therefore only light transmitted from the bottom of the pond will reach the eye iit (or therefore cutting out the glare from the surface) Imax 3 marks} n= tan @ ( Brewster angle) @ = 52° iin [max 1 mark

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