How Can India Become A Superpower

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How can

become a
India was a super power with excellence in all

the major criteria:

1] Great dynasties like

Mauryas,cholas,ahomsand guptas under their

period india was in its golden era.

2]23%Of worlds GDP.

3] Arayabhata, Brahmagupta , Sushruta great

indian scholars.

Currently we are one of the youngest nation full of young

energetic minds.

A Super power is a state with a dominant position characterized

by its extensive abilities to project power on a global scale this is

done throught the combined means of




.Culturtal strength

India's rank has been consistently one of the fastest

growing countries with estimations on growing at the

rate of 10 % at the end of 2021.

GDP (2021) estimate $2.6 trillion


1)Huge wealth gap and poverty


3)Constraints in setup of business

With strength of over 1.4 million active personnel

we have World second largest military force and have

world largest defence budget


1) Don't have strong weapons

manufacturing industries.

2) Sophisticated military

hardware (old technology).

India is know as worlds office . we have produced

maxium number of unicorns in world in the last 6


1) To generate innovative mindset

2)Should focus on research and development of tech

3)practical competitionbased education

Refer to a country whose culture art or entertainment have

world wide appeal ,significant international popularity on

large influence on much of the world .

There are many traditions or habits that westerns use from

indian culture

sanskrit yoga and maditation food dance music


1 youth is not acknowledging the culture

2 propogandas and false naratives

.India has the potential and will surely become a

superpower by overcoming all the challenges .

.We have all the favors on our side.

.We are developing on a fast pase in all the

sector from great examples like ISRO,DRDO

,incresing military strength, NEP 2020 and

many such great things happening.

Thank you
Presented by - Aman Kumar Chouhan
Class-11th A

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