1 Day Reviewer: Example: Swimming, Rafting, Mountain Climbing, Cycling, Etc

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ACTIVITIES- requires one to

expand energy while performing.
Engage for a purpose of relaxation
or enjoyment rather than formal
Example: Swimming, rafting,
mountain climbing, cycling, etc.
OUTDOOR- natural or semi-environment
activities done during one’s free time for
and resources outside an enclosed area.
individual reasons, needs, or interest
where a certain interaction takes place
between man and an element of nature.
• Mountaineering • Swimming • Parasailing
Most people answer on when and why
• Trekking • Snorkeling • Skydiving
do people engage in outdoor • Hiking • Diving • Paragliding
recreation. • Camping • Surfing
✓ Done during vacation or school • Backpacking • Canoeing
• Picnic • Kayaking
• Bird watching • Whitewater
✓ Wants to have fun. • Mountain Rafting
✓ To be done outdoor with nature. Biking • Sailing
• Orienteering • Fishing
• Canyoneering • Bamboo
Reasons why people engage in ORAs
• Rock Climbing Rafting
1. Some do it for personal satisfaction
2. A time away from day-to-day -Being outdoors prevents a
routine. person from having a sedentary
3. To attain certain fitness level. life. This is a great distraction from
4. To be in touch with nature. gadgets. It allows people to move,
5. For personal pursuit such as whether by walking, running,
photography, collecting seashells, swimming, biking, paddling, etc.
reaching the top of a mountain or 2. PSYCHO-EMOTIONAL
conquer the rapids of a river. BENEFITS
-Being outdoors also improves
our self-esteem, confidence, and
RECREATION- derived from the Latin creativity.
word recreare which means to be 3. SOCIAL BENEFITS
refreshed. It is the activities done during -Outdoor recreation also
free time for enjoyment, fulfillment, and promotes stewardship. This is the
relaxation which are freely chosen which way for families to become closer.
have socially redeeming values. 4. ECONOMIC BENEFITS
- People who have a relaxed
TWO TYPES OF RECREATION: body and mind tend to be more
➢ PASSIVE RECREATIONAL productive at work. This translates
ACTIVITIES- done during leisure into efficiency at the workplace.
but a sedentary position. It 5. SPIRITUAL BENEFITS
refreshes/restore one’s strength. - Being one with nature
Example: Camping, picnic, nature brings certain calmness within a
sight seeing, photography, etc. person.
- Were you able to carry out your
day-to- day task with alertness and
- Have you been too spending too
much with your gadgets?
- Has your body been getting
enough rest and sleep?
- Have you been dependent on fast
foods, chips, and sodas?
- Have you been heavily stressed
with schoolwork?
- Are you eating on time?




➢ Check the place. Check if your
planned activity is permitted. Make
sure to know the rules, guidelines,
and safety procedures they have
1. No Parking
2. No Left Turn
➢ Prepare the equipment needed.
3. Flammable
Make sure you have the needed
4. No Smoking
equipment for your activity and the
5. Pedestrian Crossing not Allowed
skills needed to undertake the
6. Road Slippery when Wet
7. Traffic Light Ahead
➢ Know how to address to
8. 60 Speed Limit
emergencies. Plan how to cope in
9. No Entry (One way Traffic)
case emergency arises.
10. No Overtaking
➢ Check the weather. Check the
11. Truck Prohibited
weather forecast and be prepared
12. Rock falling
for changing weather conditions.
➢ Keep your group small. To
minimize environmental impact
and for safety reasons.
➢ Outdoor recreation involves a lot of
➢ Use map. Avoid markings and
physical activities, but it does not
leaving marks on rocks and the
require one to have athletic level
skills to be able to participate.
➢ The ff. might be considered in
preparing one’s body to do outdoor
➢ Walk, run bike and or camp
✓ Take Health-Related
durable surfaces. Like
Physical Fitness Test.
established tracks, rocks, gavel,
✓ Reflect back on the
and dry grasses.
activities for the past
➢ Avoid walking on soft surfaces.
weeks or months and
You might be trampling on a young
lifestyle as a student such
tree or pasture and this will cause
vegetation damage.
➢ Use existing trail or campsites. mating, nesting, or raising the
No need to build a new campsite young.
that will alter the environment. ➢ Do not feed wild animals. The
➢ Walk in a single file. To avoid food might damage their health or
erosion. alter their natural behaviors and
➢ Keep the campsite small and even expose them to predators.
discreet. ➢ Protect wildlife and protect your
food as well. By restoring and
PRINCIPLE 3: DISPOSE OF WASTE securing the trash well.
PROPERLY ➢ Do not bring your pets with you.
➢ “Pack it in, pack it out.” It means
that everything you brought should PRINCIPLE 7: BE CONSIDERATE OF
be brought back with you including OTHER VISITORS
left-over food or fruit peel. Nothing ➢ Respect people who lived and
should be left. work in the countryside.
➢ For human waste, covered it ➢ Let others have a momentous
with soil or with leaves. experience as well.
➢ Use biodegradable soap when ➢ Allow the sound of nature to
washing dishes. Dishes should prevail. Not your noise or your
be washed 200 feet away from audio.
lakes or rivers. ➢ Be courteous. Yield to others on
a trail.
PRINCIPLE 4: LEAVE WHAT YOU FIND ➢ Camp away from trails and other
➢ Do not touch nor leave marks on visitors.
any archeological structure, old
walls and the like. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS IN
➢ Leave nature as you find them. MOUNTAINEERING
Do not take any plant, rocks,
plants, or marine animal with you. TIPS FOR FIRST TIME MOUNTAIN
➢ Avoid non-native plants and CLIMBERS
animals. - The Philippines is blessed with many
➢ Do not build structures, mountains situated in different provinces.
furniture, or dig trenches. ➢ Opt for mountains suited to your
fitness level.
PRINCIPLE 5: MINIMIZE CAMPFIRE ➢ Train before the hike.
IMPACTS ➢ Check the weather.
➢ Use lightweight stove for ➢ Prepare your essentials.
cooking. Campfires can cause ➢ Secure a guide.
lasting impacts. ➢ Enjoy the hike.
➢ Keep fires small. Use only sticks
from the ground that can be broken TRAIL SIGNS AND LABELS
by hand. - Clearly mark trails with these easy-
➢ Do not burn plastics or other to-read recreation signs.
materials that emits toxic fumes. - These signs are best used in areas
➢ Make sure fired are completely where hiking and other recreational
out. Scatter the cool ash. trail activities are permitted.


➢ Observe wild animals from a
distance. They should be avoided
during sensitive times such as

- Defined as a sport in attaining or
attempting to attain high points in
mountainous regions, mainly for
the pleasure of the climb.
- Enthusiasts see this as a sport, a
profession or recreation as it
challenges one’s determination,
capacity, and skills.

How did Mountaineering Begin as an

➢ Horace- Benedict de Saussre
saw Mont Blance in the Alps of
Europe. He was challenged by its
height and that brought his
determination that one day he will
reach the peak.
➢ Michael Gabriel Paccard and
Jaques Balmart claimed the
Saussre’s prize money in 1786.
➢ Year 1850 a groups of British,
Swish, Italian climbers scaled the
high peaks of Switzerland.
➢ Mountaineering was then being
distinguished as a sport as more
and more climbers were
conquering peaks throughout

➢ In the Philippines, first attempt to

climb Mt. Apo (highest peak in
the Ph) was recorded in 1852 by
Jpse Oyanguren and in 1870 by
Señor Real. However, both failed
to reach the peak.
➢ It was October 10, 1880 that a
successful expedition lead by Don
Joaquin Rajal was recorded.

BUSINESS- is part and parcel of human

society, is an entity in which economic
resources or inputs, such as materials and
labor, are put together and processed to
provide goods or services or outputs to

Why engage in business? Of course to

ORGANIZATIONS ✓ Just and reasonable
▪ Service Businesses provide treatment of the
services rather than products to stakeholders
customers. ✓ Free from discrimination
▪ Merchandising Businesses sell and according to the rules
products they purchase from other and principles of the
businesses to customers. corporation.
▪ Manufacturing Businesses • ACCOUNTABILITY
change basic inputs into products ✓ Assume complete
that are sold to customers. responsibility.
✓ Answerable for his/her
FORMS OF BUSINESS ORGANIZATION decisions, actions, and
1. Sole Proprietorship- a business behaviors.
owned by one person. • TRANSPARENCY
2. Partnership- an association of two ✓ Openness and willingness
or more people as partners; it by the company to provide
refers to an arrangement in which clear, factual, and timely
the individuals share the profits information on the financial
and liabilities of a business situation, performance,
venture. ownership, and corporate
3. Corporation- an entity created by governance of the
law that is separate and distinct company.
from its owners and its continued
existence is dependent upon the COMMON PRACTICES IN BUSINESS
corporate statues of the state in ORGANIZATIONS
which it is incorporated. 1. Employee Conduct
2. Equal Opportunity (Fairness)
3. Attendance and Time Off
(Accountability, Fairness)
4. Computer Use (Transparency,
5. Noncompetition (Fairness)
6. Finance and Accounting
Examples of morally unacceptable CLASSICAL ETHICAL
policies and practices PHILOSOPHIES AND
1. Bribery
2. Conflict of interest and loyalty ETHICS
3. Harassment ➢ These are the principles of
4. Forced overtime conduct governing an individual
or group.
Examples: personal ethics
CODES OF ETHICS FOR BUSINESS (rules by which an individual lives
his or her personal life), accounting
ethics (codes that guide the
professional conduct of
➢ It is the study of morality.

➢ It is the “study of the fundamental
nature of knowledge, reality, and
➢ It helps us better understand who
we are, why we are here, and
where we are going.

• VIRTUE ETHICS- Virtuous, or
moral character.
ethics adhering to ethical
morality of an action upon the
consequences of the outcome.

Christians glorify God in many
ways through worship, evangelism,
giving alms, having faith and doing
actions in imitation of God. They
apply their beliefs to align with
business practices are
demonstrated in examples below:
1. In producing goods
2. In employing people and
being employed
3. In buying and selling
4. In earning profit

The Islamic Code of Ethics is
governed strictly so that Muslims
are required to behave in
accordance to it because all
dealings are witnessed by Allah.
Adherence to the moral code and
ethical behavior is part of the Six
Pillars of Iman.
1. Practice freedom of
2. Be honest and truthful
3. Trade through mutual
4. Treat workers fairly
5. Keep one’s word
6. Be humble
7. Seek halal earnings

Buddhism’s main tenet is to do
no harm. An analysis will show that
Buddhism can affect business
practices positively.
1. Foster minimalistic world
view and free oneself
from worldly
2. Strike a balance between 4. Right action (Samma
toiling and overworking. kammanta)- abstaining from
3. The Eightfold path states killing, stealing, and sexual
to say the truth, practice misconduction.
non-harm in words and
actions, and commit no 5. Right livelihood (Samma
wrong. ajiva)- abstaining from wrong
and corrupt means of
4. Must free oneself from
temptations, cravings,
and distractions. 6. Right effort (Samma
5. No exploitation. vayama)- awakening zeal for
abandoning unwholesome
IMPACT OF JUDAISM IN states; arising and sustaining
BUSINESS PRACTICES wholesome states.
There are 613 mitzvot
(commandments) that are equal in 7. Right mindfulness (Samma
importance to the “Ten Commandments”. sati)- constant contemplation
1. Business in good faith. on body, feelings, mind, and
2. Treatment of workers. Buddhist teachings.
3. Trading
8. Right concentration (Samma
samadhi)- abandoning lust ill-
will, sloth-torpor, worry,
agitation, and doubt through
1. Belief in the existence and unicity
of Allah.
2. Belief in the existence of Angels.
3. Belief in the books of Allah.
4. Belief in Allah’s messengers and
that Muhammad is the last of them.
5. Belief in the Day of Judgement.
6. Belief in the Qadhaa’ & Qadr
(Doom & Divine Decree)


1. Right understanding
(Samma ditthi)- to understand
wholesome deeds and
comprehend the law of Karma.

2. Right thought (Samma

sankappa)- the intention of
non-greed, non-hatred, and

3. Right speech (Samma vaca)-

abstaining from false,
malicious, harsh speech and
idle chatter.
EMPOWERMENT TECHNOLOGIES or data a computer processor
reads in order to perform a task or
TECHNOLOGY function, software is not functional.
Everything that a computer does,
ICT- stands for INFORMATION AND from the time you turn the power
COMMUNICATIONS TECHNOLOGY that switch on until you shut the system
deals with the use of different down, is under the control of
communications technologies such as software.
mobile phones, telephone, internet, etc., to 2 general categories of software:
locate, save, send, and edit information. ➢ System Software- includes the
programs that are dedicated to
COMPUTER- an electronic device that managing the computer’s
manipulates and is capable of accepting, hardware and software resources
processing, displaying and restoring data. in order for the computer to work
• High Speed ✓ Operating System (OS)
• Accuracy ✓ Software Utilities
• Storage Capability ✓ Disk Operating System
• Diligence (DOS)
• Versatility
➢ Application Software- productivity
programs or end-user programs
TYPES OF COMPUTER: that enables users to complete
task such as creating documents,
▪ SUPERCOMPUTERS- used to doing online research, sending
process very large amounts of email, designing graphics and
information including processing even playing games.
information to predict hurricanes, Examples:
satellite images and navigation, ✓ Word Processing
and process military war scenarios. Software
▪ MAINFRAMES- used by ✓ Spreadsheet Software
government and businesses to ✓ Database Software
process very large amounts of ✓ Presentation Graphic
information. Software
▪ PERSONAL COMPUTERS (PC)- ✓ Graphics Software
smaller and less powerful than the ✓ Multimedia Software
others. They are used in homes,
schools, and small businesses. PARTS OF A COMPUTER


Motherboard, Microprocessor,
Memory Chips, Buses, Ports,
• A. PEOPLEWARE- refers to the
Expansion Slots, and Cards.
role people play in usage,
maintenance, and development of
hardware and software.
circuit board of a computer. It
• B. HARDWARE- refers to the set
contains all the circuits and
of electronic program instructions
components that run the computer.
(CPU)- The processor is the main ✓ Monitor
“brain” or “heart” of a computer ✓ Speakers
system. It performs all of the ✓ Printers
instructions and calculations that ✓ Projectors
are needed and manages the flow
of information through a computer.
computer’s working storage space INFORMATION
that holds data, instructions for COMMUNICATION
processing and processed data TECHNOLOGY
(information) waiting to be sent to
secondary storage. Digital Natives- a person born or
TYPES OF PRIMARY STORAGE brought up during the age of digital
✓ Read Only Memory (ROM)- Is technology.
non-volatile, meaning it holds data
even when the power is ON or ICT IN OUR COUNTRY
OFF. ➢ In Philippines, dubbed by most as
✓ Random Access Memory (RAM)- the ICT Hub in Asia due to the
Is volatile, meaning it holds data growth of BPO Industries.
only when the power is ON. ➢ Time Magazine’s “The Selfiest
Cities Around the World for 2014”
▪ SECONDARY STORAGE placed two cities from the
DEVICES- Device use for storing Philippines in the top 1 and 9
or safekeeping of files. spots.
Examples: Makati City- Ranked 1st
✓ Floppy Disk Drive (Diskette) Cebu City- Ranked 9th
✓ Optical Drives ➢ Philippines is one of the largest
• CD- Compact Disc countries which houses BPO
• VCD- Video Compact Disc centers.
• DVD- Digital Versatile Disc ➢ There are 106.8 cellphones for
✓ Hard Disk Drive (HDD) every 100 Filipinos.
✓ Flash Disk Drive (FDD)
✓ Solid State Drive (SSD) Tim Berners-Lee created the World Wide
▪ INPUT DEVICES- Device used to
enter data or give instructions to Web 1.0 (Static Page) – it is the
the computer. “readable” phrase of the World
Examples: Wide Web with flat data. A static
✓ Keyboards pages’ meaning users cannot
✓ Mouse interact with the page and the page
✓ Microphone is in read-only format.
✓ Camera Examples:
✓ Stylus Pen ✓ Shopping carts
✓ Touch Screen ✓ Mp3.com
✓ Bar Code Reader
✓ Scanners Web 2.0 (Dynamic Page)- it is the
“writable” phrase of the World
▪ OUTPUT DEVICES- Device that Wide Web with interactive data. It
are used to display or produce the allows users to interact more freely
outputs of the computer. with each other. It also encourages
participation, collaboration, and Web 3.0 and the Semantic Web
information sharing. ❖ Semantic Web- is a movement led
Examples: by the Word Wide Web
✓ YouTube Consortium (W3C). It provides a
✓ Flickr framework that allows data to be
✓ Facebook shared and reused to deliver web
content specifically targeting the
Web 2.0- Dynamic Webpage user.
• The term used to describe the ❖ Web 3.0- It is the “executable”
collection of web applications used phrase of Word Wide Web with
for interaction and collaboration. dynamic applications, interactive
• It was coined by Darcy DiNucci in services, and “machine-to-
1999. It does not refer to a new machine” interaction. One
version of the web, just a refocus example of Web 3.0 is Tivo, a
of its use. digital video recorder. Its recording
• It is more than the retrieval of program can search the web and
information. It is the participation read what it finds to you based on
in a website. your preferences.

Features of Web 2.0 Several Problems of Web 3.0

1. Folksonomy. It allows users to 1. Compatibility. HTML files and
categorize and classify/arrange current web browsers could not
information freely chosen support Web 3.0.
keywords (tagging). This is also 2. Security. The user's security is
referred to as hashtag. also in question since the machine
2. Rich User Experience. Content is is saving his or her preferences.
dynamic and is responsive to 3. Vastness. The World Wide Web
user’s input. An example would be already contains billions of web
a website that shows local content. pages.
3. Long Tail. Services are offered on 4. Vagueness. Certain words are
demand rather than on a one-time imprecise. The words "old" and
purchase. In certain cases, time- "small" would depend on the user.
based pricing is better than file- 5. Logic. Since machines use logic,
size-based pricing or vice versa. there are certain limitations for a
4. User Participation. The owner of computer to be able to predict what
the website is not the only one who the user is referring to at a given
is able to put content. time.
(Amazon.com, Online stores)
5. Software as a Service. Users will Trends in ICT
subscribe to a software only when 1. Convergence- is the synergy of
needed rather than purchasing technological advancements to
item. (Google Docs, Word work on similar goal or task. For
Processor) example, besides using your
6. Mass Participation. It is a diverse personal computer to create word
information sharing through documents, you can now use your
universal web access. It is based smartphone.
on people from various cultures. 2. Social Media- a website,
application, or online channel that
enables web users to create, co-
create, discuss, modify, and
exchange user generated content.
Six types of Social Media: of the devices capability to do the
A. Social Networks. Sites that allow tasks that were originally found in
you to connect with other people PCs.
with the same interests or
background. Mobile OS:
Examples: A. iOS - used in Apple devices such
✓ Facebook as the iPhone and iPad.
✓ Google+ B. Android- an open source
operating system developed by
B. Bookmarking Sites. Sites that Google. Being open source means
allow you to store and manage several mobile phone companies
links to various websites and use this OS for free.
resources. C. Blackberry OS - used in
Examples: Blackberry devices.
✓ StumbleUpon D. Windows Phone OS- a closed
✓ Pinterest source and proprietary operating
system developed by Microsoft.
C. Social News. Sites that allow E. Symbian- the original smartphone
users to post their own news items OS; used by Nokia devices.
or links to other news sources. F. Webos- originally used for
Examples: smartphones; now used for smart
✓ Reddit TVs.
✓ Digg G. Windows Mobile- developed by
Microsoft® for smartphones and
D. Media Sharing. Sites that allow pocket PCs.
you to upload and share media
content like images, music, and
video. 4. Assistive Media- is a non-profit
Examples: service designed to help people
✓ Flicker who have visual and reading
✓ YouTube impairments. A database of audio
✓ Instagram recordings is used to read to the
E. Microblogging. Sites that focus
on short updates from the user.
✓ Twitter Internet- defined as the
✓ Plurk information superhighway.
Online Safety and Security-
F. Blogs and Forums. Websites common threats faced by the
allow users to post their content. netizens everyday include other
Examples: netizens with malicious intent
✓ Blogger (scamming, phishing, and other
✓ WordPress cybercrimes), unsecured
✓ Tumblr programmed web applications, and
malwares (virus, worm, trojan
horse, etc.)
3. Mobile Technologies- The
popularities of smartphones and
tablet has taken a major rise over
the years. This is largely because
Here are some tips to help you stay safe
when using the Internet.
1. Be mindful of what you share
online and what site you share it
2. Do not just accept terms and
conditions; read it.
3. Check out the privacy policy page
of a website to learn how the
website handles the information
you share.
4. Know the security features of the
social networking site you use. By
keeping your profile private, search
engines will not be able to scan
your profile.
5. Do not share your password with
6. Avoid logging in to public
networks/Wi-Fi. Browsing in
"incognito (or private) mode," a
feature of the browser, will not Internet Threats
protect you from hackers. Here are some of the threats you should
7. Do not talk to strangers whether be aware of when using the Internet:
online or face-to-face. 1. Malware - stands for malicious
8. Never post anything about a future software.
vacation. It is similar to posting, a. Virus - a malicious program
"Rob my house at this date." designed to replicate itself and
9. Add friends you know in real life. transfer from one computer to
10. Avoid visiting untrusted websites. another either through the Internet
11. Install and update an antivirus and local networks of data storage
software on your computer. Use Like flash drives and CDs.
only one anti-virus software to b. Worm - a malicious program that
avoid conflicts. transfers from one computer to
12. If you have a Wi-Fi at home, make another by any type of means
it a private network by adding a Often, it uses a computer network
password. to spread itself. For example, the
13. Avoid downloading anything from ILOVEYOU worm (Love Bug
untrusted websites. You are most Worm) created by a Filipino,
vulnerable in peer-to-peer c. Trojan - a malicious program that
downloads (torrents) as the is disguised as a useful program
download is most likely not but once downloaded or installed,
monitored by the site owner. leaves your PC unprotected and
14. Buy the software; do not use allows hackers to get your
pirated ones. Information.
15. Do not reply or click links from *Rogue security software -
suspicious emails. tricks the user into posing that it is
a security software. It asks the
user to pay to improve his/her
security but in reality, they are not ➢ This could impact not your
protected at all. reputation but also the people
d. Spyware - a program that runs in around you.
the background without you
knowing it (thus called "spy”). It Think Before You Click
has the ability to monitor what you T- Is it True?
are currently doing and typing H- Is it Helpful?
through keylogging. I- Is it Inspiring?
*Keyloggers- used to record N- Is it Necessary?
the keystroke done by the users. K- Is it Kind?
This is done to steal their
password or any other sensitive 1. Before you post something on
information. It can record email, the web, ask these questions to
messages, or any information you yourself:
type using your keyboard. • Would you want your
e. Adware - a program designed to parents or grandparents
send you advertisements, mostly to see it?
as pop ups. • Would you want your
future boss to see it?
2. Spam - unwanted email mostly 2. Your friends depend on you to
from bots or advertisers. It can be protect their reputation online.
used to send malware. Talk to your friends about this
3. Phishing- Its goal is to acquire serious responsibility.
sensitive personal information like 3. Set your post to "private" In this
passwords and credit card details. way, search engines will not be
This is done by sending you an able to scan that post.
email that will direct the user to 4. Avoid using names. Names are
visit a website and be asked to easy for search engines to scan.
update his/her username, 5. If you feel that a post can affect
password, credit card, or personal you or other's reputation, ask
information. the one who posted it to pull it
*Pharming - a more down or report it as
complicated way of phishing where inappropriate.
it exploits the DNS (Domain Name
Service) system. Copyright Infringement
Intellectual Property- an idea, an
4. Scamming- an act of the attacker invention, a form of literary work, or
that seeks to gain the victim’s trust a research, you have the right as
takes advantage of the victim to to how it should be used by others.
perform further attacks. Copyright Law- includes your
5. Hacking- Obtaining unauthorized rights over your work, anyone who
access to data from a certain uses it without your consent is
computer network. punishable with law.
Copyright Page- you will find
Protecting Reputations Online disclaimer with the words: “No part
➢ In the past, doing something of this book may be copied,
embarrassing was not much a big reproduced…”
➢ Nowadays, embarrassing
moments are captured using any
device you could imagine.
Tips that could help you avoid APPLIED PRODUCTIVITY TOOL WITH
copyright infringement: ADVANCED APPLICATION
1. Understand. Copyright protect
literary works, photographs, MICROSOFT WORD- the most
paintings, drawings, films, music important word-processing office
(and lyrics), choreography, and application used by students,
sculptures. teachers, IT professionals and
2. Be Responsible. Even if a companies, etc. around the world.
material does not say that it is FEATURES:
copyrighted, it is not a valid ✓ Template
defense against copyright. ✓ Clipboard
3. Be Creative. Ask yourself whether ✓ Font (Color, Size, Style)
what you are making is something ✓ Paragraph
that came from you or something ✓ Styles
made from somebody else’s ✓ Editing
creativity. ✓ View
4. Know the Law. There are some
limitations to copyright laws. It is ➢ LETTERS- Microsoft enables you
also provision of “fair use” which to create a range of
mean that intellectual property may correspondence from a simple
be used without a consent as long office memo to mail-merged from
as it is used in commentaries, letters with hundreds of addresses.
criticisms, search engines, ➢ ENVELOPES- Can be created or
parodies, news reports, etc. Word can read a letter you have
typed in the program, collect the
Online Research address information and
1. Have a question in mind. Focus automatically create a matching
on a question you want answered. envelope.
2. Narrow it down. Search engines
like Google, Bing, or Yahoo use FORMAT USING MS WORD:
several filters to determine the ✓ Header & Footer
most appropriate result for you. ✓ Headings, Subtitles
3. Advanced Search. The best way ✓ Cover Page
to filter information you get from ✓ Picture (format, arrange)
search engines is by using the ✓ Drop Cap
advanced search. It is also a set of ✓ Table of Contents
digital tool that aid user in ✓ References
performing research. ✓ Page Border, Color & Watermark
4. Look for credible source. Some
wikis, filled with updated
information, are not a credible MICROSOFT EXCEL- Electronic
source. When using wikis, check spread sheet programs were
out the link of the cited text. originally based on paper spread
5. Give credit. Give credit to the sheets used for accounting. The
original author of the page or horizontal rows are identified by
information. To properly site a numbers and the vertical
reference, you may use the format columns by letters of the
below. alphabet.
Name of the person or organization (the author of
the information). Title of the homepage in italics
(title shown in the title bar but is sometimes
missing or unrelated). URL. Date last seen.
Used to create professional looking The act of placing objects within the
slide shows that can be displayed presentation.
on projectors or big screen TVs. 1. Go to Insert tab.
FEATURES: 2. On the Text group, click on
✓ Slide Master Object.
✓ Design 3. The insert Object dialog box would
✓ Transition appear:
✓ Animation (Entrance, Emphasis,
Exit, Motion Path) OPTIONS
✓ Animation Pane a) Creates New- creates a new file
from scratch. You can select on a
CREATING A PRESENTAION wide variety of files listed.
• 24 is the default font size b) Create from file- creates a file
• Dark background = light text from an existing file save in your
• Light Background = dark text drive.
• Color Scheme
• Animation & Transition should be HYPERLINK
on point A text or object that contains a link to
another life, web page, a place in a
CREATING AN EFFECTIVE document, a link to a new document, or an
PRESENTATION email address.
• Minimize- keep slides to a
minimum to maintain a clear LINK TO OPTIONS:
message and to keep the audience a) Existing file or web page- creates
attentive. a hyperlink to website or a local file
• Clarity- avoid being fancy by using saved in your hard drive.
a font style that is easy to read. b) Place in this document- creates a
Make sure that it is also easy to hyperlink that allows you to jump to
read. a specific slide in your
• Simplicity- summarize the
c) Create a new document- creates
information on the screen. Limit
a hyperlink that clicked, creates a
that content to six lines and seven
new document on your specific
words per line also known as 6x7
d) E-mail address- creates a
• Visuals- use graphics to help you
hyperlink that opens Microsoft
in the presentation but not too
outlook that automatically adds
many to distract the audience.
your specified recipient on a new
• Consistency- make your design
uniform. Avoid having different font
styles and backgrounds.
• Contrast- use light font on dark
background or vice versa. In most
instances, it is easier to read on
the screen if the background is

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