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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region VII, Central Visayas
Division of Dumaguete City
Calindagan, Dumaguete City
School Year 2021 - 2022 Page | 1

Senior High School


Business Mathematics
Week 3 – Week 4


Revised and compiled by:

Clareen June E. Dagoy

(Subject Teacher)
This Self-Learning Kit for Business Mathematics is designed specifically for ABM
students in the Senior High School. This is about understanding the use of mathematics in
negotiating problems in business operations. It includes It includes proportions, its types and
examples that is applied in real life scenarios. In this learning kit, you will gain knowledge in
solving problems involving direct, inverse and partitive proportion.

General Instruction:
1.Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the module.
2.Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the activities. (Remember to always put your name,
week number and the subject on your answer sheet)
3.Read the instruction carefully before doing and answering the activity.
4.Observe honesty and integrity in doing and answering the activities.
5.Begin and end this self-leaning module with gratefulness in your life and a smile in your face.

If you encounter any difficulty in answering this self-learning module, do not hesitate to
contact me through this number: 09606745598 or send me a message through my fb account:

Week 3

Content Standard:
The learners demonstrate an understanding of key concepts of ratio and Proportion.

Performance Standard:
The learners are able to formulate and solve problems involving ratio and proportion and use the
concept of proportion in making life decisions.

Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC):

Identify the different kinds of proportions and write examples of real-life situations for each.

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. enumerate the types of proportion;
b. write real-life situations depicting the different kinds of proportion; and
c. appreciate the application of proportions in real life.
Quick Recall
 A ratio is a comparison of two quantities by division
 A proportion is an equality of ratios.

Test whether the following pairs of ratios are PROPORTION or NOT. Write your answers in your answer sheet


In the proportion 5/6 = 10/12, name the four terms, the means, and the extremes.
First term = 5 Second term = 6 Third term = 10 Fourth term = 12
The means are 6 and 10; the extremes are 5 and 12.
Example 1:
300 miles in 6 hours and 250 miles in 5 hours

The ratios simplify to the same value which is 50.

Hence, they are equivalent

Example 2:
P500 for 5 pairs of socks and P300 for 2 pairs of socks
Since the two ratios simplify to different values,
therefore, they are not equivalent.

Two fractions are equivalent/proportion if they have equal values. By multiplying or dividing
both the numerator and denominator by the same amount, an equivalent fraction can be obtained.

Example 1:

Example 2:

Example 3:

 If a kilo of rice costs P50, how come that 10 kilos of rice costs P500?
This explains that the total costs of rice to be paid is directly proportional to the number of kilos bought.

This is direct proportion, when two variables, say x and y, varying such that as x increases, y also increases or
as x decreases, y also decreases proportionally; that is, the ratio is always the same. The same holds true with
the ratio.

Example : Two boxes of chocolates cost PhP180. How much do 7 boxes of chocolates cost?
The more the boxes, the higher the cost; that is, both quantities are increasing. We have a direct proportion. The
ratio no. of box/cost is always the same. That is, no. of box/cost = no. of box/cost.
2/180 = 7/cost ----- cost = 7x180/2 = 1260/2 = P630

 If 2 persons can finish working 6 fishponds in 3 days, then 6 persons can finish 6 fishponds in 1 day.
This shows that the number of days working in 6 fishponds is indirectly/inversely proportional to the number of
persons working.
This is indirect/inverse proportion, wherein two variables, say x and y, varying such that as x increases, y
decreases, or as x decreases, y increases proportionally; that is, the product of x and y is always the same.
Example : In a T-shirt design factory, 5 employees can finish designing 20 t-shirts in one hour. How long will it
take 10 people to make 20 designs?

We see that the more employees on a job, the less time needed to finish the job to complete.

Note: When an increase in one quantity results on to a decrease in another, it shows an inverse proportion.


Activity no. 1
Direction: Solve the following items and identify if it is a direct or indirect proportion. Write and show your
solutions on your answer sheet.
6 points per item (s. = Solution & 1 point = Type of proportion)

1. Jessa buys three bananas for PHP25.00. How much does she have to pay for a dozen of these bananas?

2. A typist can finish 4 pages in 6 minutes. How long will it take him to finish 18 pages?

3. A menu which serves 5 people requires 3 cups of flour. How many cups of flour are needed for the
menu to serve 20 people?

4. To finish a certain job in 8 days, 6 workers are needed. If it is required to finish the same job in 2 days
advance, how many workers have to work?

5. It takes 4 men 6 hours to repair a road. How long will it take 8 men to do the job if they work at the
same rate?
Activity no. 2
Direction: Write two real life experiences/scenarios that show the types of
proportion, don’t forget to write a short explanation (1-2 sentences) on why it is
considered as a direct/indirect proportion experience. Write your answers on your
answer sheet.
(5 points each = 1 experience/scenario per type of proportion)

Example of real life experience:

If we can fit 2 persons in one motorcycle, how many motorcycle would we need for 8 persons.

2 and 8 = number of persons
1 and M = number of motorcycle
2 persons in 1 motorcycle
8 persons in how many motorcycles?
M = 4 (4 motorcycles for 8 persons)

Type of Proportion: Direct proportion, since as the number of persons increases the number of needed
motorcycles increases as well.

1. Direct Proportion experience/scenario

2. Indirect Proportion experience/scenario

Content Standard: Week 4

The learners demonstrate an understanding of key concepts of ratio and Proportion.

Performance Standard:
The learners are able to formulate and solve problems involving ratio and proportion and use the concept of
proportion in making life decisions.

Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC):

Solving problems involving direct, inverse and partitive proportion (ABM_BM11RP-If-4)

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a. differentiate direct, inverse, and partitive proportion;
b. solve problems involving direct, inverse, and partitive proportion; and
c. appreciate the application of proportions in real-life.
Let us recall!

Direction: Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter that corresponds the correct answer. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. At the price of 3 oranges for ₱12.60, how many oranges can be bought for ₱37.80?
A. 1 B. 9 C. 12 D. 158

2. If 14 men can dig a pit in 10 days. How many men can dig it in 7 days?
A. 10 B. 20 C. 30 D. 40

3. A business’s return of investment will be allocated on two business partners: Flor and Jose in the ratio of 3:2,
respectively. If the total income is ₱ 2,400,000. How much will Flor receive?

A. ₱480,000 B. ₱960,000 C. ₱1,440,000 D. ₱2,400,000


***In this lesson, the third type of proportion is added, namely: Partitive Proportion.
Partitive Proportion – a proportion wherein a whole is divided into parts proportional to the given ratio.
Solving Problems on Three Kinds of Proportion
1. Direct Proportion (aside from the example given above in page 4, there is another way on how to solve
this type of proportion)
Ana was able to save ₱300 in 3 days. At this rate how much money will she save in 10 days?
Step 1: Set up the proportion.
money : days = money : days
300 : 3 = x :10

Step 2: Solve the missing terms.

***On the illustration above, when the number of days increase, the amount of savings also increases.

2. Direct/Inverse Proportion (aside from the example given above in page 4-5, there is another way on how
to solve this type of proportion)
Five artists can decorate a stage for a school program in six hours. At the same rate, how many artists are
needed to finish decorating the stage in three hours?
Step 1: Set up the proportion.
more men : less men = more hours : less hours

Step 2: Solve the missing terms.

***In the problem above, since the job must be finished in a shorter period of
time, then we need more artists to decorate the stage.

3. Partitive Proportion
Example 1:
There are 42 fruits in a basket consisting of papayas, oranges and avocados. The ratio of papayas to oranges to
avocados is 4:2:1. How many each fruit are there in the basket?

Step 1: Add the terms in the ratio


Step 2: Divide the total number of units by the terms in the ratio 427 = 6

Step 3. Multiply each term in the ratio by the result in Step 2.

a. No. of papayas: 4 x 6 = 24
b. No. of oranges: 2 x 6 = 12
c. No. of avocados: 1 x 6 = 6
There are 24 papayas, 12 oranges, and 6 avocados in the basket.

Example 2:
Divide 480 in the ratio 2:3:5
Step 1. Add the terms in the ratio. 2 : 3 : 5 = 2 + 3 + 5 = 10

Step 2. Divide the total number of units by the terms in the ratio. 480/10 = 48

Step 3. Multiply each term in the ratio by the result in Step 2.

a. 2 x 48 = 96
b. 3 x 48 = 144
c. 5 x 48 = 240
480 in the ratio of 2:3:5 = 96,144, 240
Example 3:
Jhunrech, Marife and Toneth are business partners. They agreed to divide their profits in the ratio of 1:2:3. How
much should each receive if the total profit is ₱12,000.00?
Step 1. Add the terms in the ratio. 1 : 2 : 3 = 1 + 2 + 3 = 6

Step 2. Divide the total number of units by the terms in the ratio. 12,000/6 = 2,000

Step 3. Multiply each term in the ratio by the result in Step 2.

a. 1 x 2,000 = 2,000
b. 2 x 2,000 = 4,000
c. 3 x 2,000 = 6,000
Jhunrech will receive ₱2,000, Marife will receive ₱4,000 and Toneth will receive ₱6,000.

Multiple Choice. Choose the letter that corresponds the correct answer. Write the letter of the correct answer
on your answer sheet with solutions.
(7 points each = 2 points – letter of the correct answer, 5 points - solution)

1. The exchange rate of peso to a dollar in 2019 is ₱ 51.00. How much you get for $ 7.5?
A. ₱ 7.25 B. ₱ 51.35 C. ₱ 220.05 D. ₱ 382.50

2. A baker uses 2,500 grams of flour to make 4 loaves of sliced bread. How many grams of flour is needed to
make 5 loaves of bread?
A. 20 grams B. 100 grams C. 1,600 grams D. 2,500 grams

3. It takes 4 seamstresses to sew a gown for 6 hours. How long will it take for 7 seamstresses to do a gown if
they work together?
A. 1 3/7 B. 2 3/7 C. 3 3/7 D. 4 3/7

4. Last summer of 2020, Nashtee, Johnren, and Panfilo sold kites in the ratio of 2:3:4. Together, they sold 36
kites. How many kites did each man sell?
A. 8,12,16 B. 12,16,8 C. 16,12,18 D. 12,8,16

5. Mr. Mendez donated ₱60,000 for an upcoming school event. Filipino club, Social Studies Club and the
English club will share the amount in the ratio of 4:3:3. How much will English Club receive?
A. ₱6,000 B. ₱12,000 C. ₱18,000 D. ₱24,000


Bryant, M., et al. 2014. Mathematics Grade 9 Learner’s Material, Deped – IMCS. Pasig City: Vibal Group, Inc.
Lopez, B., Lundag, L., Dagal, K. 2016. Business Math. Pasig city: Vibal Group.
Teaching Guide for Senior High School Business Mathematics. n. d. Quezon City: Commision on Higher
Cajandab, Nelson C. et al, Our World of Math (Quezon City, Vibal Publishing House, Inc., 2013), 206-218.
Lopez, Brian Roy C., Business Math (Quezon City, Vibal Group Inc, 2016), 64-68.



Activity no. 1 30
3 Activity no. 2 / Assessment 10

4 Assessment 35


Checked by:

CLAREEN JUNE E. DAGOY DATE: __________________

Subject Teacher

Please remove this PAGE and ATTACH it in front of your answer sheet.

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