Health As A Multifactorial Phenomenon

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Biological Factors

PHENOMENON - Factor that influence both health and illness.

It includes the following:
WHAT IS HEALTH? ✓ Genetic Inheritance
o Can be described as the following which ▪ Diabetes mellitus, heart diseases,
allergies, asthma, duodenal ulcer
cannot be measured objectively:
✓ Age
✓ Subjective state
▪ Children are more prone to
✓ Value judgement
becoming sick: mumps, chicken
✓ Goal pox, gastroenteritis, pneumonia,
✓ Process/abstraction fever and colds
✓ Spectrum
▪ Middle age and older people:
✓ Relative concept
diabetes mellitus, hypertension,
✓ Cycle
and heart diseases
o Physiologic and psychological components
✓ Sex
of health are often dichotomized. Other sub- ▪ Females: thyroid disease,
concepts that may be included are diabetes mellitus, obesity, and
environmental and social influences. gallbladder diseases
o May refer to freedom from pain or disease, ▪ Males: tuberculosis, respiratory
optimum capability, ability to adapt, diseases, parasitic infections,
purposeful direction and meaning in life in a hemorrhoids, and stomach
sense of well-being. ulcers

o In the interaction worldview, health indicates ✓ Developmental level

the absence of disease and the presence of ▪ Toddlers: injury falls
normal functioning in roles or tasks. ▪ Adolescent: vehicular accidents,
drug addiction and other
o It is defined as a condition or a state of
substance abuse
integrity of one’s functional capacity and
perceived well-being. As a result, a person is ▪ Older grps: financial problems
able to function adequately which can be on health care and other source
of incomes
observed objectively and he or she can adapt
adequately to the environment and feel well ✓ Nutrition
as assessed subjectively. ▪ Obesity: increases risk for
hypertension, diabetes mellitus,
o According to Leddy and Pepper on 1993,
there are several factors within and outside a ▪ Malnutrition
person that can influence health. ✓ Cognitive structure
▪ Due to genetic inheritance.
FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE HEALTH: ▪ It influences the person’s
- Factors that influence health may or may not education, learning styles, and
decision making on health.
be under a person’s conscious control and as
they interact with each other, they may either ▪ Level of formal education
influences the types of
be health-promoting or deleterious.
occupation with its benefits and
✓ Race ✓ Ethnic Customs
▪ White Americans are more
prone to skin cancer than Blacks.

2. Behavioral Factors
- Stem from human behavior and might be
due to one’s personality, the situation, or are
reaction to the environment. These include:
✓ Lifestyle
✓ Behaviors ▪ Includes pattern of eating,
▪ Learned from parents, members drinking, sleeping, exercise,
of the extended family, church, recreation, travel etc.
school, mass media, and others ▪ People living in rural areas adopt
▪ in the environment. a simple lifestyle which are
▪ Influenced by culture as it is lived conducive to health. On the
day by day. other hand, city dwellers adopt
the opposite.

3. Socio-Economic Status
- This includes economic status, standard of
✓ Beliefs and Practices living, occupational roles, and membership in
▪ Practices are customary actions
usually done to maintain or
promote health such as the use - Poverty is an identified problem which
of anting anting. begins when a child is born to a poor family.
▪ Beliefs are state or habit of
mind wherein a group of people
- These families often have limited or no
place a trust into something or a resources to create opportunities to advance
person. themselves, which leaves them stuck in the
poverty trap.
✓ Poverty Has Brought Changes in
Occupational Roles
▪ Women professionals are
working as salesladies, clerks,
receptionists, and similar odd

▪ Women are factory workers who

receive low pay and endure poor
working conditions.

▪ If all else fails, women are forced

to do what men do.

- Social Groups (e.g. Family, Church, Social,

and Media) also play a role.
5. Environmental Factors
✓ Parents play a vital role as teachers
and models of health behaviors. - The environment has many influences on
health and illness. Housing, sanitation,
▪ Quality of Society = Quality of
climate and pollution of air, food and water
Family Life & Health
are aspects of environmental dimension.
4. Political Factors - Environmental factors are the sum total of
- Includes one’s leadership, manages and all the conditions and elements that makes
involves other people in decision making. up the surroundings and influence the
development of an individual.
- These are the political structures and
leadership, people’s empowerment and will, - Environmental hazards increase the rick of
policies, and laws. cancer, heart disease, asthma, and many
other illnesses.
- Empowerment is the ability of a person to
do something, creating the circumstances - These hazards can be physical such as
where people can use their faculties and pollution, toxic chemicals, and food
abilities at the maximum level in the pursuit contaminants. It can also be social such as
of common goals. dangerous work, poor housing conditions,
and poverty.
- Political will is the determination to pursue
something, which is the interest of the

- A truly dynamic leader is a visionary.

- The people’s will is vital.

- The labor laws protect both men and women.

- Example: Philippine Constitution, which

protects the right of each individual and
6. Spiritual Factors
- Spiritual and religious beliefs are important
components of the way the person behaves
in health and illness.

o Health and illness are influenced by
multiple factors which are interdependent
and interrelated. If these is a disturbance in
one factor, all others are affected thus ill
health occurs.

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