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1 2 Who’s who? Word order in Talking about Free time Ex 5,6 page 5
questions dates and times
2 2 Who knows you better? Present simple Describing a Who knows you Ex 5,6 page 7
person you know better, your
well family or friends
3 2 At the Moulin Rouge Present continuous Vowel sounds Painting Ex 4,5 page 9

4 2 At the Moulin Rouge Present continuous Vowel sounds Painting Ex 4,5 page 9

5 2 The Devil’s Dictionary Defining relative Giving definitions The Devil’s Ex 3 page 11
clauses(a person Dictionary
who…, a thing
6 2 At the airport Types of questions At immigration Kyrghyz airport To learn new words
7 2 Describing yourself Types of questions From Allessandra Describing Review all
yourself grammars

8 2 Describing yourself Types of questions From Allessandra Describing Review all

yourself grammars

9 2 Right place, wrong time Past simple regular -ed endings, The Holiday Ex 2б3 page 17
and irregular verbs irregular verb Magazine

10 2 A moment in time Past continuous Describing famous Famous Ex 4 page 19

photos photographs by
Harry Benson
and Willy Ronis
11 2 Fifty years of pop Questions with and Favorite music Who wrote Learn by heart song
without auxiliaries Imagine Imagine

12 2 Fifty years of pop Questions with and Favorite music Who wrote Learn by heart song
without auxiliaries Imagine Imagine

13 2 One October evening So, because, but, Re-telling a story Hannah and Ex 6 page 23
although Jamie: a short
14 2 At the conference hotel Adverbs Social English The story behind Review
a photo

15 2 At the conference hotel Adverbs Social English The story behind Review
a photo

16 2 What do you remember Review all materials New words What can you do? Ex 2.22 p 27

17 2 Where are you going? Going to, present Talking about Airport stories Ex 5,6 p 29
continuous plans and
18 2 The pessimist’s phrase Will, won’t Making positive Writing a letter Ex 5 p 31
book (predictions) predictions
19 2 I’ll always love you Will, won’t I’ll/ Shall I? game Promises, Learn by heart song
(promises, offers, promises
20 2 I’ll always love you Will, won’t I’ll/ Shall I? game Promises, Learn by heart song
(promises, offers, promises
21 2 I was only dreaming Review of tenses: Interpreting dreams Understanding Ex 5 p 35
present, past and your dreams
22 2 Restaurant problems Present perfect tense An informal letter To write your New words
own letter
23 2 What do you remember Review all materials To tell your own What can you do? Ex:3.21 p 39
24 2 What do you remember Review all materials To tell your own What can you do? Ex:3.21 p 39
25 2 From rags to riches Present perfect Interviewing a ZARA Learn by heart song
(experience) partner about
+ever ,never clothes
26 2 Family conflicts Present perfect Has he done in yet Problems with New words
simple =yet, just , your teenage
already children?
27 2 Faster, faster Comparatives, as… Are you living We’re living Write topic about
as/less…than… faster faster modern teenagers

28 2 The world’s friendliest Superlatives (+ever, Talking about The world’s Ex:5 p 47
city present perfect) experiences friendliest city
29 2 The world’s friendliest Superlatives (+ever, Talking about The world’s Ex:5 p 47
city present perfect) experiences friendliest city
30 2 Lost in San Francisco To review Talking about your Writing a dialog New words
comparatives town with the pairs
31 2 Describing where you adjectives The capital of USA The capital of Re-tell the text
live Kyrgyzstan
32 2 What do you remember Review all materials To tell your own What can you do? Ex:4.18 p 51
33 2 Are you a party animal? Uses of the infinitive Conversation at a What to say to Ex:5 p 53
(with to) party people at parties
34 2 What makes you feel Verb + -ing questionnaire What makes you Ex:5d p 55
good feel good
35 2 What makes you feel Verb + -ing questionnaire What makes you Ex:5d p 55
good feel good
36 2 How much can you learn Have to, don’t have Talking about How much can Ex:5 p 57
in a month? to, must, mustn’t language learning you learn in a
37 2 How much can you learn Have to, don’t have Talking about How much can Ex:5 p 57
in a month? to, must, mustn’t language learning you learn in a
38 2 The name of the game Expressing Telling an Your most Ex:4 p 59
movement anecdote: most exciting sporting
exciting sporting moments
39 2 At a department store Review all materials Talking about your My hobby Ex:5.15 p 60
40 2 A formal e-mail General questions Talking about
social media
41 2 Review Disjunctive Dialogue with the My dream New words
questions pairs
42 2 Review Disjunctive Dialogue with the My dream New words
questions pairs
43 2 What do you remember Review all materials Your mind about New face of Ex:5.18 p 63
chess chess
44 2 If something bad can If + present, will+ Inventing some Murphy’s Law Ex:5 p 65
happen, it will Infinitive new Murphy’s
45 2 If something bad can If + present, will+ Inventing some Murphy’s Law Ex:5 p 65
happen, it will Infinitive new Murphy’s
46 2 Never smile at a If + past, would + Song: Wouldn’t it Nature’s perfect Learn by heart the
crocodile infinitive be nice? killing machine song
47 2 Decisions, decisions May/ might Are you How to make Ex:6/10 p 69
indecisive? decisions
48 2 What should I do? Should , shouldn’t Discussing advice What’s the Ex:4 p 71
49 2 What should I do? Should , shouldn’t Discussing advice What’s the Ex:4 p 71
50 2 At the pharmacy Can, may Kinds of drugs To write a New words
512 2 Writing to a friend nouns My best friend Daniel’s letter To send a letter to
53 2 Writing to a friend nouns My best friend Daniel’s letter To send a letter to
54 2 What do you remember vowels A question of My favorite film New words
55 2 Famous fears and Present perfect + for Pair work We’re all Ex:5 p 77
phobias and since interview afraid…
56 2 Famous fears and Present perfect + for Pair work We’re all Ex:5 p 77
phobias and since interview afraid…
57 2 Born to direct Present perfect or Sofia Coppola Biographies: Ex:5 p 79
past simple Hitchcock and
58 2 Born to direct Present perfect or Sofia Coppola Biographies: Ex:5 p 79
past simple Hitchcock and
59 2 I used to be a rebel Used to Talking about A famous rebel- Learn by heart the
school days but was he really song
60 2 The mothers of invention Passive voice Things invented by Surprising facts Ex:4 p 83
61 2 The mothers of invention Passive voice Things invented by Surprising facts Ex:4 p 83
62 2 A boat trip Active voice Buying tickets Writing dialogue New words

63 2 A boat trip Active voice Buying tickets Writing dialogue New words

64 2 Describing a building Using of adjectives Big ben Favorite building Retell the text

65 2 What do you remember Review What can you do Dictation Review all
66 2 I hate weekends Something, Talking about The weekend Ex:8.3 p 89
anything, nothing weekends
67 2 How old is your body Quantifiers, too, not What’s your body How old is your Ex:8.5 p 91
enough age? body
68 2 Waking up is hard to do Word order of Are you a morning Are you allergic Song “Say a
phrasal verbs or evening person? to mornings little prayer”
69 2 “I’m Jim.” “So am I” So/neither + Find someone like Reunited Ex:5 a p 95
auxiliaries you
70 2 On the phone verb Saying goodbye Write a dialogue Ex:8.16 c p 86
71 2 Giving your opinion Irregular verbs The weekend My weekend New words

72 2 Giving your opinion Irregular verbs The weekend My weekend New words
73 2 What do you remember Review What can you do Dictation Review all
74 2 What a weekend Past perfect Re-telling stories Fact is always Ex:5 p 101
stranger than
75 2 What a weekend Past perfect Re-telling stories Fact is always Ex:5 p 101
stranger than
76 2 Then he kissed me Reported speech Reporting Writing dialogue Song: Then he
information kissed me

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