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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 – Cagayan Valley
Division of Quirino
Summative Test
Quarter 1
Discipline and Ideas in Social Sciences

Name: ______________________________________________________ Date:____________________

Year/ Section: _______________________________________________ Score: __________________
For number 1-10, refer to the choices below.
Write A if Z and Q are both true.
Write B if Z is false and Q is true.
Write C is Z is true and Q is false.
Write D if Z and Q are both false.
_____1. Z. Quantitative research design is the most reliable and valid way of concluding results, giving way
to a new hypothesis or to disproving it.
Q. Quantitative methods also tend to turn out only proven of unproven results, leaving room for
uncertainty, or gray areas.
_____ 2. Z. Quantitative research cannot be costly, difficult and time-consuming because most researchers
are non- mathematicians.
Q. Quantitative methods cannot be repeated to verify findings in another setting, thus, reinforcing
validity of findings.
_____ 3. Z. Quantitative research puts emphasis on proof, rather than discovery.
Q. Quantitative research has its own set of strengths as well as weakness.
_____ 4. Z. Quantitative experiments filter out external factors, if properly designed.
Q. Results in quantitative experiments are real and unbiased in all circumstances.
_____ 5. Z. Quantitative research is objective.
Q. Quantitative research is observable.
_____ 6. Z. Quantitative studies require extensive statistical treatment, requiring stringent standards.
Q. In quantitative studies information is difficult to gather using structured research instruments.
_____ 7. Z. Quantitative research is defined as a systematic investigation of phenomena by gathering
quantifiable data.
Q. Quantitative research is mostly conducted in the social sciences using statistical methods.
_____ 8. Z. In quantitative studies, researchers and statisticians deploy mathematical frameworks and
theories that pertain to the quantity under question.
Q. Quantitative studies is more reliable when used to small group of population.
_____ 9. Z. Quantitative research is more accurate than qualitative research.
Q. Quantitative research is predictable.
_____ 10. Z. Quantitative studies are exquisite and solve enigmas of the society.
Q. Quantitative studies are produced by mathematician only.
______ 11. Which of the following types of quantitative research have two groups named; experimental
group and control group?
a. Correlational b. Experimental c. Descriptive d. Survey
______ 12. Which of the following types of quantitative research deals with the subject of the research in a
definite or exact manner and determines the extent of the effects or influence of the treatment on the subject?
a. Inferential b. Evaluation c. Descriptive d. Experimental
_____ 13. Which of the following statements is NOT importance of quantitative research?
a. The quality of man man’s life will be improved from conventional to modern.
b. Quantitative research, makes life richer and meaningful.
c. Poverty were alleviated.
d. People find ways to bought enigma and predicament to the society.
______ 14. Which of the following sentences states falsification?
a. All progress is born of inquiry.
b. Quantitative research found ways to augment people’s income.
c. Research is not necessary in the life of people, it is a burden to the life of students.
d. Research makes life richer and meaningful.
______ 15. Which of the following leads to invention?
a. Inquiry b. Modern times c. Inductive thinking d. Organization
For number 16-20, identify the dependent variable in the title given below.
______ 16. Increasing Pandemic Survival of the Students through Proper Hygiene
a b c d
______ 17. The Impact of Blended Learning to the Performance of Students
a b c d
______ 18. Conceptual, Interpersonal, and Technical Skills of Bank Managers; their Relationship to
a b c
Personal Efficiency
______ 19. Effectiveness of Exposing Students in Classical Music on Reading Comprehension
a b c d
______ 20. Organizational Commitment and Teaching Performance of Elementary Teachers in the District
a b c
Pilla Rizal
For number 21-25, identify the independent variable in the title given below.
_____ 21. New Normal: Factors Affecting the Academic Performace of Grade 6 in Campamento Diffun
a b c d
_____ 22. New Normal: Effect of COVID 19 in the Life of Farmers in Baguio Village
a b c d
_____ 23. Problems Encountered by the Barangay Officials of Magsaysay Diffun Quirino in
a b c
and Monitoring COVID Protocol
_____ 24. A Study on the Benefits of Meditation for Nursing Profession
a b c d
_____ 25. Relationship of Video Games and Academic Achievement of SHS Students via
a b c
Quantitative Analysis
For number 26-30, refer to the choices below
a. In research, a variable refers to “any entity that can take on different values.
b. Anything that can vary can be considered a variable.
c. In order to carry out any sort of measurement, we need to think about variables; that is,
characteristics that vary form one person to person, text to text, or object to object.
d. Variables are features or qualities that change.
e. Independent variable is a variable that is changed by the other variables it probably causes,
influences or affects outcomes.
f. Dependent variable is a result of the influence of the independent variable.
______26. Which of the above statements defines variable?
a. A, B, C and D only b. A and B only c. A, B, C, D and F d. A, B, C, D and E
______ 27. Which of the above statements is a variable as stated by Trochim (2020)?
a. A and B b. B only c. C and D d. E and F
______ 28. Which of the above statements is a variable according to Mack and Gass (2005)?
a. A and B b. C only c. B only d. D only
______ 29. Which of the above statements cites the types of variables?
a. A and B b. C and D c. E and F d. A and F
______ 30. Which of the above sentences states nullity?
a. A and B b. C c. D d. E
II. Enumeration: Name 4 characteristics of Qualitative Research. Describe each and give one concrete
example. (5pts each)

Prepared by: Certified Correct:


Subject Teacher Master Teacher II


Senior Education Program Specialist

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