IT RETURNS (It: Chapter 2)

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IT RETURNS (It: Chapter 2)

Written by: Stephen King (based on the novel created by), Moch. Naufal (story by)

Tagline: Return for Oath, Return to Float

Plot Summary: 27 years after their first encounter among each other, Pennywise returns from its
hibernation to life and challenge the Losers to fight it again. Pennywise claims that it no longer had fears
on them, because Pennywise asked for help to someone. But, Pennywise didn’t know that the help it
asked for has consequences that could destroy Pennywise itself more than the Losers ever did.

Chapter One: 27 Years Later


Light rain has been falling to Derry since early afternoon. This year’s rain season is less heavy but
more often than any other seasons. Not heavy enough to create a flood, but often enough to makes the
temperature compete with the winter’s.

Mrs. Mullins was supposed to lifts her clothesline inside, but she can’t miss a single second of
her favourite show. Besides, she can tell her 12 years old daughter to do that after she arrived from
riding her bike. She loves to do that because the sensation makes her feel free. She’s on the way home
now and she has to cross the Kissing Bridge.

She stopped at the tunnel for a while and panting a little. She wiped the water off her face and
smiled in joy. She continued to ride her bike outside the tunnel. The water droplets began to hit her face
when she was paddling out of the tunnel. Unconsciously, she closed her eyes and let go of the
handlebars. She raises both of her hands so that she could enjoy the rain even more.


A car from the opposite direction drove and the driver knows that he can’t stop his car by only
stepping the brake without hit the girl first remembering how slippery the bridge now. She quickly grabs
the handlebars and yank ‘em to the left. That makes her tossed down to the woods where Ben Hanscom
was jumped onto so that he could escape from Henry Bowers and his gang.

The car driver was too afraid to stop and help her so he keeps driving. She rolled down the hill
for few seconds and that made her face scratched up, her nose bleed, and her knee got some bruise.
She groaned in pain while she tried to sit down. She leaned her back on a nearby tree and massaging her
wounded knee.

She could hear the sound of the stream while she’s hissing in pain and looking around for help.
But that’s not the only sound she heard. She also started to hear some footsteps. She’s hoping that
steps come from someone that could help her. The sound’s getting louder and she knew that the steps
must’ve getting closer. She looked to left, no one’s there. She looked right, no one’s there.

She looked back to front. She saw a shoe wore by someone and quickly looked up to finds out
the face of that person. A clown carrying a red balloon on his right hand smiled at her. She shocked a bit
and flinch her back.

“You look in pain. I can help you.” The clown seduces.

She began to get scared and the clown knew it.

“Don’t worry. I’m Pennywise, the dancing clown.”

“Why there can be a clown here?”

“I’m looking for a friend…” Pennywise’s expression showed that he’s expecting a name
spoke out of that girl.


“Sarah, what a nice name you have. If you want to be my friend, I’ll give you a balloon.”

“You said you want to help me.”

“I will. And after you healed, you can have this balloon.” Pennywise held on his right

“I don’t like reds.”

“Oh, I have other balloons, thousands of it. You can take as much as you want in any
colour you like. Here, for a starter.”

Pennywise handed the balloon to her and she accepts it.

“They all float like this one.”

Sarah took a look on that balloon and it covers her face off the form of Pennywise.

“And if you come with me…” his voice is getting heavy.


The balloon popped and Pennywise roared in front of her face, showing his sharp teeth. The
voice of a screaming girl went short but not loud enough to be heard compared with the noise stream.
Few hours later, after receiving a report from Mrs. Mullins, the local police found her bike lying on the
side of the bridge and her body few meters away.
They immediately contacted Mrs. Mullins through the phone and told her the condition of her
daughter’s body when they found her and the presumed chronology of how did she could be dead in
that condition.

Her telephone rang and she quickly stepped to her phone.


“Mrs. Mullins? We’ve found her.”

She cried and screamed loudly soon as she heard the explanation from them. Her legs were
shaken and she couldn’t even stand up.

Next week, your favourite star will come back to fill your afternoon with laugh and joy in The-

Mrs. Mullins suddenly plugged out her telephone and threw it straight to her TV. She turned to
hate her favourite show because it made her become a careless person to her daughter. Meanwhile, a
mining company discovered that there are plenty of silvers buried under the ground outside Derry. But
they have to start digging from under a house that built upon a hill and the house owner didn’t want to
sell it.

Right now, 2 persons are in the living room sitting on a couch and facing the house owner across
the table.

“Take a look at it.” One of the guys put a lump of silver on the table.

“No, I still don’t want to sell it.”

“Oh, come on. Is $500.000 doesn’t enough for you? It’s not even included with the 2%
you’ll got from our profit in the first year.” The other guy said.

“Look, even if you raise it up to 50%, I wouldn’t care. Now, excuse me…” The owner
stood up and stepped to the door

“I have a library to take care.” The owner opened the door and signed them to leave.

“Oh, come on, Mike.”

“No, don’t waste anymore of your gasoline money to come here again. Come on.”

Mike stood up in front of the door as he saw them leaving. He came back inside and took some
food and a glass full of water from the kitchen. He took it upstairs and went into one of the room.
There’s an old man resting on the bed. Mike turned on the light and noticed that the old man awakes.

“What did they offer this time?”

“They added 2% of their first year’s profit.” Mike placed the food and water on the desk
next to the bed.
“You should’ve accept their offer, Mike. Before it’s reducing, and you know that does
gonna happen if you keep refusing.” the old man sat up slowly.

“We don’t need it.” Mike stood up

“We NEED that money to get out of here, Mike! They’re gonna collapse this house down
to hell.”

“They’re gonna do it, only if we leave from here, Leroy. And I’m not leaving, so if you
want to leave, I’ll give you some money and do it yourself.” Mike stepped to the door.

“You fucking prick!”

Mike stopped moving.

“You stayed because you can’t let go of their death. Years you spend just to create an
image if they were still alive. You can’t bring them back, Mike. It’s time to forget about them.”

“How do you think your ass can still be there, huh? It’s because I keep them in mind. If I
ever forgot about them, you and your stupid legs won’t survive a single fucking night in Derry, you
understand?” Mike turned and pointed him as an expression of anger.

“Every pounds of food and drops of water I gave you, it’s because I never forget about
them. And the reason why I’m staying is because so that our worker at the farm could still be working
with us. If we leave them, they’ll have no works to do, and when they find it, it’ll be working with those
miner assholes, and then the history will be repeated all over again.”

Mike took a breath for a while before stepped back to the door.

“History of black people became rich?”

“Of black people became slaves.” Mike closed the door.

He walked outside the house after grabbed his leather jacket and grabbed his bicycle. He
paddled it through the woods into Derry before sunset. The rain is already ended few minutes before
Mike reached the Kissing Bridge’s tunnel. He paddled across the Kissing Bridge when he saw the
ambulance on the side of the bridge. Feeling curious, he stopped his bike and parked it on the other side
of the bridge.

He ran across the bridge to see what’s going on. Other pedestrians were also curious about that.

“Who’s dead?” Mike turned his head to the right.

“Sarah Mullins. Police said she tripped of her bike and fall off to the hill. They said her
body ripped after bumping some trees.”

“Hey, your hand is bleeding.” Said the guy who stood on the left side next to Mike.
He gasped shortly after looked at his palm. Blood dripping off from the scar he still barely can
remember where it came from. Shortly, his wound closed and the blood stops dripping. He remembered
something and quickly ran towards his bike and used it to reach the library as fast as he could.

He arrived there in no time and entered the library without parking his bike first. He quickly
stepped to the reception and jumped across the table.

“Mike, what the hell?”

“Sshhh.” One of the reader shoosed the reception girl.

“(Whispers) I need you to watch this library for few more hours. Can you do that?” Mike
took out a key to unlock one of the drawers and revealed a pistol inside it.

“(Whispers) What are you need the gun for?”

“(Whispers) Just do it. Trust me.” Mike took that gun and kept it inside his jacket before
grabbed her shoulders to calm her down.

He jumped across the table again and ran towards the front door.



He grabbed and rode his bike as fast as he could. He has never been this panicked for years.
Under the street lights, he paddled through one of the darkest night Derry ever had. Meanwhile,
Pennywise just finished up eaten some of the floating kids in its lair.

Its mouth was covered in blood when it walked towards the hole it fades in once when the
Losers successfully defeated it. Pennywise jumped into it and landed 2 seconds later with its knee. It
landed beside a huge double door made of stone. Pennywise stood up and faced the door.

“TURTLE!!!” Pennywise yelled.

Pennywise’s shouts echoed throughout the sewer system and it helped Mike to find its lair.
Mike used his phone’s flashlight to help brighten the way.

“I’ve seen the glimpse of the future you gave me. And the creatures that bring me fear
will return to kill me. If you don’t want me to failed, then help me. Help me to take all my fears away
from me, Turtle.” The giant double door still won’t open and makes it talk behind it.

Pennywise still got no respond from the Turtle. It looked down, and one turtle tapped its shoe
few times. Pennywise bowed to reach and lifted it.

“Thank you.” Pennywise said.

Without any warnings, Pennywise ate the turtle’s head. It felt fresher after ate the turtle and all
fears it has is no longer exists inside it. Suddenly, it heard footsteps came from above. Mike has found
the lair and terrified after seeing the kids are back to floating again. He took out his gun and aware of
any possible outcomes.

Mike heard something from the hole. A growl. Suddenly, Pennywise jumped out of the hole and
ran towards Mike. Even though he already fired some bullets into it, it still couldn’t stop it from choking
him and pinned him onto the wall.

Pennywise is in anger and it almost killing him before it loosens the pressure a little. It started to
get confused. It turned his head to the left, and then to the right. Pennywise looks like it’s expecting
someone. It turned its head back to see Mike.

“No friends now, Mike?”

“Don’t worry, argh, they’ll be here soon. We took an… oath. If you ever returned, we’ll
return too, to kill you.”

“Your words will be the opposite of what’s going to happen. Because that’s what I’m
returned for!”

Pennywise threw Mike away towards the giant pile of stuffs and it made him knocked out.

“Mike. Mike. Mike.”

Mike suddenly woke up and panted after someone called his name. She sat up next to him.

“Mike, what the hell were you thinking?”

“Jess?” Mike sat up and turned his head to the woman.

“Why are you sleeping in front of this creepy house?”

“How did you find me?”

“An autistic boy wandering around in front of the library and yelled that there’s a black
guy sleep on the Neibolt Street. So I came.”

“I got to make some phone calls.”


“I got to make some phone calls.”

Chapter Two: Return for Justice

Bristol, UK.

A long line of people is facing a medium desk inside a book store. It was dominated by teenage
women. All of them who were standing on that line have brought one thing in common… a novel.
Apparently, those who standing on that line is waiting for their turns to get the novel they brought
autographed by its writer… Bill Denbrough.

“There you go.” said Bill smiling when he passed the autographed book to the owner.


Every time he finished sign a book, he slides it to his right where a woman sits on a chair behind
the same table as he did. It was his wife… Audra Denbrough. Bill had been accompanied by Audra ever
since they married 10 years ago. They don’t have kids yet, but that makes them can be focused to write
together, a best-selling horror novels.

“Hi, can you sign my book?” said a nerdy girl stepped forward

“Sure.” Bill smiled when he takes her book. “What is your name?”

Bill turned the first page and used a black pen he held on his right hand to sign on it. He’s still
waiting for her name while he’s signing on the book. He didn’t notice that the girl was leaning in to tell
her name.


Bill’s smile is instantly gone.

“What?” Bill looks up terrified

“I said it’s Greta.”


Bill looked back down to writes her name besides his autograph. He still scared and tried to
remember something. Something he shouldn’t forget about. Audra knew that there’s something wrong
with her husband from the way he looks. That’s what makes her paying attention to him.

“You okay?” Audra turned her head to Bill while she signed Greta’s novel.

“A-a-I’m f-fine.” Bill looked down while massaging the left side of his head using his left

He keeps signing every book they gave to him. Only he didn’t look them in the eye like before.
Bill was just looking down, tried to figure out what’s just happening to him. Another girl stepped forward
and asked for his book she bought to get signed by them.
“Hi, can you sign-“

Bill took that book roughly before she could even finish her words. She got confused why her
idol looks pissed off, but Audra, she kept her eyes locked to her husband because she still can’t figure
what’s wrong with him. Bill turned the cover and held it with his left hand in order to keep it open.

Bill signed that book immediately and slides it to Audra when he finished. Audra still looking at
him in wonder, but then, she ducked her head down to the book Bill slides to her. She turned the

“AAHHH!” Audra threw the book away across the table.

Her short scream makes everyone turned at her. That book’s owner evaded right away when
Audra throws it. Audra’s eyes were widely opened with frowned eyebrows and locked to the book she
threw. Bill already turned his head to her right away after she screamed. The others who’s still standing
on the line, tried to peek. Bill then turned to look at that book she threw. He didn’t notice that Audra
turned at him and observed him.

The book owner’s stepped to that book. She stands up after she picked the book and gasped
after she opened the cover. Mumbles can be heard when Bill stood up to see what’s going on. The girl
turned to Bill and that makes him knows why Audra threw that book. A stain of blood trailed on the
book’s first page. Bill turned to Audra and noticed that she’s locked her eyes to his hand.

“Your hand’s bleeding.” said Audra.

Bill looked down to his right hand and flipped it so that he could see what’s underneath his
palm. He found nothing. He rolled his eyes to his left hand and opened his palm. A slice-shaped scar
opened widely and it flowing some bloods. He stared at it and somehow he didn’t feel surprised, well
not a lot. But he’s more of… shaken. He didn’t know how it’s there or why. He doesn’t even feel any pain
on it.

Few seconds later, bloods stop flowing and the scar closed. He remembered everything. He
remembered why he had a stutter. He remembered his childhood friends. He remembered that they
made a club called the Losers. He remembered Silver. He remembered Derry… Neibolt Street… The Well
House… sewers… the Oath… Pennywise… GEORGIE.

“I h-have to g-g-go home.” Bill rolled his eyes to Audra.

15 minutes later, Bill and Audra arrived at their house. They left the rest of their fans who
haven’t got their book signed. During the trip, Bill didn’t talk nor responding much from Audra’s
questions, but every time she did complaining about his decision that would make their career screwed
up, Bill said that he doesn’t care anything about it and he tried to convince Audra that everything will be
fine… stutteringly.
Bill hoped out of the car before Audra and used his jacket to cover his head from the heavy rain.
He ran to the front door and opened it with a key he took from his pocket before landing his jacket on
the floor and running upstairs to their bedroom. He opened the bedroom door and turned on the light
before he stepped to the closet. Bill slides the door open and kneels to pull out his suitcase. Audra made
it upstairs and stood still on the doorframe facing Bill.

She lifts her left leg and takes off her shoe…

“Bill!” Audra threw off her shoe towards Bill.

Bill’s back got hit by Audra’s shoe. At that moment, Bill stops moving instantly. He turned his
head slowly to Audra and saw her face flowed with tears. Her sob’s gets a bit louder as Bill turned.

“Don’t abandon me… Please. Please, tell me what’s going on. It’s, it’s not you, Bill. Your
stutter and your fears-” Audra cried.

“No- Audra, th- th- this is who I r-re-really am.” said Bill standing up. “I a-always have d-
d-this s-ss-stutter s-since I w-was kid.”

“But you never had a stutter ever since we met.”

“E-e-it’s because I c-can’t remember it. A-any of them. So far, a-all I c-c-could remember
is my mom and dad, a-and…” Bill rolled his eyes to the ceiling and started to flow some tears. “Georgie.”

Bill’s latest word was a whisper so Audra can’t hear it. But Audra knew, she knew that her
husband is in a deep pain. Bill never has gotten this sad even when he wrote some gore acts that
involved children. They never felt any guilt when they did that- describing some painful circumstances
for children from their imagination- in few of their latest novels. In fact-

“What?” Audra stepped closer to Bill.

“I even forgot my own b-b-brother’s death.” said Bill sobbing while covering his face
with both of his hands.

“It’s okay, Bill.” Audra rubbed both of his arms. “But you have to tell me what’s going
on, and then I can help you.”

Bill put down his hands. His face is still wet with tears. He wiped the wetness under his nose.

“E-if I tell you, y-y-you w-wouldn’t believe me. A-and you’ll le-leave me.”

“That is such a FUCKING ironic things to say!” Audra pushed Bill. “And I’ve married you
not just for your love. I’m married you four our trust to each other. If you married me without any of
those reason, then you can leave me and don’t ever think to come back. And just in case, when I find
you feel sorry for leaving me, I’ll kill you. So tell me, what’s going ON!”
Audra had never gotten this angry, unless when she can’t find any ideas. But Bill always there to
help her, and it always worked. Now, he wants to leave her… maybe forever, Bill doesn’t know. He knew
Pennywise. He and the Losers have defeated it once. What’s the difficult doing it twice?

But that’s not the problem. Pennywise’s strength is fear, yet its weakness is fear itself. The key
to defeat It is you have to be brave, and fight It long enough until It fears you. But Bill’s fears to
Pennywise are getting worse. Why?

I saw us, all of us together back to the cistern.

Beverly. She saw the future.

I just remember how we felt. How scared we were.

27 years ago, how Bill felt to Pennywise was not fully fears. It mixed with anger and revengeful
feelings to Pennywise, and he had a bunch of friends too. It doesn’t matter anymore. That happened
because Pennywise killed Georgie, and Bill already had his revenge. Today… is different. All he’s afraid of
at present is the safety of Audra, and his friends who’ve made the same oath as himself. He has all the
reason to come back to Derry and not to.

Now, Bill has 2 options. The first option is staying in silent and hurt both people’s hearts-
excluding their fans that have shipped them together. Another is to tell her everything about his own
problems with Derry and everything in it. The thing is, if he chose the second option, it means that he’ll
make Audra decided whether she wants to help him or not. And Bill knew that the chance for Audra to
help him is high to be happened. She is not a feminist.

“Okay. I j-j-just realized that e-every single idea d-that I put in our b-b-books, is real,
Audra. A-all of those, did happen.”

-Bill unconsciously has written his entire autobiography, only it got polished by Audra’s

“How? How did you know it all has happened before? You have… fought a shape-
shifting evil when you were kid?”

“N-not just me, my f-friends too.”

Audra smiled in relieve.

“That’s why you’re so smart at it. You’ve experienced them.”

They both giggled happily. The only reason Bill was happy is because Audra believe him. But

“I’m coming with you.” Audra stepped pass Bill to the closet.
“What?” Bill turned only to see Audra kneeled in front of the opened suitcase while
putting her clothes there.

“Do you have any idea who has defeated the antagonist in all of our books? A group,

“B-but I have my own g-group. And this is n-n-not a joke, A-Audra. D-that evil is real.”

“That’s why I’m doing this, Bill.”


Bill and Audra turned their head at the same time to the back when they heard the doorbell
rang. Audra closed the suitcase quickly before standing up and ran outside the room.

“Don’t you dare to return my clothes to the closet, Bill!” Audra ordered before running
out of the room.

Audra rushed downstairs to the front door. She peeked through the hole and saw a boy
standing on the other side of the door. He looks cold remembering there’s a heavy rain outside.
Meanwhile, Bill is still standing between the door and the closet with a suitcase in front of it. He
intended to stop her but he doesn’t want to break her heart. Or else, if Audra come with him, it’ll be
easier for Pennywise to reach her and use her to fight him. He stepped quickly to catch up with her. How
surprised he was when he saw Audra lets someone get into their house.

Bill was halfway to downstairs before he stopped moving. He tightens his grip on the banister
and locked his eyes deeply to the strange boy that Audra allowed to get inside their house. It’s not
because of Audra’s decision to let some stranger to get into their house that’s wrong; it’s about the
stranger that she gave permission to come by.

Audra closes the door behind the boy. She didn’t notice that Bill and the boy are staring at each
other. Bill can clearly see that the boy is smirking at him, under the hood of his yellow raincoat. But Bill
couldn’t understand why he can’t move, he’s totally shocked. The boy opens his hood and Audra turned
back only to see Bill stiffing.

“How could you forget me, Bill?” Georgie stopped smirking.

Audra rolled her eyes to the boy in shock. Bill could finally feel his lip and ready to use it.

“AUDRA, GET AWAY FROM HIM!!!” Bill shouted.

Georgie continued to smirk while Audra was about to run to the kitchen on her left. But Georgie
swings his right hand to his back and it suddenly grew longer to reach Audra’s neck and choke her. While
still facing stiffed Bill, he throws Audra to the living room on the opposite of the kitchen. She blacked out
instantly after got her head hit the lamp on the desk and slipped on it. Angrily, Bill running to reach
Georgie and chokes him while pushing him to the door. Somehow, Georgie transformed himself into
someone older, but not as old as Bill.

“You did this to me, Bill. Still, you failed.” The man got pinned and choked by Bill.

“Who the h-hell are you?”

The man shook his head and morphed to a clown.

“I’m your friendly clown, Pennywise.”

Pennywise uses both of its hand to grab Bill’s collars and throws him away to the kitchen. Bill
landed on his back, and before he noticed, Pennywise jumped and landed on top of him. The clown sat
on Bill and pretty much observed him. Then, it pinned Bill’s right hand with its left hand. Pennywise did
nothing else but to stare madly at it.

“Smart.” It turned to Bill. It felt intimidated.

“Why d-d-did you return?” Bill grunted

“Fear doesn’t make, B-B-B-Billy. They’re born by me.”

“I’ll make you f-f-fear me again. We will.”

Pennywise leaned closer.

“Everyone only have one chance to defeat me. And you all have used it wisely.”

“Yeah? S-says who?”

“I have nothing more to afraid of you and your ‘Loser’ friends.”

“Losers Club.” Bill grunted.

“If you all come back to Derry, you will lose, because you still have something to afraid

Bill grunts harder and doesn’t want to hear anymore of Pennywise’s words.

“Georgie.” Pennywise smirked and turned its head to the back. “And her.”

“No.” Bill tried to reach Pennywise’s head.

“So don’t come back to Derry, Bill. Ignore my invitation.” Pennywise stood up. “Ignore
the oath.”

Pennywise vanished like a smoke and left Bill panting. Bill rolled his body a little to the right to
see Audra that still unconscious.
“I’m sorry, Audra. I’m s-so sorry.”

Bill couldn’t resist the pain he felt. He decided to close his eyes for a while. And then the phone

Chapter 3: Return for Companion

Beverly Hills, California.

“Thank you everyone. Thank you.” Said a guy bowed in front of a lot of audience.

The atmosphere inside a studio this afternoon suddenly become a festive because of the
audience’s claps and shouts that echoing in the entire room. A guy in suit showed up from behind a
curtain and stepped over to the guy they shouted at.

“Richie Tozier, everyone.” The guy in suit while tapping Richie’s back.

“Thank you.” Richie bowed for one more time before he stepped back to make himself
disappeared behind the curtain.

Next week, your favourite star will come back to fill your afternoon-

Richie walked through a narrow hall to get to his dressing room. It’s narrow because there’s too
many people passing by- people in black t-shirts with headset. They’re busy with cleaning the stage and

Richie entered his dressing room and shut the door behind him. He sat on a chair behind a desk
and stared at himself on the mirror. He took a bottle filled with liquid and poured some of it to his left
hand. He used the liquid to wash out some makeups on his face. And then the door opened.

“Hey.” Said a woman stood on the doorway.

“Hey.” Richie rolled his eyes to the side of the mirror to see who it was.

“Want me to do that for you?”

“No, thanks.”

“Look, Rich, what happened last night-“

“What ever happened, it happened.” Richie turned. “We both finally know we can’t be
together that way. In fact, I might be can’t get together with anyone for my entire life. I have too much
to think of… we shouldn’t have to talk about this again.”

“Okay, I’ll call the limo.” The woman shut the door.

Richie turned back to face the mirror. He continued to rubs his face. Right when he rubbed his
left cheek, a trail of blood patched on it. He knew he never had any scar on his left cheek before. He
stiffed right away and his eyes are wide-open. He quickly moved his left palm up to his face. Same as
Mike, his scar was dripping blood and shortly closed after. Richie remembered.

Without taking any more time, Richie stood up and walked over to his wardrobe. He took a
suitcase and a backpack. He filled them with some clothes and pants in a hurry. He wore his backpack
and brought his suitcase out of his dressing room before he locked the door from the outside.

The parking lot was quiet enough that night. The woman that was just talked to him in the
dressing room few minutes ago alongside the driver stood beside a medium-sized black limo. They were
confused once they saw Richie.

“Open the trunk and start the engine.” Richie stepped to the back of the limo.

“Yes, sir.” The driver nodded.

The driver quickly got into the limo and did everything Richie told him to do. Richie immediately
placed his backpack and suitcase into it. The woman stepped to Richie’s side.

“Richie, what are you doing?”

“I need to go somewhere.” Richie closed the trunk. “Delay all of my shows.”

“Wait, all of them?” The woman followed him to the side of the limo. “Until when?”

Richie got into the limo and closed the door before she gets in.

“Until further notice.” Richie spoke to her through the opened window. “I’m sorry, you
can’t come with me or even know where I’m going. I’ll tell him to pick you up after I get there.”

“Listen, Rich. I know that it was my fault, but you can’t leave. Your popularity is

“Which part of we can’t ever be together that way that you don’t understand? It’s no
one’s fault. But this is something else and it’s much more personal. If I don’t go, a lot of people are going
to die, probably including my friends.”

“What people?”

“If I told you, you’ll know where I wanna go.”


“Why what?”

“Why it has to be you?”

“Because so far as I remembered, only me and my friends who can get closer to it, once
defeated it, and survived.” Richie turned front. “Airport.”
Richie shuts the window as the car started to run. The city was bright and wide that night, when
the car goes out of the parking lot. He sits through all of them and does nothing else but blink.

Beep-beep, Richie. *Pennywise roars*

“Mr. Rich!” said the driver while staring at him few times through the rear-view mirror.

“Huh?” Richie rolled his eyes to the driver.

“Your phone’s ringing.”

“Oh.” Richie looks down to his pants

Richie took out the phone and wondering a lot about who’s calling him. He saw numbers on its
screen, numbers he never knew before. He slides the white round icon to the right, where there’s an
icon of green phone’s handle.

“Hello?” Richie asked.

“Rich?” The caller asked back.

“Who is this?”

“It’s me, Mike Hanlon.”

The library looks wider and tidier when there are no visitors around. A desk lamp helps brighten
stacks of book on desk. Mike sits on a chair behind it while holding his phone to his ear and calling

“Do you remember me?” Mike asked.

Richie rolled his eyes to the window. He looks through it to memorize more about his childhood.
He did remember about Derry and Pennywise, but he still doesn’t remember…

“Of course, Mike, the home-schooled kid.”

“Yeah, that was me.” Mike smiled. He’s glad that Richie remembered him. Or probably
Mike’s just glad that Richie remembered that he has an oath to be redeemed. “How are you?”

“I’m fine, actually. Um, I’m a comedian, now.”

“Oh, wow. Finally, you did something right with your jokes.”

“Yeah, I know.” Richie felt proud for saying that, although all he wanted is just to
distract Mike from talking about Pennywise. ”What about you? How’s your life?”

“I’m good. You know, they trust me the key of the library since 7 years ago.”
“Wow! You’re the major of Derry now?! That’s marvellous!” Richie got excited and
laughs at the same time.

“No, I’m just a librarian!” Mike giggled.

They both drowned in laughter before it brought them to a silence- a long-felt short silence.
Richie didn’t want to start it. He even once shortly thought that Mike still doesn’t remember about It.
But then, Richie knew that Mike is the librarian in Derry’s City Library for the last 7 years, so he definitely
is the first one who got to remember. And there’s no way that Mike could possibly knew his private
number unless something abnormal has happened. Richie couldn’t hold it.

“It’s back, doesn’t it?”

Mike didn’t answer him quickly. He felt guilty and sorry for reminding people something terrible
that they’ve forgot, and the oath they’ve made- to come back and face It again in case if It returns, and
It does. And the one who had the idea to make that oath doesn’t even call Mike back- yet, as he
presumed. Mike took a deep breath before he talks.

“Yes.” Mike nodded. “Will you come?”

You better don’t, Trashmouth.

Richie heard a high-toned voice that makes him jumped a little. He didn’t sound a bit but his
eyes were wide open. He turned both left and right, and saw nothing but an empty road. Richie moved
to the front and peeked through the inner window to the front cabin. All he saw is an empty front seat
and the driver on his seat, focused on the road. Once the driver found out that Richie’s peeking, he
turned his head few times to Richie.

“What are you looking for, Mr. Rich?”

“Oh, nothing.” Richie rolled his eyes to the driver. He’s still holding his phone on his ear
during that.

“What? Hello?” Mike confused.

“Yeah.” Richie still startled while he gets back to his seat. “I… I thought I heard

Yes, you did.

Richie shocked again. He turned one more time both ways and still found nothing.

“What is it? Rich, what did you hear?”

Richie lowered down his phone and still looking for the source of that voice.

It’s getting closer now. The voice makes Richie goes full cautious. There’s someone beside the
driver. Richie can’t see the full presence on who it was. He can see a pale white head with pointy slick
orange hair on top and both left and right side moving back and forth. There’s no sign of comedian left
on his face. He’s just an ordinary guy, frightened by his past. And it’s getting closer, the only one thing
that have got him closer to death.

Those squeaking voices keep on and on. It scares him more and more, but the driver acts like he
didn’t hear anything. He keeps focused on the empty roads and closed stores that bored him. He doesn’t
even flinch or rolled his eyes to his right, where there’s someone who does repeated movement and
makes an annoying sound, which Richie hears and sees right now. The head stops moving.

“This seat is not comfy.” It was Pennywise, with its pitched voice, turned to Richie. “And
the leather is made of cow. Human lungs are better than cows.”

Richie stiffed. His own body didn’t allow moving by the mixed feelings he has- anger, shock,
fears. He rocked his grip on his phone and the door handle on his left. He can’t find any way or weapon
to at least steal some time to escape. He keeps trying to move backwards even though his back is
already pressed the back seat for few centimetres because Pennywise is started to turning to Richie.

Pennywise moves its right hand to grab the right edge of the window and its left hand to grab
the other side. Its lustful yellow eyes see Richie being so scared and shaken. Pennywise stretched the
window widely like it’s made of a rubber until it’s wide enough for Pennywise to crawl through it. With a
creepy smirk and showing its sharp teeth, Pennywise moves closer to Richie by crawling.

Sweat keeps dripping inside Richie’s black t-shirt. He got nothing to fight it with, nobody to ask
for help, nowhere to run. Richie got his reflexes back, but Pennywise is inches away already. Richie used
his left hand to pulls the door handle…

Richie succeeds to jump and rolling out of the car the second Pennywise roared wildly in front of
his face.

“Mr. Rich!” The driver hits the brake as he turned back after Richie jumped.

The limo stopped few feet from Richie, in the middle of the quiet highway-turn. Richie lay down
and panting, staring at the stars dotted on the dark sky. Some scratch painted on his face and blood
spilling down from his nose. Richie turned to his right, he saw his phone few metres from him. It’s still
connected to Mike and he can blurry hears Mike calling his name.

The door opened. Richie lifts his head a little to see who it was. Pennywise moved out of the
limo, lifts its head up, closed its eyes, and takes a deep breath before exhale it from its mouth. It turns to
Richie after it opened its eyes back.

“So good to be back.” Pennywise smiled. It closed the door and stepping towards Richie
in a rhyme 2 seconds per step. “You have not changed a bit, aren’t you, Richie? 27 years and you still
have that same look over me.”
Richie tried to move further from It by using his elbows. But it still didn’t give a good result. He is
impaled and Pennywise is an unidentified thing, that’s been living for thousands of years, even more,
not like the Losers already knew about it, is indestructible. With some skyscrapers standing behind,
Pennywise keeps walking to Richie.

“Look at you. The loneliest Losers. Think that you can cover all of those fears with
jokes? They’re not even good enough to fight mine. An ordinary human being…” Pennywise pressed its
leg against Richie’s body. ”…against an immortal legend. That will be hard.” Pennywise smiled.

Richie grunted once Pennywise nailed its leg to his body.

“That’s what she said.” Richie pressed his tone because he can’t take too much breath.
But he made its smile fade away.

“You and your friends could not even make a permanent damage to me.”

“We can try, and we always will be, until we find a way how to kill you.”

“You can’t kill-“

“We’re not the one who ran away from that battle.”

Richie laughed and glad that he can silence Pennywise with his words.

“Beep-beep, Richie.” Pennywise growled slowly before it fades away like a wind.

Richie took a quick breath instantly after Pennywise is gone. Suddenly, the door opened and the
driver running towards Richie.

“Mr. Rich!” He stopped running and he panting for a while. “What the hell were you
thinking?” He stood next to Richie’s phone because Richie lifted his hand to tell him to stop.

“Can you give me my phone?” Richie pointed to his phone,

“What? Are you-“

“Just give me the phone for now, please!”

The driver bends down and took the phone. He stands up back before he walks to Richie and
give it to him.

“Hello, Mike?”

“Rich? Thank God you alright.” Mike still sits down behind his desk trying to hear what
have been happened to Richie.

“I’m definitely in. We’re gonna kill that son of a bitch once and for all.”
“Okay, but what the hell happened to you?”

“I’ll tell you when I get there. Bye”


Richie turned off the call. He lifted his hand and meaning to ask the driver’s help to pick him up.
And he did.

“What was that all about?” The driver helps him walk back to the limo.

“You didn’t see something that shows me talking to someone?”

The driver shook his head.

“Then, I’m the craziest person you’ve ever met. I’ll tell you on the way.”

Chapter Four: Return for Forgiveness

Atlanta, Georgia

8 pm, all the people who have regular jobs averagely must have been in their house now.
Cleaning services, contractors, cashier workers, salesman, are now in their own paradise, embraced by
their lover, or absorbing the news they might have missed today, or even get a drink to forget about
their work problems. Everything that they do when they’re home, those will lead them to the bed so
that they could be able to repeat those activities again, at least for 5 days per week.

Ironic, they did the occupation that they hate, just to save money to escape them, but most of
them could never make it happen. They mostly dead on the way or got fired because of the downsizing.
And also, they don’t have someone to share the problem with or helped by.

Stanley Uris has nothing to be worried about. Working as an accountant in a mid-lower

company- that has a big chance to go bankrupt- wouldn’t make any kinds of jeopardy in and on him,
because he has his wife Patty, on his side, always. Even before Stan had any job, she’s always there to
support him, that’s the oath she has made on the altar during the wedding few years ago.

Everything worked well with their marriage, even though Patty’s mom and dad don’t like Stan
since they first met. They saw him as someone who’s unproductive and can’t give a child in the
marriage. But Patty sees Stan as a hard-working person and he would never give up easily. She has
separated from them right after their marriage and rent a small 2-level house in small town in Atlanta.
Not that she wanted to start a never-ending rivalry, but Patty wants to prove them wrong.

Their house is located on the countryside of Atlanta- near the woods, but the civilization isn’t
backward for technologies. A nice and peaceful place for any religions and races, but a hell of a
neighbourhood for gay people. Even those people who’ve made gangs all around the place, have built a
strong faith of confidence and security for the entire residence.

The wooden sofa in the living room is shaking. Stan held on Patty’s wrist and lay on top of her.
He dry-humped her few times and kisses her passionately; a proper welcome Patty always gives to Stan
every time he came home after work. Moans come out of Patty’s mouth when Stan moved to kiss her

“Ah, Stan.” Patty moaned

“Quick question.” Stan pulled away. “How long for you to make the bed?”

“What for?” Patty frowned her forehead and rolled her arms on the back of Stan’s neck.

“Well, if we keep doing this here, we’re gonna need a new couch in few weeks.” Stan rubbed
her hair firmly, as an intention to seduce her.

“We’re gonna need it anyway because this one is ancient. It’s been here since we bought the
house, remember?”

“Yeah, it’s just…” Stan paused.

“What? Oh, Stan-”

“No, I haven’t got a shower today! I smell like a sewer.”

Sewer? That’s sounds familiar. He’s been there once. There’s nothing strange about it. What
makes it weird is he can’t remember why he went there, who’s he with, and what was his purpose.

“(sighs) This isn’t you, Stan. Come on, don’t excuse me with that.” Her eyes glowing onto his.
She knows Stan couldn’t resist that look. He hast to be honest with her right now.

Stan exhales deeply.

“She’s the one who’s started it. I’ve already explained to her…” Stan bursts out to defend
himself and stated that whatever it is, it wasn’t his fault. “…but she didn’t buy it. And I kept insisting, she
was insisting, and it lured Michael’s attention. You know how he is, always swimming in the shallow side.
That how my last day in the work happened.”

Patty gazes upset beneath Stan. She can’t move her legs much because Stan pinned her skirt
with his right knee.


“That bitch, yeah.” Stan nodded.

“What happened then?”

“Well, I…” Stan paused again.


“I pushed Angela a little and… I punched Michael.” Stan worried much. Maybe too much. He
can’t remember how many times he disappointed her because of these job problems.

“I’m sure they both deserved it.” Patty’s nod makes him relieved a little. “But Michael is my last
friend, Stan. I don’t have anyone left to ask for a job.” Her murmur makes Stan feel sad again.

“I’m sorry.”

Patty took some time to gaze at him and moves her right hand to cup his cheek.

“That’s the Stan I know.” Patty smiled, and Stan too, a little. “30 minutes, not more. I’ll make the
bed and tomorrow I’ll buy some newspaper.”

Stan nodded. He moved his knee so that Patty could move and sit on the edge of the couch.
Patty offered her hand and Stan took it. They both move from the couch and walk upstairs together, still
holding hands. He let go of her hand when he stands in front of the bathroom door and stare at her
keeps walking to the bedroom.

Patty stopped moving when she arrived at the front door of their bedroom. She took an
opportunity to turns at Stan. They both staring into each other one more time. It ended up with both of
them smiling generously, before they both separated for their own business.

Stan entered the bathroom the same time Patty opened the bedroom door. The bathroom is
small, but tidy and clean. Everything he needs to call it as a bathroom is there and they’re fits perfectly.
The all-white nuance made it looks like more spacious than it has to be.

Stan turned the knob with a red circle on its centre and the water flowing under it. He took off
his clothing and put them in a laundry basket. He stretched his naked body for a few seconds before
turning back the knob and stop the water. Fog flew from above the water in the tub through his hand
when he reached the other knob with blue circle on it and turned it.

Leaned on the sink- butt-naked- nothing in his mind but Patty. How often he disappoints her in
life and he’s sure it won’t stop for a while now. Loud, those thoughts are screaming too loud inside his
head. Not to mention the sharp wind that entered from the open window stabbing through the bones.
That’s when he decided to hop in the tub. He drowned most of his body and rested his head and hands
on the edge. He took one long breath and exhale before he closed his eyes. The bathroom was not too
quiet, there’s still a little noise of water sprinkles…

Stan woke up quickly and frightened to death after that lady bursts upon his thought. His wet
hair signed that he has drowned his head for a while, but he can’t remember when. His grip could
almost break the tub. He used his other hand to wipe the water off his face. His breath started to work
regularly as he covered his mouth to simmer down.

“Stan?! Stan!” cried Patty. She banged the door harshly and simultaneously as the cause of the
panic she had.

“What, Patty? What?” Stan surprised and turned his head to the door.

“Stan, please don’t do it.” Patty wept behind the door. “Please… don’t. we still can find the way,
Stan. Please.” said Patty sobbing.

“Don’t do what?” Stan getting frightened out of with her.

“Killing yourself!” Patty leans her head on the door.

“What are you talking about, Patty? I’m not gonna…” Stan stopped talking once he saw the
water ran under the door.

“Then, explain about the water!” Patty’s feet were wet by the water from under the door,
stained the ceramic floor into red.

Stan stared at the red-stained water, following the trace up to the tub. Patty’s weeping still
rhyming and scrambled with the dripping water coming out of the disclosed knob inside the bathroom.
He gasped shockingly once he found out that his body is drowned inside a tub which filled with much
blood. He’s panicking but he still can control his breath. His eyes are opened widely like a grizzly bear’s
mouth roaring in front of its prey.

Stan looking around, trying to find out where the blood came from, while his hand reaches the
disclosed knob and twisted it. He looks up and there’s no crack or such thing imprinted on the ceiling,
only his eyes irradiated by the lamp he got from the Wal-Mart last week. He ducked down and hoist his
hands out of the blood-water, right before his heart pounding at a fast pace. His left palm released the
bloodstream constantly. He couldn’t care more about the pain he should have felt on it.

The night can’t get any colder as Stan finally collected his guts to rub the scar with his index
finger from his right hand. Once it reaches the end of the scar, it closed shortly after. His entire
childhood flashes in seconds. He remembered. There’s one thing he realized shortly, and another one
after. First, he needs to find his friends and help them to finish what they haven’t done yet. And… it’s
getting quiet.


Patty smacked the wooden door with every power she stored at her shoulder. Stan surprised
and turned back towards the door. But, he also hesitates on how to explain all to her. All the blood that
came from somewhere that doesn’t make any sense, unless for him. At that moment, he also knew that
words can’t stop her know. He should be in front of her right now before she broke the hinge. She
squared off to make another strike and that’s when the door swung open.
A dark figure standing at the door, blocked the ray of the light for her. Patty weaken her body
and weeps a little louder after seeing the figure. Stan did nothing yet, just standing on the door, staring
at the result of the terror he accidentally created tonight. They both stepped closer to each other and
swept every fears and worries that perched in their thoughts with a gentle, tight hug. She buried her wet
face over his shoulder, and he planted a soft kiss on her head.

Maybe Stan did the right thing. He was just jumped out of the tub, grabbed a towel, wrapped it
on his lower body and gave her what she wanted… his presence. But his heart is still hanging on the cliff
and soon will be fall if he can’t find what’s wrong and what to do. Patty smoothly still crying on his arms,
at least she feels safe.

“It’s okay.” Stan softly rubs the dry part of Patty's blouse. He thought that it could calm her
more. But, Patty pulled out the hug, rubbed his unclothed body parts, checked on them back and forth.
“Patty, I'm fine.” Stan said sternly. Patty looked up and gave him weird and sharp look before she
pointed the tub. “What is that, Stan?” Patty high-pitched her voice.

Stan doesn't turn to where Patty pointed at. He deeply gazed straight to her eyes. “When I was a
kid, there is this… thing. Evil thing, hungry for children. It scared the shit out of me, it has eaten… killed
my friend's little brother. One day, my friends and I decided to kill it, and we did.” He rolled his eyes
away, but then back to her eyes. “Well, we thought we did."

“Because the blood is the sign?”

“Um, sort of.” Stan squint his eyes briefly. "We gathered one last time, after we defeated it,
before we moved. And then one of us, who's got affected by it during the battle, told us what she saw.
She saw the future, she told us that we will come back there, to Derry, because it will return, and it did.
And then we made an oath by slicing our hand to remind us. Those blood... they came from the scar.
Somehow it opened, and the memories about Derry and everything, came to me like they were never
here. I'm pretty sure that was the sign." Patty just nodded to almost every sentence he said.

"Okay, so... You have to go. Back to Derry, to defeat this thing that you and your friends have
failed to done it before."


"But, honey." Stan gently grab her shoulders as an effort to persuade her. Even himself doesn't
really wanna go at the moment. "I won't go unless you want me to."


The telephone downstairs keeps ringing. Stan and Patty's conversation awkwardly reach the
end. She didn't say anything afterwards, only gazed him and tried to understand everything. Abandoned
wordless to downstairs, Stan stepped to the bedroom, opened the tall dresser and set himself some
pants. Patty reached the telephone on the desk and answered it.

"Hi, uh, is this the Uris residence?"

"You're from Derry?"

"Uh, yes, ma'am. Are you… already knew about it?"

“Uh-huh.” Patty nodded briefly and bit her lips.

“Well, I don’t know how to-.”

She hung up immediately, left the caller confused and hear only a beep-beep tone.

“Hello?” Mike startled to her act. It’s weird and absurd. he intended to call back, because even 7
humans themselves is not enough to take down 1 evil supernatural clown-like. But then, he decided to
wait for a while.


Books falling off from the bookshelves few feet behind Mike. He put down the phone and
turned back shortly, gave an exhausted gaze across the library. He saw the boy pulling out the books and
laughing hysterically. He can’t do anything but gratefully accept it and smiled to him. “Read whatever
you want. Just, don’t put them in your pocket.” The boy running around in the library while laughing and
shouting to enjoy the echoes he created.

Mike let him stay because the boy once saved his life… sort of. He’s a little disruptive, but since
he closed the library for today, he still need some company. A company who doesn’t need to know what
has been going on in his life. He turned back to the desk, crossed his arms on top of it, exhale heavily. He
attempted to make another call, yet some of them are really a little difficult. He took his phone again
and pressed some number.

“Hello? Are you an associate to or yourself is Beverly Marsh?”

Stan sat on the edge of the bed, staring at the dresser with his glassy eyes, folding his fingers,
nervously looking forward to Patty’s decision. For the record, any choice that she makes tonight, deep
down, wouldn’t make him feel better. Abandoning his friends could make him very disturbed and
uncomfortable. But this could be a one-way trip and he’ll probably won’t get another chance to see her
again. Regardless, his fate is on her hands.

Patty stood on the doorway while giving him a doubtful look. Stan knew that she was there but
he didn't want to turn. Even when she stepped closer, he still faced front solidly. She sat next to him,
snaked her arm to his, kissed his cheek softly, and lean her head on his shoulder.

"Drive safely." Patty whispered. "Just so you know, I believe you, I believe everything you said.
Whatever happens, I'll always love you. Don't let anything standing between you and killing that thing."

Stan closed his Cadillac door from inside. Patty standing on the sideway, patiently tried to hide
her worry. He nervously smiled as he started the car and took one last look at her. Patty suddenly bowed
and grab his face to collide her lips with his. He pulled away eyes closed, trying to keep the memory of it.
He opened his innocent eyes. "We probably gonna failed, but I'll keep making them to not giving up."
Patty chuckled softly into Stan's words. They both smiled and made their eyes glassy. "That's the Stan I
know. (sobs) That the Stan I loved." He nodded and smiled one last time before turned and drove the
car shortly after.

And there he goes. Removing his duty as a husband through the quiet road, brighten by orange
glow from the street lamp. Stan wheeled with one hand while massaging his head with the other. He
doesn't need a tune from radio right now, engine's rev is enough. Suddenly, he stepped the brake.

A figure bent down his head under the light. He dressed like a weird person, like a clown. His
hair pointed in three directions, up, left, and right. So slick and so orange like it's not the effect from the
shiny lamp, and it wasn't. Next to his left, laid something, looks like a human body, familiar hair, familiar

Stan realized now, it was It... Pennywise. He scared shitless and his breath shaken. He even
forgot to blink. Pennywise squat down and reached the corpse's neck. It stood back up and lift the body
to the air. He leaned over to get a better look at. That was Patty, and Pennywise easily carried her like
someone picked up a cat.

Stan's heart shattered in pieces. He wants to cry so badly that he couldn't, because he's
strenghtless. His mouth felt like it was zip-tied, if there was any chance for him to curse, he'll get it done,
yet it'll still helpless. He sat there like a stiff, gulped slowly, and feebly wait for what Pennywise will do
Something terrible will happen soon. And it did. Pennywise swung its left hand and threw Patty
towards him. His eyes were locked to her flew across the road. She landed on the passenger's seat after
breaking the windshield, head first. Her neck snapped and curved as the seat's angle, her eyes were
opened widely while her face drooling blood everywhere.

His hands are on the steer, startled, his breath uncontrollable, made him unaware that
Pennywise is already stood next to him. Seems like its warning to him has succeeded. Stan turned to
front, desperately trying to deny the reality.

"It will be worse if you come back to Derry." Pennywise stepped front and swept itself gone with
the wind. Stan quickly turned left and seen through the window. It's gone now, left him alone with his
dead wife. Which made him turned back to the right and nothing was there. Empty, quiet, and his
windshield is unscratched a bit.

Stan managed to control his breath now. He opened the door and stepped out. Leaned over his
back door and closed the front one. Pressing his back too hard made him slipped on the ground, or that
was he intended to. He buried his face to his folded knees. Weeping as loud as he can. He doesn't want
to disturb anyone as much as he solemnly hoping that someone came to him, telling that he and his
friends can kill that monster easily, that they won't be failed, that everything... is gonna be fine. But no
one came.

He realized that his fate was never on her hands. It was on Its.

Chapter Five: Return for an Answer

“Rogan & Marsh corporation, how may I help you today?”

“Hello? Are you an associate to or yourself is Beverly Marsh?”

“Of course, what do you think Rogan & Marsh is?”

“Right.” Stupid Mike. “Oh, um, may I speak to Beverly Marsh, please?”

“Mrs. Marsh isn’t available at the moment now, sir.”

“But I thought this was her own number.”

“It is, sir. But currently, she has a meeting abroad. Any call on her number directed to here. May
I have your message, please?”

“No, just tell her Mike Hanlon from Derry is calling.”

“Okay. Is there anything else to help you with?”

“No, that would be all, thank you.”

“Very well, sir. I will deliver this message right after she comes back. Have a good evening.”


“(clicks tongue) Not you too, Bev.”

What the hell?! I mean, come on! I know they’re busy and everything, but can’t they reach their
phone for at least a couple of seconds to answer me? There are some reasons why I woke up next to my
phone filled with these numbers, which is Pennywise somehow wanted me to gather them all here.
Wrong move, bitch. Wait, or is it I’m the one who’s making the wrong move? So far, the one I can’t
reach is Bill and Beverly, one is our leader and the other is our bravest person in the group.

What if, It gave me their number wrong while the rest was right? What if, It arranged me to
gather some specific person because It knows that it’ll be easier to kill them first separately before
killing, basically, our leaders? Nah, I knew those numbers were right because I’ve heard what was Bill’s
voicemail like, and for Bev, well what do you think ‘Rogan & Marsh co.’ is? What the hell is wrong with
me? Why am I keep thinking something in such negative ways? I’m forgetting something, I know I did.
But, what is it?


I know that sound. Some books must have been fallen from its stack. I know who caused that,
yet I turned. The boy wandering around the stacks, making weird sounds that echoing through the
empty hall. Yes, I did close the library for today. I need to be more focused with this. And yes, I decided
that I’ll take care of him, at least until someone admit that he or she have lost a kid that matched with
his look. Suddenly, I feel something pulled my sleeve. The boy is already stood next to me. He doesn’t
look at me, but he tapped his stomach constantly.

“You’re hungry?” That’s it. I haven’t eaten something today. The boy nodded. “Yeah, I could use
some beers too.” I put my phone in my pocket and close some books on the desk. “Let’s go.” I stood up
and walk past him. But then he reached my hand. His cold skin against mine made me turn at him.
Somehow, I feel like he’s afraid. It’s logical, to be afraid to this town right now, even at its brightest day.
I gripped his hand back and pulled him closer to me. This is the way I’m telling him that we have to fight
back our fears. We walked outside the library and headed to the closest diner.

Tokyo, Japan

Is this the wrong move? Because I don’t feel like it. Even though it is, there’s no going back nor
the result for me bragging about it in front of the mirror. It’s just, this bathroom is so quiet that this
thought flew through my head. The door cracked open and made me turn.

“You crazy bitch! You know what time is it now?!” Yep, this is what I meant about that ‘move’,
being married to him. “I swear to God, if you screw this one-“ “Like you screw everything else?!” My
words made him lower his finger that he used to point at me. If you could look at him, he’d be the
scariest person to look at. But to me, I’d be fighting him for breakfast. He’s easier to fight than my own
father- whom I killed. Or that’s how I remember it. “Never, in my entire life I’m working with you, I
screwed up!” He holds both of my biceps and pushed me until my back hit the stall- hard. “Low down
your voice, Bev. We’re in public place!” Hah, he thought his whisper could threaten me. “There’s no one
here, damn it!” I yell louder.


Another day, another slap. But don’t worry, this means he lose. “If you say so. Be careful, slut.
Because this time, I can feel like that you’re about to.” He left right away after that. And let me tell you
something… somehow, I feel it too. But I don’t know what makes me feel that. I stare at myself back on
the mirror. Trying to figure out; what the hell is this, what makes me… me, and how to get away from it.
After a while, I left the bathroom and went straight to the meeting room.

One long desk, with chairs on its sides, just like any others. Thousand times I’ve seen this, it
bores me. But this is my job. This is what I have to do. Me and Tom, we both running a fashion company,
like bistro or something like that, but fancier. Renting clothes, dresses, costumes and stuff, or selling
them across the globe. This time, a Japanese entrepreneur wants to get married, again. Rumor has it, it’s
his 8th time. How do I know this? It’s my 3rd times in a row I rent suits for him. On 2nd time, I overheard
some employees in the bathroom talking about it, about what happen to the rest. I heard it’s terrible-
for them. Of course I can’t keep things like this for myself. I’ve told Tom that this customer- and me- is
dangerous. Maybe that’s why he’s more terrified today.

They put the suit on the side of the table, near to the window, makes the view of buildings
become the background. We’re standing on each side of the suit facing the double-door through the
table. At this moment, we have to aside our monstrous hate among each other and start being
professional in this job. There he comes.

“Ah, my favorites, Beverly-kun and Tom-san.” He chuckled. Two employees opened the double-
door for him. He walks toward us before he slid his ass across the table and land in front of me. “I am
very happy…” He shakes my hand sternly. “…that you people want to see me again.” I saw him did the
same thing to Tom. “Is this the suit?” “Yes, this is the suit. There’s no other suit here.” He chuckled again
as I reply. “If I may ask, why do you want to be married again, Mr. Sanada?” I could hear Tom’s heavy
exhale, meaning, he’s currently has the same thought as I have. What the fuck, Bev?! “Let’s just say,
they’ve failed to pleasure me.” He smiled and stared right through my eyes. I know if I don’t smile back,
I’ll be in big trouble. “Well, we’re pretty sure we won’t be like her.” Tom said.

“I’m familiar with this design but I cannot recall what it is.” “Sure, this time we put a little culture
of yours…” As Tom describing the suit, I was just standing there, in silence. My body, my presence was
there, but my mind went south somehow. Somewhere dark and slippery. My ankle is drowned in the
water. Not just some water… it’s grey water. It looks like I’m in a sewer system. And I don’t know what
makes me just keep walking, tracing the line of the tube and leads me to the end of it. I saw a tall pile of
scraps. I don’t know what to feel. Scared, definitely, I was alone. Weird, of course, how the hell can I get
here. At the same time, what I see it’s familiar to me.

I turned and saw a hole. Water keeps flowing down into it, but I know it wasn’t the water that
makes the growling sound that I heard. My eyes are locked sharp to the hole as I starting to step
backward slowly. Step by step, I’m pretty sure I can run off that place. Suddenly, a strong wind blew my
behind, so strong, it dragged me towards that hole. I arched my back and try to reach anything for me to
hold, but I can’t. The wind stops pushing me as I reached the edge. I took a grip on the edge tightly
before I decided to take a look on it. “AAAH!” A string of wet hair hastily roped on my hand and it’s
trying to pull me down to the hole. I can’t… I can’t resist it. I screamed as loudly as I can as I fall into that
hole. But no one can hear me.

I ended up in my hotel room. I saw Tom laying down on the floor. I don’t know how or why he
could be there. One thing I know for sure, is that my foot doesn’t touch the ground. I look up and notice
that I am few inches away from the ceiling. Now I can’t breathe. I’m suffocating. But I did take some
time to see a grey muddy ruffle and a hand covered in white glove under my chin. “Bev,”
Tom’s voice pulled me back to the meeting. I can’t believe I’m having a thought of this, but I’m
thankful that he did. I look around to gather back my consciousness from where I’m supposed to be. But
their expressions are not the same the way I left them. Mr. Sanada gave me a weird and confusing look.
I turned to Tom and he looks so terrified of me.

This getting uncomfortable real fast. And it’s much worse when my grip started to get wet. I let
go of the suit and take a look at my palm. It’s bleeding, and I can’t recall the cause of it. Shortly, my scar
is closed. A lot of memory is flashing through my mind, and it’s the kind of memories no one could ever
forget. But somehow, I can. “I’m sorry, I should go.” I walk fast over them.

Tom and my client are miles away from my mind now, even though one of ‘em might hurt me
any second now. But that doesn’t matter. What matter is I should pack as fast as I can and get the first
flight to Maine. Because I’ve made an oath. Because my friends need me. I arrived downstairs before I
could even realize it. As I got out of the building, I reach the closest cab and hop in. I told the driver to
get me to my apartment. I rested myself in the back, catching my breath, and trying to process all this
from point zero.

“Hello, Sam?” I took my phone and called my office.

“Oh, hey, Bev. So, how’s the delivery?”

“The delivery’s fine, it’s fine.” I answer exhaustedly.

“What do you mean it’s fine? It’s supposed to be-“



“Listen, Samantha! I don’t have time for this, okay?! Something’s happened and I can’t tell you

“Okay… Is this thing involving Tom?”

“(scoffs) Since when it isn’t?”

“What do you need, honey?”

“Did I get a call-“

“Oh, tons.”

“I’m not done yet, Sam.”


“From Derry, did I get a call from Derry?”

“Actually, there’s one. And it’s half an hour ago. What’s going on? Are you having an affair?”

“Just give me his number, please.”

“Okay, but you owe me an explanation.”

“You won’t believe if I tell you.”

I hang up the call. Before I even know it, I already arrived at my hotel. I paid the cab before I
jumped out of it and run to the building. The phone is still in my hand because I’m waiting for Mike’s
number. I bumped some people as I’m trying to reach the elevator. They might have thought; I’ve left
the stove on. No… it’s worse.

Luckily, the elevator was still opened when I got there. I snuggled my skinny body across a bunch
of those tiny Asians, and it made me look like Bill Murray in Lost in Translation. One by one, they
stepped out before me. There’s only few people left when I jumped out on my floor. And I still haven’t
accepted Mike’s number after I open my door. I closed the door behind me and threw my phone to the
bed. God, I wish Samantha knows how important this is.

I put my suitcase next to my phone and I’m starting to set my clothes in. My phone’s ringing.
Sam sent me a text, it was Mike’s number. I hastily tapped the number and call him.


Somehow, I’m pausing.

“Mike, hey.”

“Wow, it’s been a long time. You’re the first one who call me back. So, how’s it been?”

“Yeah, everything’s fine. Business is… good.”

“Wow, I’m happy for you.”

I don’t know why I paused again after. A long one this time. To be honest,

“It’s okay to be scared, Bev.

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