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Momentum and Collisions

Linear Momentum

 The linear momentum of a particle or an

object that can be modeled as a particle of
mass m moving with a velocity v is defined to
be the product of the mass and velocity:
 p=mv
 We will usually refer to this as “momentum”, omitting the
 Momentum is a VECTOR.
 It has components. Don’t forget that.
Linear Momentum

 The dimensions of momentum are ML/T

 The SI units of momentum are kg · m / s
 Momentum can be expressed in component
 px = m v x py = m v y pz = m v z
Linear Momentum

Change in momentum:
(a) mv
(b) 2mv
Newton and Momentum

 Newton called the product mv the quantity of

motion of the particle
 Newton’s Second Law can be used to relate
the momentum of a particle to the resultant
force acting on it
dv d  mv  dp
F  ma  m  
dt dt dt
with constant mass.
Newton’s Second Law restated

 The time rate of change of the linear momentum of

a particle is equal to the net force acting on the
 This is the form in which Newton presented the Second
 It is a more general form than the one we used previously
 This form also allows for mass changes
 Applications to systems of particles are particularly
Internal Versus External Forces:
Internal forces act between objects within the
As with all forces, they occur in action-reaction
pairs. As all pairs act between objects in the
system, the internal forces always sum to zero:

Therefore, the net force acting on a system is the

sum of the external forces acting on it.
Two Particles (1 dimension for now)

dptotal dp1 dp2

 
dt dt dt
IF there are NO external forces then
the only forces acting on this systemare
those that are one particle producing a
force on the other.
 Force on P1 is from particle 2 and is F21
 Force on P2 is from particle 1 and is F12

 F21=-F12

The momentum of a SYSTEM of particles that are

isolated from external forces remains a constant of
the motion.
Conservation of Linear Momentum
Textbook Statement
 Whenever two or more particles in an
isolated system interact, the total
momentum of the system remains
 The momentum of the system is conserved,
not necessarily the momentum of an individual
 This also tells us that the total momentum of
an isolated system equals its initial momentum
Example: A 10-kg gun fires a 25-g bullet
with a speed of 300 m/s. What would be
the recoil speed of the gun? Assume the
gun is held lightly so that its recoil is not

pf = pi

mbvb + mgvg = 0

vg = -mbvb/mg = -(0.025)(300)/10 = - 0.75 m/s

Note: If you hold the gun tightly, its recoil

speed will be much less since your mass
adds to the gun in the above calculation.
Consider a particle roaming around that is
suddenly subjected to some kind of FORCE then

p  mv
dp dv
m  ma  F
dt dt
p  constant if F  0
If F  0 then p will change
Let’s drop the vector notation and stick to
one dimension.
dp  Fdt
f tf

 dp   Fdt
i ti

p f  pi   Fdt Impulse

Change of Momentum
Impulse-Momentum theorem

The magnitude of the impulse delivered by

a force over the time interval Dt, is equal to
the area under the force vs. time graph as
in figure (a)

OR equivalently to the area

F Dt in figure (b)

Decreasing momentum over a long time

Car out of control-- hit haystack or brick wall??
Lengthen collision time with softer landing
Airbags in car do the same job--lengthen impact
When jumping down from high place--bend
knees on contact
In judo or in wrestling, take fall with relaxed
Example: A 0.3 kg soccer ball sits at rest before being kicked. The ball is in
contact with the foot for 0.3 seconds and has a final with a velocity of 10 m/s.
What is the average force exerted on the ball?

Consider two particles:


m1 m2

1 2

1 2

V1 V2
The Forces

Equal and Opposite

What goes on during the collision?

Force on m2

Force on m1

Forces exactly mirror each other

Overview: Collisions – Characteristics

 We use the term collision to represent an event

during which two particles come close to each other
and interact by means of forces
 The time interval during which the velocity changes
from its initial to final values is assumed to be short
 The interaction force is assumed to be much greater
than any external forces present
 This means the impulse approximation can be used
Collisions – Example 1

 Collisions may be the

result of direct contact
 The impulsive forces
may vary in time in
complicated ways
 This force is internal to
the system
 Momentum is
Collisions – Example 2

 The collision need not

include physical contact
between the objects
 There are still forces
between the particles
 This type of collision can
be analyzed in the same
way as those that include
physical contact
Types of Collisions
 In an elastic collision, momentum and kinetic energy are conserved
 Perfectly elastic collisions occur on a microscopic level

 In macroscopic collisions, only approximately elastic collisions

actually occur
 Examples:

• Pool balls (approximately)

• Proton-proton collision
 In an inelastic collision, kinetic energy is not conserved although
momentum is still conserved
 If the objects stick together after the collision, it is a perfectly
inelastic collision
 Examples:

• Two cars hitting each other and the bumpers lock up

• Person catching a ball
Collisions, cont

 In an inelastic collision, some kinetic energy

is lost, but the objects do not stick together
 Elastic and perfectly inelastic collisions are
limiting cases, most actual collisions fall in
between these two types
 Momentum is conserved in all collisions
Perfectly Inelastic Collisions

 Since the objects stick

together, they share the
same velocity after the
 m1v1i + m2v2i =
(m1 + m2) vf

Remember to treat these velocities

as vectors. Their direction matters.
Elastic Collisions

 Both momentum and

kinetic energy are
m1v1i  m2 v 2i 
m1v1 f  m2 v 2 f
1 1
m1v1i  m2 v 22i 

2 2
1 1
m1v1 f  m2 v 22 f

2 2
We can simplify the K.E. equation to get a second equation that is linear, instead
of quadratic.
First we multiply by 2 and collect the masses:

Then we can factor both sides of the equation:

Then we rewrite the momentum conservation equation by collecting the masses:

And finally we divide the energy equation by the momentum equation written in
the forms above:

In problems with elastic collisions we can

use this last equation together with the
momentum conservation equation, so we
have two linear equations:
m1v1i  m2 v 2i 
m1v1 f  m2 v 2 f Alternatively, combining these two equations, if I
gave you the initial velocities of the objects you
1 1 could solve for the two final velocities
m1v12i  m2 v 22i 
2 2 simultaneously. Do a bunch of algebra and you
1 1 will get:
m1v12 f  m2 v 22 f
2 2

Elastic Collisions, final

 Example of some special cases

 m1 = m2 – the particles exchange velocities
 When a very heavy particle collides head-on with a very
light one initially at rest, the heavy particle continues in
motion unaltered and the light particle rebounds with a
speed of about twice the initial speed of the heavy particle
 When a very light particle collides head-on with a very
heavy particle initially at rest, the light particle has its
velocity reversed and the heavy particle remains
approximately at rest
Collision Example – Ballistic
 Perfectly inelastic collision –
the bullet is embedded in
the block of wood
 Momentum equation will
have two unknowns
 Use conservation of energy
from the pendulum to find
the velocity just after the
 Then you can find the
speed of the bullet
Let V represent the velocity of the block and bullet immediately after the collision,
mv = (m + M)V
After the collision, the block and bullet have a kinetic energy given by
K.E  m  M V 2
The pendulum swings out and exchanges kinetic energy for potential energy.
m  M V 2  m  M gh V  2 gh
When we put this expression for V in the
equation for momentum conservation and
solve for the bullet velocity v, we get
v 2 gh
Example: As shown in the figure, a bullet of
mass m and speed v passes completely
through a pendulum bob of mass M. The bullet
emerges with a speed v/2. The pendulum bob is
suspended by a stiff rod of length l and
negligible mass. What is the minimum value of
v such that the pendulum bob will barely swing
through a complete vertical circle?

The total horizontal momentum before the collision is

If after the collision the bob has velocity v’, then the total momentum is

Conservation of momentum gives

There are no friction–type forces acting on the system as M moves, so

mechanical energy is conserved.
If we measure height from the bottom of the swing, then the initial potential energy is zero
while the initial kinetic energy is

Suppose at the top of the swing mass M has

speed vtop . Its height is 2l and its potential
energy is Mg(2l) so that its final energy is

so that conservation of energy gives:

The minimum value of v’ occurs when vtop is zero

Example: Consider a frictionless track ABC as
shown in the figure. A block of mass m1 = 5.001 kg
is released from A. It makes a head–on elastic
collision with a block of mass m2 = 10.0 kg at B,
initially at rest. Calculate the maximum height to
which m1 rises after the collision.

The last sentence in the problem implies that in this collision m1 will reverse its direction of
motion and head back up the slope to some maximum height H. We would also guess that
m2 will be given a forward velocity.
Conservation of energy gives us: (with h = 5.00m)
Now m1 makes an elastic (one–dimensional) collision with m2 (with
Two-Dimensional Collisions

 The momentum is conserved in all directions

 Use subscripts for
 identifying the object
 indicating initial or final values
 the velocity components
 If the collision is elastic, use conservation of kinetic
energy as a second equation
 Remember, the simpler equation can only be used for one-
dimensional situations
Two-Dimensional Collision, example

 Particle 1 is moving at
velocity v1i and particle
2 is at rest
 In the x-direction, the
initial momentum is
 In the y-direction, the
initial momentum is 0
Two-Dimensional Collision, example
 After the collision, the
momentum in the x-
direction is m1v1f cos q 
m2v2f cos f
 After the collision, the
momentum in the y-
direction is m1v1f sin q 
m2v2f sin f
Problem-Solving Strategies – Two-
Dimensional Collisions
 Set up a coordinate system and define your
velocities with respect to that system
 It is usually convenient to have the x-axis coincide
with one of the initial velocities
 In your sketch of the coordinate system, draw
and label all velocity vectors and include all
the given information
Problem-Solving Strategies – Two-
Dimensional Collisions, 2
 Write expressions for the x- and y-components of
the momentum of each object before and after the
 Remember to include the appropriate signs for the
components of the velocity vectors
 Write expressions for the total momentum of the
system in the x-direction before and after the
collision and equate the two. Repeat for the total
momentum in the y-direction.
Problem-Solving Strategies – Two-
Dimensional Collisions, 3
 If the collision is inelastic, kinetic energy of
the system is not conserved, and additional
information is probably needed
 If the collision is perfectly inelastic, the final
velocities of the two objects are equal. Solve
the momentum equations for the unknowns.
Problem-Solving Strategies – Two-
Dimensional Collisions, 4
 If the collision is elastic, the kinetic energy of
the system is conserved
 Equate the total kinetic energy before the
collision to the total kinetic energy after the
collision to obtain more information on the
relationship between the velocities
Example: Two cars coming from
perpendicular directions collide, one with
mass 1450 kg and velocity 25 m/s, the
other with mass 1750 kg and velocity 20
m/s. If they stick together, what is their
new velocity?

From conservation of momentum we get m1v1 + m2v2 = (m1 + m2)v3

Separate this vector equation into components, we get
x component: m1v1 =(m1+m2)vx , vx = m1v1/(m1+m2) = 1450(25)/(1450+1750) = 11.33 m/s
y component: m2v2 = (m1 +m2)vy , vy = m2v2 /(m1+m2) = 1750(20) / (1450 + 1750) = 10.94 m/s
The magnitude of the final velocity is v = v2  v2 = 15.75 m/s
x y

The velocity v makes an angle with the x direction given by q = tan-1 vy / vx = 44o
Thus the two cars move off at an angle of 44o from the initial direction of travel of the
1450-kg car.
10. A billiard ball moving at 5.00 m/s strikes a
stationary ball of the same mass. After the collision,
the first ball moves at 4.33 m/s at an angle of 30.0◦
with respect to the original line of motion. Assuming
an elastic collision (and ignoring friction and rotational
motion), find the struck ball’s velocity.

The condition that the total x momentum be conserved gives us:

[ The struck ball has no momentum initially; after the

collision, the incident ball has an x velocity of
(4.33 m/s) cos 30.00.]

Similarly the condition that total y momentum be conserved gives us:

Now that we have the components of the final velocity we can find the speed
and direction of motion. The speed is:

and the direction is found from

So the struck ball moves off with a speed of 2.50 m/s at an angle of 600 below
the x-axis
(Exercise: Use the fact that the collision is elastic to proof that indeed the kinetic
energy is conserved).
Center of Mass
The center of mass of a system is the point where
the system can be balanced in a uniform
gravitational field.
Center of Mass
For two objects:

The center of mass is closer to the more

massive object.
Center of Mass

The center of mass need not be within the object:

Center of Mass
Motion of the center of mass:
Center of Mass

The total mass multiplied by the acceleration of

the center of mass is equal to the net external

The center of mass

accelerates just as
though it were a point
particle of mass M
acted on by
Example: A 2.0 kg particle has a velocity of v1 = (2.0i − 3.0j)m/s, and a 3.0 kg particle has a
velocity (1.0i + 6.0j)m/s. Find (a) the velocity of the center of mass and (b) the total
momentum of the system.


The velocity of the center of mass of the two–particle system is

vCM = (1.4i + 2.4j)m/s

Systems with Changing Mass: Rocket Propulsion

If a mass of fuel Δm is ejected from a rocket

with speed v, the change in momentum of the
rocket is:

The force, or thrust, is

A fully fueled rocket of total mass 5000 kg takes off, exhausting gases at 3.0
x 103 m/s and using its fuel at 50kg/s. What is its upward acceleration?
(Don’t forget gravity!)
Thrust, FR, is the burn rate times the exhaust velocity.
FR = vr = (3.0 x 103 m/s) (50 kg/s) = 1.5 x 105N.
The rocket is acted upon by two forces, as shown: an upward
force, FR, given by the rocket engine, and a downward force,
mg, due to gravity. The initial acceleration of the rocket is given
by the net force divided by the initial mass:
Fnet FR  mg FR . x105 N
a   g  9.8m / s 2

m m m 5x103 kg
a = 20 m/s2 upward.
• Linear momentum:
• Momentum is a vector
• Newton’s second law:
• Impulse:
• Impulse is a vector
• The impulse is equal to the change in
• If the time is short, the force can be quite
• Momentum is conserved if the net external
force is zero
• Internal forces within a system always sum to
• In collision, assume external forces can be
• Inelastic collision: kinetic energy is not
• Completely inelastic collision: the objects
stick together afterward
• A one-dimensional collision takes place along a
• In two dimensions, conservation of momentum
is applied separately to each direction
• Elastic collision: kinetic energy is conserved
• Center of mass:
Summary of Chapter 9
• Center of mass:
• Motion of center of mass:

• Rocket propulsion:

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