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and Choices for Care of

Wounds in the Home

Jose Oto/BSIP/

Carrie L. Adkins, RN, BSN, CWOCN

vol. 31 • no. 5 • May 2013 Home Healthcare Nurse 259

Copyright © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Statistics from various resources report that many patients in home healthcare settings have
wounds. These vary from surgical, pressure, neuropathic, trauma, stasis, and venous wounds. These
require the assessment, knowledge, and expertise of a clinician to assist them with wound care
management. The purpose of this article is to identify and categorize types of wound care products
appropriate for the various types of wounds that clinicians care for and manage in the home.

important, the most important consider-

Case Scenario ation is to match the wound with the most
appropriate dressing for the wound. Al-
Mr. Adams is an 85-year-old
though clinicians may be familiar with
home healthcare patient
certain wound-care products, it is also ex-
whom you have just admitted
tremely important to read product inserts
to your agency. His primary di-
before using a dressing, as the guidelines
agnosis is chronic venous sta-
frequently change (Bryant & Nix, 2007).
sis ulcers and multiple Stage II
When assessing a wound, the clinician
pressure ulcers. You find that
must first identify the type of wound.
his home environment is not
Although the technology of wound care
very clean, and he lives alone.
has advanced, it cannot change all the fac-
Physician orders include a visit
tors that contributed to the development
to the patient to recommend wound care management,
of the wound, such as chronic pressure
including the dressing. As home healthcare nurses
and uncontrolled diabetes. For wounds to
know, we must first obtain the order from the physi-
heal and progress, contributing factors
cian before performing wound care. This patient has
such as pressure, chronically elevated
neuropathy from diabetes in his hands and feet, and
blood glucose, infection, and viability of
you fear he will not be able to perform any wound care
wound tissue need to be addressed be-
on himself. You ask yourself what dressing is appropri-
fore topical treatment is applied. Some of
ate for these wounds, and should I consult our certified
these factors can be resolved by dressing
wound, ostomy, continence nurse?
choices and may assist with fighting infec-
tion and debridement of nonviable tissue.
Editor’s Note: This author has been a Certified Most wounds heal with proper wound moist-
Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nurse (CWOCN) for ness. According to Barbara Dale (2011) in her arti-
3 years and prior to this, worked as a home health- cle “Say Goodbye to Wet-to-Dry Wound Care Dress-
care nurse for numerous years. In the transition to ings,” research over the past 50 years repeatedly
becoming a CWOCN, the complexity of chronic shows that wounds heal faster and stronger when
wounds in the home care setting was recognized. moist wound healing principles are used. If a wound
The clinician’s knowledge of properly identifying is very wet and has a large amount of exudate, it
wounds and appropriateness of wound care prod- needs to “dry out a little.” If a wound bed is very
ucts within her organization is a challenge. As a dry, moisture needs to be added. Many patients
new CWOCN, the nurse was also able to identify want their wounds to “air out” and do not under-
the need for consultation with a CWOCN because of stand that it is essential to have a moist wound en-
this complexity and the many products available. vironment for healing to occur. If the wound cells
are too dry they will dehydrate and “die”; if the
Background wound cells are too wet, they will “drown.” Wound
In home healthcare, clinicians are responsible not tissue that is dry is much more prone to infection,
only for educating patients and their caregivers scarring, and pain (Bolton, 2007).
about wound care, but also considering the cost
of dressings, the number of visits by clinicians, Overview: Product Considerations
the cleanliness of the home environment, and the There are many wound care–specific products.
ability of the patient and his or her caregivers to According to BCC Research, the wound care
manage wounds at home. Although all of this is industry in 2010 was a 2.0 billion dollar market

260 Home Healthcare Nurse

Copyright © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
(BCC Research, n.d.). Wound care products vary • Educate the patient that the “gel” is normal
in price and it is important to consider all factors and not a sign of infection.
when choosing an appropriate product, not just • Cover with a secondary dressing (this is
the price. These factors include home environ- the secondary dressing that is over top of
ment, ability of caregiver or patient to perform the primary dressing, which is intact with
wound care, amount of exudate from wound, the wound bed).
cleanliness of wound, and type of wound. Wound • Consider ribbon or rope for tunneling and
care manufacturers seem to come out with new undermining.
products daily, which makes it difficult to keep • Pack loosely into wound.
up with “the newest product.” In this article, the • Change dressing when drainage is visually
most common dressing choices are listed alpha- coming through secondary dressing.
betically. There are numerous brand names for • Moisten and irrigate wound with normal
specific wound care products, but only the saline if dressing is adhered to wound bed,
generic name or category will be described. Clini- before removing it.
cians may refer to a detailed resource manual
from 2012, “Wound Source,” which is a reference Contraindications
that names all brands and products for each • A wound with a dry wound bed.
category of dressings (Kestrel Health, 2012). • A wound with a third-degree burn (Bryant &
Nix, 2007).
Wound Dressing Categories • Do not moisten dressing prior to placing in
Alginate Dressings wound bed.
Alginates are primary dressings (dressings
placed in direct contact with wound bed) that Antimicrobial Dressings
are composed of brown seaweed (Swezey, 2011). Antimicrobials are topical dressings or products
Often called calcium alginate, there are numer- used for wounds that are not healing because of
ous manufacturers with many different names; infection, or wounds that are at high risk for infec-
be cautious, they may not all use the term Algi- tion. The advantage of antimicrobial dressings is a
nate. Drainage is absorbed by an ion exchange longer wear time; they can be left in place for sev-
to form a gel, which then conforms to the shape eral days. They are also the dressing of choice for
of the wound (Bryant & Nix, 2007). These dress- a patient who is unable to change his or her own
ings are useful for wounds with moderate-to- dressing, or for a patient who has an unclean liv-
heavy drainage; they can absorb up to 20 times ing environment. Some may feel that these are
their weight. They also promote homeostasis in expensive dressings, but they are cost-effective
minimally bleeding wounds, as well as assist when used as recommended. This is because
with autolytic debridement (Swezey, 2011). Algi- fewer supplies are used, fewer clinician visits are
nate is a good replacement for a dry gauze needed if daily dressings are ordered, and often
dressing such as those that might be used in a healing time is shortened. This is one of the only
wet-to-dry dressing (wet-to-dry is always categories with subsets: iodine, leptospermum
changed daily if not twice per day). Wet-to-dry honey, and silver.
dressings are no longer recommended for use.
Readers are referred to the article “Say Good- Iodine-Based Antimicrobial Dressing
bye to Wet-to-Dry Wound Care Dressings: Chang- These dressings work by slowly releasing iodine,
ing the Culture of Wound Care Management while at the same time absorbing drainage from
Within Your Agency” by Barbara Dale and H. the wound. These dressings can last up to
Denise Wright, published in this journal in July/ 72 hours (Hess, 2008). They come in the form of a
August 2011. paste or gel.

Tips for Using Alginate Wound Dressings Tips for Using Iodine-Based Antimicrobial
• Alginates come in the forms of sheets, ropes, Dressing
and ribbons. • Change the dressing at least three times per
• Use for moderate-to-high draining wounds. week or when the color of dressing goes
• Apply multiple layers, if exudate is heavy. from brown to yellow or gray (Hess, 2008).

vol. 31 • no. 5 • May 2013 Home Healthcare Nurse 261

Copyright © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
• Leave the wound slightly moist when layers, combinations with hydrogels, creams,
applying dressing (Hess, 2008). powders, and collagens.

Contraindications Tips for Using Silver Antimicrobial

• Sensitivity to iodine. Wound Dressings
• Use with caution in patients with thyroid • Some brands of silver alginate state the
problems. dressing can be changed every 21 days;
• Not for use with pregnant or nursing this can explain cost savings with using less
mothers (Hess, 2008). wound care supplies.
• Inform the patient that silver dressings such
Leptospermum Honey as silver alginates may turn a grayish-green
Honey dressings are made from a medical color when wet.
grade honey; the honey is impregnated into • Change the dressing when saturated no
the dressing. The honey is not in a raw honey matter what form of silver being used.
form. The popularity of these dressing is on • Read each manufacturer insert for applica-
the rise and is in part because it can be used tion and “wear time”; all silver dressings are
for wounds with several different characteris- different.
tics. In addition to the antimicrobial proper- • Instruct patient to notify clinician before get-
ties, honey dressings also support moist ting an x-ray, radiation, or any medical treat-
wound healing, debridement of nonviable tis- ment; a physician may not want dressing on
sue, odor control, anti-inflammatory proper- during a test, as it may interfere with results.
ties, and can help minimize scar formation • Some staining on skin or tissue can occur
(Chang, 2009). Honey is available in creams, due to silver that may darken or add a
gels, ointments, alginates, hydrocolloids, and blue hue to the skin, which is temporary
even contact layers (this will be discussed (Tomaselli, 2006).
later in this article).
Tips for Using Honey Antimicrobial Wound • Do not use with enzymatic debrider agents,
Dressings as it may inactivate them.
• Use a secondary dressing with all forms of • Do not use with bleach solutions.
honey wound dressings. • Patient sensitivity to silver or sulfa drugs.
• Dressing can be left on up to 7 days; do • Even though some brands of silver alginate
remove if exudate come through secondary antimicrobial dressings allow the dressing
dressing (Pieper, 2009). to remain intact for up to 21 days, regular
• Ensure all honey is washed out of the wound wound assessment is important. The wound
with normal saline or soap and water with should be assessed at least weekly.
dressing changes.
Collagen Dressings
Contrain Dications Consider using a collagen-based dressing for
• Allergy to bees, honey, or sensitive to bee wounds that just do not seem to heal or wounds
stings. that have stalled or have not progressed toward a
• Do not use on dry necrotic wounds healing goal. Collagen dressings help the wound
(Chang, 2009). heal by stimulating the collagen fibers, for new
tissue and blood vessel growth (Brett, 2009). They
Silver Antimicrobial Dressing are made of cowhides and or tendons, or porcine
Silver dressings are the largest category of anti- collagen (Bryant & Nix, 2007). Collagens are absor-
microbial dressings. They have antimicrobial bent and provide a moist wound environment.
activity against an extensive range of aerobic, They can stay in place up to 7 days, depending on
anaerobic, gram-negative, and gram-positive bac- the manufacturer. Collagens come in the form of
teria, yeast, fungi, and viruses (Tomaselli, 2006). gels, sheets, pads, powders, and particles. Some
The different forms of silver are supplied as manufactures combine collagen with silver or
alginates, foams, gauzes, hydrocolloids, contact alginate to make a combination dressing.

262 Home Healthcare Nurse

Copyright © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Wound care products vary in price and it is important
to consider all factors when choosing an appropriate
product, not just the price. These factors include home
environment, ability of caregiver or patient to perform
wound care, amount of exudate from wound,
cleanliness of wound, and type of wound.

Tips for Using a Collagen Wound Dressing • Instead of using a foam dressing topped with
• Read the manufacturer insert; most collagens a dry dressing and tape, use a foam island
do not need to be removed from the wound composite dressing.
bed with the next dressing change.
• Use collagen as the primary dressing and Contact Layer Wound Dressings
top with a secondary dressing such as dry Contact layer wound dressings are a solution
gauze. for dressings that are painful to change and
• Clean the wound bed with normal saline traumatic to the tissue of the wound bed.
prior to the dressing change, if the wound They are nonadherent single-layer dressings
bed is dry you may need to add normal sa- applied directly to the wound base. Drainage
line to the collagen or to the wound bed; this comes through the woven or mesh-like
will cause slight “gelling” of the collagen. material, allowing it to be absorbed by the
• If the dressing is a sheet or pad, cut to fit the secondary dressing (Bryant & Nix, 2007).
shape of the wound bed. Contact layers have the ability to stay in
• Check with the patient on cultural or reli- place for 1 week, which can be cost-effective.
gious beliefs: they may not agree with using These are usually transparent so that you can
bovine or porcine products. assess the appearance of the wound bed. Some
manufactures incorporate silver or medical-
Contraindications grade honey into the contact layer adding
• Wounds with a large amount of exudate. protection to wounds that are at a high risk for
• Do not use on third-degree burns. infection.
• Not for use on active vasculitis (per most
manufacturers contraindications). Check Tips for Using Contact Layer Wound Dressings
with physician first. • Use with wounds that have a painful
• Collagen sensitivity. dressing removal.
• Use under Negative Pressure Wound therapy
Composite Wound Dressings for “stuck foams” or painful removal.
Composites are dressings where two dressings are • Clarify with the physician if the contact
combined into one. These can increase the ease for layer is to stay in place for 1 week and
patient use. An example of a composite dressing the secondary dressings be changed
would be a foam island composite dressing. This is accordingly.
a foam dressing with a tape or adhesive border. • Use with wounds that have friable tissue and
bleed easily with dressing changes.
Advantages of Composite Wound Dressings
• Can be used as either a primary or a Contraindications
secondary dressing. • Not for use in the tunnel of a wound (a
• Choose a composite dressing if dressing tunnel is a tracking that extends from the
change process is complicated and difficult wound to surrounding tissue; one cannot
for the patient and caregivers. usually see the end of the tunnel).

vol. 31 • no. 5 • May 2013 Home Healthcare Nurse 263

Copyright © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
In this article, the most common dressing choices
are listed alphabetically. There are numerous brand
names for specific wound care products, but only the
generic name or category will be described.

• Do not use with evidence of thick wound absorbing moderate-to-excess amount of drainage.
exudate. This is an absorptive foam made of Hydrofera poly-
• Some manufacturers contraindicate their vinyl alcohol sponge, methylene blue, and crystal
use of contact layer dressing in patients with violet. This foam inhibits growth of bacteria such as
third-degree burns. methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus and van-
comycin-resistant enterococci (Wounds, 2011).
Foam Wound Dressing
Foam wound dressings can be used on a wide Tips on Hydrofera Blue
variety of wounds. They are made of an absor- • When applying this dressing, moisten with
bent sponge-like material that provides thermal normal saline or sterile water and then ring
insulation as well as a moist wound-healing envi- out the excess. Do not use tap water.
ronment. Foams are used for light-to-moderate • It is important to change the dressing every
draining wounds, and can be primary and/or 1 to 3 days.
secondary dressing. The various forms include • The dressing should not dry out completely;
pads, sheets, ropes, rolls, and pillow cavity instruct the patient to rehydrate the dress-
dressings. Some manufacturers have formulated ing with saline or sterile water.
different shapes for heels, elbows, coccyx, and • When the dressing color turns from blue to
more. Some foams come with cleansers, silver, white, it needs to be changed (Hydrofera,
and contact layers incorporated into them. 2012).

Tips for Using Foam Wound Dressings Hydrocolloid Wound Dressings

• Read all manufacturers guidelines; some Hydrocolloid dressings generally consist of a semi-
foams have a special border that shows permeable film coated with an absorbent mass of
when dressing is saturated. sodium carboxymethylcellulose, pectin, or gelatin
(Rivera & Wu, 2011). They are a very versatile
Contraindications dressing that are appropriate for stage I and stage
• Do not leave on heavily draining wounds for II pressure ulcers, partial- and full-thickness
extended periods of time without checking wounds, and light to moderately draining wounds.
wound because saturation may cause mac- Hydrocolloids can be used on clean wounds as
eration to periwound skin. well as wounds that need debridement. When
• With many manufacturers, foam dressings placed on a wound with necrotic tissue, autolytic
are contraindicated for use on third-degree debridement can occur (Rivera & Wu, 2011). These
burns (ReliaMed, 2007). dressings come in the form of gel, paste, and wa-
fers. They come in various shapes and thicknesses.
Hydrofera Blue Foam Dressing
Hydrofera Blue Foam is a brand name, but this Tips for Using Hydrocolloid Wound Dressings
dressing is the only type of its kind—a bacterostatic • Warm the dressing in your gloved hands
foam. Hydrofera Blue Foam dressing is applied dif- prior to application for better adherence.
ferently than the other foam dressings because it • Stretch corner of dressing parallel to skin for
needs to be hydrated to work effectively, while still easier removal.

264 Home Healthcare Nurse

Copyright © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
• Tape down edges if cut from a larger piece to Contraindications
avoid rolling. • Highly exudating wounds.
• Dressing should set on at least 1 in. of intact • Third-degree burns.
skin for better adherence.
• Instruct the patient that when this dressing Miscellaneous Wound Dressings
is removed it may look “gooey” such as a There are many miscellaneous dressings that do
consistency of honey or pudding; this is a not fall in a specific category. We briefly explain
normal part of autolytic debridement. what they are and how they can be used here.
• Some hydrocolloids need changing one time
a week; others up to three times per week. • Specialty Absorptives: these are for highly
This depends on manufacturer guidelines exudating wounds. These dressings are
and exudate amount from a wound. often used as a secondary dressing for
a wound with large amount of exudate.
Contraindications Abdominal gauze pads are a familiar spe-
• Infected wounds. cialty absorptive.
• Heavily draining wounds. • Sodium Impregnated Gauze
• Wounds with tunnels. | Available in ribbons and sheets.

• Wounds with bone or tendons showing. | Daily dressing changes are required.

• Fragile periwound skin. | Good for “cleaning out a wound.”

• Third-degree burns. | Absorbs minimal-to-moderate amounts of

Hydrogel Wound Dressing • Petroleum Impregnated Gauze
Hydrogel wound dressings are primarily com- | For skin tears, burns, skin grafts and

posed of water. These dressings can hydrate donor sites, as well as no-stick dressings.
and maintain a moist wound bed as well as | Often used for healthy, pink, granulating

liquefy necrotic tissue (Rivera & Wu, 2011). wounds.

Hydrogels come in tubes, dry sheets, and | Use in a single layer; a double layer can

moist gel sheets. These are ideal for a wound block drainage from leaving the wound.
with a necrotic or dry bed because they can | Leave in place on a burn or skin graft and

soften the necrotic tissue in the wound bed, dried edges are trimmed off.
which promotes easier removal of the necrotic • Iodoform Gauze
tissue. Some have additives such as alginate, | Packing strips that are used for tunneling

which can assist with minimal absorption of wounds.

exudates, whereas others have silver added to | Helps control bioburden and absorb

them. Hydrogels are also appropriate for skin drainage.

tears and first- and second-degree burns. | Change at least daily.

• Liquid Skin Protectants

Tips for Using Hydrogel Wound Dressings | Sealant that are made with polymer and

• Cleanse the wound with soap and water solvent; with or without alcohol (Hess,
or normal saline (depending on physician 2008).
order) when changing the dressing, flushing | Used under adhesives to prevent

out existing hydrogel. epidermal stripping.

• Read the product insert; some hydrogels | Used on incontinent associated dermatitis.

require daily dressing changes, whereas | Available as wipes, sprays, swabs, and

others are every 3 days. applicators.

• Cut hydrogel sheets to size of the wound
because periskin can become macerated. Gauze
• Use skin protectant around the wound to Available in many different forms:
help prevent maceration.
• Cover with a secondary dressing. • dry gauze,
• Keep dressing in refrigerator for a “cooling” • packing gauze, and
effect to help with pain. • roller gauze.

vol. 31 • no. 5 • May 2013 Home Healthcare Nurse 265

Copyright © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Gauzes are primarily used as a secondary tages for home healthcare patients are that it is
dressing or historically as a “wet-to-dry dress- a portable pump, the dressings are changed two
ing packing.” Wet-to-dry dressings are no lon- to three times per week by home care clinicians,
ger recommended because dry dressings can and it is a closed system giving the clinician
cause damage to healthy tissue from nonselec- control of a clean dressing change, regardless of
tive tissue debridement, which can damage the home environment.
newly granulating tissue and may cause pain on
removal (Dale & Wright, 2011; Rivera & Wu, Tips for NPWT
2011). Do not remove dry dressings; moisten if • Negative pressure allows better perfusion to
necessary. the wound bed; remember a lack of drainage
is not indicative of a problem.
Transparent Film • Explain dressing procedure to the patient as
• Used primarily for intravenous dressings and it can seem overwhelming.
secondary cover dressings. • NPWT system needs to be “running”
• When removed the skin is at high risk for 24 hours a day, either plugged in or by
tearing, so do not use on fragile skin or over using battery power.
skin tears. • Apply white moist foam or appropriate
• Do not use with moderate to highly exudat- contact layer over exposed bone or tendon.
ing wounds. • Use with caution on a patient with clotting
disorders or on blood thinners.
Negative Pressure Wound Therapy • Make sure fistulas have been explored before
Negative pressure wound therapy (NPWT) is using NPWT. If the fistula tracks to an organ
often referred to as a “Wound Vac.” Although it is use of negative pressure applied can be very
not a wound care dressing per se, NPWT is dangerous.
widely used in home care. M. W. Kaufman and D. • Document a sponge count for each dress-
W. Pahl report in their article, “Vacuum-Assisted ing change (there have been cases of lost
Closure Therapy: Wound Care and Nursing Impli- sponges in wound).
cations,” statistics comparing NPWT and saline-
soaked gauze. In the article, they compared Contraindications
1,032 Medicare home healthcare patients and 84 There are significant safety issues with the use of
nursing home patients who all had Stage III and NPWT. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration
IV pressure ulcers on their trunk or trochanter. (2011) discusses contraindications and informa-
The home healthcare patients were treated with tion:
NPWT and low air loss beds; the nursing home AlertsandNotices/ucm244211.htm?utm_
patients were treated with saline-soaked gauze campaign=Google2&utm_source=fdaSearch&utm_
and low air loss mattresses. The home care pa- medium=website&utm_term=negativepressurewo
tients had a healing time of 97 days at a cost of undtherapy problems&utm_content=1
$14,546, whereas the nursing home patients had
a healing time of 247 days and at a cost of • Untreated osteomyelitis.
$23,465 (Kaufman & Pahl, 2003). The purpose of • Exposed vessels or organs.
this therapy is to accelerate wound healing by • Malignant wounds.
removing excess drainage, promoting granula- • Black eschar unless specifically ordered
tion tissue, and maintaining a moist wound envi- by physician.
ronment (Bryant & Nix, 2007). Components of • Do not allow black foam to lay on unpro-
the NPWT include the dressing, the suction tected skin.
tubing, containment system, and pump. The
various forms of dressings include a black- or Summary
silver-based porous foam, a dense white foam Wounds demand complex care, thinking and, at
that is moist or needs to be moistened by saline, times, may need to be referred to a wound care
or antibacterial gauze. After the wound is filled expert. There are many types of wound care
with the foam or gauze, a transparent dressing products available for wound care management.
covers and suction is connected. The advan- The challenge for many clinicians is knowing

266 Home Healthcare Nurse

Copyright © 2013 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
what type of dressing is appropriate for the Brett, D. (2009, January 5). A review of collagen and
various types of wounds. Clinicians provide an collagen-based wound dressings. Retrieved from
important connection in the physician–patient
relationship in home care and especially in collagen-and-collagen-based-wound-dressings
Bryant, R. A., & Nix, D. P. (2007). Acute & chronic wounds
wound therapy.
current management concepts. St. Louis, MO: Mosby.
So what happened to the 85-year-old patient
Chang, J., & Cuellar, N. G. (2009). The use of honey for
mentioned in the opening of this article? What wound care management: A traditional remedy
type of products did we use and why? Because of revisited. Home Healthcare Nurse, 27(5), 309-316.
the patient’s unclean environment, a silver algi- Dale, B. A., & Wright, D. H. (2011). Say goodbye to wet-
nate was chosen for his venous ulcers. The silver to-dry wound care dressings: Changing the culture
helped with the infection, and a composite gauze of wound care management within your agency.
dressing was used as a secondary dressing. On Home Healthcare Nurse, 29(7), 429-440.
the stage 2 pressure ulcers, a hydrocolloid was Hess, C. T. (2008). Skin & Wound Care (6th ed.). Ambler,
used. Nursing visits for this patient were sched- PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
uled at two times per week and all the dressings Hydrofera. (2012, May 20). Wound care: Hydrofera Blue.
Retrieved from
were contained, which helped with the patient’s
environment and healing.
Kaufman, M. W., & Pahl, D. W. (2003). Vacuum-assisted
Wound care is an increasingly important part closure therapy: Wound care and nursing implica-
of the role of the home care nurse. The critical tions. Dermotology Nursing, 15(4), 317-325.
thinking needed for the choosing of the best Kestrel Health. (2012). Wound source. Hinesburg, VT:
products based on the assessment should help Kestrel Health Information.
patients and organizations support improved Pieper, B. (2009). Honey-based dressings and wound
care and outcomes. In addition, the complexity of care: An option for care in the United States. Journal
the patients and wounds may demand the experi- of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing, 36(1),
ence of a WOC nurse or a CWOCN. 60-66.
ReliaMed. (2007). Foam dressings. Retrieved from http://
Carrie L. Adkins, RN, BSN, CWOCN, is a Certified
Wound, Ostomy, Continence Nurse, Akron General
Rivera, N. S., & Wu, S. C. (2011, August). Keys to effective
Visiting Nurse Service & Affiliates, Akron, Ohio. wound dressing selection. Retrieved from http://www.
The author and planners have disclosed that
they have no financial relationships related to this selection?page=2
article. Swezey, L. (2011, August 4). Wound source. Retrieved
Address for correspondence: Carrie L. Adkins, from
RN, BSN, CWOCN, Akron General Visiting Nurse dressing-selection-types-and-usage
Service & Affiliates, 1 Home Care Pl., Akron, OH Tomaselli, N. (2006, July/August). The role of topical sil-
44320 ( ver preparations in wound healing. Journal of Wound,
Ostomy, and Continence Nursing, 33(4), 367-378.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2011, February 24).
FDA safety communication: Update on serious compli-
cations associated with negative pressure wound
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BCC Research. (n.d.). Markets for advanced wound care MedicalDevices/Safety/AlertsandNotices/ucm244211
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technologies-market-phm011g.html wound therapy problems&utm_content=1
Bolton, L. (2007). Operational definition of moist wound Wounds. (2011). April New Products & Industry News.
healing. Journal of Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Retrieved from
Nursing, 34(1), 23-29. article/april-new-products-industry-news

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