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Forensic Epigenetic determine epigenetic age as a proxy for information could collide with the privacy
chronological age in a forensic of the sample source. The question here
Age Estimation and investigation. is whether the current legal and ethical
Beyond: Ethical and frameworks sufficiently address the pri-
However, the use of DNA methylation vacy concerns associated with the use
Legal Considerations biomarkers for age estimation may reveal of emerging methods in forensic
a broader range of health-related infor- epigenetics.
Mahsa Shabani,1,*
mation about the sample source. In fact,
Pascal Borry,1 Inge Smeers,2 once the sample source is identified and The Use of DNA Methylation in
and Bram Bekaert3,4 the chronological age is confirmed, cal- Forensics: Ethical and Legal
culating the difference between chrono- Frameworks
Forensic geneticists are in a race logical age and epigenetic age [the Traditionally, normative documents have
to develop methods based on DNA so-called delta age (Dage)] can reveal adopted a precautionary approach
methylation for various forensic information associated with both cancer towards DNA analysis for forensic pur-
applications, including age esti- development and cellular ageing (e.g., poses, mainly restricting DNA analysis
mation. We argue that using epige- oxidative stress and DNA damage) to noncoding areas of DNA. For instance,
netic biomarkers could reveal a [2,3]. Particularly, it can reveal informa- the European Council Resolution of June
broad range of health and life-style tion related to cancer incidence, risk of 25, 2001, on the exchange of DNA anal-
related information, therefore it is all-cause and cause-specific mortality, ysis, states that exchange of results
necessary to develop adequate frailty, post-traumatic stress disorder should be limited to DNA analysis of non-
hyperarousal symptoms, performance coding parts. Similarly, a recent report on
safeguards to protect the privacy
on lung function, cognition and grip forensic DNA databases showed that
of the individuals under scrutiny.
strength measures, and neural integrity restricting DNA testing to noncoding
[4–7]. regions of the DNA is a dominant
Epigenetics Meets Forensic Age approach across national legislations on
Estimation Similarly, a recent study has shown that a forensic DNA analysis [10].
Innovative methods have been developed set of markers originally developed to esti-
to make predictions about one’s ancestry mate age in forensic cases can alert to the Furthermore, some jurisdictions have
and externally visible characteristics (such presence of chronic lymphocytic leukae- addressed the permissibility of DNA phe-
as hair, skin, and eye color), for the pur- mia with >85% sensitivity [8]. Conse- notyping for visible characteristics, by
pose of identifying the source of a biolog- quently, an online calculator was made either restricting it to specific character-
ical trace left at a crime scene. These available by the authors of the study, to istics such as sex (e.g., Germany), or
factors can help predict the physical compute the probability of leukaemia for a allowing a broader scope of phenotyping
appearance of a suspect, in order to nar- given sample, without knowing the chro- to encompass externally visible traits that
row down the suspect pool. Age estima- nological age of the person in question, to are visible at birth (The Netherlands) [11].
tion is yet another way of narrowing down avoid misleading conclusions about the
the suspect pool, and could also be ben- age prediction. The use of DNA methyla- Drawing distinction between coding and
eficial in predicting what the donor of the tion to predict forensically informative life- noncoding areas of DNA seems predom-
sample looks like. style and environmental characteristics, inantly to be introduced to mitigate the
including socioeconomic status, diet, concerns about the privacy of the sample
Ageing is characterised by a large number physical activity, alcohol and drug intake, source, by preventing the extraction of
of biological processes, including epige- and smoking status has also been dis- hereditary information and sensitive
netic changes across the genome. Age cussed in earlier studies [9]. genetic predispositions. However, as
estimation based on DNA methylation has been shown earlier, a broader range
biomarkers has recently sparked interest One can argue that in the context of of personal information could also be pre-
from forensic scientists, as an innovative unknown samples, extracting any infor- dicted from the study of heritable changes
way to improve age estimation for various mation that could help identify the sample in gene expression that do not affect the
forensic purposes [1]. In this method, source should be considered beneficial. DNA sequence. Therefore, the distinction
DNA methylation levels are used to However, revealing such personal between coding and noncoding areas

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may not be sufficient to protect the pri- misdirected targeting of minority ethnic to what should be considered as sensitive
vacy of the individuals. groups for their DNA’ [10]. data and if limitations should be set on the
type of information that could be
Protecting the privacy of unknown sam- Concluding Remarks extracted by using epigenetic biomark-
ple sources could seem challenging, When developing new forensic applica- ers. In the view of current developments
owing to the fact that such samples tions based on DNA methylation biomark- in the field of forensic epigenetics, revisit-
may be perceived as ‘abandoned sam- ers, it is crucial to take privacy-related ing the adequacy of current regulatory
ples’, to be deprived of any privacy pro- concerns into account and develop a approaches towards the DNA analysis
tection. However, it should be noted that framework that protects all parties based on the coding/noncoding area dis-
the owners of such samples could even- involved with regard to handling personal tinction is recommended. An alternative
tually be identified either as suspects or information that may result from such approach could be to focus on the nature
witnesses at the crime scene. As Murphy analyses. and sensitivity of the data, and prohibit
puts it: ‘Even samples collected at a crime using DNA analysis for inferring informa-
scene and believed to belong to a putative One solution could be to limit the assay to tion that may infringe on the privacy of the
perpetrator may turn out instead to biomarkers that are exclusively associated sample sources.
belong to an innocent bystander, and with chronological age, for instance, and
as such, even if criminal activity is consid- not with susceptibility to disease and health Acknowledgments
ered a forfeit of genetic privacy, it will often outcome. However, this would prohibit Mahsa Shabani is supported by the Research-Foun-
not be certain ex ante that the sample researchers from obtaining the highest dation Flanders (FWO) Postdoctoral Fellowship.
came from the criminal’ [12]. possible prediction accuracy, and even 1KU Leuven – University of Leuven, Department of Public
markers with no currently known associa- Health and Primary Care, Centre for Biomedical Ethics
Another point to consider is whether the tions may be linked to health-related risks and Law, Leuven, Belgium
KU Leuven – University of Leuven, Department of
nature of information extracted from the through later research. Notably, avoiding Human Genetics, Laboratory of Reproductive Genomics,
samples is considered sensitive or not. risk-associated loci will become particu- Leuven, Belgium
For instance, age is usually not consid- larly difficult when the field advances KU Leuven – University of Leuven, Department of

Imaging & Pathology, Leuven, Belgium

ered as sensitive personal information. towards predicting lifestyle traits (such as 4KU Leuven – University of Leuven, University Hospitals
This could apply to other visible charac- smoking status) which are inherently asso- Leuven, Department of Forensic Medicine, Laboratory of
teristics such as gender, eye color, hair ciated with health risks. Forensic Genetics and Molecular Archaeology, Leuven,
color, and height. Vidaki and Kayser
argue that ‘this reasoning may also Alternatively, rather than changing the *Correspondence:
apply to epigenetic prediction of those method itself one could put strict limitations (M. Shabani).
lifestyle factors that are obviously visi- on how the test results are reported to the
ble, such as tobacco smoking, or those authorities. For instance, the predicted age
that are generally viewed positively, could be reported, but not the measured 1. Bekaert, B. et al. (2015) Improved age determination of
such as physical activity’ [9]. In contrast, methylation levels or any unintended find- blood and teeth samples using a selected set of DNA
methylation markers. Epigenetics 10, 922–930
other types of epigenetic predictions ings that may arise during the analyses. 2. Hannum, G. et al. (2013) Genome-wide methylation pro-
related to medical conditions could be That said, a forensic report should be trans- files reveal quantitative views of human aging rates. Mol.
Cell 49, 359–367
considered sensitive and in need of parent, so that all parties are able to verify
3. Horvath, S. (2013) DNA methylation age of human tissues
robust privacy protection. Similar con- whether the conclusions of the DNA expert and cell types. Genome Biol. 14, 3156
cerns have been raised in previous stud- are in line with the analysis results. This may 4. Wolf, E.J. et al. (2016) Accelerated DNA methylation age:
associations with PTSD and neural integrity. Psychoneur-
ies about the potential stigmatizing be hampered if important information is to oendocrinology 63, 155–162
consequences of using information be left out of the report. 5. Perna, L. et al. (2016) Epigenetic age acceleration predicts
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about the ancestry of a sample source
man case cohort. Clin. Epigenet. 8, 64
or some physical traits, such as skin In conclusion, the existing legal frame- 6. Marioni, R.E. et al. (2016) The epigenetic clock and telo-
color and hair texture, as a basis to works that regulate the use of DNA anal- mere length are independently associated with chronolog-
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7. Zheng, Y. et al. (2016) Blood epigenetic age may predict
nicity [11,13,14]. Arguably, phenotypic adequately address the privacy concerns cancer incidence and mortality. EBioMedicine 5, 68–73
profiling for such purposes is not precise associated with using emerging epige- 8. Spólnicka, M. et al. (2018) DNA methylation signature in
blood does not predict calendar age in patients with
or informative enough and might ‘mis- netic biomarkers. Similar uncertainties chronic lymphocytic leukemia but may alert to the pres-
lead police investigations and/or lead to are underlined in the discussion related ence of disease. Forensic Sci. Int. Genet. 34, e15–e17

490 Trends in Genetics, July 2018, Vol. 34, No. 7

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November 11, 2021. For personal use only. No other uses without permission. Copyright ©2021. Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
9. Vidaki, A. and Kayser, M. (2017) From forensic epigenetics 11. Kayser, M. and De Knijff, P. (2011) Improving human 13. Ossorio, P.N. (2006) About face: forensic genetic testing
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intelligence. Genome Biol. 18, 238 molecular biology. Nat. Rev. Genet. 12, 179–192 14. Cho, M.K. and Sankar, P. (2004) Forensic genetics and
10. Forensic Genetics Policy Initiative (2017) Establishing Best 12. Murphy, E. (2013) Legal and Ethical Issues in Forensic DNA ethical, legal and social implications beyond the clinic. Nat.
Practice for Forensic DNA Databases, Forensic Genetics Phenotyping. NYU School of Law, Public Law Research Genet. 36, S8–S12
Policy Initiative Paper No. 13–46

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