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Louis Houghton 10/16/2021


A Difference in Perspective

1. I do believe that it would be unjust to make Nikhil remove his necklace because of the

fact other symbols such as the cross, the star of David or the crescent moon are allowed

in schools. This Hundu symbol was appropriated by the Nazis however the point is

clearly made that he is wearing the necklace in memory of his grandmother and should

not be forced to remove it.

2. Make this a teachable moment, he should use this incident to educate the students on a

wider world. Its original meaning was one of peace and even if the other students have

trouble believing that a symbol can mean different things to different people, as an

educator this is exactly what you are here for. To share knowledge of the world around

you is a teacher's primary goal, the lesson does not need to take up the whole class but it

would benefit everyone to learn the symbols can have different meanings.

3. Although it would be a good way for the students as well the larger community as a

whole to learn about the wider world. To inform the whole student body and potentially

anger staff or parents over covering religious symbols would likely cause more harm than

good. By taking the time to discuss the issue and then allowing the students to come and

understand it in their own time. It would be important however to make the principal and

other teacher aware of the incident to avoid any other arguments.

4. As students experience the wider world there may be a time where their beliefs or

preconceived notions of things will be questioned. It is important to note that a student's

resilience stems from the ability to think critically. By festering the ability to think
critically about something and making students aware of the importance to look things up

and take a deeper dive on material. A teacher needs to help them realize that others may

have different beliefs and opinions out there and it's up to them to figure out what is fact

or false.

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